/** * Copyright 2010 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JogAmp Community ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JogAmp Community OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed * or implied, of JogAmp Community. */ package com.jogamp.opengl.util; import jogamp.opengl.Debug; import jogamp.opengl.FPSCounterImpl; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLAnimatorControl; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLAutoDrawable; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLException; import com.jogamp.opengl.GLProfile; import com.jogamp.common.ExceptionUtils; import com.jogamp.common.util.InterruptedRuntimeException; /** * Base implementation of GLAnimatorControl<br> * <p> * The change synchronization is done via synchronized blocks on the AnimatorBase instance.<br> * Status get / set activity is synced with a RecursiveLock, used as a memory barrier.<br> * This is suitable, since all change requests are allowed to be expensive * as they are not expected to be called at every frame. * </p> */ public abstract class AnimatorBase implements GLAnimatorControl { protected static final boolean DEBUG = Debug.debug("Animator"); /** A 1s timeout while waiting for a native action response, limiting {@link #finishLifecycleAction(Condition, long)} */ protected static final long TO_WAIT_FOR_FINISH_LIFECYCLE_ACTION = 1000; protected static final long POLLP_WAIT_FOR_FINISH_LIFECYCLE_ACTION = 32; // 2 frames @ 60Hz /** * If present in <code>modeBits</code> field and * {@link GLProfile#isAWTAvailable() AWT is available}, * implementation is aware of the AWT EDT, otherwise not. * <p> * This is the <i>default</i>. * </p> * @see #setModeBits(boolean, int) */ public static final int MODE_EXPECT_AWT_RENDERING_THREAD = 1 << 0; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public static class UncaughtAnimatorException extends RuntimeException { final GLAutoDrawable drawable; public UncaughtAnimatorException(final GLAutoDrawable drawable, final Throwable cause) { super(cause); this.drawable = drawable; } public final GLAutoDrawable getGLAutoDrawable() { return drawable; } } public static interface AnimatorImpl { /** * @param drawables * @param ignoreExceptions * @param printExceptions * @throws UncaughtAnimatorException as caused by {@link GLAutoDrawable#display()} */ void display(final ArrayList<GLAutoDrawable> drawables, final boolean ignoreExceptions, final boolean printExceptions) throws UncaughtAnimatorException; boolean blockUntilDone(final Thread thread); } private static int seqInstanceNumber = 0; protected int modeBits; protected AnimatorImpl impl; protected String baseName; protected ArrayList<GLAutoDrawable> drawables = new ArrayList<GLAutoDrawable>(); protected boolean drawablesEmpty; protected Thread animThread; protected boolean ignoreExceptions; protected boolean printExceptions; protected boolean exclusiveContext; protected Thread userExclusiveContextThread; protected UncaughtExceptionHandler uncaughtExceptionHandler; protected FPSCounterImpl fpsCounter = new FPSCounterImpl(); private final static Class<?> awtAnimatorImplClazz; static { GLProfile.initSingleton(); if( GLProfile.isAWTAvailable() ) { Class<?> clazz; try { clazz = Class.forName("com.jogamp.opengl.util.AWTAnimatorImpl"); } catch (final Exception e) { clazz = null; } awtAnimatorImplClazz = clazz; } else { awtAnimatorImplClazz = null; } } /** * Creates a new, empty Animator instance * while expecting an AWT rendering thread if AWT is available. * * @see GLProfile#isAWTAvailable() */ public AnimatorBase() { modeBits = MODE_EXPECT_AWT_RENDERING_THREAD; // default! drawablesEmpty = true; } private static final boolean useAWTAnimatorImpl(final int modeBits) { return 0 != ( MODE_EXPECT_AWT_RENDERING_THREAD & modeBits ) && null != awtAnimatorImplClazz; } /** * Initializes implementation details post setup, * invoked at {@link #add(GLAutoDrawable)}, {@link #start()}, .. * <p> * Operation is a NOP if <code>force</code> is <code>false</code> * and this instance is already initialized. * </p> * * @throws GLException if Animator is {@link #isStarted()} */ protected final synchronized void initImpl(final boolean force) { if( force || null == impl ) { final String seqSuffix = String.format("#%02d", seqInstanceNumber++); if( useAWTAnimatorImpl( modeBits ) ) { try { impl = (AnimatorImpl) awtAnimatorImplClazz.newInstance(); baseName = getBaseName("AWT")+seqSuffix; } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if( null == impl ) { impl = new DefaultAnimatorImpl(); baseName = getBaseName("")+seqSuffix; } if(DEBUG) { System.err.println("Animator.initImpl: baseName "+baseName+", implClazz "+impl.getClass().getName()+" - "+toString()+" - "+getThreadName()); } } } protected abstract String getBaseName(String prefix); /** * Enables or disables the given <code>bitValues</code> * in this Animators <code>modeBits</code>. * @param enable * @param bitValues * * @throws GLException if Animator is {@link #isStarted()} and {@link #MODE_EXPECT_AWT_RENDERING_THREAD} about to change * @see AnimatorBase#MODE_EXPECT_AWT_RENDERING_THREAD */ public final synchronized void setModeBits(final boolean enable, final int bitValues) throws GLException { final int _oldModeBits = modeBits; if(enable) { modeBits |= bitValues; } else { modeBits &= ~bitValues; } if( useAWTAnimatorImpl( _oldModeBits ) != useAWTAnimatorImpl( modeBits ) ) { if( isStarted() ) { throw new GLException("Animator already started"); } initImpl(true); } } public synchronized int getModeBits() { return modeBits; } @Override public final synchronized void add(final GLAutoDrawable drawable) { if(DEBUG) { System.err.println("Animator add: 0x"+Integer.toHexString(drawable.hashCode())+" - "+toString()+" - "+getThreadName()); } if( drawables.contains(drawable) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Drawable already added to animator: "+this+", "+drawable); } initImpl(false); pause(); if( isStarted() ) { drawable.setExclusiveContextThread( exclusiveContext ? getExclusiveContextThread() : null ); // if already running .. } drawables.add(drawable); drawablesEmpty = drawables.size() == 0; drawable.setAnimator(this); if( isPaused() ) { // either paused by pause() above, or if previously drawablesEmpty==true resume(); } final Condition waitForAnimatingAndECTCondition = new Condition() { @Override public boolean eval() { final Thread dect = drawable.getExclusiveContextThread(); return isStarted() && !isPaused() && !isAnimating() && ( exclusiveContext && null == dect || !exclusiveContext && null != dect ); } }; final boolean res = finishLifecycleAction(waitForAnimatingAndECTCondition, 0); if(DEBUG) { System.err.println("Animator add: Wait for Animating/ECT OK: "+res+", "+toString()+", dect "+drawable.getExclusiveContextThread()); } notifyAll(); } @Override public final synchronized void remove(final GLAutoDrawable drawable) { if(DEBUG) { System.err.println("Animator remove: 0x"+Integer.toHexString(drawable.hashCode())+" - "+toString()+" - "+getThreadName()); } if( !drawables.contains(drawable) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Drawable not added to animator: "+this+", "+drawable); } if( exclusiveContext && isAnimating() ) { drawable.setExclusiveContextThread( null ); final Condition waitForNullECTCondition = new Condition() { @Override public boolean eval() { return null != drawable.getExclusiveContextThread(); } }; final boolean res = finishLifecycleAction(waitForNullECTCondition, POLLP_WAIT_FOR_FINISH_LIFECYCLE_ACTION); if(DEBUG) { System.err.println("Animator remove: Wait for Null-ECT OK: "+res+", "+toString()+", dect "+drawable.getExclusiveContextThread()); } } final boolean paused = pause(); drawables.remove(drawable); drawablesEmpty = drawables.size() == 0; drawable.setAnimator(null); if(paused) { resume(); } final boolean res = finishLifecycleAction(waitForNotAnimatingIfEmptyCondition, 0); if(DEBUG) { System.err.println("Animator remove: Wait for !Animating-if-empty OK: "+res+", "+toString()); } notifyAll(); } private final Condition waitForNotAnimatingIfEmptyCondition = new Condition() { @Override public boolean eval() { return isStarted() && drawablesEmpty && isAnimating(); } }; /** * Dedicate all {@link