package nbtool.nio; import java.awt.GridLayout; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import javax.swing.JPanel; import; import; import; import; import; import; import nbtool.gui.FlagPanel; import; import; import; import; import; import nbtool.nio.LogRPC.RemoteCall; import nbtool.util.Debug; import nbtool.util.Debug.DebugSettings; import nbtool.util.Events; import nbtool.util.SharedConstants; import nbtool.util.ToolSettings; import nbtool.util.Utility; public class RobotConnection extends IOInstance { private static final DebugSettings debug = Debug.createSettings(true, true, true, Debug.EVENT, null); private static final LinkedList<RobotConnection> instances = new LinkedList<>(); /* STATIC METHODS */ /* -------------------------------------------------- */ /* returns RobotConnection on success, null on failure */ public static RobotConnection connectToRobot(String hostName, IOFirstResponder responder) { RobotConnection conn = new RobotConnection(hostName, SharedConstants.ROBOT_PORT()); conn.ifr = responder; if (conn.tryStart()) { synchronized(instances) { instances.add(conn); } return conn; } return null; } public static RobotConnection getByIndex(int index) { synchronized(instances) { if (index < instances.size()) return instances.get(index); else return null; } } public static RobotConnection getByHost(String host) { synchronized(instances) { for (RobotConnection si : instances) { if ( return si; } return null; } } public static RobotConnection[] getAll() { synchronized(instances) { return instances.toArray(new RobotConnection[0]); } } private static void remove(RobotConnection toRem) { synchronized(instances) { if (instances.contains(toRem)) instances.remove(toRem); } } public static class RobotFlag { public int index; public String name; public boolean value; public RobotFlag(int i, String n, boolean v) { this.index = i; = n; this.value = v; } public RobotFlag(JsonObject obj) { name = obj.get("name").asString().value; index = obj.get("index").asNumber().asInt(); value = obj.get("value").asBoolean().bool(); } public static RobotFlag[] parseLog(Log flags) { assert(flags.logClass.equals(SharedConstants.LogClass_Flags())); JsonArray fArray = null; try { fArray = flags.blocks.get(0).parseAsJson().asArray(); } catch (JsonParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); assert(false); } RobotFlag[] allFlags = new RobotFlag[fArray.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < allFlags.length; ++i) allFlags[i] = new RobotFlag(fArray.get(i).asObject()); return allFlags; } } /* INSTANCE STRUCTURE */ /* -------------------------------------------------- */ public void addControlCall(IOFirstResponder caller, String functionName, Log ... args) { RemoteCall call = new RemoteCall(caller, functionName, args); synchronized(calls) { calls.add(call); calls.notify(); } } private class RobotConnectionThreadBody implements Runnable { private final RobotConnection conn; private final boolean which; protected RobotConnectionThreadBody(RobotConnection conn, boolean w) {this.conn = conn; this.which = w;} @Override public void run() { try { if (which) conn.input(); else conn.output(); } catch (Exception e) { debug.warn("RobotConnectionThreadBody %s of %s thread caught exception, killing...", which ? "INPUT" : "OUTPUT", conn); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { debug.warn("RobotConnectionThreadBody %s of %s ending...", which ? "INPUT" : "OUTPUT", conn); conn.kill(); if (which) { try { outputThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } socket = null;"RobotConnectionThreadBody INPUT of %s cleaning up...", conn); conn.cleanup(); conn.finish(); remove(conn); Events.GRobotConnectionStatus.generate(conn, false); } } } } protected RobotConnection(String host, int port) { = host; this.port = port; } private Thread inputThread, outputThread; private final RobotConnectionThreadBody inputBody = new RobotConnectionThreadBody(this, true); private final RobotConnectionThreadBody outputBody = new RobotConnectionThreadBody(this, false); private final LinkedList<RemoteCall> calls = new LinkedList<>(); private final Map<String, RemoteCall> pending = new HashMap<>(); private final Log heartbeat = Log.explicitLog(null, null, SharedConstants.LogClass_Null(), 0); public RobotFlag[] flags = null; protected boolean tryStart() { assert(socket == null); assert(state() == IOState.STARTING); try { this.socket = CommonIO.setupNetSocket(host, port); } catch(Exception e) { debug.warn("connection attempt to %s:%d FAILED", host, port); e.printStackTrace(); this.state = IOState.FINISHED; return false; } assert(socket != null); assert(socket.isConnected()); this.state = IOState.RUNNING; inputThread = new Thread(inputBody); inputThread.setDaemon(true); inputThread.setName(this.toString() + "(INPUT THREAD)"); outputThread = new Thread(outputBody); outputThread.setDaemon(true); outputThread.setName(this.toString() + "(OUTPUT THREAD)"); inputThread.start(); outputThread.start(); Events.GRobotConnectionStatus.generate(this, true); return true; } @Override public void run() { debug.error("run() called on RobotConnection, that's not how this works!"); assert(false); } private void input() throws Exception {"%s input thread...", this); assert(socket != null); BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); while (state() == IOState.RUNNING) { Log input = Log.parseFromStream(bis); if (input.version() != ToolSettings.VERSION) { debug.warn("%s talking to robot of different version! tool:%d robot:%d", ToolSettings.VERSION, input.version()); } String lclass = input.logClass; if (lclass.equals(SharedConstants.LogClass_Null())) {"%s got heartbeat %d", this, input.createdWhen); } else if (lclass.equals(SharedConstants.LogClass_RPC_Return())) { String key = input.topLevelDictionary.get(SharedConstants.RPC_KEY()).asString().value; if (pending.containsKey(key)) { RemoteCall call = pending.remove(key); if (call.callName().equals("GetFlags")) {"RobotConnection piggy-backing flags from %s",; this.flags = RobotFlag.parseLog(input.blocks.get(0).parseAsLog()); } call.finish(this, input); } else { debug.error("%s got RPCReturn of %s key %s WITH NO MATCHING CALLS PENDING", input.topLevelDictionary.get(SharedConstants.RPC_NAME()).asString().value, key); } } else { if (input.host_addr == null || input.host_addr.isEmpty() || input.host_addr.equals("n/a")) { input.host_addr =; } GIOFirstResponder.generateReceived(this, ifr, 0, input); // debug.error("RobotConnection.input() not actually calling generateReceived yet!"); } } } private void output() throws Exception {"%s output thread...", this); assert(socket != null); BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream()); int timeout = (SharedConstants.REMOTE_HOST_TIMEOUT() / 1000) / 2; while (state() == IOState.RUNNING) { RemoteCall call = null; synchronized(calls) { if (calls.isEmpty()) { calls.wait(timeout); } call = calls.pollFirst(); } if (call == null) { ++heartbeat.createdWhen;"%s sending heartbeat %d...", this, heartbeat.createdWhen); heartbeat.writeTo(bos); bos.flush(); } else { debug.warn("%s sending %s...", this, call.callName()); pending.put(call.key, call);; = null; bos.flush(); } } } private void cleanup() { for (RemoteCall call : calls) { GIOFirstResponder.generateFinished(this, call.caller); } calls.clear(); for (RemoteCall call : pending.values()) { GIOFirstResponder.generateFinished(this, call.caller); } pending.clear(); GIOFirstResponder.generateFinished(this, ifr); ifr = null; } @Override public String name() { return String.format("RobotConnection(%s,%d)", host, port); } public static void main(String[] _ARGS_) throws InterruptedException { Debug.warn("RobotConnection stand-alone main..."); RobotConnection conn = RobotConnection.connectToRobot("", new IOFirstResponder(){ @Override public void ioFinished(IOInstance instance) { Debug.print("got ioFinished: %s", instance); } @Override public void ioReceived(IOInstance inst, int ret, Log... out) { Debug.print("got ioReceived: %s", inst); } @Override public boolean ioMayRespondOnCenterThread(IOInstance inst) { return false; } }); Debug.print("running..."); for(;;) Thread.sleep(1000); } }