package data; import java.awt.Color; /** * * @author Michel-Zen * * This class sets attributes given by the humanoid-league rules. */ public class HL extends Rules { HL() { /** The league´s name this rules are for. */ leagueName = "HL Kid"; /** The league´s directory name with it´s teams and icons. */ leagueDirectory = "hl_kid"; /** How many robots are in a team. */ teamSize = 6; /** How many robots of each team may play at one time. */ robotsPlaying = 4; /** The Java Colors the left and the right team starts with. */ teamColor = new Color[] {Color.BLUE, Color.RED}; /** The name of the colors. */ teamColorName = new String[] {"Blue","Red"}; /** If the colors change automatically. */ colorChangeAuto = false; /** If the clock may stop in certain states (Ready, Set) in a play-off game. */ playOffTimeStop = false; /** Time in seconds one half is long. */ halfTime = 10*60; /** Time in seconds the ready state is long. */ readyTime = 30; /** Time in seconds between first and second half. */ pauseTime = 5*60; /** If left and right side may both have the first kickoff. */ kickoffChoice = true; /** Time in seconds the ball is blocked after kickoff. */ kickoffTime = 10; /** Time in seconds before a global game stuck can be called. */ minDurationBeforeStuck = 30; /** The number of seconds switching to Playing is delayed in a play-off game. */ playOffDelayedSwitchToPlaying = 0; /** If there is an overtime before penalty-shoot in a play-off game. */ overtime = true; /** Time in seconds one overtime half is long. */ overtimeTime = 5*60; /** If the game starts with penalty-shoots. */ startWithPenalty = false; /** Time in seconds between second half and penalty shoot. */ pausePenaltyShootOutTime = 0; /** If there can be a penalty-shoot retry. */ penaltyShotRetries = true; /** Time in seconds one penalty shoot is long. */ penaltyShotTime = 1*60; /** If there is a sudden-death. */ suddenDeath = false; /** Time in seconds one penalty shoot is long in sudden-death. */ penaltyShotTimeSuddenDeath = 2*60; // does not matter /** Number of penalty-shoots for each team when a half has 10minutes. */ numberOfPenaltyShotsShort = 5; /** Number of penalty-shoots for each team after full 10minutes playing. */ numberOfPenaltyShotsLong = 5; /** Time in seconds for each kind of penalty. */ penaltyTime = new int[][] {{-1}, {30}, {30}, {30}, {30}, {30}, {60}}; /** Whether the penalty count is reset on halftime */ resetPenaltyCountOnHalftime = true; /** Whether the ejected robots are reset on halftime */ resetEjectedRobotsOnHalftime = true; /** Whether penalties can be removed before the penalty time has passed. */ allowEarlyPenaltyRemoval = true; /** Penalty that players get when they substitute another player. */ substitutePenalty = PlayerInfo.PENALTY_NONE; /** if robots should return from penalties when the game state changes. */ returnRobotsInGameStoppages = false; /** Time in seconds one team has as timeOut. */ timeOutTime = 2*60; /** One time-out per half? */ timeOutPerHalf = true; /** On how many pushings is a robot ejected. */ pushesToEjection = new int[] {}; /** Defines if the option for a referee timeout is available */ isRefereeTimeoutAvailable = false; /** Defines if coach is available */ isCoachAvailable = false; /** Allowed to compensate for lost time? */ lostTime = false; /** Whether compatibility mode (version 7) is supported */ compatibilityToVersion7 = true; /** If true, the drop-in player competition is active */ dropInPlayerMode = false; /** If true, the game controller should drop broadcast-messages */ dropBroadcastMessages = false; } }