GLAutoDrawable}'s context to the given exclusive context thread. * <p> * The given thread will be exclusive to all {@link GLAutoDrawable}'s context while {@link #isAnimating()}. * </p> * <p> * If already started and disabling, method waits * until change is propagated to all {@link GLAutoDrawable} if not * called from the animator thread or {@link #getExclusiveContextThread() exclusive context thread}. * </p> * <p> * Note: Utilizing this feature w/ AWT could lead to an AWT-EDT deadlock, depending on the AWT implementation. * Hence it is advised not to use it with native AWT GLAutoDrawable like GLCanvas. * </p> * * @param enable * @return previous value * @see #setExclusiveContext(boolean) * @see #getExclusiveContextThread() * @see #isExclusiveContextEnabled() */ // @Override public final synchronized Thread setExclusiveContext(final Thread t) { final boolean enable = null != t; final Thread old = userExclusiveContextThread; if( enable && t != animThread ) { // disable: will be cleared at end after propagation && filter out own animThread usae userExclusiveContextThread=t; } setExclusiveContext(enable); return old; } /** * Dedicate all {@link GLAutoDrawable}'s context to this animator thread. * <p> * The given thread will be exclusive to all {@link GLAutoDrawable}'s context while {@link #isAnimating()}. * </p> * <p> * If already started and disabling, method waits * until change is propagated to all {@link GLAutoDrawable} if not * called from the animator thread or {@link #getExclusiveContextThread() exclusive context thread}. * </p> * <p> * Note: Utilizing this feature w/ AWT could lead to an AWT-EDT deadlock, depending on the AWT implementation. * Hence it is advised not to use it with native AWT GLAutoDrawable like GLCanvas. * </p> * * @param enable * @return previous value * @see #setExclusiveContext(Thread) * @see #getExclusiveContextThread() * @see #isExclusiveContextEnabled() */ // @Override public final boolean setExclusiveContext(final boolean enable) { final boolean propagateState; final boolean oldExclusiveContext; final Thread _exclusiveContextThread; synchronized (AnimatorBase.this) { propagateState = isStarted() && !drawablesEmpty; _exclusiveContextThread = userExclusiveContextThread; oldExclusiveContext = exclusiveContext; exclusiveContext = enable; if(DEBUG) { System.err.println("AnimatorBase.setExclusiveContextThread: "+oldExclusiveContext+" -> "+exclusiveContext+", propagateState "+propagateState+", "+this); } } final Thread dECT = enable ? ( null != _exclusiveContextThread ? _exclusiveContextThread : animThread ) : null ; UncaughtAnimatorException displayCaught = null; if( propagateState ) { setDrawablesExclCtxState(enable); if( !enable ) { if( Thread.currentThread() == getThread() || Thread.currentThread() == _exclusiveContextThread ) { try { display(); // propagate exclusive context -> off! } catch (final UncaughtAnimatorException dre) { displayCaught = dre; } } else { final boolean resumed = isAnimating() ? false : resume(); int counter = 10; while( 0<counter && isAnimating() && !validateDrawablesExclCtxState(dECT) ) { try { Thread.sleep(20); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { } counter--; } if(resumed) { pause(); } } synchronized(AnimatorBase.this) { userExclusiveContextThread=null; } } } if(DEBUG) { System.err.println("AnimatorBase.setExclusiveContextThread: all-GLAD Ok: "+validateDrawablesExclCtxState(dECT)+", "+this); if( null != displayCaught ) { System.err.println("AnimatorBase.setExclusiveContextThread: caught: "+displayCaught.getMessage()); displayCaught.printStackTrace(); } } if( null != displayCaught ) { throw displayCaught; } return oldExclusiveContext; } /** * Returns <code>true</code>, if the exclusive context thread is enabled, otherwise <code>false</code>. * * @see #setExclusiveContext(boolean) * @see #setExclusiveContext(Thread) */ // @Override public final synchronized boolean isExclusiveContextEnabled() { return exclusiveContext; } /** * Returns the exclusive context thread if {@link #isExclusiveContextEnabled()} and {@link #isStarted()}, otherwise <code>null</code>. * <p> * If exclusive context