package; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import; import nbtool.util.Utility; public class Group { private final long unique_id = Utility.getNextIndex(this); public final ArrayList<LogReference> logs = new ArrayList<>(); public void add(LogReference ...logReferences ) { this.add(Arrays.asList(logReferences)); } /* this method takes ownership of the logrefs. if you do not wish this, access logs directly */ public void add(List<LogReference> logReferences) { synchronized(logs) { for (LogReference lr : logReferences) { logs.add(lr); lr.container = this; } } } public void remove(LogReference ...logReferences) { this.remove(Arrays.asList(logReferences)); } public void remove(List<LogReference> logReferences) { synchronized(logs) { for (LogReference lr : logReferences) { if (logs.remove(lr)) { lr.container = null; } } } } public enum GroupSource { UNDEFINED, ROBOT_STREAM, FILESYSTEM }; public static final GroupSource UNDEFINED = GroupSource.UNDEFINED; public static final GroupSource ROBOT_STREAM = GroupSource.ROBOT_STREAM; public static final GroupSource FILESYSTEM = GroupSource.FILESYSTEM; public final GroupSource source; private final String info; public String getGroupSourceAddress() { return source == ROBOT_STREAM ? info : null; } public Path getGroupSourcePath() { return source == FILESYSTEM ? Paths.get(info) : null; } public String getGroupInfo() { return info; } private Group(GroupSource src, String info) { this.source = src; = info; } public static Group groupForStream(String robotAddress) { Group ret = new Group(ROBOT_STREAM, robotAddress); AllGroups.add(ret); return ret; } public static Group groupFromPath(Path path) { Group ret = new Group(FILESYSTEM, path.toString()); AllGroups.add(ret); return ret; } public static Group groupNamed(String name) { Group ret = new Group(UNDEFINED, name); AllGroups.add(ret); return ret; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("Group{i%d,#%d}(source:%s, info:%s)", unique_id, logs.size(), source.toString(), info); } public String guiString() { return String.format("group %d: (%d logs) source: %s: %s", unique_id, logs.size(), source, info); } }