package data; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import common.Log; import controller.action.ActionBoard; /** * @author Michel Bartsch * * This class extends the GameControlData that is send to the robots. It * contains all the additional informations the GameControler needs to * represent a state of the game, for example time in millis. * * There are no synchronized get and set methods because in this architecture * only actions in their perform method are allowed to write into this and they * are all in the same thread. Look in the EventHandler for more information. */ public class AdvancedData extends GameControlData implements Cloneable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2720243434306304319L; /** This message is set when the data is put into the timeline */ public String message = ""; /** How much time summed up before the current state? (ms)*/ public long timeBeforeCurrentGameState; /** When was switched to the current state? (ms) */ public long whenCurrentGameStateBegan; /** When was the last drop-in? (ms, 0 = never) */ public long whenDropIn; /** When was each player penalized last (ms, 0 = never)? */ public long[][] whenPenalized = Rules.league.isCoachAvailable ? new long[2][Rules.league.teamSize+1] : new long[2][Rules.league.teamSize]; /** How often was each robot penalized with each league-specific penalty? */ public int[][][] penaltyCount = Rules.league.isCoachAvailable ? new int[2][Rules.league.teamSize + 1][Rules.league.penaltyTime.length] : new int[2][Rules.league.teamSize][Rules.league.penaltyTime.length]; /** Which players were already ejected? */ public boolean [][] ejected = Rules.league.isCoachAvailable ? new boolean[2][Rules.league.teamSize+1] : new boolean[2][Rules.league.teamSize]; /** Pushing counters for each team, 0:left side, 1:right side. */ public int[] pushes = {0, 0}; /** If true, the referee set a timeout */ public boolean refereeTimeout = false; /** If true, this team is currently taking a timeOut, 0:left side, 1:right side. */ public boolean[] timeOutActive = {false, false}; /** TimeOut counters for each team, 0:left side, 1:right side. */ public boolean[] timeOutTaken = {false, false}; /** If true, left side has the kickoff. */ public boolean leftSideKickoff = true; /** If true, the colors change automatically. */ public boolean colorChangeAuto; /** If true, the testmode has been activated. */ public boolean testmode = false; /** If true, the clock has manually been paused in the testmode. */ public boolean manPause = false; /** If true, the clock has manually been started in the testmode. */ public boolean manPlay = false; /** When was the last manual intervention to the clock? */ public long manWhenClockChanged; /** Time offset resulting from manually stopping the clock. */ public long manTimeOffset; /** Time offset resulting from starting the clock when it should be stopped. */ public long manRemainingGameTimeOffset; /** Used to backup the secondary game state during a timeout. */ public byte previousSecGameState = STATE2_NORMAL; /** Keeps the penalties for the players if there are substituted */ public ArrayList<ArrayList<PenaltyQueueData>> penaltyQueueForSubPlayers = new ArrayList<ArrayList<PenaltyQueueData>>(); /** Keep the timestamp when a coach message was received*/ public long timestampCoachPackage[] = {0, 0}; /** Keep the coach messages*/ public ArrayList<SPLCoachMessage> splCoachMessageQueue = new ArrayList<SPLCoachMessage>(); /** * Creates a new AdvancedData. */ public AdvancedData() { if (Rules.league.startWithPenalty) { secGameState = GameControlData.STATE2_PENALTYSHOOT; } for (int i=0; i<2; i++) { for (int j=0; j < team[i].player.length; j++) { if (j >= Rules.league.robotsPlaying) { team[i].player[j].penalty = PlayerInfo.PENALTY_SUBSTITUTE; } } penaltyQueueForSubPlayers.add(new ArrayList<PenaltyQueueData>()); } } /** * Generically clone this object. Everything referenced must be Serializable. * @return A deep copy of this object. */ public Object clone() { try { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); new ObjectOutputStream(out).writeObject(this); ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray()); return new ObjectInputStream(in).readObject(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.out.println(e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage()); } return null; // Should never be reached } /** * Returns the side on which a team plays. The team should be playing * via this GameController. * * @param teamNumber The unique teamNumber. * * @return The side of the team, 0:left side, 1:right side. */ public int getSide(short teamNumber) { return teamNumber == team[0].teamNumber ? 0 : 1; } /** * Returns the current time. Can be stopped in test mode. * @return The current time in ms. May become incompatible to * the time delivered by System.currentTimeMillis(). */ public long getTime() { return manPause ? manWhenClockChanged : System.currentTimeMillis() + manTimeOffset; } /** * Returns the number of seconds since a certain timestamp. * @param millis The timestamp in ms. * @return The number of seconds since the timestamp. */ public int getSecondsSince(long millis) { return millis == 0 ? 