package com.nilunder.bdx; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.vecmath.Matrix3f; import javax.vecmath.Matrix4f; import javax.vecmath.Vector3f; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.collision.BoundingBox; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix4; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.JsonValue; import com.bulletphysics.collision.narrowphase.PersistentManifold; import com.bulletphysics.collision.narrowphase.ManifoldPoint; import com.bulletphysics.collision.dispatch.CollisionFlags; import com.bulletphysics.collision.shapes.CollisionShape; import com.bulletphysics.collision.shapes.CompoundShape; import com.bulletphysics.dynamics.RigidBody; import com.bulletphysics.linearmath.MatrixUtil; import com.bulletphysics.linearmath.Transform; import; import; import com.nilunder.bdx.utils.*; public class GameObject implements Named{ public JsonValue json; public String name; public ArrayListGameObject touchingObjects; public ArrayListGameObject touchingObjectsLast; public ArrayList<PersistentManifold> contactManifolds; public ModelInstance modelInstance; public RigidBody body; public BodyType currBodyType; public BoundsType currBoundsType; public Vector3f origin; public Vector3f dimensionsNoScale; public HashMap<String, JsonValue> props; public boolean frustumCulling; public ArrayListGameObject children; public ArrayListNamed<Component> components; public Scene scene; private GameObject parent; private Matrix4f localTransform; private Vector3f localScale; private boolean visible; private boolean valid; public boolean initialized; public float logicFrequency; public float logicCounter; private Vector3f scale; private Mesh mesh; public enum BodyType { NO_COLLISION, STATIC, SENSOR, DYNAMIC, RIGID_BODY } public enum BoundsType { TRIANGLE_MESH, CONVEX_HULL, SPHERE, BOX, CYLINDER, CAPSULE, CONE } public class ArrayListGameObject extends ArrayListNamed<GameObject> { public GameObject getByProperty(String propName){ for (GameObject t : this) { if (t.props.containsKey(propName)) { return t; } } return null; } public GameObject getByComponent(String compName){ for (GameObject t : this) { if (t.components.get(compName) != null) { return t; } } return null; } } public GameObject() { touchingObjects = new ArrayListGameObject(); touchingObjectsLast = new ArrayListGameObject(); contactManifolds = new ArrayList<PersistentManifold>(); components = new ArrayListNamed<Component>(); children = new ArrayListGameObject(); valid = true; scale = new Vector3f(); logicFrequency = Bdx.TICK_RATE; logicCounter = 1 + Random.random(); frustumCulling = true; } public String name(){ return name; } public void init(){} public void main(){} public void onEnd(){} public GameObject parent(){ return parent; } public void parent(GameObject p){ parent(p, true); } public void parent(GameObject p, boolean compound){ CompoundShape compShapeOld = null; if (parent != null){ parent.children.remove(this); if (compound){ compShapeOld = parent.compoundShape(); if (compShapeOld != null){; compShapeOld.removeChildShape(body.getCollisionShape());; } } }else if (p == null){ return; } parent = p; if (parent != null){ parent.children.add(this); updateLocalTransform(); updateLocalScale(); if (compound){ CompoundShape compShape = parent.compoundShape(); if (compShape != null){; compShape.addChildShape(new Transform(localTransform), body.getCollisionShape()); } }else{ dynamics(false); } }else if (currBodyType == BodyType.STATIC || currBodyType == BodyType.SENSOR){ if (compound && compShapeOld != null); }else{ dynamics(true); } } public ArrayListGameObject childrenRecursive(){ ArrayListGameObject childList = new ArrayListGameObject(); for (GameObject child : children) { childList.add(child); childList.addAll(child.childrenRecursive()); } return childList; } private CompoundShape compoundShape(){ if (body.getCollisionShape() instanceof CompoundShape) return (CompoundShape) body.getCollisionShape(); return null; } public Vector3f position(){ Transform t = new