package data; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; public class SPLStandardMessage implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2204681477211322628L; /** * Some constants from the C-structure. */ public static final String SPL_STANDARD_MESSAGE_STRUCT_HEADER = "SPL "; public static final byte SPL_STANDARD_MESSAGE_STRUCT_VERSION = 6; public static final short SPL_STANDARD_MESSAGE_DATA_SIZE = 780; public static final byte SPL_STANDARD_MESSAGE_MAX_NUM_OF_PLAYERS = 5; public static final int SIZE = 4 // header size + 1 // byte for the version + 1 // player number + 1 // team number + 1 // fallen + 12 // pose + 8 // walking target + 8 // shooting target + 4 // ball age + 8 // ball position + 8 // ball velocity + SPL_STANDARD_MESSAGE_MAX_NUM_OF_PLAYERS // suggestions + 1 // intention + 2 // average walk speed + 2 // maximum kick distance + 1 // confidence of current position + 1 // confidence of current side + 2 // actual size of data + SPL_STANDARD_MESSAGE_DATA_SIZE; // data public String header; // header to identify the structure public byte version; // version of the data structure public byte playerNum; // 1-5 public byte teamNum; // the number of the team (as provided by the organizers) public boolean fallen; // whether the robot is fallen // position and orientation of robot // coordinates in millimeters // 0,0 is in center of field // +ve x-axis points towards the goal we are attempting to score on // +ve y-axis is 90 degrees counter clockwise from the +ve x-axis // angle in radians, 0 along the +x axis, increasing counter clockwise public float[] pose = new float[3]; // x,y,theta // the robot's target position on the field // the coordinate system is the same as for the pose // if the robot does not have any target, this attribute should be set to the robot's position public float[] walkingTo = new float[2]; // the target position of the next shot (either pass or goal shot) // the coordinate system is the same as for the pose // if the robot does not intend to shoot, this attribute should be set to the robot's position public float[] shootingTo = new float[2]; // Ball information public float ballAge; // seconds since this robot last saw the ball. -1.f if we haven't seen it // position of ball relative to the robot // coordinates in millimeters // 0,0 is in centre of the robot // +ve x-axis points forward from the robot // +ve y-axis is 90 degrees counter clockwise from the +ve x-axis public float[] ball = new float[2]; // velocity of the ball (same coordinate system as above) // the unit is millimeters per second public float[] ballVel = new float[2]; // describes what - in the robot's opinion - the teammates should do: public enum Suggestion { NOTHING, // 0 - nothing particular (default) KEEPER, // 1 - play keeper DEFENSE, // 2 - support defense OFFENSE, // 3 - support the ball PLAY_BALL // 4 - play the ball } public Suggestion[] suggestion = new Suggestion[SPL_STANDARD_MESSAGE_MAX_NUM_OF_PLAYERS]; // describes what the robot intends to do public enum Intention { NOTHING, // 0 - nothing particular (default) KEEPER, // 1 - wants to be keeper DEFENSE, // 2 - wants to play defense PLAY_BALL, // 3 - wants to play the ball LOST // 4 - robot is lost } public Intention intention; // the average speed that the robot has, for instance, when walking towards the ball // the unit is mm/s // the idea of this value is to roughly represent the robot's walking skill // it has to be set once at the beginning of the game and remains fixed public short averageWalkSpeed; // the maximum distance that the ball rolls after a strong kick by the robot // the unit is mm // the idea of this value is to roughly represent the robot's kicking skill // it has to be set once at the beginning of the game and remains fixed public short maxKickDistance; // describes the current confidence of a robot about its self-location, // the unit is percent [0,..100] // the value should be updated in the course of the game public byte currentPositionConfidence; // describes the current confidence of a robot about playing in the right