100000 : (int) (getTime() - millis) / 1000; } /** * The number of seconds until a certion duration is over. The time * already passed is specified as a timestamp when it began. * @param millis The timestamp in ms. * @param duration The full duration in s. * @param The number of seconds that still remain from the duration. * Can be negative. */ public int getRemainingSeconds(long millis, int durationInSeconds) { return durationInSeconds - getSecondsSince(millis); } /** * Update all durations in the GameControlData packet. */ public void updateTimes() { secsRemaining = (short) getRemainingGameTime(false); dropInTime = whenDropIn == 0 ? -1 : (short) getSecondsSince(whenDropIn); Integer subT = getSecondaryTime(0); if (subT == null) { secondaryTime = 0; } else { secondaryTime = (short)(int)subT; } for (int side = 0; side < team.length; ++side) { for (int number = 0; number < team[side].player.length; ++number) { PlayerInfo player = team[side].player[number]; player.secsTillUnpenalised = player.penalty == PlayerInfo.PENALTY_NONE ? 0 : (byte) getRemainingPenaltyTime(side, number); } } } /** * Add the time passed in the current game state to the time that already passed before. * Is usually called during changes of the game state. */ public void addTimeInCurrentState() { timeBeforeCurrentGameState += getTime() - whenCurrentGameStateBegan; } /** * Calculates the remaining game time in the current phase of the game. * This is what the primary clock will show. * @param real If true, the real time will be returned. If false, the first number of seconds in the playing state * in play-off games will not be updated. * @return The remaining number of seconds. */ public int getRemainingGameTime(boolean real) { int regularNumberOfPenaltyShots = (gameType == GAME_PLAYOFF) ? Rules.league.numberOfPenaltyShotsLong : Rules.league.numberOfPenaltyShotsShort; int duration = secGameState == STATE2_TIMEOUT ? secsRemaining : secGameState == STATE2_NORMAL ? Rules.league.halfTime : secGameState == STATE2_OVERTIME ? Rules.league.overtimeTime : Math.max(team[0].penaltyShot, team[1].penaltyShot) > regularNumberOfPenaltyShots ? Rules.league.penaltyShotTimeSuddenDeath : Rules.league.penaltyShotTime; int timePlayed = gameState == STATE_INITIAL// during timeouts || (gameState == STATE_READY || gameState == STATE_SET) && ((gameType == GAME_PLAYOFF) && Rules.league.playOffTimeStop || timeBeforeCurrentGameState == 0) || gameState == STATE_FINISHED ? (int) ((timeBeforeCurrentGameState + manRemainingGameTimeOffset + (manPlay ? System.currentTimeMillis() - manWhenClockChanged : 0)) / 1000) : real || gameType != GAME_PLAYOFF || secGameState != STATE2_NORMAL || gameState != STATE_PLAYING || getSecondsSince(whenCurrentGameStateBegan) >= Rules.league.playOffDelayedSwitchToPlaying ? getSecondsSince(whenCurrentGameStateBegan - timeBeforeCurrentGameState - manRemainingGameTimeOffset) : (int) ((timeBeforeCurrentGameState - manRemainingGameTimeOffset) / 1000); return duration - timePlayed; } /** * The method returns the remaining pause time. * @return The remaining number of seconds of the game pause or null if there currently is no pause. */ public Integer getRemainingPauseTime() { if (Rules.league.dropInPlayerMode) { return null; } else if (secGameState == GameControlData.STATE2_NORMAL && (gameState == STATE_INITIAL && firstHalf != C_TRUE && !timeOutActive[0] && !timeOutActive[1] || gameState == STATE_FINISHED && firstHalf == C_TRUE)) { return getRemainingSeconds(whenCurrentGameStateBegan, Rules.league.pauseTime); } else if (Rules.league.pausePenaltyShootOutTime != 0 && (gameType == GAME_PLAYOFF) && team[0].score == team[1].score && (gameState == STATE_INITIAL && secGameState == STATE2_PENALTYSHOOT && !timeOutActive[0] && !timeOutActive[1] || gameState == STATE_FINISHED && firstHalf != C_TRUE)) { return getRemainingSeconds(whenCurrentGameStateBegan, Rules.league.pausePenaltyShootOutTime); } else { return null; } } /** * Resets the penalize time of all players to 0. * This does not unpenalize them. */ public void resetPenaltyTimes() { for (long[] players : whenPenalized) { for (int i = 0; i < players.length; ++i) { players[i] = 0; } } } /** * Resets all penalties. */ public void resetPenalties() { for (int i = 0; i < team.length; ++i) { pushes[i] = 0; for (int j = 0; j < Rules.league.teamSize; j++) { if (!ActionBoard.robot[i][j].isCoach(this) && team[i].player[j].penalty != PlayerInfo.PENALTY_SUBSTITUTE) { team[i].player[j].penalty = PlayerInfo.PENALTY_NONE; if (Rules.league.resetEjectedRobotsOnHalftime) { ejected[i][j] = false; } } if (Rules.league.resetPenaltyCountOnHalftime) { for (int k = 0; k < Rules.league.penaltyTime.length; k++) { penaltyCount[i][j][k] = 0; } } } } resetPenaltyTimes(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { penaltyQueueForSubPlayers.get(i).clear(); } } /** * Calculates the remaining time a certain robot has to stay