package; import java.util.Arrays; import; import; import; import; import; import; import nbtool.images.Y16Image; import nbtool.images.Y8Image; import nbtool.images.YUYV8888Image; import nbtool.util.SharedConstants; import nbtool.util.Utility; import nbtool.util.Utility.Pair; public class Block { public byte[] data = null; public JsonObject dict = null; public String type = ""; public String whereFrom = ""; public long imageIndex = 0; public long createdWhen = 0; public static Block explicit(byte[] data, JsonObject dict, String type, String where, long index, long when) { return new Block(data,dict, type, where, index, when ); } public Block(byte[] data, JsonObject dict, String type, String where, long index, long when ) { = data == null ? new byte[0] : data; this.dict = dict == null ? new JsonObject() : dict; this.type = type == null ? "" : type; this.whereFrom = where == null ? "" : where; this.imageIndex = index; this.createdWhen = when; } public static Block explicit(byte[] data, String type) { return new Block(data, null, type, null, 0, 0 ); } public Block(byte[] data, String type) { this(data, null, type, null, 0, 0); } public Block() { this(null, null, null, null, 0, 0); } public static Block empty() { return new Block(); } public JsonObject getFullDictionary() { JsonObject obj = dict.copy().asObject(); obj.put(SharedConstants.LOG_BLOCK_TYPE(), type); obj.put(SharedConstants.LOG_BLOCK_WHERE_FROM(), whereFrom); obj.put(SharedConstants.LOG_BLOCK_IMAGE_INDEX(), imageIndex); obj.put(SharedConstants.LOG_BLOCK_WHEN_MADE(), createdWhen); obj.put(SharedConstants.LOG_BLOCK_NUM_BYTES(), data == null ? 0 : data.length); return obj; } public Log parseAsLog() { parseTypeCheck(SharedConstants.LogType_DEFAULT()); return Log.parseFrom(data); } public JsonValue parseAsJson() throws JsonParseException { parseTypeCheck(SharedConstants.JsonType_DEFAULT()); return Json.parse(new String(data)); } public SExpr parseAsSExpr() { parseTypeCheck(SharedConstants.SexprType_DEFAULT()); return SExpr.deserializeFrom(new String(data)); } private Pair<Integer,Integer> imagePair() { int width = dict.get(SharedConstants.LOG_BLOCK_IMAGE_WIDTH_PIXELS()). asNumber().asInt(); int height = dict.get(SharedConstants.LOG_BLOCK_IMAGE_HEIGHT_PIXELS()). asNumber().asInt(); return new Pair<Integer,Integer>(width, height); } public YUYV8888Image parseAsYUVImage() { parseTypeCheck(SharedConstants.YUVImageType_DEFAULT()); Pair<Integer,Integer> pair = imagePair(); // return new YUYV8888Image(pair.a / 2, pair.b,; return new YUYV8888Image(pair.a * 2, pair.b,; } public Y16Image parseAsY16Image() { parseTypeCheck(SharedConstants.YUVImageType_Y16()); Pair<Integer,Integer> pair = imagePair(); return new Y16Image(pair.a, pair.b,; } public Y8Image parseAsY8Image() { // parseTypeCheck(SharedConstants.YUVImageType_Y8(), "whiteRet", "greenRet", "orangeRet"); parseTypeCheck(SharedConstants.YUVImageType_Y8()); Pair<Integer,Integer> pair = imagePair(); return new Y8Image(pair.a, pair.b,; } public Message parseAsProtobufOfClass(Class<? extends Message> pclass) { if (pclass == null) { throw new BlockParseException(this.type, String.format("protobuf<null>") ); } parseTypeCheck(pclass.getSimpleName()); Message parsed = Utility.protobufInstanceForClassWithData(pclass,; if (parsed == null) { throw new BlockParseException(this.type, String.format("protobuf<%s>", pclass.getSimpleName())); } return parsed; } private void parseTypeCheck(String ... rtypes) { for (String r : rtypes) { if (r.equals(type)) return; } throw new BlockParseException(type, rtypes); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") public static class BlockParseException extends RuntimeException { public BlockParseException(String type, String ... rtype) { super(String.format("Block of type '%s' cannot be parsed as any of '%s'", type, Arrays.toString(rtype))); } } }