package; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import; import; import; import; import nbtool.util.Debug; import nbtool.util.SharedConstants; import nbtool.util.ToolSettings; import nbtool.util.test.TestBase; import nbtool.util.test.Tests; public class CameraOffset { /* if the offsets are greater/smaller than these, something went wrong */ private static final double MAX_VALID = Math.PI / 4; private static final double MIN_VALID = -1 * (MAX_VALID); private static boolean verify(double val) { return val > MIN_VALID && val < MAX_VALID && val != Double.NaN; } public boolean verify() { if (!verify(this.d_roll)) { Debug.error("error in d_roll: must be within {%f, %f}, is %f", MIN_VALID, MAX_VALID, this.d_roll); return false; } if (!verify(this.d_tilt)) { Debug.error("error in d_tilt: must be within {%f, %f}, is %f", MIN_VALID, MAX_VALID, this.d_tilt); return false; } return true; } public double d_roll; public double d_tilt; public JsonObject toObject() { JsonObject ret = Json.object(); ret.put("d_roll", d_roll); ret.put("d_tilt", d_tilt); return ret; } public CameraOffset(double r, double t) { this.d_roll = r; this.d_tilt = t; } public static CameraOffset fromObject(JsonObject o) { return new CameraOffset( o.get("d_roll").asNumber().asDouble(), o.get("d_tilt").asNumber().asDouble() ); } public static CameraOffset fromLisp(SExpr lisp) { return new CameraOffset(lisp.get(1).valueAsDouble(), lisp.get(2).valueAsDouble()); } public static class Pair { public CameraOffset top; public CameraOffset bot; public Pair(CameraOffset t, CameraOffset b) { = t; = b; } } public static class Set extends HashMap<String, Pair> { public static Set parse(JsonObject obj) { Set ret = new Set(); for (Entry<JsonString, JsonValue> entry : obj.entrySet()) { String robotName = entry.getKey().value; JsonObject topObj = entry.getValue().asObject().get("camera_TOP").asObject(); JsonObject botObj = entry.getValue().asObject().get("camera_BOT").asObject(); Pair offs = new Pair( CameraOffset.fromObject(topObj), CameraOffset.fromObject(botObj) ); ret.put(robotName, offs); } return ret; } public boolean verify() { for (Entry<String,Pair> entry : this.entrySet()) { String robotName = entry.getKey(); if (!entry.getValue().top.verify()) { Debug.error("error in camera TOP of %s", robotName); return false; } if (!entry.getValue().bot.verify()) { Debug.error("error in camera BOT of %s", robotName); return false; } } return true; } public JsonObject serialize() { JsonObject ret = Json.object(); for (Entry<String, Pair> entry : this.entrySet()) { JsonObject pair = Json.object(); pair.put("camera_TOP", entry.getValue().top.toObject()); pair.put("camera_BOT", entry.getValue().bot.toObject()); ret.put(entry.getKey(), pair); } return ret; } } public static Path getPath() { return Paths.get(ToolSettings.NBITES_DIR, SharedConstants.OFFLINE_CAMERA_OFFSET_SUFFIX()); } public static void _NBL_ADD_TESTS_() { Tests.add("calibration", new TestBase("CameraOffset") { @Override public boolean testBody() throws Exception { JsonObject top = Json.object(); JsonObject vera = Json.object(); vera.put("camera_TOP", new CameraOffset(1,2).toObject()); vera.put("camera_BOT", new CameraOffset(3,4).toObject()); top.put("vera", vera); JsonObject mal = Json.object(); mal.put("camera_TOP", new CameraOffset(5,8).toObject()); mal.put("camera_BOT", new CameraOffset(9,7).toObject()); top.put("mal", mal); JsonObject backwards = Set.parse(top).serialize(); assert(backwards.congruent(top)); return true; } }, new TestBase("CameraOffsetExists") { @Override public boolean testBody() throws Exception { Debug.print("%s", ToolSettings.NBITES_DIR_PATH); String cpStr = new String(Files.readAllBytes( Paths.get(ToolSettings.NBITES_DIR, SharedConstants.OFFLINE_CAMERA_OFFSET_SUFFIX()) )); Set.parse(Json.parse(cpStr).asObject()); return true; } }); } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { String lisp = new String(Files.readAllBytes(ToolSettings.NBITES_DIR_PATH.resolve("src/man/config/calibrationParams.txt"))); SExpr se = SExpr.deserializeFrom(lisp); CameraOffset.Set set = new Set(); SExpr list = se.get(1); for (int i = 0; i < list.count(); ++i) { String robot = list.get(i).get(0).value(); CameraOffset top = new CameraOffset(list.get(i).get(1).get(1).valueAsDouble(), list.get(i).get(1).get(2).valueAsDouble() ); CameraOffset bot = new CameraOffset(list.get(i).get(2).get(1).valueAsDouble(), list.get(i).get(2).get(2).valueAsDouble() ); set.put(robot, new Pair(top,bot)); } Debug.print("%s", set.serialize().print()); } }