package com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.impl.tag.macro; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Actor; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; import; import; import; import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.LmlParser; import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.action.ActorConsumer; import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.impl.tag.AbstractMacroLmlTag; import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.tag.LmlAttribute; import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.tag.LmlTag; /** You can register attributes using LML templates. Strictly speaking, there is hardly any advantage over * implementing custom {@link LmlAttribute} and adding it to the LML syntax object, except doing it in LML does require * less code and set-up. Macro requires exactly two attributes: an array of attribute aliases and a method that consumes * {@link AttributeParsingData}. AttributeParsingData basically contains the everything that * {@link LmlAttribute#process(LmlParser, LmlTag, Object, String)} method gets as its arguments. Let's say we want to * define an argument that sets upper-cased text on a label: * * <blockquote> * * <pre> * public void setUpperCaseText(AttributeParsingData data) { * if (data.getActor() instanceof Label) { * Label label = (Label) data.getActor(); * String text = data.getParser().parseString(data.getRawAttributeData(), label).toUpperCase(); * label.setText(text); * } * } * </pre> * * </blockquote> Now you can register it in the templates an enjoy the new attribute: <blockquote> * * <pre> * <:newAttribute upper;upperCase setUpperCaseText/> * <label upper="value" /> * <label upperCase=@bundleLine> * </pre> * * </blockquote>The first label will have "VALUE" as its text; the second will find "bundleLine" in the default i18n * bundle, convert it to upper case and set the result as its text. * * <p> * For the curious: this is a class with the same functionality (except now it actually applies only to labels, so we do * not have to worry about classes, check type or do any casting). You would have to manually pass an instance of this * class to LmlSyntax object to register it, though, so that's an extra Java code line.<blockquote> * * <pre> * public class UpperCaseLmlAttribute implements LmlAttribute<Label> { * @Override * public Class<Label> getHandledType() { * return Label.class; * } * * @Override * public void process(LmlParser parser, LmlTag tag, Label actor, String rawAttributeData) { * actor.setText(parser.parseString(rawAttributeData, actor).toUpperCase()); * } * } * </pre> * * </blockquote> * * <p> * Note that this macro supports named attributes:<blockquote> * * <pre> * <:newAttribute alias="upper;upperCase" method="setUpperCaseText" /> * </pre> * * </blockquote> * * @author MJ */ public class NewAttributeLmlMacroTag extends AbstractMacroLmlTag { /** Alias for the first macro attribute: list of attribute aliases. */ public static final String ALIAS_ATTRIBUTE = "alias"; /** Alias for the second macro attribute: name of the method that consumes {@link AttributeParsingData} instance. */ public static final String METHOD_ATTRIBUTE = "method"; public NewAttributeLmlMacroTag(final LmlParser parser, final LmlTag parentTag, final StringBuilder rawTagData) { super(parser, parentTag, rawTagData); } @Override public void handleDataBetweenTags(final CharSequence rawData) { if (Strings.isNotWhitespace(rawData)) { getParser().throwErrorIfStrict("New attribute macro cannot parse content between tags."); } } @Override public void closeTag() { final Array<String> attributes = getAttributes(); if (GdxArrays.sizeOf(attributes) < 2) { getParser().throwError( "Unable to create a new atrribute with less than two macro attributes: attribute aliases array and setter method consuming AttributeParsingData."); } // Possible tag names: final String[] tagNames = getAttributeNames(); // Processes attribute parsing: final ActorConsumer<?, AttributeParsingData> parser = getAttributeParser(); if (parser == null) { getParser().throwError( "Unable to add new attribute. Action consuming AttributeParsingData not found for name: " + attributes.get(1)); } getParser().getSyntax().addAttributeProcessor(new CustomLmlAttribute(parser), tagNames); } /** @return {@link ActorConsumer} consuming {@link AttributeParsingData}. */ protected ActorConsumer<?, AttributeParsingData> getAttributeParser() { if (hasAttribute(METHOD_ATTRIBUTE)) { return getParser().parseAction(getAttribute(METHOD_ATTRIBUTE), new AttributeParsingData()); } return getParser().parseAction(getAttributes().get(1), new AttributeParsingData()); } /** @return list of attribute aliases. */ protected String[] getAttributeNames() { if (hasAttribute(ALIAS_ATTRIBUTE)) { return getParser().parseArray(getAttribute(ALIAS_ATTRIBUTE), getActor()); } else if (GdxMaps.isNotEmpty(getNamedAttributes())) { getParser().throwError( "When using named attributes, new attribute macro needs at least two attributes: 'method' (name of the method that consumes AttributeParsingData) and 'attribute' (array of new attribute aliases). Found attributes: " + getNamedAttributes()); } return getParser().parseArray(getAttributes().first(), getActor()); } @Override public String[] getExpectedAttributes() { return new String[] { ALIAS_ATTRIBUTE, METHOD_ATTRIBUTE }; } /** Allows to register new attributes from within LML templates using new attribute macro. * * @author MJ */ public static class CustomLmlAttribute implements LmlAttribute<Actor> { private final ActorConsumer<?, AttributeParsingData> attributeParser; /** @param attributeParser wraps around a method that does the actual attribute parsing. */ public CustomLmlAttribute(final ActorConsumer<?, AttributeParsingData> attributeParser) { this.attributeParser = attributeParser; } @Override public Class<Actor> getHandledType() { return Actor.class; } @Override public void process(final LmlParser parser, final LmlTag tag, final Actor actor, final String rawAttributeData) { attributeParser.consume(new AttributeParsingData(parser, tag, actor, rawAttributeData)); } } /** Contains attribute parsing data normally passed as arguments to * {@link LmlAttribute#process(LmlParser, LmlTag, Object, String)} method. * * @author MJ */ public static class AttributeParsingData { private final LmlParser parser; private final LmlTag tag; private final Actor actor; private final String rawAttributeData; /** Utility private constructor. */ private AttributeParsingData() { this(null, null, null, null); } /** @param parser handles LML template parsing. * @param tag contains raw tag data. Allows to access actor's parent. * @param actor handled actor instance. * @param rawAttributeData unparsed LML attribute data that should be handled by an attribute processor. Common * data types (string, int, float, boolean, action) are already handled by LML parser implementation, * so make sure to invoke its methods. */ public AttributeParsingData(final LmlParser parser, final LmlTag tag, final Actor actor, final String rawAttributeData) { this.parser = parser; this.tag = tag; = actor; this.rawAttributeData = rawAttributeData; } /** @return handles LML template parsing. */ public LmlParser getParser() { return parser; } /** @return contains raw tag data. Allows to access actor's parent. */ public LmlTag getTag() { return tag; } /** @return handled actor instance. Should have the attribute property set. */ public Actor getActor() { return actor; } /** @return unparsed LML attribute data that should be handled by an attribute processor. Common data types * (string, int, float, boolean, action) are already handled by LML parser implementation, so make sure * to invoke its methods. */ public String getRawAttributeData() { return rawAttributeData; } } }