package nbtool.gui.utilitypanes; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import nbtool.nio.CrossServer; import nbtool.nio.CrossServer.CrossInstance; import nbtool.util.Center; import nbtool.util.Debug; public class AutomaticCrossTester <K, R> { private static final Debug.DebugSettings debug = Debug.createSettings(Debug.INFO); public static interface TestInterface <K,R> { public void notifyTestStart(); public String testName(); /* should this reference be used, and if so under what category. */ /* if return == null, should not be used */ public K qualifiesForTesting(LogReference logr); public String crossFunctionName(); //true if the test should continue with this log public boolean finishAnnotations(K key, Log log); public R getResult(LogReference from, K key, Log ... out ); public boolean createGroupForResult(R resultType); public String groupNameFor(R resultType); public void notifyTestFinished(); } private final AutomaticCrossTester<K,R> outerThis = this; private final TestInterface<K,R> theInterface; public AutomaticCrossTester(TestInterface<K,R> theInterface) { this.theInterface = theInterface; } private IOState state = IOState.STARTING; public boolean running() { return state == IOState.RUNNING; } public boolean finished() { return state == IOState.FINISHED; } private final synchronized void finish() { state = IOState.FINISHED; theInterface.notifyTestFinished(); } private final Map<K, LinkedList<LogReference>> qualified = new HashMap<>(); private static <K2, V> void insert(Map<K2, LinkedList<V>> map, K2 key, V value) { synchronized(map) { if ( map.containsKey(key) ) { map.get(key).add(value); } else { LinkedList<V> list = new LinkedList<>(); list.add(value); map.put(key, list); } } } private CrossInstance theInstance = null; public final synchronized void runTests() { if (state != IOState.STARTING) { throw new RuntimeException("cannot start from state: " + state); }"starting test of: %s", theInterface.testName()); state = IOState.RUNNING; for (Group group : AllGroups.allGroups) { for (LogReference ref : group.logs) { K key = theInterface.qualifiesForTesting(ref); if (key != null) { insert(qualified, key, ref); } } }"found %d cases:", qualified.size()); for (K key : qualified.keySet()) {"\t%s: %d", key.toString(), qualified.get(key).size()); } theInstance = CrossServer.instanceByIndex(0); if (theInstance == null) { debug.error("cannot run test '%s' without NBCross instance!", theInterface.testName()); this.finish(); return; } Center.addEvent(new Center.EventRunnable() { @Override protected void run() { add_tests(); } }); } private int outstanding_tests = 0; private final Map<R, LinkedList<LogReference>> results = new HashMap<>(); private class TestResponder implements IOFirstResponder { TestResponder(LogReference r, K k) { this.from = r; this.key = k; } LogReference from; K key; @Override public void ioFinished(IOInstance instance) { if (state == IOState.RUNNING) debug.error("test-%s failed when nbcross died!", theInterface.testName() ); } @Override public void ioReceived(IOInstance inst, int ret, Log... out) { R result = theInterface.getResult(from, key, out); if (result != null) { insert(results, result, from); } else { debug.warn("null result {input had key %s}", key.toString()); } synchronized(outerThis) { --outstanding_tests; if (outstanding_tests == 0) {"TestResponder sees testing finished!"); Center.addEvent(new Center.EventRunnable() { @Override protected void run() { ship_it(); } }); } } } @Override public boolean ioMayRespondOnCenterThread(IOInstance inst) { return true; } } public void add_tests() { // debug.warn("%s starting!", Thread.currentThread().getName()); debug.warn("adding tests for %s", theInterface.testName()); synchronized(this) { for (K key : qualified.keySet()) { List<LogReference> list = qualified.get(key); for (LogReference ref : list) { Log arg = ref.get(); if (theInterface.finishAnnotations(key, arg)) { theInstance.tryAddCall(new TestResponder(ref, key), theInterface.crossFunctionName(), arg); ++outstanding_tests; } } } } } public void ship_it() { debug.warn("wrapping up %s", theInterface.testName()); for (R resultType : results.keySet()) { if (theInterface.createGroupForResult(resultType)) { String name = theInterface.groupNameFor(resultType); Group group = AllGroups.request(name); group.logs.addAll(results.get(resultType)); } else { debug.warn("ignoring results of type %s", resultType); } } this.finish(); } }