package com.github.czyzby.autumn.annotation; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Target; /** Turns the method into a listener for events of the selected class. Listener can be optionally removed - if the * method returns a boolean and it value matches false, listener will be removed. * * <p> * Can annotate a class that implements {@link com.github.czyzby.autumn.processor.event.EventListener}. Instead of using * reflection, such class will be able to process events directly with its method. This is preferred for commonly used * actions. * * @author MJ */ @Target({ ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE }) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface OnEvent { /** Utility values for code clarity. If the annotated methods or implemented listeners return boolean value, it can * control whether the listener is removed. */ boolean KEEP = true, REMOVE = false; /** @return the class of event that is listened to by this method. When an event of this type occurs, the method is * fired and - optionally - if any of the parameters shares the type with the event, it will be passed to * the method. */ Class<?>value(); /** @return if set to true, event listener created with this method will be removed from dispatcher after first * invocation. Note that when set to true, it ignores the result of the method - even if it returns * booleans. Defaults to false. */ boolean removeAfterInvocation() default false; /** @return if true, method invocations will be scheduled on the main thread using * Otherwise, the thread that posts the event will invoke the listener. Defaults to false. */ boolean forceMainThread() default false; /** @return if true, throws exception if unable to execute event. Otherwise, exceptions are ignored. Setting * available only for methods - {@link com.github.czyzby.autumn.processor.event.EventListener} * implementation should handle their own exceptions. */ boolean strict() default true; }