/** * Copyright 2011 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JogAmp Community ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JogAmp Community OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed * or implied, of JogAmp Community. */ package com.jogamp.opengl.test.junit.jogl.demos.es2; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import com.jogamp.opengl.GL; import com.jogamp.opengl.GL2ES2; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLAutoDrawable; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLEventListener; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLUniformData; import com.jogamp.opengl.fixedfunc.GLMatrixFunc; import com.jogamp.opengl.util.GLArrayDataServer; import com.jogamp.opengl.util.PMVMatrix; import com.jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.ShaderCode; import com.jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.ShaderProgram; import com.jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.ShaderState; public class Mix2TexturesES2 implements GLEventListener { private final int swapInterval; private final ShaderState st; private final PMVMatrix pmvMatrix; private final GLUniformData texUnit0, texUnit1; private final Object syncTexIDs = new Object(); private int texID0, texID1; private ShaderProgram sp0; private GLUniformData pmvMatrixUniform; private GLArrayDataServer interleavedVBO; public Mix2TexturesES2(final int swapInterval, final int texUnit0, final int texUnit1) { this.swapInterval = swapInterval; st = new ShaderState(); // st.setVerbose(true); pmvMatrix = new PMVMatrix(); if(0 == texUnit1) { this.texUnit0 = new GLUniformData("mgl_ActiveTexture", texUnit0); this.texUnit1 = null; } else { this.texUnit0 = new GLUniformData("mgl_Texture0", texUnit0); this.texUnit1 = new GLUniformData("mgl_Texture1", texUnit1); } this.texID0 = 0; this.texID1 = 0; } public void setTexID0(final int texID) { synchronized( syncTexIDs ) { this.texID0 = texID; } } public void setTexID1(final int texID) { synchronized( syncTexIDs ) { this.texID1 = texID; } } @Override public void init(final GLAutoDrawable drawable) { final GL2ES2 gl = drawable.getGL().getGL2ES2(); final ShaderCode vp0 = ShaderCode.create(gl, GL2ES2.GL_VERTEX_SHADER, Mix2TexturesES2.class, "shader", "shader/bin", "texture01_xxx", true); final ShaderCode fp0 = ShaderCode.create(gl, GL2ES2.GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, Mix2TexturesES2.class, "shader", "shader/bin", null == texUnit1 ? "texture01_xxx" : "texture02_xxx", true); vp0.defaultShaderCustomization(gl, true, true); fp0.defaultShaderCustomization(gl, true, true); sp0 = new ShaderProgram(); sp0.add(gl, vp0, System.err); sp0.add(gl, fp0, System.err); st.attachShaderProgram(gl, sp0, true); pmvMatrixUniform = new GLUniformData("mgl_PMVMatrix", 4, 4, pmvMatrix.glGetPMvMatrixf()); st.ownUniform(pmvMatrixUniform); st.uniform(gl, pmvMatrixUniform); interleavedVBO = GLArrayDataServer.createGLSLInterleaved(3+4+2, GL.GL_FLOAT, false, 3*4, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW); { interleavedVBO.addGLSLSubArray("mgl_Vertex", 3, GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER); interleavedVBO.addGLSLSubArray("mgl_Color", 4, GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER); //interleavedVBO.addGLSLSubArray("mgl_Normal", 3, GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER); interleavedVBO.addGLSLSubArray("mgl_MultiTexCoord", 2, GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER); final FloatBuffer ib = (FloatBuffer)interleavedVBO.getBuffer(); for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { ib.put(s_quadVertices, i*3, 3); ib.put(s_quadColors, i*4, 4); //ib.put(s_cubeNormals, i*3, 3); ib.put(s_quadTexCoords, i*2, 2); } } interleavedVBO.seal(gl, true); interleavedVBO.enableBuffer(gl, false); st.ownAttribute(interleavedVBO, true); st.ownUniform(texUnit0); st.uniform(gl, texUnit0); if(null != texUnit1) { st.ownUniform(texUnit1); st.uniform(gl, texUnit1); } st.useProgram(gl, false); } @Override public void dispose(final GLAutoDrawable drawable) { final GL2ES2 gl = drawable.getGL().getGL2ES2(); st.destroy(gl); sp0 = null; pmvMatrixUniform = null; interleavedVBO = null; } @Override public void display(final GLAutoDrawable drawable) { final GL2ES2 gl = drawable.getGL().getGL2ES2(); st.useProgram(gl, true); gl.glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); gl.glClear(GL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); interleavedVBO.enableBuffer(gl, true); synchronized( syncTexIDs ) { if(0<texID0) { gl.glActiveTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE0 + texUnit0.intValue()); gl.glBindTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, texID0); } if(0<texID1 && null != texUnit1) { gl.glActiveTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE0 + texUnit1.intValue()); gl.glBindTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, texID1); } if( !gl.isGLcore() ) { gl.glEnable(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D); } gl.glDrawArrays(GL.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4); } interleavedVBO.enableBuffer(gl, false); st.useProgram(gl, false); } @Override public void reshape(final GLAutoDrawable drawable, final int x, final int y, final int width, final int height) { final GL2ES2 gl = drawable.getGL().getGL2ES2(); gl.setSwapInterval(swapInterval); // in case switching the drawable (impl. may bound attribute there) pmvMatrix.glMatrixMode(GLMatrixFunc.GL_PROJECTION); pmvMatrix.glLoadIdentity(); pmvMatrix.glOrthof(-1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f); pmvMatrix.glMatrixMode(GLMatrixFunc.GL_MODELVIEW); pmvMatrix.glLoadIdentity(); st.useProgram(gl, true); st.uniform(gl, pmvMatrixUniform); st.useProgram(gl, false); } private static final float[] s_quadVertices = { -1f, -1f, 0f, // LB 1f, -1f, 0f, // RB -1f, 1f, 0f, // LT 1f, 1f, 0f // RT }; private static final float[] s_quadColors = { 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f }; private static final float[] s_quadTexCoords = { 0f, 0f, // LB 1f, 0f, // RB 0f, 1f, // LT 1f, 1f // RT }; }