package; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import edu.stanford.nlp.math.ArrayMath; import edu.stanford.nlp.optimization.AbstractCachingDiffFunction; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Index; import java.util.*; /** * @author Mengqiu Wang * TODO(mengqiu) currently only works with disjoint feature sets * for non-disjoint feature sets, need to recompute EHat each iteration, and multiply in the scale * in EHat and E calculations for each lopExpert */ public class CRFLogConditionalObjectiveFunctionForLOP extends AbstractCachingDiffFunction implements HasCliquePotentialFunction { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(CRFLogConditionalObjectiveFunctionForLOP.class); /** label indices - for all possible label sequences - for each feature */ List<Index<CRFLabel>> labelIndices; Index<String> classIndex; // didn't have <String> before. Added since that's what is assumed everywhere. double[][][] Ehat; // empirical counts of all the features [lopIter][feature][class] double[] sumOfObservedLogPotential; // empirical sum of all log potentials [lopIter] double[][][][][] sumOfExpectedLogPotential; // sumOfExpectedLogPotential[m][i][j][lopIter][k] m-docNo;i-position;j-cliqueNo;k-label List<Set<Integer>> featureIndicesSetArray; List<List<Integer>> featureIndicesListArray; int window; int numClasses; int[] map; int[][][][] data; // data[docIndex][tokenIndex][][] double[][] lopExpertWeights; // lopExpertWeights[expertIter][weightIndex] double[][][] lopExpertWeights2D; int[][] labels; // labels[docIndex][tokenIndex] int[][] learnedParamsMapping; int numLopExpert; boolean backpropTraining; int domainDimension = -1; String crfType = "maxent"; String backgroundSymbol; public static boolean VERBOSE = false; CRFLogConditionalObjectiveFunctionForLOP(int[][][][] data, int[][] labels, double[][] lopExpertWeights, int window, Index<String> classIndex, List<Index<CRFLabel>> labelIndices, int[] map, String backgroundSymbol, int numLopExpert, List<Set<Integer>> featureIndicesSetArray, List<List<Integer>> featureIndicesListArray, boolean backpropTraining) { this.window = window; this.classIndex = classIndex; this.numClasses = classIndex.size(); this.labelIndices = labelIndices; = map; = data; this.lopExpertWeights = lopExpertWeights; this.labels = labels; this.backgroundSymbol = backgroundSymbol; this.numLopExpert = numLopExpert; this.featureIndicesSetArray = featureIndicesSetArray; this.featureIndicesListArray = featureIndicesListArray; this.backpropTraining = backpropTraining; initialize2DWeights(); if (backpropTraining) { computeEHat(); } else { logPotential(lopExpertWeights2D); } } @Override public int domainDimension() { if (domainDimension < 0) { domainDimension = numLopExpert; if (backpropTraining) { // for (int i = 0; i < map.length; i++) { // domainDimension += labelIndices[map[i]].size(); // } for (int i = 0; i < numLopExpert; i++) { List<Integer> featureIndicesList = featureIndicesListArray.get(i); double[][] expertWeights2D = lopExpertWeights2D[i]; for (int fIndex: featureIndicesList) { int len = expertWeights2D[fIndex].length; domainDimension += len; } } } } return domainDimension; } @Override public double[] initial() { double[] initial = new double[domainDimension()]; if (backpropTraining) { learnedParamsMapping = new int[domainDimension()][3]; int index = 0; for (; index < numLopExpert; index++) { initial[index] = 1.0; } for (int i = 0; i < numLopExpert; i++) { List<Integer> featureIndicesList = featureIndicesListArray.get(i); double[][] expertWeights2D = lopExpertWeights2D[i]; for (int fIndex: featureIndicesList) { for (int j = 0; j < expertWeights2D[fIndex].length; j++) { initial[index] = expertWeights2D[fIndex][j]; learnedParamsMapping[index] = new int[]{i, fIndex, j}; index++; } } } } else { Arrays.fill(initial, 1.0); } return initial; } public double[][][] empty2D() { double[][][] d2 = new double[numLopExpert][][]; for (int lopIter = 0; lopIter < numLopExpert; lopIter++) { double[][] d = new double[map.length][]; // int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < map.length; i++) { d[i] = new