package com.nilunder.bdx.inputs; import java.util.*; import javax.vecmath.*; import com.badlogic.gdx.controllers.*; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.*; import com.nilunder.bdx.utils.Named; public class Gamepad implements Named { public static class Axis{ public int code; public float deadZone; public float value; public Axis(int code, float deadZone){ this.code = code; this.deadZone = deadZone; } public Axis(int code){ this(code, 0.25f); } } public static class Stick{ public Axis x; public Axis y; public Stick(Axis x, Axis y){ this.x = x; this.y = y; } public Vector3f pos(){ return new Vector3f(x.value, -y.value, 0); } public void deadZone(float dz){ x.deadZone = dz; y.deadZone = dz; } } public static class Profile{ public static class FnProcessAxis{ public float[] eval(int axis, float value){ return null; } } public FnProcessAxis processAxis; public String name; public HashMap<String,Integer> btnToCode; public HashMap<Integer,GdxProcessor.UpDownLog> codeToLog; public HashMap<String,Axis> axes; public HashMap<Integer,Axis> codeToAxis; public HashMap<String,Stick> sticks; public Profile(String name){ = name; btnToCode = new HashMap<String,Integer>(); axes = new HashMap<String,Axis>(); sticks = new HashMap<String,Stick>(); } public GdxProcessor.UpDownLog btnLog(String btn){ return codeToLog.get(btnToCode.get(btn)); } } public Controller controller; public Profile profile; public HashMap<String,Axis> axes; public HashMap<String,Stick> sticks; public HashMap<String,Profile> profiles; private int index; public Gamepad(int i){ index = i; Array controllers = Controllers.getControllers(); if (controllers.size > index) controller = (Controller)controllers.get(index); else throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("ERROR: There is no gamepad connected at index " + index); controller.addListener(new GdxProcessor.GamepadAdapter(this)); profiles = new HashMap<String,Profile>(); Profile p = new Profile("XBOX"); p.btnToCode.put("x", 3); p.btnToCode.put("y", 4); p.btnToCode.put("a", 0); p.btnToCode.put("b", 1); p.btnToCode.put("white", 5); p.btnToCode.put("black", 2); p.btnToCode.put("back", 6); p.btnToCode.put("start", 7); p.btnToCode.put("rs", 8); p.btnToCode.put("ls", 9); p.axes.put("lx", new Axis(0)); p.axes.put("ly", new Axis(1)); p.axes.put("rx", new Axis(3)); p.axes.put("ry", new Axis(4)); p.axes.put("lt", new Axis(2)); p.axes.put("rt", new Axis(5)); p.sticks.put("left", new Stick(p.axes.get("lx"), p.axes.get("ly"))); p.sticks.put("right", new Stick(p.axes.get("rx"), p.axes.get("ry"))); // Each profile has a processAxis reference, which can be // set to a new FnProcessAxis function object, to convert // incoming axis codes and values before they're actually set. // Here, we use it to convert awkward xbox trigger axis values // (-1 when released, 1 when fully pressed) to something more // sensible (0 when released, 1 when fully pressed): // p.processAxis = new Profile.FnProcessAxis(){ public float[] eval(int axis, float value){ if (axis == 2 || axis == 5){ // "LT" or "RT" value = (value + 1) / 2; } return new float[]{axis, value}; } }; // The system will "buttonize" the dpad to 1XX button codes, // which can be mapped like this: // p.btnToCode.put("left", 100 + PovDirection.west.ordinal()); p.btnToCode.put("right", 100 + PovDirection.east.ordinal()); p.btnToCode.put("up", 100 + PovDirection.north.ordinal()); p.btnToCode.put("down", 100 + PovDirection.south.ordinal()); // Similarly for available axes, but with +/- 2XX button codes: // p.btnToCode.put("ls-left", -200 - p.axes.get("lx").code); p.btnToCode.put("ls-right", 200 + p.axes.get("lx").code); p.btnToCode.put("ls-up", -200 - p.axes.get("ly").code); p.btnToCode.put("ls-down", 200 + p.axes.get("ly").code); p.btnToCode.put("rs-left", -200 - p.axes.get("rx").code); p.btnToCode.put("rs-right", 200 + p.axes.get("rx").code); p.btnToCode.put("rs-up", -200 - p.axes.get("ry").code); p.btnToCode.put("rs-down", 200 + p.axes.get("ry").code); p.btnToCode.put("rt", 200 + p.axes.get("rt").code); p.btnToCode.put("lt", 200 + p.axes.get("lt").code); profiles.put(, p); p = new Profile("XBOX360"); p.btnToCode = new HashMap<String,Integer>(profiles.get("XBOX").btnToCode); p.btnToCode.remove("white"); p.btnToCode.remove("black"); p.btnToCode.put("x", 2); p.btnToCode.put("y", 3); p.btnToCode.put("lb", 4); p.btnToCode.put("rb", 5); p.btnToCode.put("ls", 8); p.btnToCode.put("rs", 9); String os = System.getProperty(""); if (os.contains("Linux")) { p.btnToCode.put("ls", 9); p.btnToCode.put("rs", 10); } p.axes.put("lx", new Axis(1)); p.axes.put("ly", new Axis(0)); if (os.contains("Linux")) { p.axes.put("lx", new Axis(0)); p.axes.put("ly", new Axis(1)); } p.axes.put("rx", new Axis(3)); p.axes.put("ry", new Axis(2)); if (os.contains("Linux")) { p.axes.put("rx", new