package com.nilunder.bdx; import javax.vecmath.Matrix4f; import javax.vecmath.Vector3f; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.nilunder.bdx.utils.Color; public class Light extends GameObject { public Type type; public BaseLight lightData; private float energy; private Color color = new Color(); private float spotSize; private float exponent = 1; private boolean on; public enum Type { POINT, SUN, SPOT } public void makeLightData(){ if (type.equals(Type.POINT)) lightData = new PointLight(); else if (type.equals(Type.SUN)) lightData = new DirectionalLight(); else if (type.equals(Type.SPOT)) lightData = new SpotLight(); updateLight(); } public void color(Color color){ this.color.set(color); } public Color color(){ return color; } public void energy(float energy) { = energy; } public float energy(){ return energy; } public void spotSize(float angle){ spotSize = angle; } public float spotSize(){ return spotSize; } public void exponent(float exponentFactor){ exponent = exponentFactor; } public float exponent(){ return exponent; } public void updateLight(){ if (lightData != null) { if (type.equals(Type.POINT)) { PointLight p = (PointLight)lightData; p.set(color.r, color.g, color.b, position().x, position().y, position().z, energy); } else if (type.equals(Type.SUN)) { DirectionalLight d = (DirectionalLight)lightData; Vector3f dir = axis(2).negated(); d.set(color.r, color.g, color.b, dir.x, dir.y, dir.z); } else if (type.equals(Type.SPOT)) { SpotLight s = (SpotLight) lightData; Vector3f down = axis(2).negated(); s.set(color.r, color.g, color.b, position().x, position().y, position().z, down.x, down.y, down.z, energy, spotSize, exponent); } } } @Override public void endNoChildren(){ if (type.equals(Type.POINT)) ((PointLightsAttribute) scene.environment.get(PointLightsAttribute.Type)).lights.removeValue((PointLight) lightData, true); // Remove the light from the environment if (type.equals(Type.SUN)) ((DirectionalLightsAttribute) scene.environment.get(DirectionalLightsAttribute.Type)).lights.removeValue((DirectionalLight) lightData, true); if (type.equals(Type.SPOT)) ((SpotLightsAttribute) scene.environment.get(SpotLightsAttribute.Type)).lights.removeValue((SpotLight) lightData, true); super.endNoChildren(); } @Override public void transform(Matrix4f mat, boolean updateLocal) { super.transform(mat, updateLocal); updateLight(); } public void on(boolean on){ this.on = on; if (type == Type.POINT) { PointLightsAttribute la = (PointLightsAttribute) scene.environment.get(PointLightsAttribute.Type); PointLight pl = (PointLight) lightData; if (on && !la.lights.contains(pl, true)) la.lights.add(pl); else if (!on && la.lights.contains(pl, true)) la.lights.removeValue(pl, true); } else if (type == Type.SUN) { DirectionalLightsAttribute la = (DirectionalLightsAttribute) scene.environment.get(DirectionalLightsAttribute.Type); DirectionalLight dl = (DirectionalLight) lightData; if (on && !la.lights.contains(dl, true)) la.lights.add(dl); else if (!on && la.lights.contains(dl, true)) la.lights.removeValue(dl, true); } else if (type == Type.SPOT) { SpotLightsAttribute la = (SpotLightsAttribute) scene.environment.get(SpotLightsAttribute.Type); SpotLight sl = (SpotLight) lightData; if (on && !la.lights.contains(sl, true)) la.lights.add(sl); else if (!on && la.lights.contains(sl, true)) la.lights.removeValue(sl, true); } } public boolean on(){ return on; } }