package nbtool.util; import java.util.Arrays; public class Debug { public static void notRefactored() { global.error("\n\n*************** THIS HAS NOT BEEN REFACTORED YET ***************\n"); } /* cannot code escape char in java string, this is a work-around. * NON PORTABLE (UNIX only, only some terminals) */ public static final String COLOR_RED = (char) 27 + "[31m"; public static final String COLOR_GREEN = (char) 27 + "[32m"; public static final String COLOR_YELLOW = (char) 27 + "[33m"; public static final String COLOR_BLUE = (char) 27 + "[34m"; public static final String COLOR_MAGENTA = (char) 27 + "[35m"; public static final String COLOR_CYAN = (char) 27 + "[36m"; public static final String COLOR_BOLD_YELLOW = (char) 27 + "[33;1m"; public static final String COLOR_BOLD_RED = (char) 27 + "[31;1m"; public static final String COLOR_RESET = (char) 27 + "[0m"; /* this is so close to a hack the difference is negligible: * ** update function with all edge cases immediately */ private static boolean mayUseColor() { String term = System.getenv("TERM"); if (term == null) return false; term = term.toLowerCase(); return term.contains("xterm") || term.contains("color"); } public static final boolean colorAllowed = mayUseColor(); public static void set_red() { if (colorAllowed) System.out.print(COLOR_RED); } public static void set_green() { if (colorAllowed) System.out.print(COLOR_GREEN); } public static void set_yellow() { if (colorAllowed) System.out.print(COLOR_YELLOW); } public static void set_blue() { if (colorAllowed) System.out.print(COLOR_BLUE); } public static void set_magenta() { if (colorAllowed) System.out.print(COLOR_MAGENTA); } public static void set_cyan() { if (colorAllowed) System.out.print(COLOR_CYAN); } public static void set_bold_yellow() { if (colorAllowed) System.out.print(COLOR_BOLD_YELLOW); } public static void set_bold_red() { if (colorAllowed) System.out.print(COLOR_BOLD_RED); } public static void set_reset() { if (colorAllowed) System.out.print(COLOR_RESET); } public static enum LogLevel { levelEVENT(0, "EVENT", '-'), levelINFO(1, "INFO", 'I'), levelWARN(2, "WARN", 'W'), levelERROR(3, "ERROR", 'E'), levelALWAYS(4, "NONE", ' '); private int internal; private String name; public final char symbol; private LogLevel(int i, String name, char symbol) { = name; this.internal = i; this.symbol = symbol; } public String toString() { return name; } public boolean shows(LogLevel l) { return (l.internal >= this.internal); } } public static LogLevel EVENT = LogLevel.levelEVENT; public static LogLevel INFO = LogLevel.levelINFO; public static LogLevel WARN = LogLevel.levelWARN; public static LogLevel ERROR = LogLevel.levelERROR; public static LogLevel ALWAYS = LogLevel.levelALWAYS; private static String[] LOG_COLORS = { "", COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BOLD_YELLOW, COLOR_BOLD_RED, COLOR_CYAN }; public static LogLevel level = EVENT; /* * Don't synchronize output functions, we can assume the JVM does this for us. * */ private static final DebugSettings global = new DebugSettings(true, true, true, null, null); public static DebugSettings createSettings(boolean checks, boolean asserts, boolean colors, LogLevel lev, String dp ) { return new DebugSettings( checks, asserts, colors, lev, dp ); } public static DebugSettings createSettings(LogLevel lev) { return createSettings( true, true, true, lev, null ); } public static DebugSettings createSettings() { return createSettings(null); } public static class DebugSettings { public boolean useChecks; public boolean useAsserts; public boolean useColorOverride; public LogLevel slevel; public String debugPrefix; public DebugSettings(boolean checks, boolean asserts, boolean colors, LogLevel lev, String dp ) { useChecks = checks; useAsserts = asserts; useColorOverride = colors; slevel = lev; debugPrefix = dp; } private LogLevel usedLevel() { return slevel == null ? level : slevel; } public String format(String location, LogLevel msgLev, String f, Object ... args) { if (msgLev == null) return null; LogLevel usedLev = usedLevel(); if (!usedLev.shows(msgLev) ) return null; String pre = "", post = ""; if (useColorOverride && colorAllowed) { pre = LOG_COLORS[msgLev.internal]; post = COLOR_RESET; } String printLoc = debugPrefix; if (printLoc == null) printLoc = location; assert(printLoc != null); String formatInside = String.format(f, args); String formatted = String.format("%s[%C][%s] %s\n%s", pre, msgLev.symbol, printLoc, formatInside, post); return formatted; } private void printIfNotNull(String s) { if (s != null) System.out.print(s); } public void print(String f, Object ... args) { internal(ALWAYS, f, args); } public void event(String f, Object ... args) { internal(EVENT, f, args); } public void info(String f, Object ... args) { internal(INFO, f, args); } public void warn(String f, Object ... args) { internal(WARN, f, args); } public void error(String f, Object ... args) { internal(ERROR, f, args); } protected String instanceLocation() { StackTraceElement rel = Utility.codeLocation(4); return formatLocation(rel); } protected String globalLocation() { StackTraceElement rel = Utility.codeLocation(5); return formatLocation(rel); } protected final String formatLocation(StackTraceElement rel) { String file = rel.getFileName(); file = file.substring(0, file.lastIndexOf('.')); return String.format("%s:%d", file, rel.getLineNumber()); } protected void internal(LogLevel lev, String format, Object ...args) { printIfNotNull(format( (this == global) ? globalLocation() : instanceLocation() , lev, format, args)); } } //private static String outputFormat(LogLevel lev, ) public static void plain(String f, Object... args) { System.out.printf(f + "\n", args); } public static void print(String f, Object... args) { global.print(f, args); } public static void event(String f, Object ... args) { global.event(f, args); } public static void warn(String f, Object ... args) { global.warn(f, args); } public static void info(String f, Object ... args) {, args); } public static void error(String f, Object ... args) { global.error(f, args); } public static void lbreak() { System.out.println(""); } public static void dbreak(String suffix) { char[] chars = new char[50]; Arrays.fill(chars, '-'); System.out.println(new String(chars) + suffix); } }