package com.jcwhatever.nucleus.internal.managed.commands; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import com.jcwhatever.v1_8_R3.BukkitTester; import com.jcwhatever.v1_8_R3.MockPlayer; import com.jcwhatever.nucleus.NucleusTest; import com.jcwhatever.nucleus.internal.managed.commands.CommandCollection.ICommandContainerFactory; import com.jcwhatever.nucleus.internal.managed.commands.DummyRegisteredCommand.CommandInfoBuilder; import com.jcwhatever.nucleus.managed.commands.CommandInfo; import com.jcwhatever.nucleus.managed.commands.ICommand; import com.jcwhatever.nucleus.managed.commands.arguments.ICommandArgument; import com.jcwhatever.nucleus.managed.commands.exceptions.CommandException; import com.jcwhatever.nucleus.managed.commands.exceptions.InvalidArgumentException; import com.jcwhatever.nucleus.utils.ArrayUtils; import com.jcwhatever.nucleus.utils.items.ItemStackBuilder; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.Iterator; public class CommandArgumentsTest { private Arguments getArguments(CommandInfo info, String... args) throws CommandException { CommandDispatcher dispatcher = new CommandDispatcher( BukkitTester.mockPlugin("dummy"), new ICommandContainerFactory() { @Override public RegisteredCommand create(Plugin plugin, ICommand command) { return new DummyRegisteredCommand(plugin, command, this); } }); dispatcher.registerCommand(DummyCommand.class); DummyRegisteredCommand command = (DummyRegisteredCommand) dispatcher.getCommand("dummy"); assert command != null; command.setInfo(info); return new Arguments(command, args); } // Get arguments for a command that expects 1 static parameter "param1" private Arguments getParseArguments(String argument) throws CommandException { return getArguments(new CommandInfoBuilder("dummy") .staticParams("param1").build(), argument != null ? new String[] { argument } : new String[0]); } // Get arguments for a command that has 1 optional static parameter "param1" private Arguments getOptionalArguments(String argument) throws CommandException { return getArguments(new CommandInfoBuilder("dummy") .staticParams("param1=optional").build(), argument != null ? new String[] { argument } : new String[0]); } // Get arguments for a command that has 1 required static parameter "param1", // 1 optional static param "param2" and 1 flag "flag". private Arguments getMixedOptionalArguments(String argument1, String argument2, boolean flag) throws CommandException { return getArguments(new CommandInfoBuilder("dummy") .staticParams("param1", "param2=optional") .flags("flag").build(), ArrayUtils.removeNull(new String[]{argument1, argument2, flag ? "--flag" : null})); } // Get arguments for a command that has 1 flag argument private Arguments getFlagArguments(boolean hasFlag) throws CommandException { return getArguments(new CommandInfoBuilder("dummy") .flags("flag").build(), hasFlag ? new String[]{"--flag"} : new String[0]); } public enum TestEnum { CONSTANT } @BeforeClass public static void testStartup() { NucleusTest.init(); } @Test public void testGetRawArguments() throws Exception { Arguments args = getArguments(new CommandInfoBuilder("dummy") .staticParams("param1", "param2").build(), "arg1", "arg2"); Assert.assertArrayEquals(new String[]{"arg1", "arg2"}, args.getRawArguments()); } @Test public void testStaticSize() throws Exception { Arguments args = getArguments(new CommandInfoBuilder("dummy") .staticParams("param1", "param2").build(), "arg1", "arg2"); // returns the number of static parameters, not arguments assertEquals(2, args.staticSize()); args = getArguments(new CommandInfoBuilder("dummy") .staticParams("param1", "param2=optional").build(), "arg1"); // returns the number of static parameters, not arguments assertEquals(2, args.staticSize()); } @Test public void testFloatingSize() throws Exception { Arguments args = getArguments(new CommandInfoBuilder("dummy") .floatingParams("param1", "param2").build(), "-param1", "arg1", "-param2", "arg2"); // returns the number of floating parameters, not arguments assertEquals(2, args.floatingSize()); args = getArguments(new CommandInfoBuilder("dummy") .floatingParams("param1", "param2=optional").build(), "-param1", "arg1"); // returns the number of floating parameters, not arguments assertEquals(2, args.floatingSize()); } @Test public void testGet() throws Exception { Arguments args = getArguments(new CommandInfoBuilder("dummy") .staticParams("param1") .floatingParams("param2").build(), "arg1", "-param2", "arg2"); assertEquals("arg1", args.get("param1").getValue()); assertEquals("arg2", args.get("param2").getValue()); } @Test public void testIterator() throws