package com.github.czyzby.autumn.mvc.component.i18n; import java.util.Locale; import com.badlogic.gdx.Preferences; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.I18NBundle; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.reflect.Field; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.reflect.ReflectionException; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.annotation.Inject; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.context.Context; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.context.ContextDestroyer; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.context.ContextInitializer; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.mvc.component.ui.InterfaceService; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.mvc.stereotype.preference.I18nLocale; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.processor.AbstractAnnotationProcessor; import; import; import; import; import; /** Manages i18n. Reads locale from preferences and allows to easily save it. Provides informations about current * locale. * * @author MJ */ public class LocaleService extends AbstractAnnotationProcessor<I18nLocale> { /** Regex used to split locales extracted from preferences or string variables containing locales, and to convert * {@link java.util.Locale} objects to strings. Defaults to "-". Can be changed globally, before context loading. */ public static String DEFAULT_LOCALE_SEPARATOR = "-"; /** Default locale used when no other value is given. Can be changed globally. */ public static String DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = "en"; @Inject private InterfaceService interfaceService; private final MutableSingle<Locale> currentLocale = MutableSingle.of(null); private Runnable doOnLocaleChange = new LocaleChangeAction(this); private ObjectProvider<Locale> defaultLocaleProvider = new ObjectProvider<Locale>() { @Override public Locale provide() { return toLocale(DEFAULT_LANGUAGE); } }; private String localePreferencesPath; private String localePreferenceName; /** @param locale string containing locale with parts separated with {@link #DEFAULT_LOCALE_SEPARATOR} * @return locale constructed with the processed string. * @throws GdxRuntimeException if string is invalid. */ public static Locale toLocale(final String locale) { final String[] localeParts = locale.split(DEFAULT_LOCALE_SEPARATOR); switch (localeParts.length) { case 3: return new Locale(localeParts[0], localeParts[1], localeParts[2]); case 2: return new Locale(localeParts[0], localeParts[1]); case 1: return new Locale(localeParts[0]); default: throw new GdxRuntimeException("Invalid locale preference. Received: " + locale); } } /** @param locale will be converted to string. * @return string with locale data separated with {@link #DEFAULT_LOCALE_SEPARATOR}; */ public static String fromLocale(final Locale locale) { final StringBuilder localeBuilder = new StringBuilder(); localeBuilder.append(locale.getLanguage()); if (Strings.isNotEmpty(locale.getCountry())) { localeBuilder.append(DEFAULT_LOCALE_SEPARATOR).append(locale.getCountry()); if (Strings.isNotEmpty(locale.getVariant())) { localeBuilder.append(DEFAULT_LOCALE_SEPARATOR).append(locale.getVariant()); } } return localeBuilder.toString(); } /** @return current locale of the application. */ public Locale getCurrentLocale() { if (!currentLocale.isPresent()) { currentLocale.set(defaultLocaleProvider.provide()); } return currentLocale.get(); } /** @param currentLocale will become the current locale of the application. Triggers on local change action. * @see #setActionOnLocaleChange(Runnable) */ public void setCurrentLocale(final Locale currentLocale) { if (!currentLocale.equals(this.currentLocale.get())) { this.currentLocale.set(currentLocale); if (doOnLocaleChange != null) {; } } } /** This method is executed when a locale change is requested. It is NOT executed each time the bundles are loaded * (so it will not be invoked when the application is being initiated. If you want to hook up a method to each * bundle reload, use * {@link com.github.czyzby.autumn.mvc.component.ui.InterfaceService#setActionOnBundlesReload(Runnable)}. * * @param doOnLocaleChange if not null, will be executed each time locale is changed. Defaults to reloading the * screens with {@link com.github.czyzby.autumn.mvc.component.ui.InterfaceService#reload()} method. * @see com.github.czyzby.autumn.mvc.component.ui.InterfaceService#setActionOnBundlesReload(Runnable) */ public void setActionOnLocaleChange(final