package nbtool.gui.logviews.images; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D; import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter; import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import javax.swing.event.*; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JSlider; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JSpinner; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.SpinnerModel; import javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel; import java.awt.GridLayout; import; import; import nbtool.gui.logviews.misc.ViewParent; import nbtool.gui.logviews.misc.VisionView; import nbtool.images.DebugImage; import nbtool.images.EdgeImage; import nbtool.images.Y8Image; import nbtool.images.Y8ThreshImage; import nbtool.images.Y16Image; import; import; import nbtool.util.Debug; import nbtool.util.Utility; public class DebugImageView extends VisionView implements ActionListener, ChangeListener, MouseMotionListener { // Values according to nbcross/vision_defs.cpp - must be kept in sync static final int YIMAGE = 0; static final int WHITE_IMAGE = 1; static final int GREEN_IMAGE = 2; static final int BLACK_IMAGE = 3; static final int SEGMENTED = 4; static final int EDGE_IMAGE = 5; static final int LINE_IMAGE = 6; static final int BALL_IMAGE = 7; static final int CENTER_CIRCLE = 8; static final int DRAWING = 9; static final int THRESH = 10; static final int LEARN = 11; static final int ORIGINAL = 12; static final int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 320; static final int DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 240; static final int BUFFER = 5; static final int STARTSIZE = 3; static final int FIELDW = 640; static final int FIELDH = 554; /* * * this.displayedLog points to the log the view was shown with * this.latestVisionLog points to the log Vision() most recently returned * * */ // Images that we can view in this view using the combo box String[] imageViews = { "Original", "Green", "Y", "White", "Edge", "Thresh", "Learn" }; JComboBox<String> viewList; JSlider greenThreshold; ChangeListener sliderListener; static int thresh = 128; static final int NUMBER_OF_PARAMS = 10; // update as new params are added static int displayParams[] = new int[NUMBER_OF_PARAMS]; int filterThresholdDark; int greenThresholdDark; int filterThresholdBrite; int greenThresholdBrite; // Dimensions of the image that we are working with int width; int height; // Dimensions as we want to display them int displayw; int displayh; Vector<Double> lines; Vector<Double> ccPoints; BufferedImage originalImage; // what the robot saw DebugImage debugImage; // drawing overlay BufferedImage debugImageDisplay; // overlay + original BufferedImage displayImages[] = new BufferedImage[ORIGINAL+1]; // our images Y8ThreshImage greenCheck; Y8Image green8; Y8Image white8; Y8Image black8; private String label = null; static int currentBottom; // track current selection static boolean firstLoad = true; boolean newLogLoaded = true; boolean parametersNeedSetting = false; static PersistantStuff persistant; public DebugImageView() { super(); setLayout(null); // set up combo box to select views viewList = new JComboBox<String>(imageViews); viewList.setSelectedIndex(0); viewList.addActionListener(this); // set up slider greenThreshold = new JSlider(JSlider.HORIZONTAL, 128, 220, thresh); greenThreshold.addChangeListener(this); greenThreshold.setMajorTickSpacing(10); greenThreshold.setMinorTickSpacing(1); greenThreshold.setPaintTicks(true); greenThreshold.setPaintLabels(true); add(viewList); add(greenThreshold); this.addMouseListener(new DistanceGetter()); this.addMouseMotionListener(this); // default image to display - save across instances if (firstLoad) { for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_PARAMS; i++) { displayParams[i] = 0; } // ideally these would actually be read from NBCROSS filterThresholdDark = 104; greenThresholdDark = 12; filterThresholdBrite = 130; greenThresholdBrite = 80; displayParams[6] = filterThresholdDark; displayParams[7] = greenThresholdDark; displayParams[8] = filterThresholdBrite; displayParams[9] = greenThresholdBrite; firstLoad = false; currentBottom = ORIGINAL; persistant = new PersistantStuff(this); } else { System.out.println("Reloading"); newLogLoaded = true; persistant.setParent(this); //adjustParams(); } add(persistant); } @Override protected void setupVisionDisplay() { width = this.originalWidth() / 2; height = this.originalHeight() / 2; displayw = 640; //width*2; displayh = 480; //height*2; displayImages[ORIGINAL] = this.getOriginal().toBufferedImage(); } /* Our parameters have been adjusted. Get their values, make an expression * and ship it off to Vision. */ public void adjustParams() { // Don't make an extra initial call if (newLogLoaded) { System.out.println("Skipping parameter adjustments"); return; } //zeroParam(); SExpr newParams = SExpr.newList(SExpr.newKeyValue("CameraHorizon", displayParams[0]), SExpr.newKeyValue("FieldHorizon", displayParams[1]), SExpr.newKeyValue("DebugHorizon", displayParams[2]), SExpr.newKeyValue("DebugField", displayParams[3]), SExpr.newKeyValue("DebugBall", displayParams[4]), SExpr.newKeyValue("ShowSpotSizes", displayParams[5]), SExpr.newKeyValue("FilterDark", displayParams[6]), SExpr.newKeyValue("GreenDark", displayParams[7]), SExpr.newKeyValue("FilterBrite", displayParams[8]), SExpr.newKeyValue("GreenBrite", displayParams[9])); // Look for existing Params atom in current this.log description displayedLog.topLevelDictionary.put("DebugDrawing", SExpr.pair("DebugDrawing", newParams).serialize()); rerunLog(); //repaint(); } public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { final int BOX_HEIGHT = 25; super.paintComponent(g); if (debugImage != null) { g.drawImage(debugImageDisplay, 0, 0, displayw, displayh, null); drawLines(g); drawBlobs(g); //displayImages[THRESH].setThresh(persistant.greenThreshold); if (currentBottom != LEARN) { g.drawImage(displayImages[currentBottom], 0, displayh + 25, displayw / 2, displayh / 2, null); } else { findGreen(g); } viewList.setBounds(displayw / 2 + 10, displayh + 10, displayw / 2, BOX_HEIGHT); if (label != null) { g.setColor(Color.BLACK); g.drawString(label, 10, displayh + 20); } greenThreshold.setBounds(displayw / 2, 2 * displayh + 15 + BOX_HEIGHT, 500, BOX_HEIGHT+20); greenThreshold.repaint(); persistant.setBounds(displayw+10, 0, 300, 300); } } /* Taken from */ public void drawLines(Graphics g) { // This code stolen from // TODO: obviously this should be moved into its own function if (persistant != null && persistant.displayFieldLines) { for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i += 10) { double icR = lines.get(i); double icT = lines.get(i + 1); double icEP0 = lines.get(i + 2); double icEP1 = lines.get(i + 3); double houghIndex = lines.get(i + 4); double fieldIndex = lines.get(i + 5); double fcR = lines.get(i + 6); double fcT = lines.get(i + 7); double fcEP0 = lines.get(i + 8); double fcEP1 = lines.get(i + 9); // Draw it in image coordinates if (fieldIndex == -1) g.setColor(; else g.setColor(; double x0 = 2*icR * Math.cos(icT) + displayImages[ORIGINAL].getWidth() / 2; double y0 = -2*icR * Math.sin(icT) + displayImages[ORIGINAL].getHeight() / 2; int x1 = (int) Math.round(x0 + 2*icEP0 * Math.sin(icT)); int y1 = (int) Math.round(y0 + 2*icEP0 * Math.cos(icT)); int x2 = (int) Math.round(x0 + 2*icEP1 * Math.sin(icT)); int y2 = (int) Math.round(y0 + 2*icEP1 * Math.cos(icT)); g.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2); // Image view line labels double xstring = (x1 + x2) / 2; double ystring = (y1 + y2) / 2; double scale = 0; if (icR > 0) scale = 10; else scale = 3; xstring += scale*Math.cos(icT); ystring += scale*Math.sin(icT); g.drawString(Integer.toString((int) houghIndex) + "/" + Integer.toString((int) fieldIndex), (int) xstring, (int) ystring); } } } /* Taken directly from (where it was undocumented). Draws blobs * related to the ball. */ public void drawBlobs(Graphics g) { int multiplier = 2; if (width != DEFAULT_WIDTH) { multiplier = 4; } // if we don't have an black image we're in trouble if (displayImages[BLACK_IMAGE] == null) { System.out.println("No Y image"); return; } //Graphics2D graph = black.createGraphics(); Graphics2D graph = (Graphics2D)g; graph.setColor(Color.YELLOW); String b = "blob"; SExpr tree = this.getBallBlock().parseAsSExpr(); SExpr whiteTree = this.getWhiteSpotBlock().parseAsSExpr(); SExpr blackTree = this.getBlackSpotBlock().parseAsSExpr(); // loop through all of the white blobs we find in the tree b = "whiteSpot"; graph.setColor(Color.BLUE); graph.