package edu.stanford.nlp.maxent.iis; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import*; import edu.stanford.nlp.math.ArrayMath; import edu.stanford.nlp.maxent.*; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.MutableDouble; import java.text.NumberFormat; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This is the main class that does the core computation in IIS. * (Parts of it still get invoked in the POS tagger, even when not using IIS.) * * @author Kristina Toutanova * @version 1.0 */ public class LambdaSolve { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(LambdaSolve.class); /** * These are the model parameters that have to be learned. * This field is used at runtime in all tagger and other IIS/Kristina code. */ public double[] lambda; /** Only allocated and used in the IIS optimization routines. */ protected boolean[] lambda_converged; /** Only used in the IIS optimization routines. Convergence threshold / allowed "newtonErr" */ protected double eps; // protected double newtonerr; /** * This flag is true if all (x,y) have the same f# in which case the newton equation solving is avoided. */ private boolean fixedFnumXY; protected Problem p; /** * Conditional probabilities. */ protected double[][] probConds; /** * Normalization factors, one for each x. (CDM questions 2008: Are these * only at training time? Can we not allocate it at test time (unlike * what LambdaSolveTagger now does)? Is the place where it is set from * ySize wrong? */ protected double[] zlambda; /** * This contains the number of features active for each pair (x,y) */ protected byte[][] fnumArr; /** * This is an array of empirical expectations for the features */ protected double[] ftildeArr; private static final boolean smooth = false; private static final boolean VERBOSE = false; /** * If this is true, assume that active features are binary, and one * does not have to multiply in a feature value. */ private boolean ASSUME_BINARY = false; private double[] aux; // auxiliary array used by some procedures for computing objective functions and their derivatives private double[][] sum;// auxiliary array private double[][] sub;// auxiliary array public boolean weightRanks = false; private boolean convertValues = false; public LambdaSolve(Problem p1, double eps1, double nerr1) { p = p1; eps = eps1; // newtonerr = nerr1; // lambda = new double[p.fSize]; probConds = new double[][];"xSize is " +; for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { probConds[i] = new double[]; } fnumArr = new byte[][]; for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { fnumArr[i] = new byte[]; } zlambda = new double[]; ftildeArr = new double[p.fSize]; initCondsZlambdaEtc(); if (convertValues) { transformValues(); } } /** * Reads the lambda parameters from a file. * * @param filename File to read from */ public LambdaSolve(String filename) { this.readL(filename); } public LambdaSolve() { } public void setNonBinary() { ASSUME_BINARY = false; } public void setBinary() { ASSUME_BINARY = true; } /** * This is a specialized procedure to change the values * of parses for semantic ranking. * The highest value is changed to 2/3 * and values of 1 are changed to 1/(3*numones). 