package com.junerking.particle; import; import; public class CCParticleFire extends CCParticleSystem { public static CCParticleFire node() { return new CCParticleFire(); } protected CCParticleFire() { this(250); } protected CCParticleFire(int p) { super(p); // duration duration = kCCParticleDurationInfinity; // Gravity Mode emitterMode = kCCParticleModeGravity; // Gravity Mode: gravity this.setGravity(CGPoint.ccp(0, 0)); // Gravity Mode: radial acceleration setRadialAccel(0); setRadialAccelVar(0); // Gravity Mode: speed of particles setSpeed(60); setSpeedVar(20); // starting angle angle = 90; angleVar = 10; // emitter position setPosition(CGPoint.tmp().set(240, 400)); posVar = CGPoint.ccp(40, 20); // life of particles life = 3; lifeVar = 0.25f; // size, in pixels startSize = 54.0f; startSizeVar = 10.0f; endSize = kCCParticleStartSizeEqualToEndSize; // emits per frame emissionRate = totalParticles / life; // color of particles startColor.r = 0.76f; startColor.g = 0.25f; startColor.b = 0.12f; startColor.a = 1.0f; startColorVar.r = 0.0f; startColorVar.g = 0.0f; startColorVar.b = 0.0f; startColorVar.a = 0.0f; endColor.r = 0.0f; endColor.g = 0.0f; endColor.b = 0.0f; endColor.a = 1.0f; endColorVar.r = 0.0f; endColorVar.g = 0.0f; endColorVar.b = 0.0f; endColorVar.a = 0.0f; setTexture(new TextureRegion(new Texture("assets/fire.png"))); setBlendAdditive(true); } }