package; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import edu.stanford.nlp.classify.*; import*; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Datum; import edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.Annotation; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.Counter; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.Counters; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CoreMap; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.ArgumentParser.Option; public class BasicRelationExtractor implements Extractor { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2606577772115897869L; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(BasicRelationExtractor.class.getName()); protected LinearClassifier<String, String> classifier; @Option(name="featureCountThreshold", gloss="feature count threshold to apply to dataset") public int featureCountThreshold = 2; @Option(name="featureFactory", gloss="Feature factory for the relation extractor") public RelationFeatureFactory featureFactory; /** * strength of the prior on the linear classifier (passed to LinearClassifierFactory) or the C constant if relationExtractorClassifierType=svm */ @Option(name="sigma", gloss="strength of the prior on the linear classifier (passed to LinearClassifierFactory) or the C constant if relationExtractorClassifierType=svm") public double sigma = 1.0; /** * which classifier to use (can be 'linear' or 'svm') */ public String relationExtractorClassifierType = "linear"; /** * If true, it creates automatically negative examples by generating all combinations between EntityMentions in a sentence * This is the common behavior, but for some domain (i.e., KBP) it must disabled. In these domains, the negative relation examples are created in the reader */ protected boolean createUnrelatedRelations; /** Verifies that predicted labels are compatible with the relation arguments */ private LabelValidator validator; protected RelationMentionFactory relationMentionFactory; public void setValidator(LabelValidator lv) { validator = lv; } public void setRelationExtractorClassifierType(String s) { relationExtractorClassifierType = s; } public void setFeatureCountThreshold(int i) {featureCountThreshold = i; } public void setSigma(double d) { sigma = d; } public BasicRelationExtractor(RelationFeatureFactory featureFac, Boolean createUnrelatedRelations, RelationMentionFactory factory) { featureFactory = featureFac; this.createUnrelatedRelations = createUnrelatedRelations; this.relationMentionFactory = factory; logger.setLevel(Level.INFO); } public void setCreateUnrelatedRelations(boolean b) { createUnrelatedRelations = b; } public static BasicRelationExtractor load(String modelPath) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { return IOUtils.readObjectFromURLOrClasspathOrFileSystem(modelPath); } @Override public void save(String modelpath) throws IOException { // make sure modelpath directory exists int lastSlash = modelpath.lastIndexOf(File.separator); if(lastSlash > 0){ String path = modelpath.substring(0, lastSlash); File f = new File(path); if (! f.exists()) { f.mkdirs(); } } FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(modelpath); ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(fos); out.writeObject(this); out.close(); } /** * Train on a list of ExtractionSentence containing labeled RelationMention objects */ @Override public void train(Annotation sentences) { // Train a single multi-class classifier GeneralDataset<String, String> trainSet = createDataset(sentences); trainMulticlass(trainSet); } public void trainMulticlass(GeneralDataset<String, String> trainSet) { if (relationExtractorClassifierType.equalsIgnoreCase("linear")) { LinearClassifierFactory<String, String> lcFactory = new LinearClassifierFactory<>(1e-4, false, sigma); lcFactory.setVerbose(false); // use in-place SGD instead of QN. this is faster but much worse! // lcFactory.useInPlaceStochasticGradientDescent(-1, -1, 1.0); // use a hybrid minimizer: start with in-place SGD, continue with QN // lcFactory.useHybridMinimizerWithInPlaceSGD(50, -1, sigma); classifier = lcFactory.trainClassifier(trainSet); } else if (relationExtractorClassifierType.equalsIgnoreCase("svm")) { SVMLightClassifierFactory<String, String> svmFactory = new SVMLightClassifierFactory<>(); svmFactory.setC(sigma); classifier = svmFactory.trainClassifier(trainSet); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid classifier type: " + relationExtractorClassifierType); } if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { reportWeights(classifier, null); } } protected static void reportWeights(LinearClassifier<String, String> classifier, String classLabel) { if (classLabel != null) logger.fine("CLASSIFIER WEIGHTS FOR LABEL " + classLabel); Map<String, Counter<String>> labelsToFeatureWeights = classifier.weightsAsMapOfCounters(); List<String> labels = new ArrayList<>(labelsToFeatureWeights.keySet()); Collections.sort(labels); for (String label: labels) { Counter<String> featWeights = labelsToFeatureWeights.get(label); List<Pair<String, Double>> sorted = Counters.toSortedListWithCounts(featWeights); StringBuilder bos = new StringBuilder(); bos.append("WEIGHTS FOR LABEL ").append(label).append(':'); for (Pair<String, Double> feat: sorted) { bos.append(' ').append(feat.first()).append(':').append(feat.second()+"\n"); } logger.fine(bos.toString()); } } protected String classOf(Datum<String, String> datum, ExtractionObject rel) { Counter<String> probs = classifier.probabilityOf(datum); List<Pair<String, Double>> sortedProbs = Counters.toDescendingMagnitudeSortedListWithCounts(probs); double nrProb = probs.getCount(RelationMention.UNRELATED); for(Pair<String, Double> choice: sortedProbs){ if(choice.first.equals(RelationMention.UNRELATED)) return choice.first; if(nrProb >= choice.second) return RelationMention.UNRELATED; // no prediction, all probs have the same value if(compatibleLabel(choice.first, rel)) return choice.first; } return RelationMention.UNRELATED; } private boolean compatibleLabel(String label, ExtractionObject rel) { if(rel == null) return true; if(validator != null) return validator.validLabel(label, rel); return true; } protected Counter<String> probabilityOf(Datum<String, String> testDatum) { return classifier.probabilityOf(testDatum); } protected void justificationOf(Datum<String, String> testDatum, PrintWriter pw, String label) { classifier.justificationOf(testDatum, pw); } /** * Predict a relation for each pair of entities in the sentence; including relations of type unrelated. * This creates new RelationMention objects! */ protected List<RelationMention> extractAllRelations(CoreMap sentence) { List<RelationMention> extractions = new ArrayList<>(); List<RelationMention> cands = null; if(createUnrelatedRelations){ // creates all possible relations between all entities in the sentence cands = AnnotationUtils.getAllUnrelatedRelations(relationMentionFactory, sentence, false); } else { // just take the candidates produced by the reader (in KBP) cands = sentence.get(MachineReadingAnnotations.RelationMentionsAnnotation.class); if(cands == null){ cands = new ArrayList<>(); } } // the actual classification takes place here! for (RelationMention rel : cands) { Datum<String, String> testDatum = createDatum(rel); String label = classOf(testDatum, rel); Counter<String> probs = probabilityOf(testDatum); double prob = probs.getCount(label); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) { justificationOf(testDatum, pw, label); }"Current sentence: " + AnnotationUtils.tokensAndNELabelsToString(rel.getArg(0).getSentence()) + "\n" + "Classifying relation: " + rel + "\n" + "JUSTIFICATION for label GOLD:" + rel.getType() + " SYS:" + label + " (prob:" + prob + "):\n" + sw.toString());"Justification done."); RelationMention relation = relationMentionFactory.constructRelationMention( rel.getObjectId(), sentence, rel.getExtent(), label, null, rel.getArgs(), probs); extractions.add(relation); if(! relation.getType().equals(rel.getType())){"Classification: found different type " + relation.getType() + " for relation: " + rel);"The predicted relation is: " + relation);"Current sentence: " + AnnotationUtils.tokensAndNELabelsToString(rel.getArg(0).getSentence())); } else{"Classification: found similar type " + relation.getType() + " for relation: " + rel);"The predicted relation is: " + relation);"Current sentence: " + AnnotationUtils.tokensAndNELabelsToString(rel.getArg(0).getSentence())); } } return extractions; } public List<String> annotateMulticlass(List<Datum<String, String>> testDatums) { List<String> predictedLabels = new ArrayList<>(); for (Datum<String, String> testDatum: testDatums) { String label = classOf(testDatum, null); Counter<String> probs = probabilityOf(testDatum); double prob = probs.getCount(label); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { justificationOf(testDatum, pw, label); } logger.fine("JUSTIFICATION for label GOLD:" + testDatum.label() + " SYS:" + label + " (prob:" + prob + "):\n" + sw.toString() + "\nJustification done."); predictedLabels.add(label); if(! testDatum.label().equals(label)){"Classification: found different type " + label + " for relation: " + testDatum); } else{"Classification: found similar type " + label + " for relation: " + testDatum); } } return predictedLabels; } public void annotateSentence(CoreMap sentence) { // this stores all relation mentions generated by this extractor List<RelationMention> relations = new ArrayList<>(); // extractAllRelations creates new objects for every predicted relation for (RelationMention rel : extractAllRelations(sentence)) { // add all relations. potentially useful for a joint model // if (! RelationMention.isUnrelatedLabel(rel.getType())) relations.add(rel); } // caution: this removes the old list of relation mentions! for (RelationMention r: relations) { if (! r.getType().equals(RelationMention.UNRELATED)) { logger.fine("Found positive relation in annotateSentence: " + r); } } sentence.set(MachineReadingAnnotations.RelationMentionsAnnotation.class, relations); } @Override public void annotate(Annotation dataset) { for (CoreMap sentence : dataset.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class)){ annotateSentence(sentence); } } protected GeneralDataset<String, String> createDataset(Annotation corpus) { GeneralDataset<String, String> dataset = new RVFDataset<>(); for (CoreMap sentence : corpus.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class)) { for (RelationMention rel : AnnotationUtils.getAllRelations(relationMentionFactory, sentence, createUnrelatedRelations)) { dataset.add(createDatum(rel)); } } dataset.applyFeatureCountThreshold(featureCountThreshold); return dataset; } protected Datum<String, String> createDatum(RelationMention rel) { assert(featureFactory != null); return featureFactory.createDatum(rel); } protected Datum<String, String> createDatum(RelationMention rel, String label) { assert(featureFactory != null); Datum<String, String> datum = featureFactory.createDatum(rel, label); return datum; } @Override public void setLoggerLevel(Level level) { logger.setLevel(level); } }