0 is unchanged * this is used to rank higher the ordering for the best parse * values are in */ public void transformValues() { for (int x = 0; x <; x++) { double highest =[x][0]; double sumhighest = 0; double sumrest = 0; for (int y = 0; y <[x].length; y++) { if ([x][y] > highest) { highest =[x][y]; } } for (int y = 0; y <[x].length; y++) { if ([x][y] == highest) { sumhighest += highest; } else { sumrest +=[x][y]; } } if (sumrest == 0) { continue; } // do not change , makes no difference //now change them for (int y = 0; y <[x].length; y++) { if ([x][y] == highest) {[x][y] = .7 * highest / sumhighest; } else {[x][y] = .3 *[x][y] / sumrest; } } } } /** * Initializes the model parameters, empirical expectations of the * features, and f#(x,y). */ void initCondsZlambdaEtc() { // init pcond for (int x = 0; x <; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < probConds[x].length; y++) { probConds[x][y] = 1.0 / probConds[x].length; } } // init zlambda for (int x = 0; x <; x++) { zlambda[x] = probConds[x].length; } // init ftildeArr for (int i = 0; i < p.fSize; i++) { ftildeArr[i] = p.functions.get(i).ftilde(); p.functions.get(i).setSum(); // if the expectation of a feature is zero make sure we are not // trying to find a lambda for it // if (ftildeArr[i] == 0) { // lambda_converged[i]=true; // lambda[i]=0; // } //dumb smoothing that is not sound and doesn't seem to work if (smooth) { double alfa = .015; for (int j = 0; j < p.fSize; j++) { ftildeArr[j] = (ftildeArr[j] * + alfa) /; } } Feature f = p.functions.get(i); //collecting f#(x,y) for (int j = 0; j < f.len(); j++) { int x = f.getX(j); int y = f.getY(j); fnumArr[x][y] += f.getVal(j); }//j }//i int constAll = fnumArr[0][0]; fixedFnumXY = true; for (int x = 0; x <; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < fnumArr[x].length; y++) { if (fnumArr[x][y] != constAll) { fixedFnumXY = false; break; } } }//x if (VERBOSE) {" pcond, zlamda, ftildeArr " + (fixedFnumXY ? "(fixed sum) " : "") + "initialized "); } } /** * Iterate until convergence. I usually use the other method that * does a fixed number of iterations. */ public void improvedIterative() { boolean flag; int iterations = 0; lambda_converged = new boolean[p.fSize]; int numNConverged = p.fSize; do { if (VERBOSE) {; } flag = false; iterations++; for (int i = 0; i < lambda.length; i++) { if (lambda_converged[i]) { continue; } MutableDouble deltaI = new MutableDouble(); boolean fl = iterate(i, eps, deltaI); if (fl) { flag = true; updateConds(i, deltaI.doubleValue()); // checkCorrectness(); } else { //lambda_converged[i]=true; numNConverged--; } } } while ((flag) && (iterations < 1000)); } /** * Does a fixed number of IIS iterations. * * @param iters Number of iterations to run */ public void improvedIterative(int iters) { int iterations = 0; lambda_converged = new boolean[p.fSize]; int numNConverged = p.fSize; //double lOld=logLikelihood(); do { iterations++; for (int i = 0; i < lambda.length; i++) { if (lambda_converged[i]) { continue; } MutableDouble deltaI = new MutableDouble(); boolean fl = iterate(i, eps, deltaI); if (fl) { updateConds(i, deltaI.doubleValue()); // checkCorrectness(); } else { //lambda_converged[i]=true; numNConverged--; } } /* double lNew=logLikelihood(); double gain=(lNew-lOld); if(gain<0) {" Likelihood decreased by "+ (-gain)); System.exit(1); } if(Math.abs(gain)<eps){"Converged"); break; } if(VERBOSE)"Likelihood "+lNew+" "+" gain "+gain); lOld=lNew; */ if (iterations % 100 == 0) { save_lambdas(iterations + ".lam"); }; } while (iterations < iters); } /** * Iteration for lambda[index]. * Returns true if this lambda hasn't converged. A lambda is deemed * converged if the change found for it is smaller then the parameter eps. */ boolean iterate(int index, double err, MutableDouble ret) { double deltaL = 0.0; deltaL = newton(deltaL, index, err); //"delta is "+deltaL+" feature "+index+" expectation "+ftildeArr[index]); if (Math.abs(deltaL + lambda[index]) > 200) { if ((deltaL + lambda[index]) > 200) { deltaL = 200 - lambda[index]; } else { deltaL = -lambda[index] - 200; }"set delta to smth " + deltaL); } lambda[index] = lambda[index] + deltaL; if (Double.isNaN(deltaL)) {" NaN " + index + ' ' + deltaL); } ret.set(deltaL); return (Math.abs(deltaL) >= eps); } /* * Finds the root of an equation by Newton's method. * This is my implementation. It might be improved * if we looked at some official library for numerical methods. */ double newton(double lambda0, int index, double err) { double lambdaN = lambda0; int i = 0; if (fixedFnumXY) { double plambda = fExpected(p.functions.get(index)); return (1 / (double) fnumArr[0][0]) * (Math.log(this.ftildeArr[index]) - Math.log(plambda)); } do { i++; double lambdaP = lambdaN; double gPrimeVal = gprime(lambdaP, index); if (Double.isNaN(gPrimeVal)) {"gPrime of " + lambdaP + " " + index + " is NaN " + gPrimeVal); //lambda_converged[index]=true; // System.exit(1); } double gVal = g(lambdaP, index); if (gPrimeVal == 0.0) { return 0.0; } lambdaN = lambdaP - gVal / gPrimeVal; if (Double.isNaN(lambdaN)) {"the division of " + gVal + " " + gPrimeVal + " " + index + " is NaN " + lambdaN); //lambda_converged[index]=true; return 0; } if (Math.abs(lambdaN - lambdaP) < err) { return lambdaN; } if (i > 100) { if (Math.abs(gVal) > 0.01) { return 0; } return lambdaN; } } while (true); } /** * This method updates the conditional probabilities in the model, resulting from the * update of lambda[index] to lambda[index]+deltaL . */ void updateConds(int index, double deltaL) { // for each x that (x,y)=true / exists y // recalculate pcond(y,x) for all y for (int i = 0; i < p.functions.get(index).len(); i++) { // update for this x double s = 0; int x = p.functions.get(index).getX(i); int y = p.functions.get(index).getY(i); double val = p.functions.get(index).getVal(i); double zlambdaX = zlambda[x] + pcond(y, x) * zlambda[x] * (Math.exp(deltaL * val) - 1); for (int y1 = 0; y1 < probConds[x].length; y1++) { probConds[x][y1] = (probConds[x][y1] * zlambda[x]) / zlambdaX; s = s + probConds[x][y1]; } s = s - probConds[x][y]; probConds[x][y] = probConds[x][y] * Math.exp(deltaL * val); s = s + probConds[x][y]; zlambda[x] = zlambdaX; if (Math.abs(s - 1) > 0.001) { //" index "+i+" deltaL " +deltaL+" tag "+yTag+" zlambda "+zlambda[x]); } } } public double pcond(int y, int x) { return probConds[x][y]; } protected double fnum(int x, int y) { return fnumArr[x][y]; } double g(double lambdaP, int index) { double s = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < p.functions.get(index).len(); i++) { int y = p.functions.get(index).getY(i); int x = p.functions.get(index).getX(i); double exponent = Math.exp(lambdaP * fnum(x, y)); s = s + * pcond(y, x) * p.functions.get(index).getVal(i) * exponent; } s = s - ftildeArr[index]; return s; } double gprime(double lambdaP, int index) { double s = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < p.functions.get(index).len(); i++) { int y = ((p.functions.get(index))).getY(i); int x = p.functions.get(index).getX(i); s = s + * pcond(y, x) * p.functions.get(index).getVal(i) * Math.exp(lambdaP * fnum(x, y)) * fnum(x, y); } return s; } /** * Computes the expected value of a feature for the current model. * * @param f a feature * @return The expectation of f according to p(y|x) */ double fExpected(Feature f) { double s = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < f.len(); i++) { int x = f.getX(i); int y = f.getY(i); s += * pcond(y, x) * f.getVal(i); }//for return s; } /** * Check whether the constraints are satisfied, the probabilities sum to one, etc. Prints out a message * if there is something wrong. */ public boolean checkCorrectness() { boolean flag = true; for (int f = 0; f < lambda.length; f++) { if (Math.abs(lambda[f]) > 100) {"lambda " + f + " too big " + lambda[f]);"empirical " + ftildeArr[f] + " expected " + fExpected(p.functions.get(f))); } }" x size" + + " " + " ysize " +; double summAllExp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ftildeArr.length; i++) { double exp = Math.abs(ftildeArr[i] - fExpected(p.functions.get(i))); summAllExp += ftildeArr[i]; if (exp > 0.001) //if(true) { flag = false;"Constraint not satisfied " + i + " " + fExpected(p.functions.get(i)) + " " + ftildeArr[i] + " lambda " + lambda[i]); } }" The sum of all empirical expectations is " + summAllExp); for (int x = 0; x <; x++) { double s = 0.0; for (int y = 0; y < probConds[x].length; y++) { s = s + probConds[x][y]; } if (Math.abs(s - 1) > 0.0001) { for (int y = 0; y < probConds[x].length; y++) //" : "+ probConds[x][y]); {"probabilities do not sum to one " + x + " " + (float) s); } } } return flag; } double ZAlfa(double alfa, Feature f, int x) { double s = 0.0; for (int y = 0; y < probConds[x].length; y++) { s = s + pcond(y, x) * Math.exp(alfa * f.getVal(x, y)); } return s; } double GSF(double alfa, Feature f, int index) { double s = 0.0; for (int x = 0; x <; x++) { s = s - * Math.log(ZAlfa(alfa, f, x)); } return s + alfa * ftildeArr[index]; } double GSF(double alfa, Feature f) { double s = 0.0; for (int x = 0; x <; x++) { s = s - * Math.log(ZAlfa(alfa, f, x)); } return s + alfa * f.ftilde(); } double pcondFAlfa(double alfa, int x, int y, Feature f) { double s; s = (1 / ZAlfa(alfa, f, x)) * pcond(y, x) * Math.exp(alfa * f.getVal(x, y)); return s; } double GSFPrime(double alfa, Feature f, int index) { double s = 0.0; s = s + ftildeArr[index]; for (int x1 = 0; x1 < f.indexedValues.length; x1++) { double s1 = 0.0; int x = f.getX(x1); int y = f.getY(x1); s1 = s1 + pcondFAlfa(alfa, x, y, f) * f.getVal(x1); s = s - * s1; } return s; } double GSFPrime(double alfa, Feature f) { double s = 0.0; s = s + f.ftilde(); for (int x1 = 0; x1 < f.indexedValues.length; x1++) { double s1 = 0.0; int x = f.getX(x1); int y = f.getY(x1); s1 = s1 + pcondFAlfa(alfa, x, y, f) * f.getVal(x1); s = s - * s1; } return s; } double GSFSecond(double alfa, Feature f) { double s = 0.0; for (int x = 0; x <; x++) { double s1 = 0.0; double psff = 0.0; for (int y1 = 0; y1 <; y1++) { psff = psff + pcondFAlfa(alfa, x, y1, f) * f.getVal(x, y1); } for (int y = 0; y < probConds[x].length; y++) { s1 = s1 + pcondFAlfa(alfa, x, y, f) * (f.getVal(x, y) - psff) * (f.getVal(x, y) - psff); } s = s - s1 *; } return s; } /** * Computes the gain from a feature. Used for feature selection. */ public double GainCompute(Feature f, double errorGain) { double r = (f.ftilde() > fExpected(f) ? 1.0 : -1.0); f.initHashVals(); int iterations = 0; double alfa = 0.0; GSF(alfa, f); double gsfValNew = 0.0; while (iterations < 30) { iterations++; double alfanext = alfa + r * Math.log(1 - r * GSFPrime(alfa, f) / GSFSecond(alfa, f)); gsfValNew = GSF(alfanext, f); if (Math.abs(alfanext - alfa) < errorGain) { return gsfValNew; } alfa = alfanext; } return gsfValNew; } /** * Print out p(y|x) for all pairs to the standard output. */ public void print() { for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < probConds[i].length; j++) { System.out.println("P(" + j + " | " + i + ") = " + pcond(j, i)); } } } /** * Writes the lambda feature weights to the file. * Can be read later with readL. * This method opens a new file and closes it after writing it. * * @param filename The file to write the weights to. */ public void save_lambdas(String filename) { try { DataOutputStream rf = IOUtils.getDataOutputStream(filename); save_lambdas(rf, lambda); rf.