/** * Copyright 2014 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JogAmp Community ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JogAmp Community OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed * or implied, of JogAmp Community. */ package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.util.texture; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URLConnection; import com.jogamp.nativewindow.util.PixelFormat; import com.jogamp.nativewindow.util.PixelFormatUtil; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.FixMethodOrder; import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters; import com.jogamp.common.util.IOUtil; import com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.util.UITestCase; import com.jogamp.opengl.util.PNGPixelRect; @FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.NAME_ASCENDING) public class TestPNGPixelRect00NEWT extends UITestCase { @Test public void testPNGRead01_All() throws InterruptedException, IOException, MalformedURLException { for(int i=0; i<PNGTstFiles.allBasenames.length; i++) { final String basename = PNGTstFiles.allBasenames[i]; final String pathname=""; testPNG01Impl(pathname, basename, null, 0 /* destMinStrideInBytes */, false /* destIsGLOriented */); } } @Test public void testPNGRead02_RGB888_to_RGBA8888() throws InterruptedException, IOException, MalformedURLException { final String basename ="test-ntscN_3-01-160x90"; final String pathname=""; testPNG01Impl(pathname, basename, PixelFormat.RGBA8888, 0 /* destMinStrideInBytes */, false /* destIsGLOriented */); } @Test public void testPNGRead03_RGB888_to_RGBA8888_stride1000() throws InterruptedException, IOException, MalformedURLException { final String basename ="test-ntscN_3-01-160x90"; // 640 bytes = 4 * 160 final String pathname=""; testPNG01Impl(pathname, basename, PixelFormat.RGBA8888, 1000 /* destMinStrideInBytes */, false /* destIsGLOriented */); } @Test public void testPNGRead04_RGB888_to_RGBA8888_stride999() throws InterruptedException, IOException, MalformedURLException { final String basename ="test-ntscN_3-01-160x90"; // 640 bytes = 4 * 160 final String pathname=""; testPNG01Impl(pathname, basename, PixelFormat.RGBA8888, 999 /* destMinStrideInBytes */, false /* destIsGLOriented */); } @Test public void testPNGRead11_RGBA8888_to_LUMINA() throws InterruptedException, IOException, MalformedURLException { final String basename ="test-ntscN_4-01-160x90"; final String pathname=""; testPNG02Impl(pathname, basename, PixelFormat.LUMINANCE, 0 /* destMinStrideInBytes */, false /* destIsGLOriented */); } @Test public void testPNGRead12_RGBA8888_to_RGB888() throws InterruptedException, IOException, MalformedURLException { final String basename ="test-ntscN_4-01-160x90"; final String pathname=""; testPNG02Impl(pathname, basename, PixelFormat.RGB888, 0 /* destMinStrideInBytes */, false /* destIsGLOriented */); } @Test public void testPNGRead13_RGBA8888_to_BGR888() throws InterruptedException, IOException, MalformedURLException { final String basename ="test-ntscN_4-01-160x90"; final String pathname=""; testPNG02Impl(pathname, basename, PixelFormat.BGR888, 0 /* destMinStrideInBytes */, false /* destIsGLOriented */); } @Test public void testPNGRead14_RGBA8888_to_BGRA8888() throws InterruptedException, IOException, MalformedURLException { final String basename ="test-ntscN_4-01-160x90"; final String pathname=""; testPNG02Impl(pathname, basename, PixelFormat.BGRA8888, 0 /* destMinStrideInBytes */, false /* destIsGLOriented */); } @Test public void testPNGRead15_RGBA8888_to_ARGB8888() throws InterruptedException, IOException, MalformedURLException { final String basename ="test-ntscN_4-01-160x90"; final String pathname=""; testPNG02Impl(pathname, basename, PixelFormat.ARGB8888, 0 /* destMinStrideInBytes */, false /* destIsGLOriented */); } @Test public void testPNGRead16_RGBA8888_to_ABGR8888() throws InterruptedException, IOException, MalformedURLException { final String basename ="test-ntscN_4-01-160x90"; final String pathname=""; testPNG02Impl(pathname, basename, PixelFormat.ABGR8888, 0 /* destMinStrideInBytes */, false /* destIsGLOriented */); } private void testPNG01Impl(final String pathname, final String basename, final PixelFormat destFmt, final int destMinStrideInBytes, final boolean destIsGLOriented) throws InterruptedException, IOException, MalformedURLException { System.err.println("Test01: "+pathname+basename+".png, destFmt "+destFmt+", destMinStrideInBytes "+destMinStrideInBytes+", destIsGLOriented "+destIsGLOriented); final File out1_f=new File(getSimpleTestName(".")+"-01-"+basename+"-orig.png"); final File out2F_f=new File(getSimpleTestName(".")+"-02-"+basename+"-flipped.png"); final File out2R_f=new File(getSimpleTestName(".")+"-03-"+basename+"-reversed.png"); final File out2RF_f=new File(getSimpleTestName(".")