direction, // the unit is percent [0,..100] // the value should be updated in the course of the game public byte currentSideConfidence; // buffer for arbitrary data public int nominalDataBytes; public byte[] data; public boolean valid = false; public boolean headerValid = false; public boolean versionValid = false; public boolean playerNumValid = false; public boolean teamNumValid = false; public boolean fallenValid = false; public boolean poseValid = false; public boolean walkingToValid = false; public boolean shootingToValid = false; public boolean ballValid = false; public boolean[] suggestionValid = new boolean[SPL_STANDARD_MESSAGE_MAX_NUM_OF_PLAYERS]; public boolean intentionValid = false; public boolean averageWalkSpeedValid = false; public boolean maxKickDistanceValid = false; public boolean currentPositionConfidenceValid = false; public boolean currentSideConfidenceValid = false; public boolean dataValid = false; public List<String> errors = new LinkedList<>(); public static SPLStandardMessage createFrom(final SPLStandardMessage message) { final SPLStandardMessage m = new SPLStandardMessage(); m.header = message.header; m.version = message.version; m.playerNum = message.playerNum; m.teamNum = message.teamNum; m.fallen = message.fallen; m.pose = message.pose; m.walkingTo = message.walkingTo; m.shootingTo = message.shootingTo; m.ballAge = message.ballAge; m.ball = message.ball; m.ballVel = message.ballVel; m.suggestion = message.suggestion; m.intention = message.intention; m.averageWalkSpeed = message.averageWalkSpeed; m.maxKickDistance = message.maxKickDistance; m.currentPositionConfidence = message.currentPositionConfidence; m.currentSideConfidence = message.currentSideConfidence; m.nominalDataBytes = message.nominalDataBytes; =; m.valid = message.valid; m.headerValid = message.headerValid; m.versionValid = message.versionValid; m.playerNumValid = message.playerNumValid; m.teamNumValid = message.teamNumValid; m.fallenValid = message.fallenValid; m.poseValid = message.poseValid; m.walkingToValid = message.walkingToValid; m.shootingToValid = message.shootingToValid; m.ballValid = message.ballValid; m.suggestionValid = message.suggestionValid; m.intentionValid = message.intentionValid; m.averageWalkSpeedValid = message.averageWalkSpeedValid; m.maxKickDistanceValid = message.maxKickDistanceValid; m.currentPositionConfidenceValid = message.currentPositionConfidenceValid; m.currentSideConfidenceValid = message.currentSideConfidenceValid; m.dataValid = message.dataValid; return m; } public byte[] toByteArray() { ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(SIZE); buffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); buffer.put(header.getBytes()); buffer.put(version); buffer.put(playerNum); buffer.put(teamNum); buffer.put(fallen ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0); buffer.putFloat(pose[0]); buffer.putFloat(pose[1]); buffer.putFloat(pose[2]); buffer.putFloat(walkingTo[0]); buffer.putFloat(walkingTo[1]); buffer.putFloat(shootingTo[0]); buffer.putFloat(shootingTo[1]); buffer.putFloat(ballAge); buffer.putFloat(ball[0]); buffer.putFloat(ball[1]); buffer.putFloat(ballVel[0]); buffer.putFloat(ballVel[1]); for (final Suggestion s : suggestion) { buffer.put((byte) s.ordinal()); } buffer.put((byte) intention.ordinal()); buffer.putShort(averageWalkSpeed); buffer.putShort(maxKickDistance); buffer.put(currentPositionConfidence); buffer.put(currentSideConfidence); buffer.putShort((short) data.length); buffer.put(data); return buffer.array(); } public boolean fromByteArray(ByteBuffer buffer) { try { buffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); byte[] header = new byte[4]; buffer.get(header); this.header = new String(header); if (!this.header.equals(SPL_STANDARD_MESSAGE_STRUCT_HEADER)) { errors.add("wrong header; expected " + SPL_STANDARD_MESSAGE_STRUCT_HEADER + ", is: " + this.header); } else { headerValid = true; version = buffer.get(); if (version != SPL_STANDARD_MESSAGE_STRUCT_VERSION) { errors.add("wrong version; expected " + SPL_STANDARD_MESSAGE_STRUCT_VERSION + ", is: " + version); } else { versionValid = true; playerNum = buffer.get(); if (playerNum < 1 || playerNum > 6) { errors.add("player number not within [1,6]; is: " + playerNum); } else { playerNumValid = true; } teamNum = buffer.get(); if (teamNum < 0) { errors.add("team number not set"); } else { teamNumValid = true; } final byte fallenState = buffer.get(); switch (fallenState) { case 0: fallen = false; fallenValid = true; break; case 1: fallen = true; fallenValid = true; break; default: errors.add("invalid fallen state; expected 0 or 1, is: " + fallenState); } pose[0] = buffer.getFloat(); pose[1] = buffer.getFloat(); pose[2] = buffer.getFloat(); if (!Float.isNaN(pose[0]) && !Float.isNaN(pose[1]) && !Float.isNaN(pose[2])) { poseValid = true; } walkingTo[0] = buffer.getFloat(); walkingTo[1] = buffer.getFloat(); if (!Float.isNaN(walkingTo[0]) && !Float.isNaN(walkingTo[1])) { walkingToValid = true; } shootingTo[0] = buffer.getFloat(); shootingTo[1] = buffer.getFloat(); if (!Float.isNaN(shootingTo[0]) && !Float.isNaN(shootingTo[1])) { shootingToValid = true; } ballAge = buffer.getFloat(); ball[0] = buffer.getFloat(); ball[1] = buffer.getFloat(); ballVel[0] = buffer.getFloat(); ballVel[1] = buffer.getFloat(); if (!Float.isNaN(ballAge) && !Float.isNaN(ball[0]) && !Float.isNaN(ball[1]) && !Float.isNaN(ballVel[0]) && !Float.isNaN(ballVel[1])) { ballValid = true; } for (int i = 0; i < SPL_STANDARD_MESSAGE_MAX_NUM_OF_PLAYERS; i++) { int s = (int) buffer.get(); if (s == -1) { s = 0; } if (s < 0 || s >= Suggestion.values().length) { errors.add("invalid suggestion; expected value in [0," + (Suggestion.values().length - 1) + "], is: " + s); suggestionValid[i] = false; } else { this.suggestion[i] = Suggestion.values()[s]; suggestionValid[i] = true; } } int intention = (int) buffer.get(); if (intention < 0 || intention >= Intention.values().length) { errors.add("invalid intention; expected value in [0," + (Intention.values().length - 1) + "], is: " + intention); } else { this.intention = Intention.values()[intention]; intentionValid = true; } averageWalkSpeed = buffer.getShort(); if (averageWalkSpeed < 0) { errors.add("invalid average walk speed, is: " + averageWalkSpeed); } else { averageWalkSpeedValid = true; } maxKickDistance = buffer.getShort(); if (maxKickDistance < 0) { errors.add("invalid maximum kick distance, is: " + maxKickDistance); } else { maxKickDistanceValid = true; } currentPositionConfidence = buffer.get(); if (currentPositionConfidence < 0 || currentPositionConfidence > 100) { errors.add("invalid position confidence; expected in [0,100], is: " + currentPositionConfidence); } else { currentPositionConfidenceValid = true; } currentSideConfidence = buffer.get(); if (currentSideConfidence < 0 || currentSideConfidence > 100) { errors.add("invalid side confidence; expected in [0,100], is: " + currentPositionConfidence); } else { currentSideConfidenceValid = true; } nominalDataBytes = buffer.getShort(); boolean dValid = true; if (nominalDataBytes > SPL_STANDARD_MESSAGE_DATA_SIZE) { errors.add("custom data size too large; allowed up to " + SPL_STANDARD_MESSAGE_DATA_SIZE + ", is: " + nominalDataBytes); dValid = false; } if (buffer.remaining() < nominalDataBytes) { errors.add("custom data size is smaller than named: " + buffer.remaining() + " instead of " + nominalDataBytes); dValid = false; } data = new byte[nominalDataBytes]; buffer.get(data, 0, nominalDataBytes); dataValid = dValid; } } } catch (RuntimeException e) { errors.add("error while reading message: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + e.getMessage()); } System.out.println("SPLStandardMessage errors:"); for (String s : errors) { System.out.println("\t" + s); } valid = headerValid && versionValid && playerNumValid && teamNumValid && fallenValid && poseValid && walkingToValid && shootingToValid && ballValid && intentionValid && averageWalkSpeedValid && maxKickDistanceValid && currentPositionConfidenceValid && currentSideConfidenceValid && dataValid; if (valid) { for (final boolean v : suggestionValid) { if (!v) { valid = false; return false; } } } return valid; } }