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Writes the lambdas to a stream. */ public static void save_lambdas(DataOutputStream rf, double[] lambdas) { try { ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(rf); oos.writeObject(lambdas); oos.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Read the lambdas from the file. * The file contains the number of lambda weights (int) followed by * the weights. * <i>Historical note:</i> The file does not contain * xSize and ySize as for the method read(String). * * @param filename The file to read from */ public void readL(String filename) { try { DataInputStream rf = IOUtils.getDataInputStream(filename); lambda = read_lambdas(rf); rf.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Read the lambdas from the file. * * @param modelFilename A filename. It will be read and closed * @return An array of lambda values read from the file. */ static double[] read_lambdas(String modelFilename) { try { DataInputStream rf = IOUtils.getDataInputStream(modelFilename); double[] lamb = read_lambdas(rf); rf.close(); return lamb; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * Read the lambdas from the stream. * * @param rf Stream to read from. * @return An array of lambda values read from the stream. */ public static double[] read_lambdas(DataInputStream rf) { if (VERBOSE) {"Entering read_lambdas"); } try { ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(rf); Object o = ois.readObject(); if (o instanceof double[]) { return (double[]) o; } throw new RuntimeIOException("Failed to read lambdas from given input stream"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeIOException(e); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeIOException(e); } } /** * This method writes the problem data into a file, which is good for reading * with MatLab. It could also have other applications, * like reducing the memory requirements */ void save_problem(String filename) { try { PrintFile pf = new PrintFile(filename); int N =; int M =; int F = p.fSize; // byte[] nl = "\n".getBytes(); // byte[] dotsp = ". ".getBytes(); // int space = (int) ' '; // write the sizes of X, Y, and F( number of features ); pf.println(N); pf.println(M); pf.println(F); // save the objective vector like 1.c0, ... ,N*M. cN*M-1 for (int i = 0; i < N * M; i++) { pf.print(i + 1); pf.print(". "); pf.println( / M)); }// for i // save the constraints matrix B // for each feature , save its row for (int i = 0; i < p.fSize; i++) { int[] values = p.functions.get(i).indexedValues; for (int value : values) { pf.print(i + 1); pf.print(". "); pf.print(value); pf.print(" "); pf.println(1); }// k }// i // save the constraints vector // for each feature, save its empirical expectation for (int i = 0; i < p.fSize; i++) { pf.print(i + 1); pf.print(". "); pf.println(ftildeArr[i]); }// end pf.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * @return The loglikelihood of the empirical distribution as predicted by the model p. */ public double logLikelihood() { //L=sumx,y log(p(y|x))*#x,y double sum = 0.0; int sz =; for (int index = 0; index < sz; index++) { int[] example =; sum += Math.log(pcond(example[1], example[0])); }// index return sum / sz; } /** * Given a numerator and denominator in log form, this calculates * the conditional model probabilities. * * @return Math.exp(first)/Math.exp(second); */ public static double divide(double first, double second) { return Math.exp(first - second); // cpu samples #3,#14: 5.3% } /** * With arguments, this will print out the lambda parameters of a * bunch of .lam files (which are assumed to all be the same size). * (Without arguments, it does some creaky old self-test.) * * @param args command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length > 0) { NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(6); nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(6); LambdaSolve[] lambdas = new LambdaSolve[args.length]; System.out.print(" "); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { lambdas[i] = new LambdaSolve(); lambdas[i].readL(args[i]); System.out.print(" " + args[i]); } System.out.println(); int numLambda = lambdas[0].lambda.length; for (int j = 0; j < numLambda; j++) { System.out.print("lambda[" + j + "] = "); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { System.out.print(nf.format(lambdas[i].lambda[j]) + " "); } System.out.println(); } } else { LambdaSolve prob = new LambdaSolve("trainhuge.txt.holder.prob"); prob.save_lambdas("trainhuge.txt.holder.prob"); prob.readL("trainhuge.txt.holder.prob"); } } /** * Calculate the log-likelihood from scratch, hashing the conditional * probabilities in pcond, which we will use later. This is for * a different model, in which all features effectively get negative weights * this model is easier to use for heauristic search * p(ti|s)=exp(sum_j{-(e^lambda_j)*f_j(ti)}) * * @return The negative log likelihood of the data */ public double logLikelihoodNeg() { // zero all the variables double s = 0; for (int i = 0; i < probConds.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < probConds[i].length; j++) { probConds[i][j] = 0; } zlambda[i] = 0; } //add up in pcond y|x the unnormalized scores for (int fNo = 0, fSize = p.fSize; fNo < fSize; fNo++) { // add for all occurences of the function the values to probConds Feature f = p.functions.get(fNo); double fLambda = -Math.exp(lambda[fNo]); double sum = ftildeArr[fNo]; //if(sum==0){continue;} sum *=; s -= sum * fLambda; if (Math.abs(fLambda) > 200) { // was 50"lambda " + fNo + " too big: " + fLambda); } for (int i = 0, length = f.len(); i < length; i++) { int x = f.getX(i); int y = f.getY(i); if (ASSUME_BINARY) { probConds[x][y] += fLambda; } else { double val = f.getVal(i); probConds[x][y] += (val * fLambda); } } //for } //for fNo for (int x = 0; x < probConds.length; x++) { //again zlambda[x] = ArrayMath.logSum(probConds[x]); // cpu samples #4,#15: 4.5% //"zlambda "+x+" "+zlambda[x]); s += zlambda[x] * *; for (int y = 0; y < probConds[x].length; y++) { probConds[x][y] = divide(probConds[x][y], zlambda[x]); // cpu samples #13: 1.6% //"prob "+x+" "+y+" "+probConds[x][y]); } //y }//x if (s < 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("neg log lik smaller than 0: " + s); } return s; } // -- stuff for CG version below ------- /** * calculate the log likelihood from scratch, hashing the conditional * probabilities in pcond which we will use for the derivative later. * * @return The log likelihood of the data */ public double logLikelihoodScratch() { // zero all the variables double s = 0; for (int i = 0; i < probConds.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < probConds[i].length; j++) { probConds[i][j] = 0; } zlambda[i] = 0; } //add up in pcond y|x the unnormalized scores Experiments exp =; for (int fNo = 0, fSize = p.fSize; fNo < fSize; fNo++) { // add for all occurences of the function the values to probConds Feature f = p.functions.get(fNo); double fLambda = lambda[fNo]; double sum = ftildeArr[fNo]; //if(sum==0){continue;} sum *= exp.getNumber(); s -= sum * fLambda; if (Math.abs(fLambda) > 200) { // was 50"lambda " + fNo + " too big: " + fLambda); } for (int i = 0, length = f.len(); i < length; i++) { int x = f.getX(i); int y = f.getY(i); if (ASSUME_BINARY) { probConds[x][y] += fLambda; } else { double val = f.getVal(i); probConds[x][y] += (val * fLambda); } } //for } //for fNo for (int x = 0; x < probConds.length; x++) { //again