package; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.ArgumentParser.Option; public class MachineReadingProperties { @Option(name="logger", gloss="Static logger for this entire class") public static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MachineReading.class.getName()); /* * general options */ @Option(name = "datasetReaderClass", gloss = "which GenericDataSetReader to use (needs to match the corpus in question)", required = true) public static Class<GenericDataSetReader> datasetReaderClass; @Option(name = "datasetAuxReaderClass", gloss = "which GenericDataSetReader to use for aux data set (needs to match the corpus in question)") public static Class<GenericDataSetReader> datasetAuxReaderClass; @Option(name = "useNewHeadFinder", gloss = "If false, use the original head (and worse) finding mechanism in GenericDataSetReader. This option is primarily around for legacy purposes.") public static boolean useNewHeadFinder = true; @Option(name = "readerLogLevel", gloss = "verbosity of the corpus reader") public static String readerLogLevel = "SEVERE"; @Option(name = "serializeCorpora", gloss = "if false, we do not attempt to serialize the train/test corpora after reading") public static boolean serializeCorpora = true; @Option(name = "forceGenerationOfIndexSpans", gloss = "if true (default), regenerate span annotations for trees") public static boolean forceGenerationOfIndexSpans = true; /* * entity extraction options */ @Option(name="serializedEntityExtractorPath",gloss="where to store/load the serialized entity extraction model") protected static String serializedEntityExtractorPath = ""; @Option(name="serializedEntityExtractionResults",gloss="where to store the serialized sentences containing the results of entity extraction") protected static String serializedEntityExtractionResults; // TODO this option is temporary and should be removed when (if?) gazetteers get // folded into feature factories @Option(name = "entityGazetteerPath", gloss = "location of entity gazetteer file (if you're using one) -- this is a temporary option") public static String entityGazetteerPath; @Option(name = "entityClassifier", gloss = "entity extractor class to use") public static Class<BasicEntityExtractor> entityClassifier =; @Option(name = "entityResultsPrinters", gloss = "comma-separated list of ResultsPrinter subclasses to use for printing the results of entity extraction") public static String entityResultsPrinters = ""; /* * relation extraction options */ @Option(name="serializedRelationExtractorPath",gloss="where to store/load the serialized relation extraction model") protected static String serializedRelationExtractorPath = null; @Option(name="serializedRelationExtractionResults",gloss="where to store the serialized sentences containing the results of relation extraction") protected static String serializedRelationExtractionResults = null; @Option(name = "relationFeatureFactoryClass", gloss = "FeatureFactory class to use for generating features from relations for relation extraction") public static Class<? extends RelationFeatureFactory> relationFeatureFactoryClass =; @Option(name = "relationMentionFactoryClass", gloss = "relation mention factory class to use.") public static Class<RelationMentionFactory> relationMentionFactoryClass =; @Option(name = "relationFeatures", gloss = "comma-separated list of feature types to generate for relation extraction.") public static String relationFeatures = "all"; @Option(name = "relationResultsPrinters", gloss = "comma-separated list of ResultsPrinter subclasses to use for printing the results of relation extraction") public static String relationResultsPrinters = ""; @Option(name = "trainRelationsUsingPredictedEntities", gloss = "if true, the relation extraction model trains using predicted rather than gold entity mentions") public static boolean trainRelationsUsingPredictedEntities = false; @Option(name = "testRelationsUsingPredictedEntities", gloss = "if true, the relation extraction model is evaluated using predicted rather than gold entity mentions.") public static boolean testRelationsUsingPredictedEntities = false; @Option(name = "createUnrelatedRelations", gloss = "If true, it creates automatically negative examples by generating all combinations between EntityMentions in a sentence") public static boolean createUnrelatedRelations = true; @Option(name = "doNotLexicalizeFirstArg", gloss = "If true, it does not create any lexicalized features from the first argument (needed for KBP)") public static boolean doNotLexicalizeFirstArg = false; // TODO: temporary NFL deadline based hack. remove it. @Option(name = "useRelationExtractionModelMerging", gloss = "If true, the relation extractor will use ExtractorMerger for annotation (not