package com.nilunder.bdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.JsonValue; import*; public class Text extends GameObject{ public enum Alignment { LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT } private String text; private Alignment alignment; public JsonValue font; public int capacity; private float lineHeight = 1.0f; public void text(String txt){ // Reform quads according to Angel Code font format Mesh mesh = modelInstance.model.meshes.first(); int vertexSize = mesh.getVertexSize() / 4; int numVertices = mesh.getNumVertices(); float[] verts = new float[numVertices * vertexSize]; int vi = 0; int capacity = (numVertices / 3) / 2; // number of quads text = txt.substring(0, Math.min(txt.length(), capacity)); JsonValue cm = font.get("common"); float su = 1.f / cm.get("scaleW").asInt(); float sv = 1.f / cm.get("scaleH").asInt(); JsonValue char_data = font.get("char"); JsonValue at_c = char_data.get(Integer.toString('O')); boolean builtin = font.get("info").get("face").asString().equals("Bfont"); float scale = 0.0225f * (builtin ? 1.4f : 1f); float unit_height = at_c.get("height").asInt() * scale; int posX = 0; int posY = 0; float z = 0; int totalWidth = 0; String[] lines = text.split("[\n]"); int cap = 0; int past_vi = 0; for (String l : lines) { for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(l.length(), capacity - cap); ++i) { // Write chars for the line or text object capacity, whichever's shorter char chr = ' '; if (i < l.length()) chr = l.charAt(i); JsonValue c = char_data.get(Integer.toString(chr)); if (c == null) c = char_data.get(Integer.toString(' ')); int x = posX + c.get("xoffset").asInt(); int y = posY - c.get("yoffset").asInt(); int w = c.get("width").asInt(); int h = c.get("height").asInt(); posX += c.get("xadvance").asInt(); if (i < l.length() && x + w > totalWidth) totalWidth = x + w; float u = c.get("x").asInt(); float v = c.get("y").asInt(); float[][] quad = { {x, y - h, z, 0, 0, 1, u, v + h}, {x + w, y - h, z, 0, 0, 1, u + w, v + h}, {x + w, y, z, 0, 0, 1, u + w, v}, {x + w, y, z, 0, 0, 1, u + w, v}, {x, y, z, 0, 0, 1, u, v}, {x, y - h, z, 0, 0, 1, u, v + h} }; z += 0.0001; for (float[] vert : quad) { vert[0] *= scale; vert[1] *= scale; vert[0] -= 0.05 + (builtin ? 0.03 : 0); vert[1] += unit_height * (0.76 - (builtin ? 0.05 : 0)); vert[6] *= su; vert[7] *= sv; for (float f : vert) { verts[vi++] = f; } } } cap += l.length(); posY -= (int) (cm.get("lineHeight").asInt() * this.lineHeight); // Set up the Y for the next text line posX = 0; for (int i = past_vi; i < vi; i += Bdx.VERT_STRIDE){ if (alignment == Alignment.CENTER) verts[i] -= (totalWidth / 2f) * scale; else if (alignment == Alignment.RIGHT) verts[i] -= totalWidth * scale; } past_vi = vi; totalWidth = 0; } mesh.setVertices(verts, 0, verts.length); } public String text(){ return text; } public void alignment(Alignment alignment){ this.alignment = alignment; text(text()); } public Alignment alignment(){ return alignment; } public void lineHeight(float lineHeight){ this.lineHeight = lineHeight; text(text()); } public float lineHeight(){ return this.lineHeight; } }