Exception { Arguments args = getArguments(new CommandInfoBuilder("dummy") .staticParams("param1") .floatingParams("param2").build(), "arg1", "-param2", "arg2"); Iterator<ICommandArgument> iterator = args.iterator(); assertEquals("arg1",; assertEquals("arg2",; assertEquals(false, iterator.hasNext()); } @Test public void testGetName() throws Exception { Arguments args = getParseArguments("validName"); // should not throw any exceptions assertEquals("validName", args.getName("param1")); // ------------ args = getParseArguments("#invalidName"); // check for invalid argument, name has invalid character at beginning try { args.getName("param1"); throw new AssertionError("InvalidArgumentException expected."); } catch (InvalidArgumentException ignore) {} // ------------ args = getParseArguments("NameLongerThan16Characters"); // check for invalid argument, name is too long try { args.getName("param1"); throw new AssertionError("InvalidArgumentException expected."); } catch (InvalidArgumentException ignore) {} // check for invalid argument, name is too long try { args.getName("param1", 20); // name cannot be longer than 20 characters throw new AssertionError("InvalidArgumentException expected."); } catch (InvalidArgumentException ignore) {} // ------------ args = getParseArguments("shortName"); // check for invalid argument, name is too long try { args.getName("param1", 8); // name cannot be longer than 8 characters throw new AssertionError("InvalidArgumentException expected."); } catch (InvalidArgumentException ignore) {} } @Test public void testGetString() throws Exception { Arguments args = getParseArguments("string"); assertEquals("string", args.getString("param1")); // check for runtime exception, invalid parameter name specified try { args.getString("param2"); throw new AssertionError("RuntimeException expected."); } catch (RuntimeException ignore) {} } @Test public void testGetBoolean() throws Exception { Arguments args; // should not throw any exceptions args = getParseArguments("true"); assertEquals(true, args.getBoolean("param1")); args = getParseArguments("yes"); assertEquals(true, args.getBoolean("param1")); args = getParseArguments("allow"); assertEquals(true, args.getBoolean("param1")); args = getParseArguments("on"); assertEquals(true, args.getBoolean("param1")); args = getParseArguments("1"); assertEquals(true, args.getBoolean("param1")); args = getParseArguments("false"); assertEquals(false, args.getBoolean("param1")); args = getParseArguments("no"); assertEquals(false, args.getBoolean("param1")); args = getParseArguments("deny"); assertEquals(false, args.getBoolean("param1")); args = getParseArguments("off"); assertEquals(false, args.getBoolean("param1")); args = getParseArguments("0"); assertEquals(false, args.getBoolean("param1")); // ------------ // check for runtime exception, invalid parameter name specified try { args.getBoolean("param2"); throw new AssertionError("RuntimeException expected."); } catch (RuntimeException ignore) {} // ------------ // check for invalid argument args = getParseArguments("notABoolean"); try { args.getBoolean("param1"); throw new AssertionError("InvalidArgumentException expected."); } catch (InvalidArgumentException ignore) {} // test flags args = getFlagArguments(true); assertEquals(true, args.getBoolean("flag")); args = getFlagArguments(false); assertEquals(false, args.getBoolean("flag")); } @Test public void testGetChar() throws Exception { Arguments args = getParseArguments("c"); // should not throw any exceptions assertEquals('c', args.getChar("param1")); // check for runtime exception, invalid parameter name specified try { args.getChar("param2"); throw new AssertionError("RuntimeException expected."); } catch (RuntimeException ignore) {} // ------------ // check for invalid argument args = getParseArguments("invalidChar"); try { args.getChar("param1"); throw new AssertionError("InvalidArgumentException expected."); } catch (InvalidArgumentException ignore) {} } @Test public void testGetByte() throws Exception { Arguments args = getParseArguments("10"); // should not throw any exceptions assertEquals((byte) 10, args.getByte("param1")); // check for runtime exception, invalid parameter name specified try { args.getByte("param2"); throw new AssertionError("RuntimeException expected."); } catch (RuntimeException ignore) {} // ------------ // check for invalid argument args = getParseArguments("invalidByte"); try { args.getByte("param1"); throw new AssertionError("InvalidArgumentException expected."); } catch (InvalidArgumentException ignore) {} // ------------ // check for invalid argument, number out of