penalized. * @param side 0 or 1 depending on whether the robot's team is shown left or right. * @param number The robot's number starting with 0. * @return The number of seconds the robot has to stay penalized. */ public int getRemainingPenaltyTime(int side, int number) { int penalty = team[side].player[number].penalty; int penaltyTime = -1; if (penalty != PlayerInfo.PENALTY_MANUAL && penalty != PlayerInfo.PENALTY_SUBSTITUTE) { // System.out.println("penalty: " + penalty); // System.out.println("penalty count: " + penaltyCount[side][number][penalty]); penaltyTime = Rules.league.penaltyTime[penalty][((penaltyCount[side][number][penalty] > Rules.league.penaltyTime[penalty].length) ? Rules.league.penaltyTime[penalty].length : penaltyCount[side][number][penalty]) - 1]; } // System.out.println("penalty time: " + penaltyTime); assert penalty == PlayerInfo.PENALTY_MANUAL || penalty == PlayerInfo.PENALTY_SUBSTITUTE || penaltyTime != -1; return penalty == PlayerInfo.PENALTY_MANUAL || penalty == PlayerInfo.PENALTY_SUBSTITUTE ? 0 : gameState == STATE_READY && Rules.league.returnRobotsInGameStoppages && whenPenalized[side][number] >= whenCurrentGameStateBegan ? Rules.league.readyTime - getSecondsSince(whenCurrentGameStateBegan) : Math.max(0, getRemainingSeconds(whenPenalized[side][number], penaltyTime)); } /** * Calculates the Number of robots in play (not substitute) on one side * @param side 0 or 1 depending on whether the team is shown left or right. * @return The number of robots without substitute penalty on the side */ public int getNumberOfRobotsInPlay(int side) { int count = 0; for (int i=0; i<team[side].player.length; i++) { if (team[side].player[i].penalty != PlayerInfo.PENALTY_SUBSTITUTE) { count++; } } return count; } /** * Determines the secondary time. Although this is a GUI feature, the secondary time * will also be encoded in the network packet. * @param timeKickOffBlockedOvertime In case the kickOffBlocked time is delivered, this * parameter specified how long negative values will * be returned before the time is switched off. * @return The secondary time in seconds or null if there currently is none. */ public Integer getSecondaryTime(int timeKickOffBlockedOvertime) { if(timeKickOffBlockedOvertime == 0 // preparing data packet && secGameState == STATE2_NORMAL && gameState == STATE_PLAYING && getSecondsSince(whenCurrentGameStateBegan) < Rules.league.playOffDelayedSwitchToPlaying) { return null; } int timeKickOffBlocked = getRemainingSeconds(whenCurrentGameStateBegan, Rules.league.kickoffTime); if (kickOffTeam == DROPBALL) { timeKickOffBlocked = 0; } if (gameState == STATE_INITIAL && (timeOutActive[0] || timeOutActive[1])) { return getRemainingSeconds(whenCurrentGameStateBegan, Rules.league.timeOutTime); } else if (gameState == STATE_INITIAL && (refereeTimeout)) { return getRemainingSeconds(whenCurrentGameStateBegan, Rules.league.refereeTimeout); } else if (gameState == STATE_READY) { return getRemainingSeconds(whenCurrentGameStateBegan, Rules.league.readyTime); } else if (gameState == STATE_PLAYING && secGameState != STATE2_PENALTYSHOOT && timeKickOffBlocked >= -timeKickOffBlockedOvertime) { if (timeKickOffBlocked > 0) { return timeKickOffBlocked; } else { return null; } } else { return getRemainingPauseTime(); } } /** * Dispatch the coach messages. Since coach messages are texts, the messages are zeroed * after the first zero character, to avoid the transport of information the * GameStateVisualizer would not show. */ public void updateCoachMessages() { int i = 0; while (i < splCoachMessageQueue.size()) { if (splCoachMessageQueue.get(i).getRemainingTimeToSend() == 0) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { if (team[j].teamNumber == splCoachMessageQueue.get(i).team) { byte[] message = splCoachMessageQueue.get(i).message; // All chars after the first zero are zeroed, too int k = 0; while (k < message.length && message[k] != 0) { k++; } while (k < message.length) { message[k++] = 0; } team[j].coachSequence = splCoachMessageQueue.get(i).sequence; team[j].coachMessage = message; Log.toFile("Coach Message Team "+ Rules.league.teamColorName[team[j].teamColor]+" "+ new String(message)); splCoachMessageQueue.remove(i); break; } } } else { i++; } } } public void updatePenalties() { if (secGameState == STATE2_NORMAL && gameState == STATE_PLAYING && getSecondsSince(whenCurrentGameStateBegan) >= Rules.league.playOffDelayedSwitchToPlaying) { for (TeamInfo t : team) { for (PlayerInfo p : t.player) { if (p.penalty == PlayerInfo.PENALTY_SPL_ILLEGAL_MOTION_IN_SET) { p.penalty = PlayerInfo.PENALTY_NONE; } } } } } public class PenaltyQueueData implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7536004813202642582L; public long whenPenalized; public byte penalty; public PenaltyQueueData(long whenPenalized, byte penalty) { this.whenPenalized = whenPenalized; this.penalty = penalty; } } public void addToPenaltyQueue(int side, long whenPenalized, byte penalty) { penaltyQueueForSubPlayers.get(side).add(new PenaltyQueueData(whenPenalized, penalty)); } }