package com.nilunder.bdx.components; import java.util.*; import javax.vecmath.*; import*; import*; import*; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.*; import com.nilunder.bdx.*; import com.nilunder.bdx.utils.Timer; public class SpriteAnim extends Component<GameObject> { public static class Animation extends ArrayList<Vector2f>{ public String name; public float fps; public boolean looping; public int playHead; public int playDir; public Animation(String name, float fps, boolean looping){ = name; this.fps = fps; this.looping = looping; playHead = 0; playDir = 1; } public Vector2f nextFrame(){ if (onLastFrame()){ if (looping) reset(); else playHead -= playDir; } Vector2f frame = get(playHead); playHead += playDir; return frame; } public boolean onLastFrame(){ return playHead == size() || playHead == -1; } public void reset(){ if (playDir > 0) playHead = 0; else playHead = size() - 1; } } public float speed; public HashMap<String, Animation> animations; public Animation active; private int prevFrame; private Timer ticker; private Matrix3 uvScale; private boolean rowBased; private Vector2f baseFrame; private Vector2f frameDim; public SpriteAnim(GameObject g, int frameWidth, int frameHeight, boolean rowBased, boolean uniqueModel){ super(g); if (uniqueModel) g.mesh(g.mesh().copy()); this.rowBased = rowBased; animations = new HashMap<String, Animation>(); ticker = new Timer(); uvScale = new Matrix3(); uvScale.idt(); speed = 1; state = play; // initially displayed frame HashMap<Model,Vector2f> modelToFrame = g.scene.modelToFrame; baseFrame = modelToFrame.get(g.modelInstance.model); if (baseFrame == null){ baseFrame = uvFrame(); modelToFrame.put(g.modelInstance.model, baseFrame); } // frameDim TextureAttribute ta = (TextureAttribute)g.modelInstance.materials.get(0).get(TextureAttribute.Diffuse); GLTexture t = ta.textureDescription.texture; float u = 1f / t.getWidth(); float v = 1f / t.getHeight(); frameDim = new Vector2f(u * frameWidth, v * frameHeight); } public SpriteAnim(GameObject g, int frameWidth, int frameHeight){ this(g, frameWidth, frameHeight, true, true); } public void add(String name, int index, int[] frames){ add(name, index, frames, 12, true); } public void add(String name, int sequence, int[] frames, float fps, boolean looping){ Animation anim = new Animation(name, fps, looping); for (int i : frames){ Vector2f f = new Vector2f(baseFrame); if (rowBased){ f.x += i * frameDim.x; f.y += sequence * frameDim.y; }else{ f.x += sequence * frameDim.x; f.y += i * frameDim.y; } anim.add(f); } animations.put(name, anim); } public ArrayList<String> animationNames(){ return new ArrayList<String>(animations.keySet()); } public void uvScaleX(float s){ uvScale(s, uvScaleY()); } public void uvScaleY(float s){ uvScale(uvScaleX(), s); } public float uvScaleX(){ return uvScale.val[Matrix3.M00]; } public float uvScaleY(){ return uvScale.val[Matrix3.M11]; } public void play(String name){ Animation next = animations.get(name); if (active != next){ active = next; active.playDir = speed * active.fps < 0 ? -1 : 1; active.reset(); ticker.done(true); // immediate play } if (!active.looping && active.onLastFrame()){ active.playDir = speed * active.fps < 0 ? -1 : 1; active.reset(); ticker.done(true); } } public void showNextFrame(){ active.playDir = speed * active.fps < 0 ? -1 : 1; uvFrame(active.nextFrame()); } public void frame(int frame){ active.playHead = frame; // Set the frame, and ticker.done(true); // Update the sprite immediately } public int frame(){ return active.playHead - active.playDir; } public boolean frameChanged(){ return prevFrame != frame(); } private State play = new State(){ private float nz(float n){ return n <= 0 ? 0.000001f : n; } public void main(){ if (active == null) return; prevFrame = frame(); ticker.interval = 1f / nz(Math.abs(active.fps) * Math.abs(speed)); if (ticker.tick()){ showNextFrame(); } } }; private void uvFrame(Vector2f frame){ Matrix3 trans = new Matrix3(); Vector2f df = uvFrame(); trans.setToTranslation(frame.x - df.x, frame.y - df.y); Mesh mesh = g.modelInstance.model.meshes.first(); mesh.transformUV(trans); } private Vector2f uvFrame(){ Mesh mesh = g.modelInstance.model.meshes.first(); int n = mesh.getNumVertices(); float[] verts = new float[n*Bdx.VERT_STRIDE]; mesh.getVertices(0, verts.length, verts); Vector2f frame = new Vector2f(0, 0); int uvStart = Bdx.VERT_STRIDE - 2; for (int v = 0; v < n; ++v){ int i = v * Bdx.VERT_STRIDE; frame.x += verts[i + uvStart]; frame.y += verts[i + uvStart + 1]; } frame.x /= n; frame.y /= n; return frame; } private void scaleUV(Matrix3 scale){ Matrix3 trans = new Matrix3(); trans.idt(); Vector2f df = uvFrame(); trans.setToTranslation(df.x, df.y); Matrix3 toOrigin = new Matrix3(trans); toOrigin.inv(); trans.mul(scale); trans.mul(toOrigin); Mesh mesh = g.modelInstance.model.meshes.first(); mesh.transformUV(trans); } private void uvScale(float x, float y){ if (uvScaleX() == x && uvScaleY() == y) return; // back to unit scale uvScale.inv(); scaleUV(uvScale); // set new scale uvScale.idt(); uvScale.scale(x, y); scaleUV(uvScale); } }