range args = getParseArguments(String.valueOf(Byte.MAX_VALUE + 1)); try { args.getByte("param1"); throw new AssertionError("InvalidArgumentException expected."); } catch (InvalidArgumentException ignore) {} } @Test public void testGetShort() throws Exception { Arguments args = getParseArguments("10"); // should not throw any exceptions assertEquals(10, args.getShort("param1")); // check for runtime exception, invalid parameter name specified try { args.getShort("param2"); throw new AssertionError("RuntimeException expected."); } catch (RuntimeException ignore) {} // ------------ // check for invalid argument args = getParseArguments("invalidShort"); try { args.getShort("param1"); throw new AssertionError("InvalidArgumentException expected."); } catch (InvalidArgumentException ignore) {} // ------------ // check for invalid argument, number out of range args = getParseArguments(String.valueOf(Short.MAX_VALUE + 1)); try { args.getShort("param1"); throw new AssertionError("InvalidArgumentException expected."); } catch (InvalidArgumentException ignore) {} } @Test public void testGetInteger() throws Exception { Arguments args = getParseArguments("10"); // should not throw any exceptions assertEquals(10, args.getInteger("param1")); // check for runtime exception, invalid parameter name specified try { args.getInteger("param2"); throw new AssertionError("RuntimeException expected."); } catch (RuntimeException ignore) {} // ------------ // check for invalid argument args = getParseArguments("invalidInteger"); try { args.getInteger("param1"); throw new AssertionError("InvalidArgumentException expected."); } catch (InvalidArgumentException ignore) {} // ------------ // check for invalid argument, number out of range args = getParseArguments(String.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1L)); try { args.getInteger("param1"); throw new AssertionError("InvalidArgumentException expected."); } catch (InvalidArgumentException ignore) {} } @Test public void testGetLong() throws Exception { Arguments args = getParseArguments("10"); // should not throw any exceptions assertEquals(10, args.getLong("param1")); // check for runtime exception, invalid parameter name specified try { args.getLong("param2"); throw new AssertionError("RuntimeException expected."); } catch (RuntimeException ignore) {} // ------------ // check for invalid argument args = getParseArguments("invalidLong"); try { args.getLong("param1"); throw new AssertionError("InvalidArgumentException expected."); } catch (InvalidArgumentException ignore) {} // ------------ // check for invalid argument, number out of range args = getParseArguments("99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999"); try { args.getLong("param1"); throw new AssertionError("InvalidArgumentException expected."); } catch (InvalidArgumentException ignore) {} } @Test public void testGetFloat() throws Exception { Arguments args = getParseArguments("10.0"); // should not throw any exceptions assertEquals(10.0D, args.getFloat("param1"), 0.0D); // check for runtime exception, invalid parameter name specified try { args.getFloat("param2"); throw new AssertionError("RuntimeException expected."); } catch (RuntimeException ignore) {} // ------------ // check for invalid argument args = getParseArguments("invalidFloat"); try { args.getFloat("param1"); throw new AssertionError("InvalidArgumentException expected."); } catch (InvalidArgumentException ignore) {} } @Test public void testGetDouble() throws Exception { Arguments args = getParseArguments("10.0"); // should not throw any exceptions assertEquals(10.0D, args.getFloat("param1"), 0.0D); // check for runtime exception, invalid parameter name specified try { args.getDouble("param2"); throw new AssertionError("RuntimeException expected."); } catch (RuntimeException ignore) {} // ------------ // check for invalid argument args = getParseArguments("invalidDouble"); try { args.getDouble("param1"); throw new AssertionError("InvalidArgumentException expected."); } catch (InvalidArgumentException ignore) {} } @Test public void testGetPercent() throws Exception { Arguments args = getParseArguments("10.0%"); // should not throw any exceptions assertEquals(10.0D, args.getPercent("param1"), 0.0D); // check for runtime exception, invalid parameter name specified try { args.getPercent("param2"); throw new AssertionError("RuntimeException expected."); } catch (RuntimeException ignore) {} // ------------ // check for invalid argument args = getParseArguments("invalidPercent"); try { args.getPercent("param1"); throw new AssertionError("InvalidArgumentException expected."); } catch (InvalidArgumentException ignore) {} } @Test public void testGetParams() throws Exception { Arguments args = getParseArguments("1 2 3"); // should not throw any exceptions Assert.assertArrayEquals(new String[] { "1", "2", "3" }, args.getParams("param1")); // check for runtime exception, invalid parameter name specified try { args.getParams("param2"); throw new AssertionError("RuntimeException expected."); } catch (RuntimeException ignore) {} } @Test public void testGetItemStack() throws Exception { ItemStack wood = new ItemStackBuilder(Material.WOOD).build(); ItemStack woodAmount = new ItemStackBuilder(Material.WOOD).amount(5).build(); Arguments args; args = getParseArguments("wood"); Assert.assertArrayEquals(new ItemStack[] { wood }, args.getItemStack(new MockPlayer("dummy"), "param1")); args = getParseArguments("wood,wood"); Assert.assertArrayEquals(new ItemStack[] { wood, wood }, args.getItemStack(new MockPlayer("dummy"), "param1")); args = getParseArguments("wood,wood;5"); Assert.assertArrayEquals(new ItemStack[] { wood, woodAmount }, args.getItemStack(new MockPlayer("dummy"), "param1")); // check for runtime exception, invalid parameter name specified try { args.getParams("param2"); throw new AssertionError("RuntimeException expected."); } catch (RuntimeException ignore) {} } @Test public void testGetLocation() throws Exception { // TODO: requires player to select a location } @Test public void testGetEnum() throws Exception { Arguments args = getParseArguments("constant"); // should not throw any exceptions assertEquals(TestEnum.CONSTANT, args.getEnum("param1", TestEnum.class)); // check for runtime exception, invalid parameter name specified try { args.getEnum("param2", TestEnum.class); throw new AssertionError("RuntimeException expected."); } catch (RuntimeException ignore) {} // ------------ // check for invalid argument args = getParseArguments("invalidConstant"); try { args.getEnum("param1", TestEnum.class); throw new AssertionError("InvalidArgumentException expected."); } catch (InvalidArgumentException ignore) {} } @Test public void testIsDefaultValue() throws Exception { Arguments args; // should not throw any exceptions args = getOptionalArguments("value"); assertEquals(false, args.isDefaultValue("param1")); args = getOptionalArguments(null); assertEquals(true, args.isDefaultValue("param1")); // check for runtime exception, invalid parameter name specified try { args.isDefaultValue("param2"); throw new AssertionError("RuntimeException expected."); } catch (RuntimeException ignore) {} } @Test public void testHasBoolean() throws Exception { Arguments args; // should not throw any exceptions args = getParseArguments("true"); assertEquals(true, args.hasBoolean("param1")); args = getParseArguments("allow"); assertEquals(true, args.hasBoolean("param1")); args = getParseArguments("yes"); assertEquals(true, args.hasBoolean("param1")); args = getParseArguments("on"); assertEquals(true, args.hasBoolean("param1")); args = getParseArguments("false"); assertEquals(true, args.hasBoolean("param1")); args = getParseArguments("deny"); assertEquals(true, args.hasBoolean("param1")); args = getParseArguments("0"); assertEquals(true, args.hasBoolean("param1")); args = getParseArguments("no"); assertEquals(true, args.hasBoolean("param1")); args = getParseArguments("off"); assertEquals(true, args.hasBoolean("param1")); args = getParseArguments("notABoolean"); assertEquals(false, args.hasBoolean("param1")); // check for runtime exception, invalid parameter name specified try { args.hasBoolean("param2"); throw new AssertionError("RuntimeException expected."); } catch (RuntimeException ignore) {} } @Test public void testHasChar() throws Exception { Arguments args; // should not throw any exceptions args = getParseArguments("s"); assertEquals(true, args.hasChar("param1")); args = getParseArguments("notAChar"); assertEquals(false, args.hasChar("param1")); // check for runtime exception, invalid parameter name specified try { args.hasChar("param2"); throw new AssertionError("RuntimeException expected."); } catch (RuntimeException ignore) {} } @Test public void testHasByte() throws Exception { Arguments args; // should not throw any exceptions args = getParseArguments("10"); assertEquals(true, args.hasByte("param1")); args = getParseArguments("notAByte"); assertEquals(false, args.hasByte("param1")); // check for runtime exception, invalid parameter name specified try { args.hasByte("param2"); throw new AssertionError("RuntimeException expected."); } catch (RuntimeException ignore) {} } @Test public void testHasShort() throws Exception { Arguments args; // should