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2.0F)); for (int i= 0; ; i++) { SExpr bl = whiteTree.find(b+i); if (!bl.exists()) { break; } SExpr blob = bl.get(1); if (persistant != null && persistant.drawAllBalls) { drawBlob(graph, blob, multiplier); } } // loop through all of the black spots we find in the tree b = "darkSpot"; graph.setColor(Color.YELLOW); for (int i= 0; ; i++) { SExpr bl = blackTree.find(b+i); if (!bl.exists()) { break; } SExpr blob = bl.get(1); if (persistant != null && persistant.drawAllBalls) { drawBlob(graph, blob, multiplier); } } graph.setColor(Color.BLACK); b = "ball"; for(int i=0; ;i++) { SExpr ball = tree.find(b+i); if (!ball.exists()){ break; } SExpr blob = ball.get(1).find("blob").get(1); double diam = ball.get(1). find("expectedDiam").get(1).valueAsDouble(); SExpr loc = blob.find("center").get(1); int x = (int) Math.round(loc.get(0).valueAsDouble()); int y = (int) Math.round(loc.get(1).valueAsDouble()); graph.draw(new Ellipse2D.Double((x - diam/2) * multiplier, (y - diam/2)* multiplier, diam*multiplier, diam*multiplier)); } } private void drawBlob(Graphics2D g, SExpr blob, int multiplier) { final int WHITE_CANDIDATE = 1; final int WHITE_REJECT = 2; final int DARK_CANDIDATE = 3; final int DARK_REJECT = 4; final int WHITE_BLOB = 5; final int WHITE_BLOB_BAD = 6; SExpr loc = blob.find("center").get(1); int x = (int) Math.round(loc.get(0).valueAsDouble()); int y = (int) Math.round(loc.get(1).valueAsDouble()); double len1 = blob.find("inner").get(1).valueAsDouble() / 2.0; double len2 = len1; int spotType = blob.find("spottype").get(1).valueAsInt(); double ang1 = 0.0; switch (spotType) { case WHITE_CANDIDATE: g.setColor(Color.RED); break; case WHITE_REJECT: g.setColor(Color.WHITE); break; case DARK_CANDIDATE: g.setColor(Color.ORANGE); break; case DARK_REJECT: g.setColor(Color.BLUE); break; case WHITE_BLOB: g.setColor(Color.MAGENTA); break; case WHITE_BLOB_BAD: g.setColor(Color.WHITE); break; } Ellipse2D.Double ellipse = new Ellipse2D.Double((x-len1)*multiplier, (y-len2)*multiplier, len1*2*multiplier, len2*2*multiplier); Shape rotated = (AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(ang1, x*multiplier, y*multiplier). createTransformedShape(ellipse)); g.draw(rotated); } /* Called when our display conditions have changed, but we still want to * run on the current log. */ public void rerunLog() { System.out.println("Rerunning log"); this.callVision(); } /* Currently only called by the JComboBox, if we start adding more actions * then we will need to update this accordingly. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JComboBox<String> cb = (JComboBox<String>) e.getSource(); String viewName = (String) cb.getSelectedItem(); updateView(viewName); } /* Updates the image displayed on the bottom according to the user's * selection. */ public void updateView(String viewName) { if (viewName == "Green") { currentBottom = GREEN_IMAGE; } else if (viewName == "White") { currentBottom = WHITE_IMAGE; } else if (viewName == "Y") { currentBottom = BLACK_IMAGE; } else if (viewName == "Edge") { currentBottom = EDGE_IMAGE; } else if (viewName == "Original") { currentBottom = ORIGINAL; } else if (viewName == "Thresh") { currentBottom = THRESH; } else if (viewName == "Learn") { currentBottom = LEARN; } else { currentBottom = ORIGINAL; } repaint(); } public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { JSlider source = (JSlider)e.getSource(); if (!source.getValueIsAdjusting()) { thresh = (int)source.getValue(); System.out.println("New value is "+thresh); greenCheck.setThresh(thresh); displayImages[THRESH] = greenCheck.toBufferedImage(); if (currentBottom == THRESH) { repaint(); } } //parent.adjustParams(); //parent.repaint(); } class DistanceGetter implements MouseListener { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { repaint(); } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { repaint(); } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {} public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {} } @Override