package edu.stanford.nlp.parser.metrics; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Label; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.SentenceUtils; import edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.EnglishTreebankParserParams; import edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.TreebankLangParserParams; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Constituent; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.ConstituentFactory; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.LabeledScoredConstituentFactory; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeTransformer; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Treebank; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics; /** * Character level segmentation and tagging metric from (Tsarfaty, 2006). For evaluating parse * trees at the character level, use {@link edu.stanford.nlp.parser.metrics.Evalb} * with the charLevel flag set to true. * * NOTE: If segmentation markers (e.g. "+") appear in the input, then they should be stripped * prior to running this metric. * * @author Spence Green * */ public class TsarfatyEval extends AbstractEval { private final boolean useTag; private final ConstituentFactory cf = new LabeledScoredConstituentFactory(); public TsarfatyEval(String str, boolean tags) { super(str, false); useTag = tags; } @Override protected Set<?> makeObjects(Tree tree) { Set<Constituent> deps = Generics.newHashSet(); if(tree != null) extractDeps(tree, 0, deps); return deps; } private int extractDeps(Tree t, int left, Set<Constituent> deps) { int position = left; // Segmentation constituents if(!useTag && t.isLeaf()) { position += t.label().value().length(); deps.add(cf.newConstituent(left, position - 1, t.label(), 0.0)); // POS tag constituents } else if(useTag && t.isPreTerminal()) { position += t.firstChild().label().value().length(); deps.add(cf.newConstituent(left, position - 1, t.label(), 0.0)); } else { Tree[] kids = t.children(); for (Tree kid : kids) position = extractDeps(kid, position, deps); } return position; } private static final int minArgs = 2; private static final StringBuilder usage = new StringBuilder(); static { usage.append(String.format("Usage: java %s [OPTS] gold guess\n\n",TsarfatyEval.class.getName())); usage.append("Options:\n"); usage.append(" -v : Verbose mode.\n"); usage.append(" -l lang : Select language settings from " + Language.class.getName() + "\n"); usage.append(" -y num : Skip gold trees with yields longer than num.\n"); usage.append(" -g num : Skip guess trees with yields longer than num.\n"); usage.append(" -t : Tagging mode (default: segmentation).\n"); } /** * Run the scoring metric on guess/gold input. This method performs "Collinization." * The default language is English. * * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { if(args.length < minArgs) { System.out.println(usage.toString()); System.exit(-1); } TreebankLangParserParams tlpp = new EnglishTreebankParserParams(); int maxGoldYield = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int maxGuessYield = Integer.MAX_VALUE; boolean VERBOSE = false; boolean skipGuess = false; boolean tagMode = false; String guessFile = null; String goldFile = null; for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if(args[i].startsWith("-")) { switch (args[i]) { case "-l": Language lang = Language.valueOf(args[++i].trim()); tlpp = lang.params; break; case "-y": maxGoldYield = Integer.parseInt(args[++i].trim()); break; case "-t": tagMode = true; break; case "-v": VERBOSE = true; break; case "-g": maxGuessYield = Integer.parseInt(args[++i].trim()); skipGuess = true; break; default: System.out.println(usage.toString()); System.exit(-1); } } else { //Required parameters goldFile = args[i++]; guessFile = args[i]; break; } } final PrintWriter pwOut =; final Treebank guessTreebank = tlpp.diskTreebank(); guessTreebank.loadPath(guessFile); pwOut.println("GUESS TREEBANK:"); pwOut.println(guessTreebank.textualSummary()); final Treebank goldTreebank = tlpp.diskTreebank(); goldTreebank.loadPath(goldFile); pwOut.println("GOLD TREEBANK:"); pwOut.println(goldTreebank.textualSummary()); final String evalName = (tagMode) ? "TsarfatyTAG" : "TsarfatySEG"; final TsarfatyEval eval = new TsarfatyEval(evalName, tagMode); final TreeTransformer tc = tlpp.collinizer(); //PennTreeReader skips over null/malformed parses. So when the yields of the gold/guess trees //don't match, we need to keep looking for the next gold tree that matches. //The evalb ref implementation differs slightly as it expects one tree per line. It assigns //status as follows: // // 0 - Ok (yields match) // 1 - length mismatch // 2 - null parse e.g. (()). // //In the cases of 1,2, evalb does not include the tree pair in the LP/LR computation. final Iterator<Tree> goldItr = goldTreebank.iterator(); int goldLineId = 0; int skippedGuessTrees = 0; for(final Tree guess : guessTreebank) { final Tree evalGuess = tc.transformTree(guess); final ArrayList<Label> guessSent = guess.yield(); final String guessChars = SentenceUtils.listToString(guessSent).replaceAll("\\s+",""); if(guessSent.size() > maxGuessYield) { skippedGuessTrees++; continue; } boolean doneEval = false; while(goldItr.hasNext() && !doneEval) { final Tree gold =; final Tree evalGold = tc.transformTree(gold); goldLineId++; final ArrayList<Label> goldSent = gold.yield(); final String goldChars = SentenceUtils.listToString(goldSent).replaceAll("\\s+",""); if(goldSent.size() > maxGoldYield) { continue; } else if(goldChars.length() != guessChars.length()) { pwOut.printf("Char level yield mismatch at line %d (guess: %d gold: %d)\n",goldLineId,guessChars.length(),goldChars.length()); skippedGuessTrees++; break; //Default evalb behavior -- skip this guess tree } eval.evaluate(evalGuess, evalGold, ((VERBOSE) ? pwOut : null)); doneEval = true; //Move to the next guess parse } } pwOut.println("================================================================================"); if(skippedGuessTrees != 0) pwOut.printf("%s %d guess trees\n", ((skipGuess) ? "Skipped" : "Unable to evaluate"), skippedGuessTrees); eval.display(true, pwOut); pwOut.println(); pwOut.close(); } }