training)") public static boolean useRelationExtractionModelMerging = false; @Option(name = "relationsToSkipDuringTraining", gloss = "comma-separated list relation types to skip during training") public static String relationsToSkipDuringTraining =""; @Option(name = "relationExtractionPostProcessorClass", gloss = "additional (probably domain-dependent) annotator to postprocess relations") public static Class<Extractor> relationExtractionPostProcessorClass; @Option(name = "relationClassifier", gloss = "relation extractor class to use") public static Class<? extends BasicRelationExtractor> relationClassifier =; /* * event extraction options */ @Option(name="serializedEventExtractorPath",gloss="where to store/load the serialized event extraction model") protected static String serializedEventExtractorPath = ""; @Option(name="serializedEventExtractionResults",gloss="where to store the serialized sentences containing the results of event extraction") protected static String serializedEventExtractionResults; @Option(name = "eventResultsPrinters", gloss = "comma-separated list of ResultsPrinter subclasses to use for printing the results of event extraction") public static String eventResultsPrinters = ""; @Option(name = "trainEventsUsingPredictedEntities", gloss = "if true, the event extraction model trains using predicted rather than gold entity mentions") public static boolean trainEventsUsingPredictedEntities = false; @Option(name = "testEventsUsingPredictedEntities", gloss = "if true, the event extraction model is evaluated using predicted rather than gold entity mentions") public static boolean testEventsUsingPredictedEntities = false; /* * global, domain-dependent options */ @Option(name = "consistencyCheck", gloss = "consistency checker class to use") public static Class<Extractor> consistencyCheck; /* * training options */ @Option(name = "trainPath", gloss = " path to the training file/directory") protected static String trainPath; @Option(name = "auxDataPath", gloss = "path to the aux training file/directory") protected static String auxDataPath; @Option(name = "serializedTrainingSentencesPath", gloss = " where to store the serialized training sentences objects", required = true) protected static String serializedTrainingSentencesPath; @Option(name = "serializedAuxTrainingSentencesPath", gloss = "where to store the serialized aux training sentences objects") protected static String serializedAuxTrainingSentencesPath; @Option(name = "loadModel", gloss = "if true, load a serialized model rather than training a new one") protected static boolean loadModel = false; @Option(name = "trainUsePipelineNER", gloss = "during training, use NER generated by the CoreNLP pipeline") public static boolean trainUsePipelineNER = false; /** * evaluation options (ignored if trainOnly is true) */ @Option(name = "trainOnly", gloss = "if true, don't run evaluation (implies forceRetraining)") protected static boolean trainOnly = false; @Option(name = "testPath", gloss = "path to the testing file/directory") protected static String testPath; @Option(name = "serializedTestSentencesPath", gloss = "where to store the serialized test sentence objects") protected static String serializedTestSentencesPath; @Option(name="extractEntities",gloss="whether to extract entities, or use gold-standard entities for relation/event extraction") protected static boolean extractEntities = true; @Option(name="extractRelations",gloss="whether we should extract relations") protected static boolean extractRelations = true; @Option(name="extractEvents",gloss="whether we should extract events") protected static boolean extractEvents = true; /* * cross-validation options */ @Option(name="crossValidate",gloss="if true, run cross-validation") protected static boolean crossValidate = false; @Option(name = "kfold", gloss = "number of partitions in training data for cross validation") public static int kfold = 5; @Option(name = "percentageOfTrain", gloss = "Pct of train partition to use for training (e.g., for RELMS experiment); default all = 1.0") public static double percentageOfTrain = 1.0; /** * Additional features, may not necessarily be used in the public release */ @Option(name = "featureSimilarityThreshold") public static double featureSimilarityThreshold = 0.2; @Option(name = "computeFeatSimilarity") public static boolean computeFeatSimilarity = true; @Option(name = "featureSelectionNumFeaturesRatio") public static double featureSelectionNumFeaturesRatio = 0.7; @Option(name = "L1Reg") public static boolean L1Reg = false; @Option(name = "L2Reg") public static boolean L2Reg = true; @Option(name = "L1RegLambda") public static double L1RegLambda = 1.0; private MachineReadingProperties() {} // class of static option variables. }