package nbtool.gui.utilitypanes; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import nbtool.gui.ToolMessage; import nbtool.gui.logviews.images.BallTestView; import; import; import nbtool.nio.CrossServer; import nbtool.nio.CrossServer.CrossInstance; import nbtool.util.Debug; import nbtool.util.Events; import nbtool.util.SharedConstants; public class BallTestUtility extends UtilityParent { private static Display display = null; @Override public JFrame supplyDisplay() { if (display != null) { return display; } else { return (display = new Display()); } } @Override public String purpose() { return "run all ball ground truth logs and detect errors"; } @Override public char preferredMemnonic() { return 't'; } private static Group topFalsePos = null; private static Group requestTopFalsePos() { return (topFalsePos == null) ? (topFalsePos = Group.groupNamed("TOP False Positives:")) : topFalsePos; } private static Group topFalseNeg = null; private static Group requestTopFalseNeg() { return (topFalseNeg == null) ? (topFalseNeg = Group.groupNamed("TOP False Negatives:")) : topFalseNeg; } private static Group botFalsePos = null; private static Group requestBotFalsePos() { return (botFalsePos == null) ? (botFalsePos = Group.groupNamed("BOT False Positives:")) : botFalsePos; } private static Group botFalseNeg = null; private static Group requestBotFalseNeg() { return (botFalseNeg == null) ? (botFalseNeg = Group.groupNamed("TOP False Negatives:")) : botFalseNeg; } private static int outstanding = 0; private static class ImageBall { int x, y; ImageBall(int _x, int _y) {this.x = _x; this.y = _y;} } private static void analyze(LogReference from, boolean top, Log out) { assert(out.logClass.equals("VisionReturn")); assert(out.blocks.size() > 3); Block found_block = null; for (Block block : out.blocks ) { if (block.type.equals(SharedConstants.SexprType_DEFAULT()) && block.whereFrom.equals("nbcross-Vision-ball")) { found_block = block; break; } } if (found_block == null) { Debug.error("could not find ball block in VisionReturn!"); return; } JsonArray actual = out.topLevelDictionary.get(BallTestView.BALLS_KEY).asArray(); List<ImageBall> found = new LinkedList<>(); SExpr found_s = found_block.parseAsSExpr(); for (int i = 0; found_s.find("ball" + i).exists(); ++i) { SExpr thisBall = found_s.find("ball" + i); found.add(new ImageBall(0,0)); } if (actual.size() > found.size()) { Debug.warn("false NEGATIVE in %s! r%d found %d when annotations say %d", top ? "top" : "bot", from.thisID, found.size(), actual.size()); if (top) { requestTopFalseNeg().logs.add(from); } else { requestBotFalseNeg().logs.add(from); } } if (actual.size() < found.size()) { Debug.warn("false POSITIVE in %s! r%d found %d when annotations say %d", top ? "top" : "bot", from.thisID, found.size(), actual.size()); if (top) { requestTopFalsePos().logs.add(from); } else { requestTopFalsePos().logs.add(from); } } if (actual.size() == found.size()) { //... } } private static String textFrom(Group g) { return String.format("%s: %d", g.getGroupInfo(), g.logs.size()); } private static void finished() { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable(){ @Override public void run() { if (display == null) { Debug.error("test finished but no display!"); return; } if (topFalsePos != null) { display.panel.topFalsePosLabel.setText(textFrom(topFalsePos)); Events.GGroupAdded.generate(display, topFalsePos); } if (topFalseNeg != null) { display.panel.topFalseNegLabel.setText(textFrom(topFalseNeg)); Events.GGroupAdded.generate(display, topFalseNeg); } if (botFalsePos != null) { display.panel.botFalsePosLabel.setText(textFrom(botFalsePos)); Events.GGroupAdded.generate(display, botFalsePos); } if (botFalseNeg != null) { display.panel.botFalseNegLabel.setText(textFrom(botFalseNeg)); Events.GGroupAdded.generate(display, botFalseNeg); } } }); } private static class TestResponder implements IOFirstResponder { boolean top; LogReference from; TestResponder(boolean t, LogReference from) { = t; this.from = from; } @Override public void ioFinished(IOInstance instance) {} @Override public void ioReceived(IOInstance inst, int ret, Log... out) { --outstanding; analyze(from, top, out[0]); if (outstanding == 0) finished(); } @Override public boolean ioMayRespondOnCenterThread(IOInstance inst) { return false; } static TestResponder get(boolean top, LogReference from) { return new TestResponder(top, from); } } private static void runTest(LogReference ref, boolean top) { CrossInstance ci = CrossServer.instanceByIndex(0); if (ci == null) { Debug.error("nbcross crashed during ball test!"); return; } ++outstanding; ci.tryAddCall(TestResponder.get(top, ref), "Vision", ref.get()); } private static void runTests() { List<LogReference> found_top = new LinkedList<>(); List<LogReference> found_bot = new LinkedList<>(); int tp_top = 0, tp_bot = 0; for (Group group : AllGroups.allGroups) { for (LogReference ref : group.logs) { if (ref.logClass.equals( SharedConstants.LogClass_Tripoint()) ) { boolean top = ref.description.contains("camera_TOP"); if (top) { ++tp_top; } else { ++tp_bot; } if (ref.description.contains(BallTestView.BALLS_KEY)) { if (top) { found_top.add(ref); } else { found_bot.add(ref); } } } } }"found %d testable top logs.", found_top.size());"found %d testable bot logs.", found_bot.size()); CrossInstance ci = CrossServer.instanceByIndex(0); if (display != null) display.panel.usedLabel.setText( String.format("used %d of %d top, %d of %d bot logs of %d total tripoint", found_top.size(), tp_top, found_bot.size(), tp_bot, tp_top + tp_bot) ); if (ci == null) { ToolMessage.displayError("cannot test ball detection without nbcross."); return; } assert(outstanding == 0); for (LogReference ref : found_top) runTest(ref, true); for (LogReference ref : found_bot) runTest(ref, false); } private static class Display extends JFrame { final BallTestPanel panel = new BallTestPanel(); Display() { super("ball tester"); this.setContentPane(panel); this.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(600,300)); this.panel.goButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { runTests(); } }); panel.usedLabel.setFont(panel.usedLabel.getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD)); } } }