zlambda[x] = ArrayMath.logSum(probConds[x]); // cpu samples #4,#15: 4.5% //"zlambda "+x+" "+zlambda[x]); s += zlambda[x] * exp.ptildeX(x) * exp.getNumber(); for (int y = 0; y < probConds[x].length; y++) { probConds[x][y] = divide(probConds[x][y], zlambda[x]); // cpu samples #13: 1.6% //"prob "+x+" "+y+" "+probConds[x][y]); } //y }//x if (s < 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("neg log lik smaller than 0: " + s); } return s; } /** * assuming we have the lambdas in the array and we need only the * derivatives now. */ public double[] getDerivatives() { double[] drvs = new double[lambda.length]; Experiments exp =; for (int fNo = 0; fNo < drvs.length; fNo++) { // cpu samples #2,#10,#12: 27.3% Feature f = p.functions.get(fNo); double sum = ftildeArr[fNo] * exp.getNumber(); drvs[fNo] = -sum; for (int index = 0, length = f.len(); index < length; index++) { int x = f.getX(index); int y = f.getY(index); if (ASSUME_BINARY) { drvs[fNo] += probConds[x][y] * exp.ptildeX(x) * exp.getNumber(); } else { double val = f.getVal(index); drvs[fNo] += probConds[x][y] * val * exp.ptildeX(x) * exp.getNumber(); } }//for //if(sum==0){drvs[fNo]=0;} } return drvs; } /** * assuming we have the lambdas in the array and we need only the * derivatives now. * this is for the case where the model is parameterezied such that all weights are negative * see also logLikelihoodNeg */ public double[] getDerivativesNeg() { double[] drvs = new double[lambda.length]; Experiments exp =; for (int fNo = 0; fNo < drvs.length; fNo++) { // cpu samples #2,#10,#12: 27.3% Feature f = p.functions.get(fNo); double sum = ftildeArr[fNo] * exp.getNumber(); double lam = -Math.exp(lambda[fNo]); drvs[fNo] = -sum * lam; for (int index = 0, length = f.len(); index < length; index++) { int x = f.getX(index); int y = f.getY(index); if (ASSUME_BINARY) { drvs[fNo] += probConds[x][y] * exp.ptildeX(x) * exp.getNumber() * lam; } else { double val = f.getVal(index); drvs[fNo] += probConds[x][y] * val * exp.ptildeX(x) * exp.getNumber() * lam; } }//for //if(sum==0){drvs[fNo]=0;} } return drvs; } /** * Each pair x,y has a value in[x][y] * * @return - expected value of corpus -sum_xy (ptilde(x,y)*value(x,y)*pcond(x,y)) */ public double expectedValue() { // zero all the variables double s = 0; aux = new double[probConds.length]; for (int i = 0; i < probConds.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < probConds[i].length; j++) { probConds[i][j] = 0; } zlambda[i] = 0; } //add up in pcond y|x the unnormalized scores for (int fNo = 0, fSize = p.fSize; fNo < fSize; fNo++) { // add for all occurrences of the function the values to probConds Feature f = p.functions.get(fNo); double fLambda = lambda[fNo]; if (Math.abs(fLambda) > 200) { // was 50"lambda " + fNo + " too big: " + fLambda); } for (int i = 0, length = f.len(); i < length; i++) { int x = f.getX(i); int y = f.getY(i); if (ASSUME_BINARY) { probConds[x][y] += fLambda; } else { double val = f.getVal(i); probConds[x][y] += (val * fLambda); } } //for } //for fNo Experiments exp =; for (int x = 0; x < probConds.length; x++) { //again zlambda[x] = ArrayMath.logSum(probConds[x]); // cpu samples #4,#15: 4.5% //"zlambda "+x+" "+zlambda[x]); for (int y = 0; y < probConds[x].length; y++) { probConds[x][y] = divide(probConds[x][y], zlambda[x]); // cpu samples #13: 1.6% //"prob "+x+" "+y+" "+probConds[x][y]); s -= exp.values[x][y] * probConds[x][y] * exp.ptildeX(x) * exp.getNumber(); aux[x] += exp.values[x][y] * probConds[x][y]; } }//x return s; } /** * assuming we have the probConds[x][y] , compute the derivatives for the expectedValue function * * @return The derivatives of the expected */ public double[] getDerivativesExpectedValue() { double[] drvs = new double[lambda.length]; Experiments exp =; for (int fNo = 0; fNo < drvs.length; fNo++) { // cpu samples #2,#10,#12: 27.3% Feature f = p.functions.get(fNo); //double sum = ftildeArr[fNo] * exp.getNumber(); //drvs[fNo] = -sum; for (int index = 0, length = f.len(); index < length; index++) { int x = f.getX(index); int y = f.getY(index); double val = f.getVal(index); double mult = val * probConds[x][y] * exp.ptildeX(x) * exp.getNumber(); drvs[fNo] -= mult * exp.values[x][y]; drvs[fNo] += mult * aux[x]; }//for //if(sum==0){drvs[fNo]=0;} } return drvs; } /** * calculate the loss for Dom ranking * using the numbers in to determine domination relationships in the graphs * if values[x][y]> values[x][y'] then there is an edge (x,y)->(x,y') * * @return The loss */ public double lossDomination() { // zero all the variables double s = 0; for (int i = 0; i < probConds.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < probConds[i].length; j++) { probConds[i][j] = 0; } zlambda[i] = 0; } //add up in pcond y|x the unnormalized scores for (int fNo = 0, fSize = p.fSize; fNo < fSize; fNo++) { // add for all occurrences of the function the values to probConds Feature f = p.functions.get(fNo); double fLambda = lambda[fNo]; //if(sum==0){continue;} if (Math.abs(fLambda) > 200) { // was 50"lambda " + fNo + " too big: " + fLambda); } for (int i = 0, length = f.len(); i < length; i++) { int x = f.getX(i); int y = f.getY(i); if (ASSUME_BINARY) { probConds[x][y] += fLambda; } else { double val = f.getVal(i); probConds[x][y] += (val * fLambda); } } //for } //for fNo //will use zlambda[x] for the number of domination graphs for x // keeping track of other arrays as well - sum[x][y], and sub[x][y] //now two double loops over (x,y) to collect zlambda[x], sum[x][y], and sub[x][y]; sum = new double[probConds.length][]; sub = new double[probConds.length][]; for (int x = 0; x < probConds.length; x++) { sum[x] = new double[probConds[x].length]; sub[x] = new double[probConds[x].length]; double localloss = 0; for (int u = 0; u < sum[x].length; u++) { boolean hasgraph = false; for (int v = 0; v < sum[x].length; v++) { //see if u dominates v if ([x][u] >[x][v]) { hasgraph = true; sum[x][u] += Math.exp(probConds[x][v] - probConds[x][u]); } } sum[x][u] += 1; double weight = 1; if (weightRanks) { weight =[x][u]; } if (hasgraph) { zlambda[x] += weight; } localloss += weight * Math.log(sum[x][u]); } //another loop to get the sub[x][y] for (int u = 0; u < sum[x].length; u++) { for (int v = 0; v < sum[x].length; v++) { //see if u dominates v if ([x][u] >[x][v]) { double weight = 1; if (weightRanks) { weight =[x][u]; } sub[x][v] += weight * Math.exp(probConds[x][v] - probConds[x][u]) / sum[x][u]; } } }" for x " + x + " number graphs " + zlambda[x]); if (zlambda[x] > 0) { localloss /= zlambda[x]; s += * * localloss; } }//x return s; } /** * Using the arrays calculated when computing the loss, it should not be * too hard to get the derivatives. * * @return The derivative of the loss */ public double[] getDerivativesLossDomination() { double[] drvs = new double[lambda.length]; for (int fNo = 0; fNo < drvs.length; fNo++) { // cpu samples #2,#10,#12: 27.3% Feature f = p.functions.get(fNo); for (int index = 0, length = f.len(); index < length; index++) { int x = f.getX(index); int y = f.getY(index); double val = f.getVal(index); //add the sub and sum components if (zlambda[x] == 0) { continue; } double mult = val * * * (1 / zlambda[x]); double weight = 1; if (weightRanks) { weight =[x][y]; } drvs[fNo] += mult * sub[x][y]; drvs[fNo] -= mult * weight * (sum[x][y] - 1) / sum[x][y]; }//for //if(sum==0){drvs[fNo]=0;} } return drvs; } }