double[labelIndices.get(map[i]).size()]; // cdm july 2005: below array initialization isn't necessary: JLS (3rd ed.) 4.12.5 // Arrays.fill(d[i], 0.0); // index += labelIndices[map[i]].size(); } d2[lopIter] = d; } return d2; } private void initialize2DWeights() { lopExpertWeights2D = new double[numLopExpert][][]; for (int lopIter = 0; lopIter < numLopExpert; lopIter++) { lopExpertWeights2D[lopIter] = to2D(lopExpertWeights[lopIter], labelIndices, map); } } public double[][] to2D(double[] weights, List<Index<CRFLabel>> labelIndices, int[] map) { double[][] newWeights = new double[map.length][]; int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < map.length; i++) { newWeights[i] = new double[labelIndices.get(map[i]).size()]; System.arraycopy(weights, index, newWeights[i], 0, labelIndices.get(map[i]).size()); index += labelIndices.get(map[i]).size(); } return newWeights; } private void computeEHat() { Ehat = empty2D(); for (int m = 0; m < data.length; m++) { int[][][] docData = data[m]; int[] docLabels = labels[m]; int[] windowLabels = new int[window]; Arrays.fill(windowLabels, classIndex.indexOf(backgroundSymbol)); if (docLabels.length>docData.length) { // only true for self-training // fill the windowLabel array with the extra docLabels System.arraycopy(docLabels, 0, windowLabels, 0, windowLabels.length); // shift the docLabels array left int[] newDocLabels = new int[docData.length]; System.arraycopy(docLabels, docLabels.length-newDocLabels.length, newDocLabels, 0, newDocLabels.length); docLabels = newDocLabels; } for (int i = 0; i < docData.length; i++) { System.arraycopy(windowLabels, 1, windowLabels, 0, window - 1); windowLabels[window - 1] = docLabels[i]; int[][] docDataI = docData[i]; for (int j = 0; j < docDataI.length; j++) { // j iterates over cliques int[] docDataIJ = docDataI[j]; int[] cliqueLabel = new int[j + 1]; System.arraycopy(windowLabels, window - 1 - j, cliqueLabel, 0, j + 1); CRFLabel crfLabel = new CRFLabel(cliqueLabel); Index<CRFLabel> labelIndex = labelIndices.get(j); int observedLabelIndex = labelIndex.indexOf(crfLabel); // + " " + observedLabelIndex); for (int lopIter = 0; lopIter < numLopExpert; lopIter++) { double[][] ehatOfIter = Ehat[lopIter]; Set<Integer> indicesSet = featureIndicesSetArray.get(lopIter); for (int featureIdx : docDataIJ) { // k iterates over features if (indicesSet.contains(featureIdx)) { ehatOfIter[featureIdx][observedLabelIndex]++; } } } } } } } private void logPotential(double[][][] learnedLopExpertWeights2D) { sumOfExpectedLogPotential = new double[data.length][][][][]; sumOfObservedLogPotential = new double[numLopExpert]; for (int m = 0; m < data.length; m++) { int[][][] docData = data[m]; int[] docLabels = labels[m]; int[] windowLabels = new int[window]; Arrays.fill(windowLabels, classIndex.indexOf(backgroundSymbol)); double[][][][] sumOfELPm = new double[docData.length][][][]; if (docLabels.length>docData.length) { // only true for self-training // fill the windowLabel array with the extra docLabels System.arraycopy(docLabels, 0, windowLabels, 0, windowLabels.length); // shift the docLabels array left int[] newDocLabels = new int[docData.length]; System.arraycopy(docLabels, docLabels.length-newDocLabels.length, newDocLabels, 0, newDocLabels.length); docLabels = newDocLabels; } for (int i = 0; i < docData.length; i++) { System.arraycopy(windowLabels, 1, windowLabels, 0, window - 1); windowLabels[window - 1] = docLabels[i]; double[][][] sumOfELPmi = new double[docData[i].length][][]; int[][] docDataI = docData[i]; for (int j = 0; j < docDataI.length; j++) { // j iterates over cliques int[] docDataIJ = docDataI[j]; int[] cliqueLabel = new int[j + 1]; System.arraycopy(windowLabels, window - 1 - j, cliqueLabel, 0, j + 1); CRFLabel crfLabel = new CRFLabel(cliqueLabel); Index<CRFLabel> labelIndex = labelIndices.get(j); double[][] sumOfELPmij = new double[numLopExpert][]; int observedLabelIndex = labelIndex.indexOf(crfLabel); // + " " + observedLabelIndex); for (int lopIter = 0; lopIter < numLopExpert; lopIter++) { double[] sumOfELPmijIter = new double[labelIndex.size()]; Set<Integer> indicesSet = featureIndicesSetArray.get(lopIter); for (int featureIdx : docDataIJ) { // k iterates over features if (indicesSet.contains(featureIdx)) { sumOfObservedLogPotential[lopIter] += learnedLopExpertWeights2D[lopIter][featureIdx][observedLabelIndex]; // sum over potential of this clique over all possible labels, used later in calculating expected counts for (int l = 0; l < labelIndex.size(); l++) { sumOfELPmijIter[l] += learnedLopExpertWeights2D[lopIter][featureIdx][l]; } } } sumOfELPmij[lopIter] = sumOfELPmijIter; } sumOfELPmi[j] = sumOfELPmij; } sumOfELPm[i] = sumOfELPmi; } sumOfExpectedLogPotential[m] = sumOfELPm; } } public static double[] combineAndScaleLopWeights(int numLopExpert, double[][] lopExpertWeights, double[] lopScales) { double[] newWeights = new double[lopExpertWeights[0].length]; for (int i = 0; i < newWeights.length; i++) { double tempWeight = 0; for (int lopIter = 0; lopIter < numLopExpert; lopIter++) { tempWeight += lopExpertWeights[lopIter][i] * lopScales[lopIter]; } newWeights[i] = tempWeight; } return newWeights; } public static double[][] combineAndScaleLopWeights2D(int numLopExpert, double[][][] lopExpertWeights2D, double[] lopScales) { double[][] newWeights = new double[lopExpertWeights2D[0].length][]; for (int i = 0; i < newWeights.length; i++) { int innerDim = lopExpertWeights2D[0][i].length; double[] innerWeights = new double[innerDim]; for (int j = 0; j < innerDim; j++) { double tempWeight = 0; for (int lopIter = 0; lopIter < numLopExpert; lopIter++) { tempWeight += lopExpertWeights2D[lopIter][i][j] * lopScales[lopIter]; } innerWeights[j] = tempWeight; } newWeights[i] = innerWeights; } return newWeights; } public double[][][] separateLopExpertWeights2D(double[] learnedParams) { double[][][] learnedWeights2D = empty2D(); for (int paramIndex = numLopExpert; paramIndex < learnedParams.length; paramIndex++) { int[] mapping = learnedParamsMapping[paramIndex]; learnedWeights2D[mapping[0]][mapping[1]][mapping[2]] = learnedParams[paramIndex]; } return learnedWeights2D; } public double[][] separateLopExpertWeights(double[] learnedParams) { double[][] learnedWeights = new double[numLopExpert][]; double[][][] learnedWeights2D = separateLopExpertWeights2D(learnedParams); for (int i = 0; i < numLopExpert; i++) { learnedWeights[i] = CRFLogConditionalObjectiveFunction.to1D(learnedWeights2D[i], lopExpertWeights[i].length); } return learnedWeights; } public double[] separateLopScales(double[] learnedParams) { double[] rawScales = new double[numLopExpert]; System.arraycopy(learnedParams, 0, rawScales, 0, numLopExpert); return rawScales; } public CliquePotentialFunction getCliquePotentialFunction(double[] x) { double[] rawScales = separateLopScales(x); double[] scales = ArrayMath.softmax(rawScales); double[][][] learnedLopExpertWeights2D = lopExpertWeights2D; if (backpropTraining) { learnedLopExpertWeights2D = separateLopExpertWeights2D(x); } double[][] combinedWeights2D = combineAndScaleLopWeights2D(numLopExpert, learnedLopExpertWeights2D, scales); return new LinearCliquePotentialFunction(combinedWeights2D); } // todo [cdm]: Below data[m] --> docData /** * Calculates both value and partial derivatives at the point x, and save them internally. */ @Override public void calculate(double[] x) { double prob = 0.0; // the log prob of the sequence given the model, which is the negation of value at this point double[][][] E = empty2D(); double[] eScales = new double[numLopExpert]; double[] rawScales = separateLopScales(x); double[] scales = ArrayMath.softmax(rawScales); double[][][] learnedLopExpertWeights2D = lopExpertWeights2D; if (backpropTraining) { learnedLopExpertWeights2D = separateLopExpertWeights2D(x); logPotential(learnedLopExpertWeights2D); } double[][] combinedWeights2D = combineAndScaleLopWeights2D(numLopExpert, learnedLopExpertWeights2D, scales); // iterate over all the documents for (int m = 0; m < data.length; m++) { int[][][] docData = data[m]; int[] docLabels = labels[m]; double[][][][] sumOfELPm = sumOfExpectedLogPotential[m]; // sumOfExpectedLogPotential[m][i][j][lopIter][k] m-docNo;i-position;j-cliqueNo;k-label // make a clique tree for this document CliquePotentialFunction cliquePotentialFunc = new LinearCliquePotentialFunction(combinedWeights2D); CRFCliqueTree cliqueTree = CRFCliqueTree.getCalibratedCliqueTree(docData, labelIndices, numClasses, classIndex, backgroundSymbol, cliquePotentialFunc, null); // compute the log probability of the document given the model with the parameters x int[] given = new int[window - 1]; Arrays.fill(given, classIndex.indexOf(backgroundSymbol)); if (docLabels.length > docData.length) { // only true for self-training // fill the given array with the extra docLabels System.arraycopy(docLabels, 0, given, 0, given.length); // shift the docLabels array left int[] newDocLabels = new int[docData.length]; System.arraycopy(docLabels, docLabels.length-newDocLabels.length, newDocLabels, 0, newDocLabels.length); docLabels = newDocLabels; } // iterate over the positions in this document for (int i = 0; i < docData.length; i++) { int label = docLabels[i]; double p = cliqueTree.condLogProbGivenPrevious(i, label, given); if (VERBOSE) {"P(" + label + "|" + ArrayMath.toString(given) + ")=" + p); } prob += p; System.arraycopy(given, 1, given, 0, given.length - 1); given[given.length - 1] = label; } // compute the expected counts for this document, which we will need to compute the derivative // iterate over the positions in this document for (int i = 0; i < docData.length; i++) { // for each possible clique at this position double[][][] sumOfELPmi = sumOfELPm[i]; for (int j = 0; j < docData[i].length; j++) { double[][] sumOfELPmij = sumOfELPmi[j]; Index<CRFLabel> labelIndex = labelIndices.get(j); // for each possible labeling for that clique for (int l = 0; l < labelIndex.size(); l++) { int[] label = labelIndex.get(l).getLabel(); double p = cliqueTree.prob(i, label); // probability of these labels occurring in this clique with these features for (int lopIter = 0; lopIter < numLopExpert; lopIter++) { Set<Integer> indicesSet = featureIndicesSetArray.get(lopIter); double scale = scales[lopIter]; double expected = sumOfELPmij[lopIter][l]; for (int innerLopIter = 0; innerLopIter < numLopExpert; innerLopIter++) { expected -= scales[innerLopIter] * sumOfELPmij[innerLopIter][l]; } expected *= scale; eScales[lopIter] += (p * expected); double[][] eOfIter = E[lopIter]; if (backpropTraining) { for (int k = 0; k < docData[i][j].length; k++) { // k iterates over features int featureIdx = docData[i][j][k]; if (indicesSet.contains(featureIdx)) { eOfIter[featureIdx][l] += p; } } } } } } } } if (Double.isNaN(prob)) { // shouldn't be the case throw new RuntimeException("Got NaN for prob in CRFLogConditionalObjectiveFunctionForLOP.calculate()"); } value = -prob; if(VERBOSE){"value is " + value); } // compute the partial derivative for each feature by comparing expected counts to empirical counts for (int lopIter = 0; lopIter < numLopExpert; lopIter++) { double scale = scales[lopIter]; double observed = sumOfObservedLogPotential[lopIter]; for (int j = 0; j < numLopExpert; j++) { observed -= scales[j] * sumOfObservedLogPotential[j]; } observed *= scale; double expected = eScales[lopIter]; derivative[lopIter] = (expected - observed); if (VERBOSE) {"deriv(" + lopIter + ") = " + expected + " - " + observed + " = " + derivative[lopIter]); } } if (backpropTraining) { int dIndex = numLopExpert; for (int lopIter = 0; lopIter < numLopExpert; lopIter++) { double scale = scales[lopIter]; double[][] eOfExpert = E[lopIter]; double[][] ehatOfExpert = Ehat[lopIter]; List<Integer> featureIndicesList = featureIndicesListArray.get(lopIter); for (int fIndex: featureIndicesList) { for (int j = 0; j < eOfExpert[fIndex].length; j++) { derivative[dIndex++] = scale * (eOfExpert[fIndex][j] - ehatOfExpert[fIndex][j]); if (VERBOSE) {"deriv[" + lopIter+ "](" + fIndex + "," + j + ") = " + scale + " * (" + eOfExpert[fIndex][j] + " - " + ehatOfExpert[fIndex][j] + ") = " + derivative[dIndex - 1]); } } } } assert(dIndex == domainDimension()); } } }