package com.junerking.skeleton; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import; import com.junerking.skeleton.DataDef.BoneData; import com.junerking.skeleton.DataDef.DisplayData; import com.junerking.skeleton.DataDef.NodeData; import com.junerking.skeleton.DataDef.SubTextureData; public class Bone { public String name; protected NodeData global, node; public BoneData origin; private Bone _parent = null; protected Tween _tween; protected IMatrix _global_transform_matrix = new IMatrix(); protected IMatrix _transform_matrix_for_child = new IMatrix(); private ArrayList<Bone> _child = new ArrayList<Bone>(); public ArrayList<DisplayData> display_list; private boolean visible = true; private SubTextureData current_subtexture_data = null;//用于描述绘图的锚点 private AtlasRegion current_region = null; protected Armature _armature; protected Color color = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); public Bone() { _tween = new Tween(this); origin = new BoneData(); global = new NodeData(); node = new NodeData(); node.scale_x = 0; node.scale_y = 0; } public void setColor(float r, float g, float b, float a) { this.color.set(r, g, b, a); } public void changeDisplay(int index) { if (index == -2) index = 0; if (index < 0) { visible = false; } else { visible = true; } DisplayData display_data = display_list.get(index); if (_armature != null) { current_subtexture_data = _armature.getSubTextureData(; current_region = _armature.getTextureAtlas().findRegion(; //fix bug: in cocostudio, for the frame animation, the texture_data.with and height is zero if (current_region != null && current_subtexture_data != null) { current_subtexture_data.width = current_region.originalWidth; current_subtexture_data.height = current_region.originalHeight; } } else { current_subtexture_data = null; current_region = null; } transform = true; } public void updateZOrder(int z_order) { z_order += origin.z_order; if (z_order == global.z_order) { return; } global.z_order = z_order; if (_armature != null) { _armature.updateZOrder(); } } public boolean isMatrixTransformChanged() { return transform; } public void addChild(Bone child) { child.removeFromParent(); _child.add(child); child.setParent(this); } public void removeChild(Bone child) { _child.remove(child); child.setParent(null); } public void removeFromParent() { if (_parent != null) { _parent.removeChild(this); } } public void setParent(Bone parent) { this._parent = parent; } public void update(float delta) { _tween.update(delta); global.x = origin.x + node.x + _tween.node.x; global.y = origin.y + node.y + _tween.node.y; global.skew_x = origin.skew_x + node.skew_x + _tween.node.skew_x; global.skew_y = origin.skew_y + node.skew_y + _tween.node.skew_y; global.scale_x = node.scale_x + _tween.node.scale_x; global.scale_y = node.scale_y + _tween.node.scale_y; float cos_x = (float) Math.cos(global.skew_x); float sin_x = (float) Math.sin(global.skew_x); float cos_y = (float) Math.cos(global.skew_y); float sin_y = (float) Math.sin(global.skew_y); _global_transform_matrix.a = global.scale_x * cos_y; _global_transform_matrix.b = global.scale_x * sin_y; _global_transform_matrix.c = global.scale_y * sin_x; _global_transform_matrix.d = global.scale_y * cos_x; _global_transform_matrix.tx = global.x; _global_transform_matrix.ty = global.y; if (_parent != null) { _global_transform_matrix.mul(_parent._transform_matrix_for_child); } if (_child.size() > 0) { _transform_matrix_for_child.a = cos_y; _transform_matrix_for_child.b = sin_y; _transform_matrix_for_child.c = sin_x; _transform_matrix_for_child.d = cos_x; _transform_matrix_for_child.tx = global.x; _transform_matrix_for_child.ty = global.y; if (_parent != null) { _transform_matrix_for_child.mul(_parent._transform_matrix_for_child); } } for (int i = 0, n = _child.size(); i < n; i++) { _child.get(i).update(delta); } } protected boolean transform = true; protected float[] _v = new float[8]; public void render(SpriteBatch sprite_batch, float parent_alpha) { if (!visible || current_region == null || current_subtexture_data == null || color.a * parent_alpha == 0) return; if (transform) { float xx = -current_subtexture_data.pivot_x * current_subtexture_data.width; float yy = -current_subtexture_data.pivot_y * current_subtexture_data.height; float xw = xx + current_subtexture_data.width; float yh = yy + current_subtexture_data.height; if (current_region.packedWidth != current_region.originalWidth || current_region.packedHeight != current_region.originalHeight) { xw -= current_region.originalWidth - current_region.packedWidth - current_region.offsetX; yh -= current_region.originalHeight - current_region.packedHeight - current_region.offsetY; xx += current_region.offsetX; yy += current_region.offsetY; } _v[0] = _global_transform_matrix.a * xx + _global_transform_matrix.c * yy + _global_transform_matrix.tx; _v[1] = _global_transform_matrix.b * xx + _global_transform_matrix.d * yy + _global_transform_matrix.ty; _v[2] = _global_transform_matrix.a * xw + _global_transform_matrix.c * yy + _global_transform_matrix.tx; _v[3] = _global_transform_matrix.b * xw + _global_transform_matrix.d * yy + _global_transform_matrix.ty; _v[4] = _global_transform_matrix.a * xw + _global_transform_matrix.c * yh + _global_transform_matrix.tx; _v[5] = _global_transform_matrix.b * xw + _global_transform_matrix.d * yh + _global_transform_matrix.ty; _v[6] = _global_transform_matrix.a * xx + _global_transform_matrix.c * yh + _global_transform_matrix.tx; _v[7] = _global_transform_matrix.b * xx + _global_transform_matrix.d * yh + _global_transform_matrix.ty; } float aa = color.a * parent_alpha; sprite_batch.setColor(color.r * aa, color.g * aa, color.b * aa, aa); sprite_batch.draw(current_region, _v[0], _v[1], _v[2], _v[3], _v[4], _v[5], _v[6], _v[7], current_region.getU(), current_region.getV2(), current_region.getU2(), current_region.getV()); } }