+"-04-"+basename+"-reversed_flipped.png"); final URLConnection urlConn = IOUtil.getResource(pathname+basename+".png", this.getClass().getClassLoader(), this.getClass()); if( null == urlConn ) { throw new IOException("Cannot find "+pathname+basename+".png"); } final PNGPixelRect image1 = PNGPixelRect.read(urlConn.getInputStream(), destFmt, false /* directBuffer */, destMinStrideInBytes, destIsGLOriented); System.err.println("PNGPixelRect - Orig: "+image1); { final OutputStream outs = new BufferedOutputStream(IOUtil.getFileOutputStream(out1_f, true /* allowOverwrite */)); image1.write(outs, true /* close */); { final PNGPixelRect image1_R = PNGPixelRect.read(out1_f.toURI().toURL().openStream(), image1.getPixelformat(), false /* directBuffer */, destMinStrideInBytes, destIsGLOriented); System.err.println("PNGPixelRect - Orig (Read Back): "+image1_R); Assert.assertEquals(image1.getPixels(), image1_R.getPixels()); } } // // Flipped Orientation // { final PNGPixelRect image2F = new PNGPixelRect(image1.getPixelformat(), image1.getSize(), image1.getStride(), !image1.isGLOriented(), image1.getPixels(), image1.getDpi()[0], image1.getDpi()[1]); System.err.println("PNGPixelRect - Flip : "+image2F); final OutputStream outs = new BufferedOutputStream(IOUtil.getFileOutputStream(out2F_f, true /* allowOverwrite */)); image2F.write(outs, true /* close */); { // flip again .. to compare w/ original final PNGPixelRect image2F_R = PNGPixelRect.read(out2F_f.toURI().toURL().openStream(), image1.getPixelformat(), false /* directBuffer */, destMinStrideInBytes, !destIsGLOriented); System.err.println("PNGPixelRect - Flip (Read Back): "+image2F_R); Assert.assertEquals(image1.getPixels(), image2F_R.getPixels()); } } // // Reversed Components // final PixelFormat revFmt = PixelFormatUtil.getReversed(image1.getPixelformat()); { final PNGPixelRect image2R = new PNGPixelRect(revFmt, image1.getSize(), image1.getStride(), image1.isGLOriented(), image1.getPixels(), image1.getDpi()[0], image1.getDpi()[1]); System.err.println("PNGPixelRect - Reversed : "+image2R); final OutputStream outs = new BufferedOutputStream(IOUtil.getFileOutputStream(out2R_f, true /* allowOverwrite */)); image2R.write(outs, true /* close */); { // reverse again .. to compare w/ original final PNGPixelRect image2R_R = PNGPixelRect.read(out2R_f.toURI().toURL().openStream(), revFmt, false /* directBuffer */, destMinStrideInBytes, destIsGLOriented); System.err.println("PNGPixelRect - Reversed (Read Back): "+image2R_R); Assert.assertEquals(image1.getPixels(), image2R_R.getPixels()); } } // reversed channels and flipped { final PNGPixelRect image2RF = new PNGPixelRect(revFmt, image1.getSize(), image1.getStride(), !image1.isGLOriented(), image1.getPixels(), image1.getDpi()[0], image1.getDpi()[1]); System.err.println("PNGPixelRect - Reversed+Flipped : "+image2RF); final OutputStream outs = new BufferedOutputStream(IOUtil.getFileOutputStream(out2RF_f, true /* allowOverwrite */)); image2RF.write(outs, true /* close */); { // reverse+flip again .. to compare w/ original final PNGPixelRect image2RF_R = PNGPixelRect.read(out2RF_f.toURI().toURL().openStream(), revFmt, false /* directBuffer */, destMinStrideInBytes, !destIsGLOriented); System.err.println("PNGPixelRect - Reversed+FLipped (Read Back): "+image2RF_R); Assert.assertEquals(image1.getPixels(), image2RF_R.getPixels()); } } } private void testPNG02Impl(final String pathname, final String basename, final PixelFormat destFmt, final int destMinStrideInBytes, final boolean destIsGLOriented) throws InterruptedException, IOException, MalformedURLException { System.err.println("Test02: "+pathname+basename+".png, destFmt "+destFmt+", destMinStrideInBytes "+destMinStrideInBytes+", destIsGLOriented "+destIsGLOriented); final File out1_f=new File(getSimpleTestName(".")+"-"+basename+"-orig.png"); final URLConnection urlConn = IOUtil.getResource(pathname+basename+".png", this.getClass().getClassLoader(), this.getClass()); final PNGPixelRect image1 = PNGPixelRect.read(urlConn.getInputStream(), destFmt, false /* directBuffer */, destMinStrideInBytes, destIsGLOriented); System.err.println("PNGPixelRect - Orig: "+image1); { final OutputStream outs = new BufferedOutputStream(IOUtil.getFileOutputStream(out1_f, true /* allowOverwrite */)); image1.write(outs, true /* close */); { final PNGPixelRect image1_R = PNGPixelRect.read(out1_f.toURI().toURL().openStream(), image1.getPixelformat(), false /* directBuffer */, destMinStrideInBytes, destIsGLOriented); System.err.println("PNGPixelRect - Orig (Read Back): "+image1_R); Assert.assertEquals(image1.getPixels(), image1_R.getPixels()); } } } public static void main(final String args[]) { org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.main(TestPNGPixelRect00NEWT.class.getName()); } }