public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {} @Override public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { if (displayedLog == null) { return; } int col = e.getX(); int row = e.getY(); byte[] data = originalImageBytes(); if (col < 0 || row < 0 || col >= displayw || row >= displayh) { return; } if (width != DEFAULT_WIDTH) { col = col/2; row = row/2; boolean first = (col & 1) == 0; int cbase = (col & ~1); int i = (row * 160) + (cbase * 2); int y = data[first ? i : i + 2] & 0xff; int u = data[i + 1] & 0xff; int v = data[i + 3] & 0xff; label = String.format("(%d,%d): y=%d u=%d v=%d", col/2, row/2, y, u, v); } else { boolean first = (col & 1) == 0; int cbase = (col & ~1); int i = (row * displayw * 2) + (cbase * 2); int y = data[first ? i : i + 2] & 0xff; int u = data[i + 1] & 0xff; int v = data[i + 3] & 0xff; label = String.format("(%d,%d): y=%d u=%d v=%d", col/2, row/2, y, u, v); } repaint(); } class PersistantStuff extends JPanel implements ItemListener, ChangeListener { JPanel checkBoxPanel; JPanel paramPanel; JCheckBox showCameraHorizon; JCheckBox showFieldHorizon; JCheckBox debugHorizon; JCheckBox debugFieldEdge; JCheckBox debugBall; JCheckBox showFieldLines; JCheckBox showSpotSizes; boolean displayFieldLines; boolean drawAllBalls; DebugImageView parent; JSpinner filterDark; JSpinner greenDark; JSpinner filterBrite; JSpinner greenBrite; PersistantStuff(DebugImageView p) { parent = p; // set up check boxes showCameraHorizon = new JCheckBox("Show camera horizon"); showFieldHorizon = new JCheckBox("Show field convex hull"); debugHorizon = new JCheckBox("Debug Field Horizon"); debugFieldEdge = new JCheckBox("Debug Field Edge"); debugBall = new JCheckBox("Debug Ball"); showFieldLines = new JCheckBox("Hide Field Lines"); showSpotSizes = new JCheckBox("Show Spot Sizes"); // add their listeners showCameraHorizon.addItemListener(this); showFieldHorizon.addItemListener(this); debugHorizon.addItemListener(this); debugFieldEdge.addItemListener(this); debugBall.addItemListener(this); showFieldLines.addItemListener(this); showSpotSizes.addItemListener(this); // put them into one panel checkBoxPanel = new JPanel(); checkBoxPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 1)); // 0 rows, 1 column checkBoxPanel.add(showCameraHorizon); checkBoxPanel.add(showFieldHorizon); checkBoxPanel.add(debugHorizon); checkBoxPanel.add(debugFieldEdge); checkBoxPanel.add(debugBall); checkBoxPanel.add(showFieldLines); checkBoxPanel.add(showSpotSizes); // default all checkboxes to false showCameraHorizon.setSelected(false); showFieldHorizon.setSelected(false); debugHorizon.setSelected(false); debugFieldEdge.setSelected(false); debugBall.setSelected(false); showFieldLines.setSelected(false); showSpotSizes.setSelected(false); SpinnerModel filterDarkModel = new SpinnerNumberModel(parent.displayParams[6], 0, 512, 4); SpinnerModel greenDarkModel = new SpinnerNumberModel(parent.displayParams[7], 0, 255, 4); SpinnerModel filterBriteModel = new SpinnerNumberModel(parent.displayParams[8], 0, 512, 4); SpinnerModel greenBriteModel = new SpinnerNumberModel(parent.displayParams[9], 0, 255, 4); paramPanel = new JPanel(); paramPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 2)); filterDark = addLabeledSpinner(paramPanel, "filterThresholdDark", filterDarkModel); greenDark = addLabeledSpinner(paramPanel, "greenThresholdDark", greenDarkModel); filterBrite = addLabeledSpinner(paramPanel, "filterThresholdBrite", filterBriteModel); greenBrite = addLabeledSpinner(paramPanel, "greenThresholdBrite", greenBriteModel); greenBrite.addChangeListener(this); filterBrite.addChangeListener(this); greenDark.addChangeListener(this); filterDark.addChangeListener(this); add(checkBoxPanel); add(paramPanel); setSize(400, 500); } protected JSpinner addLabeledSpinner(Container c, String label, SpinnerModel model) { JLabel l = new JLabel(label); c.add(l); JSpinner spinner = new JSpinner(model); l.setLabelFor(spinner); c.add(spinner); return spinner; } public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { parent.displayParams[6] = ((Integer)filterDark.getValue()).intValue(); parent.displayParams[7] = ((Integer)greenDark.getValue()).intValue(); parent.displayParams[8] = ((Integer)filterBrite.getValue()).intValue(); parent.displayParams[9] = ((Integer)greenBrite.getValue()).intValue(); parent.adjustParams(); parent.repaint(); } public void setParent(DebugImageView p) { parent = p; } public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { int index = 0; Object source = e.getSource(); if (source == showCameraHorizon) { index = 0; } else if (source == showFieldHorizon) { index = 1; } else if (source == debugHorizon) { index = 2; } else if (source == debugFieldEdge) { index = 3; } else if (source == debugBall) { index = 4; drawAllBalls = !drawAllBalls; } else if (source == showFieldLines) { index = -1; displayFieldLines = !displayFieldLines; } else if (source == showSpotSizes) { index = 5; } // flip the value of the parameter checked if (index >= 0) { if (parent.displayParams[index] == 0) { parent.displayParams[index] = 1; } else { parent.displayParams[index] = 0; } } parent.adjustParams(); parent.repaint(); } } public void findGreen(Graphics g) { int max = 0; int maxY = 0; int maxU = 0; int maxV = 0; for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) { int gr = ([row * width + col]) & 0xFF; int wh = ([row * width + col]) & 0xFF; if (gr < 100 && wh < 100) { g.setColor(Color.GRAY); } else if (gr > wh) { g.setColor(Color.GREEN); } else { g.setColor(Color.WHITE); } g.fillRect(col, row+displayh+30, 1, 1); } } } @Override public void ioFinished(IOInstance instance) {} @Override public void ioReceived(IOInstance inst, int ret, Log... out) { System.out.println("IO received in Debug"); //yuv = out[0].bytes; if (this.getGreenBlock() != null) { green8 = new Y8Image(width, height, this.getGreenBlock().data); displayImages[GREEN_IMAGE] = green8.toBufferedImage(); greenCheck = new Y8ThreshImage(width, height, this.getGreenBlock().data); greenCheck.setThresh(thresh); displayImages[THRESH] = greenCheck.toBufferedImage(); } if (this.getWhiteBlock() != null) { System.out.println("here"); white8 = new Y8Image(width, height, this.getWhiteBlock().data); displayImages[WHITE_IMAGE] = white8.toBufferedImage(); } if (this.getYBlock() != null) { Y16Image yImg = new Y16Image(width, height, this.getYBlock().data); displayImages[BLACK_IMAGE] = yImg.toBufferedImage(); } if (this.getEdgeBlock() != null) { EdgeImage ei = new EdgeImage(width, height, this.getEdgeBlock().data); displayImages[EDGE_IMAGE] = ei.toBufferedImage(); } lines = new Vector<Double>(); byte[] lineBytes = this.getLineBlock().data; int numLines = lineBytes.length / (9 * 8); try { DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(lineBytes)); for (int i = 0; i < numLines; ++i) { lines.add(dis.readDouble()); // image coord r lines.add(dis.readDouble()); // image coord t lines.add(dis.readDouble()); // image coord ep0 lines.add(dis.readDouble()); // image coord ep1 lines.add((double)dis.readInt()); // hough index lines.add((double)dis.readInt()); // fieldline index lines.add(dis.readDouble()); // field coord r lines.add(dis.readDouble()); // field coord t lines.add(dis.readDouble()); // field coord ep0 lines.add(dis.readDouble()); // field coord ep1 } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.error("Conversion to hough coord lines failed."); e.printStackTrace(); } ccPoints = new Vector<Double>(); byte[] pointBytes = this.getCCDBlock().data; int numPoints = pointBytes.length / (2 * 8); try { DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(pointBytes)); for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i ++) { ccPoints.add(dis.readDouble()); // X coordinate ccPoints.add(dis.readDouble()); // Y coodinrate } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.error("Conversion from bytes to center failed."); e.printStackTrace(); } // SExpr otree = out[BLACK_IMAGE].tree(); // Y8image o = new Y8image(otree.find("width").get(1).valueAsInt(), // otree.find("height").get(1).valueAsInt(), // out[BLACK_IMAGE].bytes); // balls = out[BALL_IMAGE]; debugImage = new DebugImage(width, height, this.getDebugImageBlock().data, displayImages[ORIGINAL]); debugImageDisplay = debugImage.toBufferedImage(); if (newLogLoaded) { newLogLoaded = false; adjustParams(); } repaint(); } }