is enabled via {@link #setExclusiveContext(boolean)} * the {@link #getThread() animator thread} is returned if above conditions are met. * </p> * <p> * If exclusive context is enabled via {@link #setExclusiveContext(Thread)} * the user passed thread is returned if above conditions are met. * </p> * @see #setExclusiveContext(boolean) * @see #setExclusiveContext(Thread) */ // @Override public final synchronized Thread getExclusiveContextThread() { return ( isStarted() && exclusiveContext ) ? ( null != userExclusiveContextThread ? userExclusiveContextThread : animThread ) : null ; } /** * Should be called at {@link #start()} and {@link #stop()} * from within the animator thread. * <p> * At {@link #stop()} an additional {@link #display()} call shall be issued * to allow propagation of releasing the exclusive thread. * </p> */ protected final synchronized void setDrawablesExclCtxState(final boolean enable) { if(DEBUG) { System.err.println("AnimatorBase.setExclusiveContextImpl exlusive "+exclusiveContext+": Enable "+enable+" for "+this+" - "+Thread.currentThread()); // Thread.dumpStack(); } final Thread ect = getExclusiveContextThread(); for (int i=0; i<drawables.size(); i++) { try { drawables.get(i).setExclusiveContextThread( enable ? ect : null ); } catch (final RuntimeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } protected final boolean validateDrawablesExclCtxState(final Thread expected) { for (int i=0; i<drawables.size(); i++) { if( expected != drawables.get(i).getExclusiveContextThread() ) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public final synchronized Thread getThread() { return animThread; } /** Called every frame to cause redrawing of all of the GLAutoDrawables this Animator manages. Subclasses should call this to get the most optimized painting behavior for the set of components this Animator manages, in particular when multiple lightweight widgets are continually being redrawn. */ protected final void display() throws UncaughtAnimatorException { impl.display(drawables, ignoreExceptions, printExceptions); fpsCounter.tickFPS(); } @Override public final void setUpdateFPSFrames(final int frames, final PrintStream out) { fpsCounter.setUpdateFPSFrames(frames, out); } @Override public final void resetFPSCounter() { fpsCounter.resetFPSCounter(); } @Override public final int getUpdateFPSFrames() { return fpsCounter.getUpdateFPSFrames(); } @Override public final long getFPSStartTime() { return fpsCounter.getFPSStartTime(); } @Override public final long getLastFPSUpdateTime() { return fpsCounter.getLastFPSUpdateTime(); } @Override public final long getLastFPSPeriod() { return fpsCounter.getLastFPSPeriod(); } @Override public final float getLastFPS() { return fpsCounter.getLastFPS(); } @Override public final int getTotalFPSFrames() { return fpsCounter.getTotalFPSFrames(); } @Override public final long getTotalFPSDuration() { return fpsCounter.getTotalFPSDuration(); } @Override public final float getTotalFPS() { return fpsCounter.getTotalFPS(); } /** Sets a flag causing this Animator to ignore exceptions produced while redrawing the drawables. By default this flag is set to false, causing any exception thrown to halt the Animator. */ public final void setIgnoreExceptions(final boolean ignoreExceptions) { this.ignoreExceptions = ignoreExceptions; } /** Sets a flag indicating that when exceptions are being ignored by this Animator (see {@link #setIgnoreExceptions}), to print the exceptions' stack traces for diagnostic information. Defaults to false. */ public final void setPrintExceptions(final boolean printExceptions) { this.printExceptions = printExceptions; } @Override public final UncaughtExceptionHandler getUncaughtExceptionHandler() { return uncaughtExceptionHandler; } @Override public final void setUncaughtExceptionHandler(final UncaughtExceptionHandler handler) { uncaughtExceptionHandler = handler; } /** * Should be called in case of an uncaught exception * from within the animator thread, throws given exception if no handler has been installed. * @return {@code true} if handled, otherwise {@code false}. In case of {@code