package com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.impl.tag; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Actor; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap.Entry; import; import; import; import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.LmlParser; import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.impl.attribute.table.cell.AbstractCellLmlAttribute; import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.impl.tag.macro.AbstractConditionalLmlMacroTag; import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.impl.tag.macro.TableCellLmlMacroTag; import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.tag.LmlActorBuilder; import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.tag.LmlAttribute; import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.tag.LmlTag; import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.tag.LmlTagProvider; import com.github.czyzby.lml.util.Lml; /** Allows to create DTD schema files for LML templates. * * @author MJ */ public class Dtd { protected static final String XML_ELEMENT_REGEX = "[\\w:.-]+"; private boolean displayLogs = true; private boolean appendComments = true; /** @param parser contains parsing data. Used to create mock-up actors. The skin MUST be fully loaded and contain * all used actors' styles for the generator to work properly. * @return DTD schema file containing all possible tags and their attributes. Any problems with the generation will * be logged. This is a relatively heavy operation and should be done only during development. * @see #getDtdSchema(LmlParser, Appendable) */ public static String getSchema(final LmlParser parser) { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); try { new Dtd().getDtdSchema(parser, builder); } catch (final IOException exception) { throw new GdxRuntimeException("Unexpected: unable to append.", exception); } return builder.toString(); } /** Saves DTD schema file containing all possible tags and their attributes. Any problems with the generation will * be logged. This is a relatively heavy operation and should be done only during development. * * @param parser contains parsing data. Used to create mock-up actors. The skin MUST be fully loaded and contain all * used actors' styles for the generator to work properly. * @param appendable a reference to the file. * @see #getDtdSchema(LmlParser, Appendable) * @see #saveMinifiedSchema(LmlParser, Appendable) */ public static void saveSchema(final LmlParser parser, final Appendable appendable) { try { new Dtd().getDtdSchema(parser, appendable); } catch (final IOException exception) { throw new GdxRuntimeException("Unable to append to file.", exception); } } /** Saves DTD schema file containing all possible tags and their attributes. Any problems with the generation will * be logged. This is a relatively heavy operation and should be done only during development. Comments will not be * appended, which will reduce the size of DTD file. * * @param parser contains parsing data. Used to create mock-up actors. The skin MUST be fully loaded and contain all * used actors' styles for the generator to work properly. * @param appendable a reference to the file. * @see #getDtdSchema(LmlParser, Appendable) * @see #saveSchema(LmlParser, Appendable) */ public static void saveMinifiedSchema(final LmlParser parser, final Appendable appendable) { try { new Dtd().setAppendComments(false).getDtdSchema(parser, appendable); } catch (final IOException exception) { throw new GdxRuntimeException("Unable to append to file.", exception); } } /** @param displayLogs defaults to true. If set to false, parsing messages will not be shown in the console. * @return this, for chaining. */ public Dtd setDisplayLogs(final boolean displayLogs) { this.displayLogs = displayLogs; return this; } /** @param appendComments defaults to true. If false, corresponding Java classes will not be added as comments to * the DTD file. * @return this, for chaining. */ public Dtd setAppendComments(final boolean appendComments) { this.appendComments = appendComments; return this; } /** @param message will be displayed in the console. */ protected void log(final String message) { if (displayLogs) {, message); } } /** Creates DTD schema file containing all possible tags and their attributes. Any problems with the generation will * be logged. This is a relatively heavy operation and should be done only during development. * * @param parser contains parsing data. Used to create mock-up actors. The skin MUST be fully loaded and contain all * used actors' styles for the generator