package edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Index; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils; /** * Unary grammar rules (with ints for parent and child). * * @author Dan Klein * @author Christopher Manning */ public class UnaryRule implements Rule, Comparable<UnaryRule>, Serializable { public int parent; /** * Score should be a log probability */ public float score; public int child; /** The score is set to Float.NaN by default. * * @param parent Parent state * @param child Child state */ public UnaryRule(int parent, int child) { this.parent = parent; this.child = child; this.score = Float.NaN; } public UnaryRule(int parent, int child, double score) { this.parent = parent; this.child = child; this.score = (float) score; } /** Decode a UnaryRule out of a String representation with help from * an Index. * * @param s The String representation * @param index The Index used to convert String to int */ public UnaryRule(String s, Index<String> index) { String[] fields = StringUtils.splitOnCharWithQuoting(s, ' ', '\"', '\\'); // System.out.println("fields:\n" + fields[0] + "\n" + fields[2] + "\n" + fields[3]); this.parent = index.indexOf(fields[0]); this.child = index.indexOf(fields[2]); this.score = Float.parseFloat(fields[3]); } public float score() { return score; } public int parent() { return parent; } @Override public int hashCode() { return (parent << 16) ^ child; } /** A UnaryRule is equal to another UnaryRule with the same parent and child. * The score is not included in the equality computation. * * @param o Object to be compared with * @return Whether the object is equal to this */ @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o instanceof UnaryRule) { UnaryRule ur = (UnaryRule) o; if (parent == ur.parent && child == ur.child) { return true; } } return false; } public int compareTo(UnaryRule ur) { if (parent < ur.parent) { return -1; } if (parent > ur.parent) { return 1; } if (child < ur.child) { return -1; } if (child > ur.child) { return 1; } return 0; } private static final char[] charsToEscape = { '\"' }; @Override public String toString() { return parent + " -> " + child + ' ' + score; } public String toString(Index<String> index) { return '\"' + StringUtils.escapeString(index.get(parent), charsToEscape, '\\') + "\" -> \"" + StringUtils.escapeString(index.get(child), charsToEscape, '\\') + "\" " + score; } private transient String cached; // = null; public String toStringNoScore(Index<String> index) { if (cached == null) { cached = '\"' + StringUtils.escapeString(index.get(parent), charsToEscape, '\\') + "\" -> \"" + StringUtils.escapeString(index.get(child), charsToEscape, '\\'); } return cached; } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; }