false}, * caller needs to propagate the exception. */ protected final synchronized boolean handleUncaughtException(final UncaughtAnimatorException ue) { if( null != uncaughtExceptionHandler ) { try { uncaughtExceptionHandler.uncaughtException(this, ue.getGLAutoDrawable(), ue.getCause()); } catch (final Throwable t) { /* ignore intentionally */ } return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Should be called in case of an uncaught exception * from within the animator thread to flush all animator. * <p> * The animator instance shall not be locked when calling this method! * </p> */ protected final void flushGLRunnables() { for (int i=0; i<drawables.size(); i++) { drawables.get(i).flushGLRunnables(); } } protected static interface Condition { /** * @return true if branching (continue waiting, action), otherwise false */ boolean eval(); } /** * @param waitCondition method will wait until TO is reached or {@link Condition#eval() waitCondition.eval()} returns <code>false</code>. * @param pollPeriod if <code>0</code>, method will wait until TO is reached or being notified. * if > <code>0</code>, method will wait for the given <code>pollPeriod</code> in milliseconds. * @return <code>true</code> if {@link Condition#eval() waitCondition.eval()} returned <code>false</code> * or if {@link AnimatorImpl#blockUntilDone(Thread) non-blocking}. Otherwise returns <code>false</code>. */ protected final synchronized boolean finishLifecycleAction(final Condition waitCondition, long pollPeriod) { /** * It's hard to tell whether the thread which changes the lifecycle has * dependencies on the Animator's internal thread. Currently we * use a couple of heuristics to determine whether we should do * the blocking wait(). */ initImpl(false); final boolean blocking; long remaining; boolean nok; if( impl.blockUntilDone(animThread) ) { blocking = true; remaining = TO_WAIT_FOR_FINISH_LIFECYCLE_ACTION; if( 0 >= pollPeriod ) { pollPeriod = remaining; } nok = waitCondition.eval(); while ( nok && remaining>0 ) { final long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); if( pollPeriod > remaining ) { pollPeriod = remaining; } notifyAll(); try { wait(pollPeriod); } catch (final InterruptedException ie) { throw new InterruptedRuntimeException(ie); } remaining -= System.currentTimeMillis() - t1 ; nok = waitCondition.eval(); } } else { /** * Even though we are not able to block until operation is completed at this point, * best effort shall be made to preserve functionality. * Here: Issue notifyAll() if waitCondition still holds and test again. * * Non blocking reason could be utilizing AWT Animator while operation is performed on AWT-EDT. */ blocking = false; remaining = 0; nok = waitCondition.eval(); if( nok ) { notifyAll(); nok = waitCondition.eval(); } } final boolean res = !nok || !blocking; if(DEBUG || blocking && nok) { // Info only if DEBUG or ( blocking && not-ok ) ; !blocking possible if AWT if( blocking && remaining<=0 && nok ) { System.err.println("finishLifecycleAction(" + waitCondition.getClass().getName() + "): ++++++ timeout reached ++++++ " + getThreadName()); } System.err.println("finishLifecycleAction(" + waitCondition.getClass().getName() + "): OK "+(!nok)+ "- pollPeriod "+pollPeriod+", blocking "+blocking+" -> res "+res+ ", waited " + (blocking ? ( TO_WAIT_FOR_FINISH_LIFECYCLE_ACTION - remaining ) : 0 ) + "/" + TO_WAIT_FOR_FINISH_LIFECYCLE_ACTION + " - " + getThreadName()); System.err.println(" - "+toString()); if(nok) { ExceptionUtils.dumpStack(System.err); } } return res; } @Override public synchronized boolean isStarted() { return animThread != null ; } protected static String getThreadName() { return Thread.currentThread().getName(); } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getName()+"[started "+isStarted()+", animating "+isAnimating()+", paused "+isPaused()+", drawable "+drawables.size()+ ", totals[dt "+getTotalFPSDuration()+", frames "+getTotalFPSFrames()+", fps "+getTotalFPS()+ "], modeBits "+modeBits+", init'ed "+(null!=impl)+", animThread "+getThread()+", exclCtxThread "+exclusiveContext+"("+getExclusiveContextThread()+")]"; } }