package nbtool.gui.utilitypanes; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import javax.swing.JFrame; import nbtool.util.Debug; import nbtool.util.UserSettings; import nbtool.util.UserSettings.DisplaySettings; public abstract class UtilityParent { protected JFrame previouslySupplied = null; protected String preferenceKey() { return String.format("utility-%s", this.getClass().getSimpleName()); } public final JFrame getDisplay() { JFrame display = supplyDisplay(); if (previouslySupplied == null) { //first time this utility has been requested, try to load bounds. String key = preferenceKey(); DisplaySettings bounds = UserSettings.BOUNDS_MAP.get(key); if (bounds != null) {"using %s for %s", bounds, preferenceKey()); display.setBounds(bounds.bounds); } } previouslySupplied = display; /* force standard close behavior... */ display.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.HIDE_ON_CLOSE); return display; } /* get display for this utility – subclass may decide whether to supply new instance on each request */ public abstract JFrame supplyDisplay(); /* return a string describing the utility's purpose -Automatically added to gui*/ public abstract String purpose(); /* return preferred keybind (the letter you press to cause the utility to pop up) – may not be honored */ public abstract char preferredMemnonic(); public static interface UtilityListener<P> { void utilityChanged(UtilityProvider<P, ?> who, P what); } }