Transform(); body.getWorldTransform(t); return new Vector3f(t.origin); } public void position(Vector3f vec){ activate(); Matrix4f t = transform(); t.setTranslation(vec); transform(t); } public void position(float x, float y, float z){ position(new Vector3f(x, y, z)); } public void move(Vector3f delta){ position(position().plus(delta)); } public void move(float x, float y, float z){ move(new Vector3f(x, y, z)); } public void moveLocal(Vector3f delta){ move(orientation().mult(delta)); } public void moveLocal(float x, float y, float z){ moveLocal(new Vector3f(x, y, z)); } public Matrix3f orientation(){ Matrix4f t = transform(); Matrix3f ori = new Matrix3f(); t.getRotationScale(ori); return ori; } public void orientation(Matrix3f ori){ Matrix4f t = transform(); t.setRotation(ori); transform(t); } public void rotate(float x, float y, float z){ Matrix3f ori = orientation(); Matrix3f rot = new Matrix3f(); MatrixUtil.setEulerZYX(rot, x, y, z); rot.mul(ori); orientation(rot); } public void rotate(Vector3f rot){ rotate(rot.x, rot.y, rot.z); } public void rotateLocal(float x, float y, float z){ Matrix3f ori = orientation(); Matrix3f rot = new Matrix3f(); MatrixUtil.setEulerZYX(rot, x, y, z); ori.mul(rot); orientation(ori); } public Matrix4f transform(){ Transform t = new Transform(); body.getWorldTransform(t); Vector3f v = new Vector3f(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i){ t.basis.getColumn(i, v); v.normalize(); t.basis.setColumn(i, v); } Matrix4f m = new Matrix4f(); t.getMatrix(m); return m; } public void transform(Matrix4f mat){ transform(mat, true); } public void updateChildTransforms(){ Matrix4f pt = transform(); Matrix4f ct = new Matrix4f(); Matrix4f ms = new Matrix4f(); ms.setIdentity(); Vector3f ps = scale(); ms.m00 = ps.x; ms.m11 = ps.y; ms.m22 = ps.z; pt.mul(ms); for (GameObject c : children){ ct.mul(pt, c.localTransform); c.transform(ct, false); } } public void transform(Matrix4f mat, boolean updateLocal){ activate(); Transform t = new Transform(); t.set(mat); Vector3f v = new Vector3f(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i){ t.basis.getColumn(i, v); v.normalize(); t.basis.setColumn(i, v); } body.setWorldTransform(t); // required for static objects: body.getMotionState().setWorldTransform(t); if (body.isInWorld() && body.isStaticOrKinematicObject()){; for (GameObject g : touchingObjects) g.activate(); } // updateChildTransforms(); if (parent != null && updateLocal){ updateLocalTransform(); } } private void updateLocalTransform(){ localTransform = parent.transform(); Matrix4f ms = new Matrix4f(); ms.setIdentity(); Vector3f ps = parent.scale(); ms.m00 = ps.x; ms.m11 = ps.y; ms.m22 = ps.z; localTransform.mul(ms); localTransform.invert(); localTransform.mul(transform()); } public void applyForce(Vector3f vec){ activate(); body.applyCentralForce(vec.mul(1f / Bdx.physicsSpeed)); } public void applyForce(Vector3f force, Vector3f relPos) { activate(); body.applyForce(force.mul(1f / Bdx.physicsSpeed), relPos); } public void applyForce(float x, float y, float z){ Vector3f v = new Vector3f(x, y, z); applyForce(v); } public void applyForceLocal(Vector3f vec){ applyForce(orientation().mult(vec)); } public void applyForceLocal(float x, float y, float z){ Vector3f v = new Vector3f(x, y, z); applyForceLocal(v); } public void applyForceLocal(Vector3f force, Vector3f relPos) { applyForce(orientation().mult(force), relPos); } public void applyTorque(Vector3f vec){ activate(); body.applyTorque(vec.mul(1f / Bdx.physicsSpeed)); } public void applyTorque(float x, float y, float z){ Vector3f v = new Vector3f(x, y, z); applyTorque(v); } public void applyTorqueLocal(Vector3f vec){ applyTorque(orientation().mult(vec)); } public void applyTorqueLocal(float x, float y, float z){ Vector3f v = new Vector3f(x, y, z); applyTorqueLocal(v); } public void velocity(Vector3f vec){ activate(); body.setLinearVelocity(vec); } public void velocity(float x, float y, float z){ Vector3f v = new Vector3f(x, y, z); velocity(v); } public Vector3f velocity(){ Vector3f v = new