to work properly. * @param builder values will be appended to this object. * @throws IOException when unable to append. */ public void getDtdSchema(final LmlParser parser, final Appendable builder) throws IOException { appendActorTags(builder, parser); appendActorAttributes(parser, builder); appendMacroTags(builder, parser); appendMacroAttributes(parser, builder); } protected void appendDtdElement(final Appendable builder, final String comment, final String name) throws IOException { appendDtdElement(builder, comment, Strings.EMPTY_STRING, name); } protected void appendDtdElement(final Appendable builder, final String comment, final String prefix, final String name) throws IOException { appendDtdElement(builder, comment, prefix, name, "ANY"); } protected void appendDtdElement(final Appendable builder, final String comment, final String prefix, final String name, final String type) throws IOException { if (!name.matches(XML_ELEMENT_REGEX)) { log("Warning: '" + name + "' tag might contain invalid XML characters."); } if (appendComments) { builder.append("<!-- ").append(comment).append(" -->\n"); } builder.append("<!ELEMENT ").append(prefix).append(name).append(' ').append(type).append(">\n"); } protected void appendDtdAttributes(final Appendable builder, final String tagName, final ObjectMap<String, Object> attributes) throws IOException { if (appendComments) { for (final Entry<String, Object> attribute : attributes) { if (!attribute.key.matches(XML_ELEMENT_REGEX)) { log("Warning: '" + attribute + "' attribute might contain invalid XML characters."); } builder.append("<!-- ").append(attribute.value.getClass().getSimpleName()).append(" -->\n"); builder.append("<!ATTLIST ").append(tagName).append(' ').append(attribute.key) .append(" CDATA #IMPLIED>\n"); } return; } builder.append("<!ATTLIST ").append(tagName); for (final Entry<String, Object> attribute : attributes) { if (!attribute.key.matches(XML_ELEMENT_REGEX)) { log("Warning: '" + attribute + "' attribute might contain invalid XML characters."); } builder.append("\n\t").append(attribute.key).append(" CDATA #IMPLIED"); } builder.append(">\n"); } protected void appendActorTags(final Appendable builder, final LmlParser parser) throws IOException { if (appendComments) { builder.append("<!-- Actor tags: -->\n"); } final ObjectMap<String, LmlTagProvider> actorTags = parser.getSyntax().getTags(); for (final Entry<String, LmlTagProvider> actorTag : actorTags) { appendDtdElement(builder, getTagClassName(actorTag.value), actorTag.key); } } protected String getTagClassName(final LmlTagProvider provider) { final String providerClass = provider.getClass().getSimpleName(); return providerClass.endsWith("Provider") ? providerClass.substring(0, providerClass.length() - "Provider".length()) : providerClass; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void appendActorAttributes(final LmlParser parser, final Appendable builder) throws IOException { if (appendComments) { builder.append("<!-- Actor tags' attributes: -->\n"); } final ObjectMap<String, LmlTagProvider> actorTags = parser.getSyntax().getTags(); for (final Entry<String, LmlTagProvider> actorTag : actorTags) { final ObjectMap<String, Object> attributes = GdxMaps.newObjectMap(); try { final LmlTag tag = actorTag.value.create(parser, null, new StringBuilder(actorTag.key)); if (tag.getActor() == null) { appendNonActorTagAttributes(tag, attributes, parser); } else { appendActorTagAttributes(tag, attributes, parser); } } catch (final Exception exception) { Exceptions.ignore(exception); log("Warning: unable to create an instance of actor mapped to '" + actorTag.key + "' tag name with provider: " + actorTag.value + ". Attributes list will not be complete. Is the provider properly implemented? Is a default style provided for the selected actor?"); attributes.putAll( (ObjectMap<String, Object>) (Object) parser.getSyntax().getAttributesForActor(new Actor())); attributes.putAll((ObjectMap<String, Object>) (Object) parser.getSyntax() .getAttributesForBuilder(new LmlActorBuilder())); } appendDtdAttributes(builder, actorTag.key, attributes); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void appendNonActorTagAttributes(final LmlTag tag, final ObjectMap<String, Object> attributes, final LmlParser parser) { final Object managedObject = tag.getManagedObject(); if (managedObject != null) { attributes.putAll( (ObjectMap<String, Object>) (Object) parser.getSyntax().getAttributesForActor(managedObject)); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void appendActorTagAttributes(final LmlTag tag, final