package; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.IntPair; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair; /** * Stores the offsets for a span of text * Offsets may indicate either token or byte positions * Start is inclusive, end is exclusive * @author Mihai */ public class Span implements Serializable, Iterable<Integer> { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3861451490217976693L; private int start; private int end; /** For Kryo serializer */ @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") private Span() { } /** * This assumes that s <= e. Use fromValues if you can't guarantee this. */ public Span(int s, int e) { start = s; end = e; } /** * Creates a span that encloses all spans in the argument list. Behavior is undefined if given no arguments. */ public Span(Span... spans) { this(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE); for (Span span : spans) { expandToInclude(span); } } /** * Safe way to construct Spans if you're not sure which value is higher. */ @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") public static Span fromValues(int val1, int val2) { if (val1 <= val2) { return new Span(val1, val2); } else { return new Span(val2, val1); } } public static Span fromValues(Object... values) { if (values.length == 1) { return fromValues(values[0], values[0] instanceof Number ? ((Number) values[0]).intValue() + 1 : Integer.parseInt(values[0].toString()) + 1); } if (values.length != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("fromValues() must take an array with 2 elements"); } int val1; if (values[0] instanceof Number) { val1 = ((Number) values[0]).intValue(); } else if (values[0] instanceof String) { val1 = Integer.parseInt((String) values[0]); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown value for span: " + values[0]); } int val2; if (values[1] instanceof Number) { val2 = ((Number) values[1]).intValue(); } else if (values[0] instanceof String) { val2 = Integer.parseInt((String) values[1]); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown value for span: " + values[1]); } return fromValues(val1, val2); } public int start() { return start; } public int end() { return end; } public void setStart(int s) { start = s; } public void setEnd(int e) { end = e; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if(! (other instanceof Span)) return false; Span otherSpan = (Span) other; return start == otherSpan.start && end == otherSpan.end; } @Override public int hashCode() { return (new Pair<>(start, end)).hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { return "[" + start + "," + end + ")"; } public void expandToInclude(Span otherSpan) { if (otherSpan.start() < start) { setStart(otherSpan.start()); } if (otherSpan.end() > end) { setEnd(otherSpan.end()); } } /** * Returns true if this span contains otherSpan. Endpoints on spans may match. */ public boolean contains(Span otherSpan) { return this.start <= otherSpan.start && otherSpan.end <= this.end; } /** * Returns true if i is inside this span. Note that the start is inclusive and the end is exclusive. */ public boolean contains(int i) { return this.start <= i && i < this.end; } /** * Returns true if this span ends before the otherSpan starts. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either span contains the other span */ public boolean isBefore(Span otherSpan) { if (this.contains(otherSpan) || otherSpan.contains(this)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Span " + toString() + " contains otherSpan " + otherSpan + " (or vice versa)"); } return this.end <= otherSpan.start; } /** * Returns true if this span starts after the otherSpan's end. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either span contains the other span */ @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") public boolean isAfter(Span otherSpan) { if (this.contains(otherSpan) || otherSpan.contains(this)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Span " + toString() + " contains otherSpan " + otherSpan + " (or vice versa)"); } return this.start >= otherSpan.end; } /** * Move a span by the given amount. Useful for, e.g., switching between 0- and 1-indexed spans. * @param diff The difference to ADD to both the beginning and end of the span. So, -1 moves the span left by one. * @return A new span, offset by the given difference. */ public Span translate(int diff) { return new Span(start + diff, end + diff); } /** * Convert an end-exclusive span to an end-inclusive span. */ public Span toInclusive() { assert end > start; return new Span(start, end - 1); } /** * Convert an end-inclusive span to an end-exclusive span. */ public Span toExclusive() { return new Span(start, end + 1); } @Override public Iterator<Integer> iterator() { return new Iterator<Integer>() { int nextIndex = start; @Override public boolean hasNext() { return nextIndex < end; } @Override public Integer next() { if (!hasNext()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } nextIndex += 1; return nextIndex - 1; } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } public int size() { return end - start; } public static boolean overlaps(Span spanA, Span spanB) { return spanA.contains(spanB) || spanB.contains(spanA) || (spanA.end > spanB.end && spanA.start < spanB.end) || (spanB.end > spanA.end && spanB.start < spanA.end) || spanA.equals(spanB); } public static int overlap(Span spanA, Span spanB) { if (spanA.contains(spanB)) { return Math.min(spanA.end - spanA.start, spanB.end - spanB.start); } else if (spanA.equals(spanB)) { return spanA.end - spanA.start; } else if ( (spanA.end > spanB.end && spanA.start < spanB.end) || (spanB.end > spanA.end && spanB.start < spanA.end) ) { return Math.min(spanA.end, spanB.end) - Math.max(spanA.start, spanB.start) ; } else { return 0; } } public static boolean overlaps(Span spanA, Collection<Span> spanB) { for (Span candidate : spanB) { if (overlaps(spanA, candidate)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns the smallest distance between two spans. */ public static int distance(Span a, Span b) { if (Span.overlaps(a, b)) { return 0; } else if (a.contains(b) || b.contains(a)) { return 0; } else if (a.isBefore(b)) { return b.start - a.end; } else if (b.isBefore(a)) { return a.start - b.end; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("This should be impossible..."); } } /** * A silly translation between a pair and a span. */ public static Span fromPair(Pair<Integer, Integer> span) { return fromValues(span.first, span.second); } /** * Another silly translation between a pair and a span. */ public static Span fromPair(IntPair span) { return fromValues(span.getSource(), span.getTarget()); } /** * A silly translation between a pair and a span. */ public static Span fromPairOneIndexed(Pair<Integer, Integer> span) { return fromValues(span.first - 1, span.second - 1); } /** * The union of two spans. That is, the minimal span that contains both. */ public static Span union(Span a, Span b) { return Span.fromValues(Math.min(a.start, b.start), Math.max(a.end, b.end)); } }