package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CoreMap; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.IdentityHashSet; /** * Each relation has a type and set of arguments * * @author Andrey Gusev * @author Mihai * @author David McClosky * */ public class RelationMention extends ExtractionObject { private static final long serialVersionUID = 8962289597607972827L; public static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RelationMention.class.getName()); // index of the next unique id private static int MENTION_COUNTER = 0; public static final String UNRELATED = "_NR"; /** * List of argument names in this relation */ protected List<String> argNames; /** * List of arguments in this relation * If unnamed, arguments MUST be stored in semantic order, e.g., ARG0 must be a person in a employed-by relation */ protected List<ExtractionObject> args; /** * A signature for a given relation mention, e.g., a concatenation of type and argument strings * This is used in KBP, where we merge all RelationMentions corresponding to the same abstract relation */ protected String signature; public RelationMention(String objectId, CoreMap sentence, Span span, String type, String subtype, List<ExtractionObject> args) { super(objectId, sentence, span, type, subtype); this.args = args; this.argNames = null; this.signature = null; } public RelationMention(String objectId, CoreMap sentence, Span span, String type, String subtype, List<ExtractionObject> args, List<String> argNames) { super(objectId, sentence, span, type, subtype); this.args = args; this.argNames = argNames; this.signature = null; } public RelationMention(String objectId, CoreMap sentence, Span span, String type, String subtype, ExtractionObject... args) { this(objectId, sentence, span, type, subtype, Arrays.asList(args)); } public boolean argsMatch(RelationMention rel) { return argsMatch(rel.getArgs()); } public boolean argsMatch(ExtractionObject... inputArgs) { return argsMatch(Arrays.asList(inputArgs)); } /** * Verifies if the two sets of arguments match * @param inputArgs List of arguments */ public boolean argsMatch(List<ExtractionObject> inputArgs) { if (inputArgs.size() != this.args.size()) { return false; } for (int ind = 0; ind < this.args.size(); ind++) { ExtractionObject a1 = this.args.get(ind); ExtractionObject a2 = inputArgs.get(ind); if(! a1.equals(a2)) return false; } return true; } public List<ExtractionObject> getArgs() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.args); } public void setArgs(List<ExtractionObject> args) { this.args = args; } /** * Fetches the arguments of this relation that are entity mentions * @return List of entity-mention args sorted in semantic order */ public List<EntityMention> getEntityMentionArgs() { List<EntityMention> ents = new ArrayList<>(); for(ExtractionObject o: args) { if(o instanceof EntityMention){ ents.add((EntityMention) o); } } return ents; } public ExtractionObject getArg(int argpos) { return this.args.get(argpos); } public List<String> getArgNames() { return argNames; } public void setArgNames(List<String> argNames) { this.argNames = argNames; } public void addArg(ExtractionObject a) { this.args.add(a); } public boolean isNegativeRelation() { return isUnrelatedLabel(getType()); } /** * Find the left-most position of an argument's syntactic head */ public int getFirstSyntacticHeadPosition() { int pos = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (ExtractionObject obj : args) { if(obj instanceof EntityMention){ EntityMention em = (EntityMention) obj; if(em.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition() < pos) { pos = em.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition(); } } } if(pos != Integer.MAX_VALUE) return pos; return -1; } /** * Find the right-most position of an argument's syntactic head */ public int getLastSyntacticHeadPosition() { int pos = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (ExtractionObject obj : args) { if(obj instanceof EntityMention){ EntityMention em = (EntityMention) obj; if(em.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition() > pos) { pos = em.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition(); } } } if(pos != Integer.MIN_VALUE) return pos; return -1; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("RelationMention [type=" + type + (subType != null ? ", subType=" + subType : "") + ", start=" + getExtentTokenStart() + ", end=" + getExtentTokenEnd()); if(typeProbabilities != null){ sb.append(", " + probsToString()); } if(args != null){ for(int i = 0; i < args.size(); i ++){ sb.append("\n\t"); if(argNames != null) sb.append(argNames.get(i) + " "); sb.append(args.get(i)); } } sb.append("\n]"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Replaces the arguments of this relations with equivalent mentions from the predictedMentions list * This works only for arguments that are EntityMention! * @param predictedMentions */ public boolean replaceGoldArgsWithPredicted(List<EntityMention> predictedMentions) { List<ExtractionObject> newArgs = new ArrayList<>(); for(ExtractionObject arg: args){ if(! (arg instanceof EntityMention)){ continue; } EntityMention goldEnt = (EntityMention) arg; EntityMention newArg = null; for(EntityMention pred: predictedMentions){ if(goldEnt.textEquals(pred)){ newArg = pred; break; } } if(newArg != null){ newArgs.add(newArg);"Replacing relation argument: [" + goldEnt + "] with predicted mention [" + newArg + "]"); } else { /*"Failed to match relation argument: " + goldEnt); return false; */ newArgs.add(goldEnt); predictedMentions.add(goldEnt);"Failed to match relation argument, so keeping gold: " + goldEnt); } } this.args = newArgs; return true; } public void removeArgument(ExtractionObject argToRemove, boolean removeParent) { Set<ExtractionObject> thisEvent = new IdentityHashSet<>(); thisEvent.add(argToRemove); removeArguments(thisEvent, removeParent); } public void removeArguments(Set<ExtractionObject> argsToRemove, boolean removeParent) { List<ExtractionObject> newArgs = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> newArgNames = new ArrayList<>(); for(int i = 0; i < args.size(); i ++){ ExtractionObject a = args.get(i); String n = argNames.get(i); if(! argsToRemove.contains(a)){ newArgs.add(a); newArgNames.add(n); } else { if(a instanceof EventMention && removeParent){ ((EventMention) a).removeParent(this); } } } args = newArgs; argNames = newArgNames; } public boolean printableObject(double beam) { return printableObject(beam, RelationMention.UNRELATED); } public void setSignature(String s) { signature = s; } public String getSignature() { return signature; } /* * Static utility functions */ public static Collection<RelationMention> filterUnrelatedRelations(Collection<RelationMention> relationMentions) { Collection<RelationMention> filtered = new ArrayList<>(); for (RelationMention relation : relationMentions) { if (!relation.getType().equals(UNRELATED)) { filtered.add(relation); } } return filtered; } /** * Creates a new unique id for a relation mention * @return the new id */ public static synchronized String makeUniqueId() { MENTION_COUNTER++; return "RelationMention-" + MENTION_COUNTER; } public static RelationMention createUnrelatedRelation(RelationMentionFactory factory, ExtractionObject ... args) { return createUnrelatedRelation(factory, "",args); } private static RelationMention createUnrelatedRelation(RelationMentionFactory factory, String type, ExtractionObject ... args) { return factory.constructRelationMention( RelationMention.makeUniqueId(), args[0].getSentence(), ExtractionObject.getSpan(args), RelationMention.UNRELATED + type, null, Arrays.asList(args), null); } public static boolean isUnrelatedLabel(String label) { return label.startsWith(UNRELATED); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof RelationMention)) return false; if (!super.equals(o)) return false; RelationMention that = (RelationMention) o; if (argNames != null ? !argNames.equals(that.argNames) : that.argNames != null) return false; if (args != null ? !args.equals(that.args) : that.args != null) return false; if (signature != null ? !signature.equals(that.signature) : that.signature != null) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = argNames != null ? argNames.hashCode() : 0; result = 31 * result + (args != null ? args.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (signature != null ? signature.hashCode() : 0); return result; } }