Axis(3)); p.axes.put("ry", new Axis(4)); } p.axes.put("lt", new Axis(4)); p.axes.put("rt", new Axis(5)); if (os.contains("Linux")) { p.axes.put("lt", new Axis(2)); p.axes.put("rt", new Axis(5)); } p.sticks.put("left", new Stick(p.axes.get("lx"), p.axes.get("ly"))); p.sticks.put("right", new Stick(p.axes.get("rx"), p.axes.get("ry"))); p.btnToCode.put("ls-left", -200 - p.axes.get("lx").code); p.btnToCode.put("ls-right", 200 + p.axes.get("lx").code); p.btnToCode.put("ls-up", -200 - p.axes.get("ly").code); p.btnToCode.put("ls-down", 200 + p.axes.get("ly").code); p.btnToCode.put("rs-left", -200 - p.axes.get("rx").code); p.btnToCode.put("rs-right", 200 + p.axes.get("rx").code); p.btnToCode.put("rs-up", -200 - p.axes.get("ry").code); p.btnToCode.put("rs-down", 200 + p.axes.get("ry").code); p.btnToCode.put("rt", 200 + p.axes.get("rt").code); p.btnToCode.put("lt", 200 + p.axes.get("lt").code); // Unlike the original xbox, which uses one axis per trigger, // xbox360 gamepads use a single axis for both triggers, where RT // values are positive, while LT values are negative. We convert // to effectively place RT on a different axis index (5), which enables us // to use positive values for both triggers. // p.processAxis = new Profile.FnProcessAxis(){ public float[] eval(int axis, float value){ String os = System.getProperty(""); // Gotta do it again here for HTML to build if (os.contains("Windows")) { if (axis == 4 && value < 0) { axis = 5; // RT value = -value; } } else if ((os.contains("Linux")) && (axis == axes.get("lt").code || axis == axes.get("rt").code)) { // On Linux, each trigger goes from -1 (released) to 1 (fully pressed) value += 1; value /= 2; value = Math.min(Math.max(value, 0), 1); // For some reason, the maximum range of the trigger grows when adding one to the value } return new float[]{axis, value}; } }; profiles.put(, p); p = new Profile("Generic"); for (int a = 0; a < 32; a++) p.btnToCode.put("b" + String.valueOf(a), a); for (int a = 0; a < 16; a++) { String axisName = "a" + String.valueOf(a); Axis axis = new Axis(a); p.axes.put(axisName, axis); p.btnToCode.put(axisName + "-", -200 - axis.code); p.btnToCode.put(axisName + "+", 200 + axis.code); } for (int a = 0; a < 8; a++) { Stick s = new Stick(p.axes.get("a" + String.valueOf(a * 2)), p.axes.get("a" + String.valueOf(a * 2 + 1))); p.sticks.put("s" + String.valueOf(a), s); } p.btnToCode.put("left", 100 + PovDirection.west.ordinal()); p.btnToCode.put("right", 100 + PovDirection.east.ordinal()); p.btnToCode.put("up", 100 + PovDirection.north.ordinal()); p.btnToCode.put("down", 100 + PovDirection.south.ordinal()); profiles.put(, p); profile("XBOX360"); // probably most common, so it's the default } public void profile(String name){ profile = profiles.get(name); if (profile.codeToLog == null){ profile.codeToLog = new HashMap<>(); for (Integer code : profile.btnToCode.values()) profile.codeToLog.put(code, new GdxProcessor.UpDownLog()); profile.codeToAxis = new HashMap<>(); for (Axis axis : profile.axes.values()) profile.codeToAxis.put(axis.code, axis); axes = profile.axes; sticks = profile.sticks; } } public boolean btnHit(String btn){ GdxProcessor.UpDownLog b = profile.btnLog(btn); return b.hit == GdxProcessor.currentTick; } public boolean btnDown(String btn){ GdxProcessor.UpDownLog b = profile.btnLog(btn); return b.hit > b.up; } public boolean btnUp(String btn){ GdxProcessor.UpDownLog b = profile.btnLog(btn); return b.up == GdxProcessor.currentTick; } public int index(){ return index; } public String name(){ return controller.getName(); } public String toString(){ return name(); } public ArrayList<Integer> downButtons() { ArrayList<Integer> buttons = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int index : profile.btnToCode.values()) { if (controller.getButton(index)) buttons.add(index); } return buttons; } public ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> downAxes(float deadZone){ ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> axes = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>(); for (Axis axis : profile.axes.values()) { if (Math.abs(axis.value) > deadZone) { ArrayList<Integer> ar = new ArrayList<Integer>(); ar.add(axis.code); ar.add((int) Math.signum(axis.value)); axes.add(ar); } } return axes; } public ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> downAxes() { return downAxes(0.2f); } public ArrayList<String> downInputs(){ ArrayList<String> inputs = new ArrayList<String>(); if (profile != null) { for (String s : profile.btnToCode.keySet()) { if (btnDown(s)) inputs.add(s); } } return inputs; } public ArrayList<String> hitInputs(){ ArrayList<String> inputs = new ArrayList<String>(); if (profile != null) { for (String s : profile.btnToCode.keySet()) { if (btnHit(s)) inputs.add(s); } } return inputs; } }