not throw any exceptions args = getParseArguments("10"); assertEquals(true, args.hasShort("param1")); args = getParseArguments("notAShort"); assertEquals(false, args.hasShort("param1")); // check for runtime exception, invalid parameter name specified try { args.hasShort("param2"); throw new AssertionError("RuntimeException expected."); } catch (RuntimeException ignore) {} } @Test public void testHasInt() throws Exception { Arguments args; // should not throw any exceptions args = getParseArguments("10"); assertEquals(true, args.hasInteger("param1")); args = getParseArguments("notAnInt"); assertEquals(false, args.hasInteger("param1")); // check for runtime exception, invalid parameter name specified try { args.hasInteger("param2"); throw new AssertionError("RuntimeException expected."); } catch (RuntimeException ignore) {} } @Test public void testHasFloat() throws Exception { Arguments args; // should not throw any exceptions args = getParseArguments("10.0"); assertEquals(true, args.hasFloat("param1")); args = getParseArguments("10"); assertEquals(true, args.hasFloat("param1")); args = getParseArguments("notAFloat"); assertEquals(false, args.hasFloat("param1")); // check for runtime exception, invalid parameter name specified try { args.hasFloat("param2"); throw new AssertionError("RuntimeException expected."); } catch (RuntimeException ignore) {} } @Test public void testHasDouble() throws Exception { Arguments args; // should not throw any exceptions args = getParseArguments("10.0"); assertEquals(true, args.hasDouble("param1")); args = getParseArguments("10"); assertEquals(true, args.hasDouble("param1")); args = getParseArguments("notADouble"); assertEquals(false, args.hasDouble("param1")); // check for runtime exception, invalid parameter name specified try { args.hasDouble("param2"); throw new AssertionError("RuntimeException expected."); } catch (RuntimeException ignore) {} } @Test public void testHasItemStack() throws Exception { Arguments args; args = getParseArguments("wood"); assertEquals(true, args.hasItemStack("param1")); args = getParseArguments("wood,wood"); assertEquals(true, args.hasItemStack("param1")); args = getParseArguments("wood,wood;5"); assertEquals(true, args.hasItemStack("param1")); args = getParseArguments("notAnItemStack"); assertEquals(false, args.hasItemStack("param1")); // check for runtime exception, invalid parameter name specified try { args.hasItemStack("param2"); throw new AssertionError("RuntimeException expected."); } catch (RuntimeException ignore) {} } @Test public void testHasPercent() throws Exception { Arguments args; // should not throw any exceptions args = getParseArguments("10.0%"); assertEquals(true, args.hasPercent("param1")); args = getParseArguments("10%"); assertEquals(true, args.hasPercent("param1")); args = getParseArguments("10.0"); assertEquals(true, args.hasPercent("param1")); args = getParseArguments("10"); assertEquals(true, args.hasPercent("param1")); args = getParseArguments("notAPercent"); assertEquals(false, args.hasPercent("param1")); // check for runtime exception, invalid parameter name specified try { args.hasPercent("param2"); throw new AssertionError("RuntimeException expected."); } catch (RuntimeException ignore) {} } @Test public void testHasEnum() throws Exception { Arguments args; // should not throw any exceptions args = getParseArguments("constant"); assertEquals(true, args.hasEnum("param1", TestEnum.class)); args = getParseArguments("notAValidConstant"); assertEquals(false, args.hasEnum("param1", TestEnum.class)); // check for runtime exception, invalid parameter name specified try { args.hasEnum("param2", TestEnum.class); throw new AssertionError("RuntimeException expected."); } catch (RuntimeException ignore) {} } @Test public void testMixedArgTypes() throws Exception { Arguments args; args = getMixedOptionalArguments("arg1", "arg2", true); assertEquals("arg1", args.getString("param1")); assertEquals("arg2", args.getString("param2")); assertEquals(true, args.getBoolean("flag")); args = getMixedOptionalArguments("arg1", "arg2", false); assertEquals("arg1", args.getString("param1")); assertEquals("arg2", args.getString("param2")); assertEquals(false, args.getBoolean("flag")); args = getMixedOptionalArguments("arg1", null, false); assertEquals("arg1", args.getString("param1")); assertEquals("optional", args.getString("param2")); assertEquals(false, args.getBoolean("flag")); args = getMixedOptionalArguments("arg1", null, true); assertEquals("arg1", args.getString("param1")); assertEquals("optional", args.getString("param2")); assertEquals(true, args.getBoolean("flag")); } }