Vector3f(); body.getLinearVelocity(v); return v; } public void velocityLocal(Vector3f vec){ velocity(orientation().mult(vec)); } public void velocityLocal(float x, float y, float z){ Vector3f v = new Vector3f(x, y, z); velocityLocal(v); } public Vector3f velocityLocal(){ Vector3f v = new Vector3f(); body.getLinearVelocity(v); Matrix3f invOri = orientation(); invOri.invert(); return invOri.mult(v); } public void angularVelocity(Vector3f vec){ activate(); body.setAngularVelocity(vec); } public void angularVelocity(float x, float y, float z){ Vector3f v = new Vector3f(x, y, z); angularVelocity(v); } public Vector3f angularVelocity(){ Vector3f v = new Vector3f(); body.getAngularVelocity(v); return v; } public boolean touching(){ return !touchingObjects.isEmpty(); } public boolean touching(String name){ return touchingObjects.get(name) != null; } public boolean touchingProperty(String propName){ return touchingObjects.getByProperty(propName) != null; } public boolean touchingComponent(String compName){ return touchingObjects.getByComponent(compName) != null; } public boolean hit(){ return hitObjects().size() > 0; } public boolean hit(String name){ if (hitObjects().get(name) != null) return true; return false; } public boolean hitProperty(String propName){ if (hitObjects().getByProperty(propName) != null) return true; return false; } public boolean hitComponent(String compName){ if (hitObjects().getByComponent(compName) != null) return true; return false; } public ArrayListGameObject hitObjects(){ ArrayListGameObject g = new ArrayListGameObject(); g.addAll(touchingObjects); g.removeAll(touchingObjectsLast); return g; } public float reactionForce(){ float force = 0; int totalContacts = 0; for (PersistentManifold m : contactManifolds){ int numContacts = m.getNumContacts(); totalContacts += numContacts; for (int i = 0; i < numContacts; ++i){ ManifoldPoint p = m.getContactPoint(i); force += p.appliedImpulse; } } return totalContacts != 0 ? force / totalContacts : 0; } public void collisionGroup(short group) { short mask = body.getBroadphaseProxy().collisionFilterMask;;, group, mask); } public short collisionGroup() { return body.getBroadphaseProxy().collisionFilterGroup; } public void collisionMask(short mask) { short group = body.getBroadphaseProxy().collisionFilterGroup;;, group, mask); } public short collisionMask() { return body.getBroadphaseProxy().collisionFilterMask; } public boolean visible(){ return visible; } public void visible(boolean visible){ for (GameObject g : children){ g.visible(visible); } visibleNoChildren(visible); } public void visibleNoChildren(boolean visible){ this.visible = visible; } public boolean ghost(){ int noContact = body.getCollisionFlags() & CollisionFlags.NO_CONTACT_RESPONSE; return noContact != 0 ? true : false; } public void ghost(boolean ghost){ for (GameObject g : children){ g.ghost(ghost); } ghostNoChildren(ghost); } public void ghostNoChildren(boolean ghost){ int flags = body.getCollisionFlags(); int noContact = CollisionFlags.NO_CONTACT_RESPONSE; if (ghost) flags |= noContact; else flags &= ~noContact; body.setCollisionFlags(flags); } public void end(){ endNoChildren(); for (GameObject g : new ArrayList<GameObject>(children)){ g.end(); } } public void endNoChildren(){ if (!valid) return; onEnd(); valid = false; for (Component c : components) c.onGameObjectEnd(); scene.remove(this); for (GameObject g : touchingObjects) g.activate(); if (modelInstance != null) mesh.instances.remove(modelInstance); } public boolean valid(){ return valid; } public void scale(float x, float y, float z, boolean updateLocal){ activate(); // Set unit scale Matrix4 t = modelInstance.transform; Matrix4 mat_scale = new Matrix4(); Vector3 s = new Vector3(); t.getScale(s); mat_scale.scl(1/s.x, 1/s.y, 1/s.z); t.mul(mat_scale); scale.set(x, y, z); // Set target scale mat_scale.idt(); mat_scale.scl(x, y, z); t.mul(mat_scale); // Relevant bullet body update CollisionShape cs = body.getCollisionShape(); cs.setLocalScaling(new Vector3f(x, y, z)); if (body.isInWorld() && body.isStaticOrKinematicObject()); // Child propagation Vector3f ps = scale(); Matrix4f pt = transform(); Matrix4f ct = new Matrix4f(); Matrix4f ms = new Matrix4f(); ms.setIdentity(); ms.m00 = ps.x; ms.m11 = ps.y; ms.m22 = ps.z; pt.mul(ms); for (GameObject c : children){ c.scale(scale().mul(c.localScale), false); ct.mul(pt, c.localTransform); c.transform(ct, false); } if (parent != null && updateLocal){ updateLocalScale(); } } private void updateLocalScale(){ localScale = scale().div(parent.scale()); } public void scale(Vector3f s, boolean updateLocal){ scale(s.x, s.y, s.z, updateLocal); } public void scale(float x, float y, float z){ scale(x, y, z, true); } public void scale(Vector3f s){ scale(s.x, s.y, s.z); } public void scale(float s){ scale(s, s, s); } public Vector3f scale(){ return new Vector3f(scale); } public Vector3f dimensions(){ return dimensionsNoScale.mul(scale()); } public Vector3f axis(String axisName){ int axis = "XYZ".indexOf(axisName.charAt(axisName.length() - 1)); Vector3f v = new Vector3f(); orientation().getColumn(axis, v); if (axisName.charAt(0) == '-') v.negate(); return v; } public Vector3f axis(int axis){ return axis(String.valueOf("XYZ".charAt(axis))); } public void alignAxisToVec(String axisName, Vector3f vec){ Vector3f alignAxis = axis(axisName); Vector3f rotAxis = new Vector3f(); rotAxis.cross(alignAxis, vec); if (rotAxis.length() == 0) rotAxis = axis(("XYZ".indexOf(axisName) + 1) % 3); Matrix3f rotMatrix = Matrix3f.rotation(rotAxis, alignAxis.angle(vec)); Matrix3f ori = orientation(); rotMatrix.mul(ori); orientation(rotMatrix); } public void alignAxisToVec(int axis, Vector3f vec){ alignAxisToVec(String.valueOf("XYZ".charAt(axis)), vec); } public Mesh mesh(){ return mesh; } public void mesh(String meshName){ Mesh m = null; ArrayList<Scene> sceneList = new ArrayList<Scene>(Bdx.scenes); if (sceneList.indexOf(scene) >= 0) Collections.swap(sceneList, sceneList.indexOf(scene), 0); else sceneList.add(0, scene); for (Scene sce : sceneList){ m = sce.meshes.get(meshName); if (m != null) break; } if (m == null) throw new RuntimeException("No model found with name '" + meshName + "' in an active scene."); mesh(m); } public void mesh(Mesh mesh) { String meshName =; if (mesh == this.mesh) // You're already set to the current mesh return; JsonValue mOrigin = null; JsonValue mDimNoScale = null; ArrayList<Scene> sceneList = new ArrayList<Scene>(Bdx.scenes); if (sceneList.indexOf(scene) >= 0) Collections.swap(sceneList, sceneList.indexOf(scene), 0); else sceneList.add(0, scene); for (Scene sce : sceneList) { if (sce.meshes.containsKey(meshName)){ mOrigin = sce.json.get("origins").get(meshName); mDimNoScale = sce.json.get("dimensions").get(meshName); break; } } origin = mOrigin == null ? new Vector3f() : new Vector3f(mOrigin.asFloatArray()); dimensionsNoScale = mDimNoScale == null ? new Vector3f(1, 1, 1) : new Vector3f(mDimNoScale.asFloatArray()); Matrix4 trans; if (modelInstance != null) { trans = modelInstance.transform; this.mesh.instances.remove(this); } else trans = new Matrix4(); this.mesh = mesh; modelInstance = mesh.getInstance(); modelInstance.transform.set(trans); } public void updateBody(Mesh mesh){ GameObject compParent = parent != null && parent.body.getCollisionShape().isCompound() ? parent : null; boolean isCompChild = compParent != null && !(currBodyType == BodyType.NO_COLLISION || currBodyType == BodyType.SENSOR); if (isCompChild){ parent(null); } Matrix4f transform = transform(); Vector3f scale = scale(); CollisionShape shape = body.getCollisionShape(); body.setCollisionShape(Bullet.makeShape(mesh.model.meshes.first(), currBoundsType, shape.getMargin(), shape.isCompound())); Transform startTransform = new Transform(); body.getMotionState().getWorldTransform(startTransform); Matrix4f originMatrix = new Matrix4f(); originMatrix.set(origin); Transform centerOfMassTransform = new Transform(); centerOfMassTransform.set(originMatrix); centerOfMassTransform.mul(startTransform); body.setCenterOfMassTransform(centerOfMassTransform); transform(transform); scale(scale); if (body.isInWorld()){; }else{ // update Aabb hack for when not in world;;; } if (isCompChild){ parent(compParent); } } public void updateBody(String mesh) { ArrayList<Scene> sceneList = new ArrayList<Scene>(Bdx.scenes); if (sceneList.indexOf(scene) >= 0) Collections.swap(sceneList, sceneList.indexOf(scene), 0); else sceneList.add(0, scene); for (Scene s : sceneList) { Mesh m = s.meshes.get(mesh); if (m != null) { updateBody(m); return; } } } public void updateBody(){ updateBody(mesh); } public void join(ArrayList<GameObject> objects, boolean endObjects){ // collect scaled transforms per mesh HashMap<Mesh, ArrayList<Matrix4f>> map = new HashMap<Mesh, ArrayList<Matrix4f>>(); Mesh m; for (GameObject g : objects){ m = g.mesh(); ArrayList<Matrix4f> l; if (map.containsKey(m)){ l = map.get(m); }else{ l = new ArrayList<Matrix4f>(); map.put(m, l); } Matrix4f t = g.transform(); Vector3f s = g.scale(); t.setRow(3, s.x, s.y, s.z, 0); l.add(t); if (endObjects){ g.end(); } } // join join(map); } public void join(ArrayList<GameObject> objects){ join(objects, true); } public void join(HashMap<Mesh, ArrayList<Matrix4f>> map){ // Collect transformed vertex arrays for each material & calculate number of indices int VERT_STRIDE = Bdx.VERT_STRIDE; HashMap<Material, ArrayList<float[]>> tvaMap = new HashMap<Material, ArrayList<float[]>>(); HashMap<Material, Integer> lenMap = new HashMap<Material, Integer>(); Mesh m; Node node; Material mat; MeshPart meshPart; float[] va, tva; int numIndices, numVertices, offset, j, len; Vector3f p = new Vector3f(); Vector3f s = new Vector3f(); Matrix3f o = new Matrix3f(); Vector3f vP = new Vector3f(); Vector3f nP = new Vector3f(); Vector3f vPT = new Vector3f(); Vector3f nPT = new Vector3f(); Vector3f pos = position(); Vector3f sca = scale(); Matrix3f oriInv = orientation().inverted(); for (Map.Entry<Mesh, ArrayList<Matrix4f>> e : map.entrySet()){ m = e.getKey(); node = m.model.nodes.get(0); for (Matrix4f t : e.getValue()){ t.get(p); p.sub(pos); p = oriInv.mult(p.div(sca)); t.getRotationScale(o); o = oriInv.mult(o); s.set(t.m30, t.m31, t.m32); if (s.length() == 0){ s.set(1, 1, 1); } s = s.div(sca); for (NodePart nodePart :{ meshPart = nodePart.meshPart; numIndices = meshPart.size; numVertices = numIndices * VERT_STRIDE; offset = meshPart.offset * VERT_STRIDE; va = meshPart.mesh.getVertices(offset, numVertices, new float[numVertices]); tva = new float[numVertices]; j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numIndices; i++){ vP.set(va[j], va[j+1], va[j+2]); nP.set(va[j+3], va[j+4], va[j+5]); vPT.set(o.mult(vP.mul(s))); vPT.add(p); nPT.set(o.mult(; nPT.sub(o.mult(vP)); tva[j] = vPT.x; tva[j+1] = vPT.y; tva[j+2] = vPT.z; tva[j+3] = nPT.x; tva[j+4] = nPT.y; tva[j+5] = nPT.z; tva[j+6] = va[j+6]; tva[j+7] = va[j+7]; j += VERT_STRIDE; } mat = m.materials.get(; ArrayList<float[]> l; if (tvaMap.containsKey(mat)){ l = tvaMap.get(mat); len = lenMap.get(mat); }else{ l = new ArrayList<float[]>(); tvaMap.put(mat, l); len = 0; } l.add(tva); lenMap.put(mat, len + tva.length); } } } // Build a unique model out of meshparts for each material ModelBuilder builder = new ModelBuilder(); builder.begin(); short idx = 0; MeshPartBuilder mpb; for (Map.Entry<Material, ArrayList<float[]>> e : tvaMap.entrySet()){ mat = e.getKey(); len = lenMap.get(mat); tva = new float[len]; j = 0; for (float[] verts : e.getValue()){ numVertices = verts.length; for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++){ tva[i + j] = verts[i]; } j += numVertices; } mpb = builder.part(, GL20.GL_TRIANGLES, Usage.Position | Usage.Normal | Usage.TextureCoordinates, mat); mpb.vertex(tva); try{ for (short i = 0; i < len / VERT_STRIDE; i++){ mpb.index(idx); idx += 1; } }catch (Error error){ throw new RuntimeException("MODEL ERROR: Models with more than 32767 vertices are not supported. Decrease the number of objects to join."); } } Model finishedModel = builder.end(); // Update mesh mesh(new Mesh(finishedModel, scene)); // Update dimensionsNoScale and origin