package org.lwjgl.test.applet; import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Canvas; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import org.lwjgl.BufferUtils; import org.lwjgl.LWJGLException; import org.lwjgl.LWJGLUtil; import org.lwjgl.Sys; import org.lwjgl.opengl.Display; import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard; import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GLContext; import static org.lwjgl.opengl.ARBTransposeMatrix.*; import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.*; public class GearsApplet extends Applet { /** The Canvas where the LWJGL Display is added */ Canvas display_parent; /** Thread which runs the main game loop */ Thread gameThread; /** is the game loop running */ boolean running; /** variables used to rotate the view */ private float view_rotx = 20.0f; private float view_roty = 30.0f; private float view_rotz; private int gear1; private int gear2; private int gear3; private float angle; boolean keyDown; private int prevMouseX, prevMouseY; private boolean mouseButtonDown; /** * Once the Canvas is created its add notify method will call this method to * start the LWJGL Display and game loop in another thread. */ public void startLWJGL() { gameThread = new Thread() { public void run() { running = true; try { Display.setParent(display_parent); //Display.setVSyncEnabled(true); Display.create(); initGL(); } catch (LWJGLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } gameLoop(); } }; gameThread.start(); } /** * Tell game loop to stop running, after which the LWJGL Display will be destoryed. * The main thread will wait for the Display.destroy() to complete */ private void stopLWJGL() { running = false; try { gameThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void start() { } public void stop() { } /** * Applet Destroy method will remove the canvas, before canvas is destroyed it will notify * stopLWJGL() to stop main game loop and to destroy the Display */ public void destroy() { remove(display_parent); super.destroy(); System.out.println("Clear up"); } /** * initialise applet by adding a canvas to it, this canvas will start the LWJGL Display and game loop * in another thread. It will also stop the game loop and destroy the display on canvas removal when * applet is destroyed. */ public void init() { setLayout(new BorderLayout()); try { display_parent = new Canvas() { public void addNotify() { super.addNotify(); startLWJGL(); } public void removeNotify() { stopLWJGL(); super.removeNotify(); } }; display_parent.setSize(getWidth(),getHeight()); add(display_parent); display_parent.setFocusable(true); display_parent.requestFocus(); display_parent.setIgnoreRepaint(true); //setResizable(true); setVisible(true); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e); throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create display"); } } public void gameLoop() { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + 5000; long fps = 0; while(running) { angle += 2.0f; // draw the gears drawLoop(); Display.update(); if (startTime > System.currentTimeMillis()) { fps++; } else { long timeUsed = 5000 + (startTime - System.currentTimeMillis()); startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + 5000; System.out.println(fps + " frames 2 in " + timeUsed / 1000f + " seconds = " + (fps / (timeUsed / 1000f))); fps = 0; } if (Mouse.isButtonDown(0)) { if (!mouseButtonDown) { prevMouseX = Mouse.getX(); prevMouseY= Mouse.getY(); } mouseButtonDown = true; } else { mouseButtonDown = false; } if (mouseButtonDown) { int x = Mouse.getX(); int y = Mouse.getY(); float thetaY = 360.0f * ( (float)(x-prevMouseX)/(float)display_parent.getWidth()); float thetaX = 360.0f * ( (float)(prevMouseY-y)/(float)display_parent.getHeight()); prevMouseX = x; prevMouseY = y; view_rotx += thetaX; view_roty += thetaY; } // F Key Pressed (i.e. released) if (keyDown && !Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_F)) { keyDown = false; try { if (Display.isFullscreen()) { Display.setFullscreen(false); } else { Display.setFullscreen(true); } } catch (LWJGLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } Display.destroy(); } public void drawLoop() { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glPushMatrix(); glRotatef(view_rotx, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); glRotatef(view_roty, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); glRotatef(view_rotz, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(-3.0f, -2.0f, 0.0f); glRotatef(angle, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); glCallList(gear1); glPopMatrix(); glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(3.1f, -2.0f, 0.0f); glRotatef(-2.0f * angle - 9.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); glCallList(gear2); glPopMatrix(); glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(-3.1f, 4.2f, 0.0f); glRotatef(-2.0f * angle - 25.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); glCallList(gear3); glPopMatrix(); glPopMatrix(); } protected void initGL() { try { // setup ogl FloatBuffer pos = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(4).put(new float[] { 5.0f, 5.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f}); FloatBuffer red = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(4).put(new float[] { 0.8f, 0.1f, 0.0f, 1.0f}); FloatBuffer green = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(4).put(new float[] { 0.0f, 0.8f, 0.2f, 1.0f}); FloatBuffer blue = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(4).put(new float[] { 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f, 1.0f}); pos.flip(); red.flip(); green.flip(); blue.flip(); glLight(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, pos); glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); glEnable(GL_LIGHT0); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); /* make the gears */ gear1 = glGenLists(1); glNewList(gear1, GL_COMPILE); glMaterial(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, red); gear(1.0f, 4.0f, 1.0f, 20, 0.7f); glEndList(); gear2 = glGenLists(1); glNewList(gear2, GL_COMPILE); glMaterial(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, green); gear(0.5f, 2.0f, 2.0f, 10, 0.7f); glEndList(); gear3 = glGenLists(1); glNewList(gear3, GL_COMPILE); glMaterial(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, blue); gear(1.3f, 2.0f, 0.5f, 10, 0.7f); glEndList(); glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); System.err.println("LWJGL: " + Sys.getVersion() + " / " + LWJGLUtil.getPlatformName()); System.err.println("GL_VENDOR: " + glGetString(GL_VENDOR)); System.err.println("GL_RENDERER: " + glGetString(GL_RENDERER)); System.err.println("GL_VERSION: " + glGetString(GL_VERSION)); System.err.println(); System.err.println("glLoadTransposeMatrixfARB() supported: " + GLContext.getCapabilities().GL_ARB_transpose_matrix); if (!GLContext.getCapabilities().GL_ARB_transpose_matrix) { // --- not using extensions glLoadIdentity(); } else { // --- using extensions final FloatBuffer identityTranspose = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(16).put( new float[] { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}); identityTranspose.flip(); glLoadTransposeMatrixARB(identityTranspose); } float h = (float) display_parent.getHeight() / (float) display_parent.getWidth(); glFrustum(-1.0f, 1.0f, -h, h, 5.0f, 60.0f); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glTranslatef(0.0f, 0.0f, -40.0f); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e); running = false; } } /** * Draw a gear wheel. You'll probably want to call this function when * building a display list since we do a lot of trig here. * * @param inner_radius radius of hole at center * @param outer_radius radius at center of teeth * @param width width of gear * @param teeth number of teeth * @param tooth_depth depth of tooth */ private void gear(float inner_radius, float outer_radius, float width, int teeth, float tooth_depth) { int i; float r0, r1, r2; float angle, da; float u, v, len; r0 = inner_radius; r1 = outer_radius - tooth_depth / 2.0f; r2 = outer_radius + tooth_depth / 2.0f; da = 2.0f * (float) Math.PI / teeth / 4.0f; glShadeModel(GL_FLAT); glNormal3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); /* draw front face */ glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP); for (i = 0; i <= teeth; i++) { angle = i * 2.0f * (float) Math.PI / teeth; glVertex3f(r0 * (float) Math.cos(angle), r0 * (float) Math.sin(angle), width * 0.5f); glVertex3f(r1 * (float) Math.cos(angle), r1 * (float) Math.sin(angle), width * 0.5f); if (i < teeth) { glVertex3f(r0 * (float) Math.cos(angle), r0 * (float) Math.sin(angle), width * 0.5f); glVertex3f(r1 * (float) Math.cos(angle + 3.0f * da), r1 * (float) Math.sin(angle + 3.0f * da), width * 0.5f); } } glEnd(); /* draw front sides of teeth */ glBegin(GL_QUADS); for (i = 0; i < teeth; i++) { angle = i * 2.0f * (float) Math.PI / teeth; glVertex3f(r1 * (float) Math.cos(angle), r1 * (float) Math.sin(angle), width * 0.5f); glVertex3f(r2 * (float) Math.cos(angle + da), r2 * (float) Math.sin(angle + da), width * 0.5f); glVertex3f(r2 * (float) Math.cos(angle + 2.0f * da), r2 * (float) Math.sin(angle + 2.0f * da), width * 0.5f); glVertex3f(r1 * (float) Math.cos(angle + 3.0f * da), r1 * (float) Math.sin(angle + 3.0f * da), width * 0.5f); } glEnd(); /* draw back face */ glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP); for (i = 0; i <= teeth; i++) { angle = i * 2.0f * (float) Math.PI / teeth; glVertex3f(r1 * (float) Math.cos(angle), r1 * (float) Math.sin(angle), -width * 0.5f); glVertex3f(r0 * (float) Math.cos(angle), r0 * (float) Math.sin(angle), -width * 0.5f); glVertex3f(r1 * (float) Math.cos(angle + 3 * da), r1 * (float) Math.sin(angle + 3 * da), -width * 0.5f); glVertex3f(r0 * (float) Math.cos(angle), r0 * (float) Math.sin(angle), -width * 0.5f); } glEnd(); /* draw back sides of teeth */ glBegin(GL_QUADS); for (i = 0; i < teeth; i++) { angle = i * 2.0f * (float) Math.PI / teeth; glVertex3f(r1 * (float) Math.cos(angle + 3 * da), r1 * (float) Math.sin(angle + 3 * da), -width * 0.5f); glVertex3f(r2 * (float) Math.cos(angle + 2 * da), r2 * (float) Math.sin(angle + 2 * da), -width * 0.5f); glVertex3f(r2 * (float) Math.cos(angle + da), r2 * (float) Math.sin(angle + da), -width * 0.5f); glVertex3f(r1 * (float) Math.cos(angle), r1 * (float) Math.sin(angle), -width * 0.5f); } glEnd(); /* draw outward faces of teeth */ glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP); for (i = 0; i < teeth; i++) { angle = i * 2.0f * (float) Math.PI / teeth; glVertex3f(r1 * (float) Math.cos(angle), r1 * (float) Math.sin(angle), width * 0.5f); glVertex3f(r1 * (float) Math.cos(angle), r1 * (float) Math.sin(angle), -width * 0.5f); u = r2 * (float) Math.cos(angle + da) - r1 * (float) Math.cos(angle); v = r2 * (float) Math.sin(angle + da) - r1 * (float) Math.sin(angle); len = (float) Math.sqrt(u * u + v * v); u /= len; v /= len; glNormal3f(v, -u, 0.0f); glVertex3f(r2 * (float) Math.cos(angle + da), r2 * (float) Math.sin(angle + da), width * 0.5f); glVertex3f(r2 * (float) Math.cos(angle + da), r2 * (float) Math.sin(angle + da), -width * 0.5f); glNormal3f((float) Math.cos(angle), (float) Math.sin(angle), 0.0f); glVertex3f(r2 * (float) Math.cos(angle + 2 * da), r2 * (float) Math.sin(angle + 2 * da), width * 0.5f); glVertex3f(r2 * (float) Math.cos(angle + 2 * da), r2 * (float) Math.sin(angle + 2 * da), -width * 0.5f); u = r1 * (float) Math.cos(angle + 3 * da) - r2 * (float) Math.cos(angle + 2 * da); v = r1 * (float) Math.sin(angle + 3 * da) - r2 * (float) Math.sin(angle + 2 * da); glNormal3f(v, -u, 0.0f); glVertex3f(r1 * (float) Math.cos(angle + 3 * da), r1 * (float) Math.sin(angle + 3 * da), width * 0.5f); glVertex3f(r1 * (float) Math.cos(angle + 3 * da), r1 * (float) Math.sin(angle + 3 * da), -width * 0.5f); glNormal3f((float) Math.cos(angle), (float) Math.sin(angle), 0.0f); } glVertex3f(r1 * (float) Math.cos(0), r1 * (float) Math.sin(0), width * 0.5f); glVertex3f(r1 * (float) Math.cos(0), r1 * (float) Math.sin(0), -width * 0.5f); glEnd(); glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); /* draw inside radius cylinder */ glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP); for (i = 0; i <= teeth; i++) { angle = i * 2.0f * (float) Math.PI / teeth; glNormal3f(-(float) Math.cos(angle), -(float) Math.sin(angle), 0.0f); glVertex3f(r0 * (float) Math.cos(angle), r0 * (float) Math.sin(angle), -width * 0.5f); glVertex3f(r0 * (float) Math.cos(angle), r0 * (float) Math.sin(angle), width * 0.5f); } glEnd(); } }