package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.EventObject; import; import; /** * Class for events being sent when the state of a team changes. * * @author Felix Thielke */ public class TeamEvent extends EventObject { private static final long serialVersionUID = 6644539300556793797L; /** * Side the team is playing on. * * @see GameState#TEAM_LEFT * @see GameState#TEAM_RIGHT */ public final int side; /** * Number of the team. */ public final int teamNumber; /** * Robots belonging to the team in the order of their player numbers. */ public final Collection<RobotState> players; /** * Constructor. * * @param source source of this event * @param side side the team is playing on * @param teamNumber number of the team * @param players robots belonging to the team in the order of their player * numbers */ public TeamEvent(final Object source, final int side, final int teamNumber, final Collection<RobotState> players) { super(source); this.side = side; this.teamNumber = teamNumber; this.players = players; } }