mesh = finishedModel.meshes.first(); BoundingBox bbox = mesh.calculateBoundingBox(); Vector3 dimensions = bbox.getDimensions(new Vector3()); Vector3 center = bbox.getCenter(new Vector3()); dimensionsNoScale = new Vector3f(dimensions.x, dimensions.y, dimensions.z); origin = new Vector3f(center.x, center.y, center.z); // Update body updateBody(); // Set visbility to initial value if empty if (json.get("mesh_name").asString() == null){ visible = json.get("visible").asBoolean(); } } public String toString(){ return name + " <" + getClass().getName() + "> @" + Integer.toHexString(hashCode()); } public void dynamics(boolean restore){ if (currBodyType == BodyType.DYNAMIC || currBodyType == BodyType.RIGID_BODY){ if (restore){ bodyType(currBodyType); }else{ // suspend body.setCollisionFlags(body.getCollisionFlags() | CollisionFlags.KINEMATIC_OBJECT); } } } public boolean dynamics(){ return body.isInWorld() && !body.isKinematicObject(); } public float mass(){ return 1 / body.getInvMass(); } public void mass(float mass){ if (mass == 0){ throw new RuntimeException("no zero value allowed: use 'dynamics(false)' instead"); } Vector3f inertia = new Vector3f(); body.getCollisionShape().calculateLocalInertia(mass, inertia); body.setMassProps(mass, inertia); } public BodyType bodyType(){ return currBodyType; } public void bodyType(BodyType bodyType){ int flags = body.getCollisionFlags(); if (body.isInWorld()); if (bodyType == BodyType.NO_COLLISION){ for (GameObject g : touchingObjects) g.activate(); flags &= ~CollisionFlags.KINEMATIC_OBJECT; }else{ if (bodyType == BodyType.STATIC){ flags |= CollisionFlags.KINEMATIC_OBJECT; }else if (bodyType == BodyType.SENSOR){ flags |= CollisionFlags.KINEMATIC_OBJECT; flags |= CollisionFlags.NO_CONTACT_RESPONSE; }else{ // NO_COLLISION -> DYNAMIC or RIGID_BODY hack if (currBodyType == BodyType.NO_COLLISION){ body.clearForces(); body.setLinearVelocity(new Vector3f()); } // kinematic initialization hack if (mass() == Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY){ mass(1); // Blender default flags &= ~CollisionFlags.KINEMATIC_OBJECT; body.setCollisionFlags(flags); } flags &= ~CollisionFlags.KINEMATIC_OBJECT; if (bodyType == BodyType.DYNAMIC){ body.setAngularVelocity(new Vector3f()); body.setAngularFactor(0); }else if (bodyType == BodyType.RIGID_BODY){ body.setAngularFactor(1); } }; activate(); } body.setCollisionFlags(flags); currBodyType = bodyType; } public BoundsType boundsType(){ return currBoundsType; } public void boundsType(BoundsType boundsType){ mesh = modelInstance.model.meshes.first(); CollisionShape shape = body.getCollisionShape(); shape = Bullet.makeShape(mesh, boundsType, shape.getMargin(), shape.isCompound()); body.setCollisionShape(shape); currBoundsType = boundsType; } public float collisionMargin(){ return body.getCollisionShape().getMargin(); } public void collisionMargin(float m){ body.getCollisionShape().setMargin(m); } public void activate(){ if (dynamics()) body.activate(); } public void deactivate(){ body.forceActivationState(2); } public boolean insideFrustum(Vector3f customHalfDim){ Vector3f min = new Vector3f(); Vector3f max = new Vector3f(); body.getAabb(min, max); Vector3f dimHalved = max.minus(min).mul(0.5f); Vector3f center; if (origin.length() == 0 || currBoundsType == BoundsType.CONVEX_HULL || currBoundsType == BoundsType.TRIANGLE_MESH) center =; else center =; if (customHalfDim == null) customHalfDim = dimHalved; return, center.y, center.z, customHalfDim.x, customHalfDim.y, customHalfDim.z); } public boolean insideFrustum(){ return insideFrustum(null); } public Vector3f vecTo(Vector3f vector){ return vector.minus(position()); } public Vector3f vecTo(GameObject other){ return vecTo(other.position()); } public PersistentManifold getManifoldForCollision(GameObject other){ for (PersistentManifold contact : contactManifolds) { RigidBody rb = (RigidBody) contact.getBody0(); if (rb.getUserPointer() == this) rb = (RigidBody) contact.getBody1(); if (rb.getUserPointer() == other) return contact; } return null; } }