package analyzer; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import common.Log; import data.Rules; /** * @author Michel Bartsch * * This class contains all methods meant to parse logs. */ public class Parser { /* This prefix will be placed at the beginning of every logInfo´s log line, which was made undone by an undo*/ private static final String UNDONE_PREFIX = "<undone>"; /* The separator used for the output within a row. */ private static final String OUT_SEP = ","; /* The output´s date format (date-time) */ public static final SimpleDateFormat timeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd kk:mm:ss"); /* All the actions that would cause the teams to change colors */ private static final String[] colorChangeActions = { "1st Half", "1st Half Extra Time", "2nd Half", "2nd Half Extra Time" }; /* * All the actions to extract from the logs into statistics. * If there are actions which are not prefix-free, the longer * action´s string must be first. For example "Playing with Hands" * for "Playing". */ private static final String[] actions = { "Manually Penalised", "Dropped Ball", "Global Game Stuck", "Goal for", "Goal decrease for Team", "Out by", "Substituted by Player", "Referee Timeout", "Timeout", "Illegal Ball Contact", "Player Pushing", "Illegal Motion in Set", "Inactive Player", "Illegal Defender", "Leaving the Field", "Kickoff Goal", "Request for PickUp", "Coach Motion", "Teammate Pushing", "Ball Manipulation", "Illegal Attack", "Illegal Defense", "Request for Service", "Additional Request for Service", "Leaving Player", "Entering Player", "Finished", "Initial", "Playing", "Ready", "Set", "Coach Message" }; /** * Parsing a log to get some information and place the undone-prefix, * so this is needed before parsing for statistics. The information * will be written into the LogInfo instance. * * @param log The log to parse. */ public static void info(LogInfo log) { Date kickoffTime = null; Date endTime = null; int i = 0; log.version = controller.GameController.version; for (String line : log.lines) { i++; int divPos = line.indexOf(": "); if (divPos < 0) { log.parseErrors += "error in line "+i+": colon missing" + GUI.HTML_LF; continue; } Date time = null; try{ time = Log.timestampFormat.parse(line.substring(0, divPos)); } catch (ParseException e) { log.parseErrors += "error in line "+i+": Cannot parse timestamp" + GUI.HTML_LF; } String action = line.substring(divPos+2); if (action.startsWith("League = ")) { String league = action.substring(9); for (int j=0; j<Rules.LEAGUES.length; j++) { if (Rules.LEAGUES[j].leagueName.equals(league)) { log.league = Rules.LEAGUES[j]; } } } else if (action.startsWith("Auto color change = false")) { log.keepColors = true; } else if (action.startsWith("Undo")) { String[] splitted = action.split(" "); if (splitted.length < 2) { log.parseErrors += "error in line "+i+": cannot parse undo"; } else { int undos = Integer.valueOf(splitted[1]); for (int j=0; j<undos; j++) { log.lines.set(i-2-j, UNDONE_PREFIX+log.lines.get(i-2-j)); } } } else if (action.contains(" vs ")) { String[] teams = action.split(" vs "); if (teams.length == 2) { for (int j = 0; j < teams.length; ++j) { String[] parts = teams[j].split(" \\("); if (parts.length == 2) {[j] = parts[0]; log.color[j] = parts[1].split("\\)")[0]; } else { log.parseErrors += "error in line "+i+": Color seems to be missing" + GUI.HTML_LF; } } } else { log.parseErrors += "error in line "+i+": Found vs but not 2 teams" + GUI.HTML_LF; } } else if ((kickoffTime == null) && (action.startsWith("Ready"))) { kickoffTime = time; } else if (action.startsWith("Finished")) { endTime = time; } } log.start = kickoffTime; if ((kickoffTime != null) && (endTime != null)) { log.duration = (int)((endTime.getTime()-kickoffTime.getTime())/1000); } } /** * Parsing a log to write all statistics from it into a file. The file * is set in the main class. * * @param log The log to parse. */ public static void statistic(LogInfo log) { Date rawTime; String time; String raw, action = ""; String team; String player; String[] teams = new String[2]; if ( >= 2) { teams[0] =[0]; teams[1] =[1]; } else { teams[0] = "unknown"; teams[1] = "unknown"; } int i=0; for (String line : log.lines) { i++; if (line.startsWith(UNDONE_PREFIX)) { continue; } int divPos = line.indexOf(": ")+2; try{ rawTime = Log.timestampFormat.parse(line.substring(0, divPos-2)); } catch (ParseException e) { Log.error("Cannot parse time in line "+i+" of "+log.file); return; } raw = line.substring(divPos); time = timeFormat.format(rawTime); if (!log.keepColors) { for (String ca : colorChangeActions) { if (raw.startsWith(ca)) { String tmp = teams[0]; teams[0] = teams[1]; teams[1] = tmp; break; } } } boolean actionMatch = false; for (String a : actions) { if (raw.startsWith(a)) { action = a; actionMatch = true; break; } } if (!actionMatch) { continue; } if (raw.contains(log.color[0])) { team = teams[0]; } else if (raw.contains(log.color[1])) { team = teams[1]; } else { team = ""; } player = ""; String pattern = "("+log.color[0]+"|"+log.color[1]+")\\s*(\\d+)\\s*$"; Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(pattern).matcher(raw); if (matcher.find()) { if (matcher.groupCount() == 2) { player =; } } try{ LogAnalyzer.writer.write(time+OUT_SEP+action+OUT_SEP+team+OUT_SEP+player+OUT_SEP+teams[0]+OUT_SEP+teams[1]+"\n"); } catch (IOException e) { Log.error("cannot write to file "+LogAnalyzer.stats); } } } }