package; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import; import; import; import*; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; import com.nilunder.bdx.Scene; import com.nilunder.bdx.utils.Color; import com.nilunder.bdx.utils.Named; public class Material extends implements Named { public Texture currentTexture; public MaterialShader shader; public String texturePath; public Material() { super(); } public Material(String id) { super(id); } public Material(Attribute... attributes) { super(attributes); } public Material(String id, Attribute... attributes) { super(id, attributes); } public Material(Array<Attribute> attributes) { super(attributes); } public Material(String id, Array<Attribute> attributes) { super(id, attributes); } public Material(Material copyFrom) { super(copyFrom); shader = copyFrom.shader; currentTexture = copyFrom.currentTexture; } public Material( copyFrom){ super(copyFrom); } public Material(String id, Material copyFrom) { super(id, copyFrom); } public Color color(){ ColorAttribute ca = (ColorAttribute) get(ColorAttribute.Diffuse); return new Color(ca.color); } public void color(Color color){ ColorAttribute ca = (ColorAttribute) get(ColorAttribute.Diffuse); ca.color.set(color); if (get(BlendingAttribute.Type) != null) { BlendingAttribute ba = (BlendingAttribute) get(BlendingAttribute.Type); ba.opacity = color.a; } } public Color tint(){ ColorAttribute ta = (ColorAttribute) get(Scene.BDXColorAttribute.Tint); return new Color(ta.color); } public void tint(Color color){ ColorAttribute ta = (ColorAttribute) get(Scene.BDXColorAttribute.Tint); ta.color.set(color); } public int[] blendMode(){ BlendingAttribute ba = (BlendingAttribute) get(BlendingAttribute.Type); return new int[]{ba.sourceFunction, ba.destFunction}; } public void blendMode(int src, int dest){ BlendingAttribute ba = (BlendingAttribute) get(BlendingAttribute.Type); ba.sourceFunction = src; ba.destFunction = dest; } public void backToFrontSorting(boolean on) { BlendingAttribute ba = (BlendingAttribute) get(BlendingAttribute.Type); ba.blended = on; // Has to be true for the blend mode to take effect } public boolean backToFrontSorting() { BlendingAttribute ba = (BlendingAttribute) get(BlendingAttribute.Type); return ba.blended; } public void depthMask(boolean on) { DepthTestAttribute da = (DepthTestAttribute) get(DepthTestAttribute.Type); da.depthMask = on; } public boolean depthMask() { DepthTestAttribute da = (DepthTestAttribute) get(DepthTestAttribute.Type); return da.depthMask; } public void depthFunction(int depthFunc) { DepthTestAttribute da = (DepthTestAttribute) get(DepthTestAttribute.Type); da.depthFunc = depthFunc; } public int depthFunction() { DepthTestAttribute da = (DepthTestAttribute) get(DepthTestAttribute.Type); return da.depthFunc; } public boolean shadeless(){ IntAttribute sa = (IntAttribute) get(Scene.BDXIntAttribute.Shadeless); return sa.value == 1; } public void shadeless(boolean shadeless){ IntAttribute sa = (IntAttribute) get(Scene.BDXIntAttribute.Shadeless); sa.value = shadeless ? 1 : 0; } public String name(){ return id; } public String toString(){ return id + " <" + getClass().getName() + "> @" + Integer.toHexString(hashCode()); } public Texture texture(String filename) { Texture tex = currentTexture; if (!filename.equals(texturePath)) { tex = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("bdx/textures/" + filename)); tex.setWrap(Texture.TextureWrap.Repeat, Texture.TextureWrap.Repeat); texture(tex); texturePath = filename; } return tex; } public void texture(Texture tex) { if (currentTexture != tex) { // Only switch texture if it's not already pointing to the texture currentTexture = tex; this.set(TextureAttribute.createDiffuse(tex)); texturePath = null; } } public void texture(TextureRegion texRegion) { if (currentTexture != texRegion.getTexture()) { // Only switch texture if it's not already pointing to the texture currentTexture = texRegion.getTexture(); this.set(TextureAttribute.createDiffuse(texRegion)); texturePath = null; } } }