package edu.stanford.nlp.parser.metrics; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import java.util.*; import; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import edu.stanford.nlp.parser.KBestViterbiParser; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.ClassicCounter; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.Counters; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics; /** * A framework for Set-based precision/recall/F1 evaluation. * * @author Dan Klein */ public abstract class AbstractEval implements Eval { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(AbstractEval.class); private static final boolean DEBUG = false; protected final String str; protected final boolean runningAverages; private double precision = 0.0; private double recall = 0.0; private double f1 = 0.0; protected double num = 0.0; private double exact = 0.0; private double precision2 = 0.0; private double recall2 = 0.0; private double pnum2 = 0.0; private double rnum2 = 0.0; protected double curF1 = 0.0; public AbstractEval() { this(true); } public AbstractEval(boolean runningAverages) { this("", runningAverages); } public AbstractEval(String str) { this(str, true); } public AbstractEval(String str, boolean runningAverages) { this.str = str; this.runningAverages = runningAverages; } public double getSentAveF1() { return f1 / num; } public double getEvalbF1() { return 2.0 / (rnum2 / recall2 + pnum2 / precision2); } /** * Return the evalb F1% from the last call to {@link #evaluate}. * * @return The F1 percentage */ public double getLastF1() { return curF1 * 100.0; } /** @return The evalb (micro-averaged) F1 times 100 to make it * a number between 0 and 100. */ public double getEvalbF1Percent() { return getEvalbF1() * 100.0; } public double getExact() { return exact / num; } public double getExactPercent() { return getExact() * 100.0; } public int getNum() { return (int) num; } // should be able to pass in a comparator! protected static double precision(Set<?> s1, Set<?> s2) { double n = 0.0; double p = 0.0; for (Object o1 : s1) { if (s2.contains(o1)) { p += 1.0; } if (DEBUG) { if (s2.contains(o1)) {"Eval Found: "+o1); } else {"Eval Failed to find: "+o1); } } n += 1.0; } if (DEBUG)"Matched " + p + " of " + n); return (n > 0.0 ? p / n : 0.0); } protected abstract Set<?> makeObjects(Tree tree); public void evaluate(Tree guess, Tree gold) { evaluate(guess, gold, new PrintWriter(System.out, true)); } /* Evaluates precision and recall by calling makeObjects() to make a * set of structures for guess Tree and gold Tree, and compares them * with each other. */ public void evaluate(Tree guess, Tree gold, PrintWriter pw) { evaluate(guess, gold, pw, 1.0); } public void evaluate(Tree guess, Tree gold, PrintWriter pw, double weight) { if (DEBUG) {"Evaluating gold tree:"); gold.pennPrint(System.err);"and guess tree"); guess.pennPrint(System.err); } Set<?> dep1 = makeObjects(guess); Set<?> dep2 = makeObjects(gold); final double curPrecision = precision(dep1, dep2); final double curRecall = precision(dep2, dep1); curF1 = (curPrecision > 0.0 && curRecall > 0.0 ? 2.0 / (1.0 / curPrecision + 1.0 / curRecall) : 0.0); precision += curPrecision * weight; recall += curRecall * weight; f1 += curF1 * weight; num += weight; precision2 += dep1.size() * curPrecision * weight; pnum2 += dep1.size() * weight; recall2 += dep2.size() * curRecall * weight; rnum2 += dep2.size() * weight; if (curF1 > 0.9999) { exact += 1.0; } if (pw != null) { pw.print(" P: " + ((int) (curPrecision * 10000)) / 100.0); if (runningAverages) { pw.println(" (sent ave " + ((int) (precision * 10000 / num)) / 100.0 + ") (evalb " + ((int) (precision2 * 10000 / pnum2)) / 100.0 + ")"); } pw.print(" R: " + ((int) (curRecall * 10000)) / 100.0); if (runningAverages) { pw.print(" (sent ave " + ((int) (recall * 10000 / num)) / 100.0 + ") (evalb " + ((int) (recall2 * 10000 / rnum2)) / 100.0 + ")"); } pw.println(); double cF1 = 2.0 / (rnum2 / recall2 + pnum2 / precision2); pw.print(str + " F1: " + ((int) (curF1 * 10000)) / 100.0); if (runningAverages) { pw.print(" (sent ave " + ((int) (10000 * f1 / num)) / 100.0 + ", evalb " + ((int) (10000 * cF1)) / 100.0 + ") Exact: " + ((int) (10000 * exact / num)) / 100.0); } // pw.println(" N: " + getNum()); pw.println(" N: " + num); } /* Sentence s = guess.yield(); for (Object obj : s) { if (curF1 < 0.7) { badwords.incrementCount(obj); } else { goodwords.incrementCount(obj); } } */ } /* private Counter goodwords = new Counter(); private Counter badwords = new Counter(); public void printGoodBad() { System.out.println("Printing bad categories"); for (Object key : Counters.keysAbove(badwords, 5.0)) { System.out.println("In badwords 5 times: " + key); double numb = badwords.getCount(key); double numg = goodwords.getCount(key); if (numb / (numb + numg) > 0.1) { System.out.println("Bad word! " + key + " (" + (numb / (numb + numg)) + " bad)"); // EncodingPrintWriter.out.println("Bad word! " + key + " (" + // (numb / (numb + numg)) + " bad)", // "GB18030"); } } } */ public void display(boolean verbose) { display(verbose, new PrintWriter(System.out, true)); } public