ObjectMap<String, Object> attributes, final LmlParser parser) { LmlActorBuilder actorBuilder; final boolean usesAbstractBase = tag instanceof AbstractActorLmlTag; if (usesAbstractBase) { actorBuilder = ((AbstractActorLmlTag) tag).getNewInstanceOfBuilder(); } else { actorBuilder = new LmlActorBuilder(); } // Appending attributes of component actors: if (!Lml.DISABLE_COMPONENT_ACTORS_ATTRIBUTE_PARSING && usesAbstractBase && ((AbstractActorLmlTag) tag).hasComponentActors()) { for (final Actor component : ((AbstractActorLmlTag) tag).getComponentActors(tag.getActor())) { attributes.putAll( (ObjectMap<String, Object>) (Object) parser.getSyntax().getAttributesForActor(component)); } } // Appending managed objects attributes: if (tag.getManagedObject() != tag.getActor()) { appendNonActorTagAttributes(tag, attributes, parser); } // Appending building attributes: attributes .putAll((ObjectMap<String, Object>) (Object) parser.getSyntax().getAttributesForBuilder(actorBuilder)); // Appending regular attributes: attributes .putAll((ObjectMap<String, Object>) (Object) parser.getSyntax().getAttributesForActor(tag.getActor())); } protected void appendMacroTags(final Appendable builder, final LmlParser parser) throws IOException { if (appendComments) { builder.append("<!-- Macro tags: -->\n"); } final String macroMarker = String.valueOf(parser.getSyntax().getMacroMarker()); if (!macroMarker.matches(XML_ELEMENT_REGEX)) { log("Error: current macro marker (" + macroMarker + ") is an invalid XML character. Override getMacroMarker in your current LmlSyntax implementation and provide a correct character to create valid DTD file."); } final ObjectMap<String, LmlTagProvider> macroTags = parser.getSyntax().getMacroTags(); for (final Entry<String, LmlTagProvider> macroTag : macroTags) { appendDtdElement(builder, getTagClassName(macroTag.value), macroMarker, macroTag.key); // If the tag is conditional, it should provide an extra name:else tag: try { final LmlTag tag = macroTag.value.create(parser, null, new StringBuilder(macroTag.key)); if (tag instanceof AbstractConditionalLmlMacroTag) { appendDtdElement(builder, "'Else' helper tag of: " + macroTag.key, macroMarker, macroTag.key + AbstractConditionalLmlMacroTag.ELSE_SUFFIX, "EMPTY"); } } catch (final Exception expected) { // Tag might need a parent or additional attributes and cannot be checked. It's OK. Exceptions.ignore(expected); log("Unable to create a macro tag instance using: " + macroTag.value.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } } protected void appendMacroAttributes(final LmlParser parser, final Appendable builder) throws IOException { if (appendComments) { builder.append("<!-- Expected macro tags' attributes: -->\n"); } final String macroMarker = String.valueOf(parser.getSyntax().getMacroMarker()); final ObjectMap<String, LmlTagProvider> macroTags = parser.getSyntax().getMacroTags(); for (final Entry<String, LmlTagProvider> macroTag : macroTags) { try { final LmlTag tag = macroTag.value.create(parser, null, new StringBuilder(macroTag.key)); if (tag instanceof TableCellLmlMacroTag) { // Special case: listing all cell attributes: appendTableDefaultsMacro(parser, builder, macroMarker, macroTag, tag); } else if (tag instanceof AbstractMacroLmlTag) { final String[] attributeNames = ((AbstractMacroLmlTag) tag).getExpectedAttributes(); if (attributeNames == null || attributeNames.length == 0) { continue; } final ObjectMap<String, Object> attributes = GdxMaps.newObjectMap(); for (final String attributeName : attributeNames) { attributes.put(attributeName, tag); } appendDtdAttributes(builder, macroMarker + macroTag.key, attributes); } } catch (final Exception expected) { // Tag might need a parent or additional attributes and cannot be checked. It's OK. Exceptions.ignore(expected); } } } private void appendTableDefaultsMacro(final LmlParser parser, final Appendable builder, final String macroMarker, final Entry<String, LmlTagProvider> macroTag, final LmlTag tag) throws IOException { final Actor mockUp = new Actor(); final ObjectMap<String, Object> attributes = GdxMaps.newObjectMap(); for (final Entry<String, LmlAttribute<?>> attribute : parser.getSyntax().getAttributesForActor(mockUp)) { if (attribute.value instanceof AbstractCellLmlAttribute) { attributes.put(attribute.key, attribute.value); } } final String[] attributeNames = ((AbstractMacroLmlTag) tag).getExpectedAttributes(); if (attributeNames != null && attributeNames.length > 0) { for (final String attribute : attributeNames) { attributes.put(attribute, tag); } } appendDtdAttributes(builder, macroMarker + macroTag.key, attributes); } }