package; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import com.jcwhatever.v1_8_R3.BukkitTester; import com.jcwhatever.nucleus.NucleusTest; import com.jcwhatever.nucleus.views.ViewSession; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.event.inventory.ClickType; import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryAction; import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryType.SlotType; import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; /** * Tests {@link MenuItem}. */ public class MenuItemTest { Player player = BukkitTester.login("dummy"); Plugin plugin = BukkitTester.mockPlugin("dummy"); boolean _isOnClickRun = false; /** * Make sure Nucleus and Bukkit are initialized. */ @BeforeClass public static void init() { NucleusTest.init(); } /** * Setup each test. */ @Before public void before() { BukkitTester.pause(5); } /** * Test tear down. */ @After public void after() { // ensure a view session from a previous test is disposed. ViewSession s = ViewSession.getCurrent(player); if (s != null) s.dispose(); // test the test: we want to start with the players inventory closed. assertEquals(null, player.getOpenInventory()); } /** * Make sure the correct slot is returned. */ @Test public void testGetSlot() throws Exception { MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItemBuilder(Material.STONE).build(10); assertEquals(10, menuItem.getSlot()); } /** * Make sure the correct title is returned. */ @Test public void testGetTitle() throws Exception { MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItemBuilder(Material.STONE).title("test").build(0); assertEquals("test", menuItem.getTitle()); } /** * Make sure the correct description is returned. */ @Test public void testGetDescription() throws Exception { MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItemBuilder(Material.STONE).description("test").build(0); assertEquals("test", menuItem.getDescription()); } /** * Make sure the title is set properly. */ @Test public void testSetTitle() throws Exception { MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItemBuilder(Material.STONE).title("test").build(0); menuItem.setTitle("test2"); assertEquals("test2", menuItem.getTitle()); } /** * Make sure the description is set properly. */ @Test public void testSetDescription() throws Exception { MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItemBuilder(Material.STONE).description("test").build(0); menuItem.setDescription("test2"); assertEquals("test2", menuItem.getDescription()); } /** * Make sure setting the visibility in an inventory view * works correctly. */ @Test public void testSetVisible() throws Exception { MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItemBuilder(Material.STONE).title("test").build(0); MockMenuView view = new MockMenuView(plugin, null); ViewSession session = ViewSession.get(player, null);; BukkitTester.pause(2); menuItem.setVisible(view, true); // item is added to slot 0 of inventory view. assertEquals(menuItem, view.getInventoryView().getItem(0)); assertEquals(true, menuItem.isVisible(view)); menuItem.setVisible(view, false); // item is removed from slot 0 of inventory view. assertEquals(null, view.getInventoryView().getItem(0)); assertEquals(false, menuItem.isVisible(view)); } /** * Make sure the on-click callbacks are run when the menu item * is clicked.. */ @Test public void testOnClick() throws Exception { MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItemBuilder(Material.STONE) .title("test") .onClick(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { _isOnClickRun = true; } }) .build(0); MockMenuView view = new MockMenuView(plugin, null); ViewSession session = ViewSession.get(player, null); // open a menu view; BukkitTester.pause(5); // set the item in the menu view menuItem.setVisible(view, true); BukkitTester.pause(5); // click the menu item BukkitTester.viewClick(player, SlotType.CONTAINER, 0, ClickType.LEFT, InventoryAction.PICKUP_ALL); BukkitTester.pause(5); // make sure the items on click runnables ran assertEquals(true, _isOnClickRun); } }