void display(boolean verbose, PrintWriter pw) { double prec = precision2 / pnum2;//(num > 0.0 ? precision/num : 0.0); double rec = recall2 / rnum2;//(num > 0.0 ? recall/num : 0.0); double f = 2.0 / (1.0 / prec + 1.0 / rec);//(num > 0.0 ? f1/num : 0.0); //System.out.println(" Precision: "+((int)(10000.0*prec))/100.0); //System.out.println(" Recall: "+((int)(10000.0*rec))/100.0); //System.out.println(" F1: "+((int)(10000.0*f))/100.0); pw.println(str + " summary evalb: LP: " + ((int) (10000.0 * prec)) / 100.0 + " LR: " + ((int) (10000.0 * rec)) / 100.0 + " F1: " + ((int) (10000.0 * f)) / 100.0 + " Exact: " + ((int) (10000.0 * exact / num)) / 100.0 + " N: " + getNum()); /* double prec = (num > 0.0 ? precision/num : 0.0); double rec = (num > 0.0 ? recall/num : 0.0); double f = (num > 0.0 ? f1/num : 0.0); System.out.println(" Precision: "+prec); System.out.println(" Recall: "+rec); System.out.println(" F1: "+f); */ } public static class RuleErrorEval extends AbstractEval { //private boolean verbose = false; private ClassicCounter<String> over = new ClassicCounter<>(); private ClassicCounter<String> under = new ClassicCounter<>(); protected static String localize(Tree tree) { if (tree.isLeaf()) { return ""; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(tree.label()); sb.append(" ->"); for (int i = 0; i < tree.children().length; i++) { sb.append(' '); sb.append(tree.children()[i].label()); } return sb.toString(); } @Override protected Set<String> makeObjects(Tree tree) { Set<String> localTrees = Generics.newHashSet(); for (Tree st : tree.subTreeList()) { localTrees.add(localize(st)); } return localTrees; } @Override public void evaluate(Tree t1, Tree t2, PrintWriter pw) { Set<String> s1 = makeObjects(t1); Set<String> s2 = makeObjects(t2); for (String o1 : s1) { if (!s2.contains(o1)) { over.incrementCount(o1); } } for (String o2 : s2) { if (!s1.contains(o2)) { under.incrementCount(o2); } } } private static <T> void display(ClassicCounter<T> c, int num, PrintWriter pw) { List<T> rules = new ArrayList<>(c.keySet()); Collections.sort(rules, Counters.toComparatorDescending(c)); int rSize = rules.size(); if (num > rSize) { num = rSize; } for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { pw.println(rules.get(i) + " " + c.getCount(rules.get(i))); } } @Override public void display(boolean verbose, PrintWriter pw) { //this.verbose = verbose; pw.println("Most frequently underproposed rules:"); display(under, (verbose ? 100 : 10), pw); pw.println("Most frequently overproposed rules:"); display(over, (verbose ? 100 : 10), pw); } public RuleErrorEval(String str) { super(str); } } // end class RuleErrorEval /** This class counts which categories are over and underproposed in trees. */ public static class CatErrorEval extends AbstractEval { private ClassicCounter<String> over = new ClassicCounter<>(); private ClassicCounter<String> under = new ClassicCounter<>(); /** Unused. Fake satisfying the abstract class. */ @Override protected Set<?> makeObjects(Tree tree) { return null; } private static List<String> myMakeObjects(Tree tree) { List<String> cats = new LinkedList<>(); for (Tree st : tree.subTreeList()) { cats.add(st.value()); } return cats; } @Override public void evaluate(Tree t1, Tree t2, PrintWriter pw) { List<String> s1 = myMakeObjects(t1); List<String> s2 = myMakeObjects(t2); List<String> del2 = new LinkedList<>(s2); // we delete out as we find them so we can score correctly a cat with // a certain cardinality in a tree. for (String o1 : s1) { if ( ! del2.remove(o1)) { over.incrementCount(o1); } } for (String o2 : s2) { if (! s1.remove(o2)) { under.incrementCount(o2); } } } private static <T> void display(ClassicCounter<T> c, PrintWriter pw) { List<T> cats = new ArrayList<>(c.keySet()); Collections.sort(cats, Counters.toComparatorDescending(c)); for (T ob : cats) { pw.println(ob + " " + c.getCount(ob)); } } @Override public void display(boolean verbose, PrintWriter pw) { pw.println("Most frequently underproposed categories:"); display(under, pw); pw.println("Most frequently overproposed categories:"); display(over, pw); } public CatErrorEval(String str) { super(str); } } // end class CatErrorEval /** This isn't really a kind of AbstractEval: we're sort of cheating here. */ public static class ScoreEval extends AbstractEval { double totScore = 0.0; double n = 0.0; NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("0.000"); @Override protected Set<?> makeObjects(Tree tree) { return null; } public void recordScore(KBestViterbiParser parser, PrintWriter pw) { double score = parser.getBestScore(); totScore += score; n++; if (pw != null) { pw.print(str + " score: " + nf.format(score)); if (runningAverages) { pw.print(" average score: " + nf.format(totScore / n)); } pw.println(); } } @Override public void display(boolean verbose, PrintWriter pw) { if (pw != null) { pw.println(str + " total score: " + nf.format(totScore) + " average score: " + ((n == 0.0) ? "N/A": nf.format(totScore / n))); } } public ScoreEval(String str, boolean runningAverages) { super(str, runningAverages); } } // end class DependencyEval } // end class AbstractEval