Runnable doOnLocaleChange) { this.doOnLocaleChange = doOnLocaleChange; } /** @param defaultLocaleProvider provides default locale if it is not defined in properties. */ public void setDefaultLocaleProvider(final ObjectProvider<Locale> defaultLocaleProvider) { this.defaultLocaleProvider = defaultLocaleProvider; } @Override public Class<I18nLocale> getSupportedAnnotationType() { return I18nLocale.class; } @Override public boolean isSupportingFields() { return true; } @Override public void processField(final Field field, final I18nLocale annotation, final Object component, final Context context, final ContextInitializer initializer, final ContextDestroyer contextDestroyer) { try { final Object locale = Reflection.getFieldValue(field, component); if (locale instanceof Locale) { currentLocale.set((Locale) locale); } else if (locale instanceof String) { extractLocaleFromAnnotatedString(annotation, (String) locale); } } catch (final ReflectionException exception) { throw new GdxRuntimeException("Unable to extract application's locale.", exception); } } private void extractLocaleFromAnnotatedString(final I18nLocale localeData, final String locale) { if (Strings.isEmpty(localeData.propertiesPath())) { currentLocale.set(toLocale(locale)); } else { localePreferencesPath = localeData.propertiesPath(); localePreferenceName = locale; loadLocaleFromPreferences(localeData); } } private void loadLocaleFromPreferences(final I18nLocale localeData) { final Preferences localePreferences = ApplicationPreferences.getPreferences(localePreferencesPath); currentLocale .set(getLocaleFromPreferences(localePreferences, localePreferenceName, localeData.defaultLocale())); } private static Locale getLocaleFromPreferences(final Preferences localePreferences, final String preferenceName, final String defaultLocale) { final String locale = localePreferences.getString(preferenceName, defaultLocale); return toLocale(locale); } /** Saves current locale in the preferences. Note that a string configuration variable with name of a preference has * to be annotated with {@link com.github.czyzby.autumn.mvc.stereotype.preference.I18nLocale} and given a proper * path to preferences for this method to work - otherwise it cannot determine path to the preference. * * @see #saveLocaleInPreferences(String, String) */ public void saveLocaleInPreferences() { saveLocaleInPreferences(localePreferencesPath, localePreferenceName); } /** Saves current locale in the selected preferences. * * @param preferencesPath used to retrieve preferences with * {@link} * method. * @param preferenceName name of the locale setting in the preferences. */ public void saveLocaleInPreferences(final String preferencesPath, final String preferenceName) { if (Strings.isEmpty(preferencesPath) || Strings.isEmpty(preferenceName)) { throw new GdxRuntimeException( "Preference path and name cannot be empty! These are set automatically if you annotate a path to preference with @I18nBundle and pass a corrent path to the preferences."); } final Preferences preferences = ApplicationPreferences.getPreferences(preferencesPath); preferences.putString(preferenceName, fromLocale(currentLocale.get())); preferences.flush(); } /** Utility method. Provides direct access to default {@link com.badlogic.gdx.utils.I18NBundle}. * * @return bundle stored in LML parser with the default key. Might be null. */ public I18NBundle getI18nBundle() { return interfaceService.getParser().getData().getDefaultI18nBundle(); } /** Utility method. Provides direct access to {@link com.badlogic.gdx.utils.I18NBundle} with selected name. * * @param forName ID of the bundle as it appears in the LML parser. * @return bundle stored in LML parser with the selected key. Might be null. */ public I18NBundle getI18nBundle(final String forName) { return interfaceService.getParser().getData().getI18nBundle(forName); } /** Default action executed on locale change. * * @author MJ */ public static class LocaleChangeAction implements Runnable { private final LocaleService localeService; public LocaleChangeAction(final LocaleService localeService) { this.localeService = localeService; } /** @return handled locale service instance. */ protected LocaleService getLocaleService() { return localeService; } @Override public void run() { if (Strings.isNotEmpty(localeService.localePreferenceName) && Strings.isNotEmpty(localeService.localePreferencesPath)) { localeService.saveLocaleInPreferences(); } localeService.interfaceService.reload(); } } }