package edu.stanford.nlp.util; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; /** * Utilities for sets. * * @author Roger Levy, Bill MacCartney */ public class Sets { // private to prevent instantiation private Sets() {} /** * Returns the set cross product of s1 and s2, as <code>Pair</code>s */ public static <E,F> Set<Pair<E,F>> cross(Set<E> s1, Set<F> s2) { Set<Pair<E,F>> s = Generics.newHashSet(); for (E o1 : s1) { for (F o2 : s2) { s.add(new Pair<>(o1, o2)); } } return s; } /** * Returns the difference of sets s1 and s2. */ public static <E> Set<E> diff(Set<E> s1, Set<E> s2) { Set<E> s = Generics.newHashSet(); for (E o : s1) { if (!s2.contains(o)) { s.add(o); } } return s; } /** * Returns the symmetric difference of sets s1 and s2 (i.e. all elements that are in only one of the two sets) */ public static <E> Set<E> symmetricDiff(Set<E> s1, Set<E> s2) { Set<E> s = Generics.newHashSet(); for (E o : s1) { if (!s2.contains(o)) { s.add(o); } } for (E o : s2) { if (!s1.contains(o)) { s.add(o); } } return s; } /** * Returns the union of sets s1 and s2. */ public static <E> Set<E> union(Set<E> s1, Set<E> s2) { Set<E> s = Generics.newHashSet(); s.addAll(s1); s.addAll(s2); return s; } /** * Returns the intersection of sets s1 and s2. */ public static <E> Set<E> intersection(Set<E> s1, Set<E> s2) { Set<E> s = Generics.newHashSet(); s.addAll(s1); s.retainAll(s2); return s; } /** * Returns true if there is at least element that is in both s1 and s2. Faster * than calling intersection(Set,Set) if you don't need the contents of the * intersection. */ public static <E> boolean intersects(Set<E> s1, Set<E> s2) { // *ahem* It would seem that Java already had this method. Hopefully this // stub will help people find it better than I did. return !Collections.disjoint(s1, s2); } /** * Returns the powerset (the set of all subsets) of set s. */ public static <E> Set<Set<E>> powerSet(Set<E> s) { if (s.isEmpty()) { Set<Set<E>> h = Generics.newHashSet(); Set<E> h0 = Generics.newHashSet(0); h.add(h0); return h; } else { Iterator<E> i = s.iterator(); E elt =; s.remove(elt); Set<Set<E>> pow = powerSet(s); Set<Set<E>> pow1 = powerSet(s); // for (Iterator j = pow1.iterator(); j.hasNext();) { for (Set<E> t : pow1) { // Set<E> t = Generics.newHashSet((Set<E>); t.add(elt); pow.add(t); } s.add(elt); return pow; } } public static void main(String[] args) { Set<String> h = Generics.newHashSet(); h.add("a"); h.add("b"); h.add("c"); Set<Set<String>> pow = powerSet(h); System.out.println(pow); } }