package com.github.czyzby.lml.uedi.assets.impl; import java.lang.reflect.Member; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap; import; import; import; import com.github.czyzby.lml.uedi.assets.Loaded; import com.github.czyzby.lml.util.Lml; import com.github.czyzby.uedi.reflection.impl.FieldMember; import com.github.czyzby.uedi.stereotype.Provider; /** Abstract base for asset providers. * * @author MJ * * @param <Asset> type of provided assets. */ public abstract class AbstractAssetProvider<Asset> implements Provider<Asset> { private final InjectingAssetManager assetManager; private final ObjectMap<String, String> idsToPaths = GdxMaps.newObjectMap(); /** @param assetManager will be used to load the assets and schedule field injections. */ public AbstractAssetProvider(final InjectingAssetManager assetManager) { this.assetManager = assetManager; } @Override public Asset provide(final Object target, final Member member) { if (member == null) { throwUnknownPathException(); } final String id = member.getName(); if (Strings.isEmpty(id)) { throwUnknownPathException(); } final Asset asset = getOrLoad(id); if (member instanceof FieldMember) { if (asset == null) { assetManager.addInjection( // Delayed asset injection - field will be filled when assets are loaded: new AssetInjection(idsToPaths.get(id), getType(), ((FieldMember) member).getField(), target)); } else if (target instanceof Loaded) { ((Loaded) target).onLoad(idsToPaths.get(id), getType(), asset); } } else if (asset == null) {, "Warn: requested instance of unloaded asset: " + id); } return asset; } /** @return internal map used to store file paths mapped to their asset IDs. */ protected ObjectMap<String, String> getIdsToPaths() { return idsToPaths; } /** @throws GdxRuntimeException on each call. */ protected void throwUnknownPathException() { throw new GdxRuntimeException("Unable to determine asset path."); } /** @param id name of the asset file (without extension or folder). "_" are replaced with "/" to support nested * folders. Cannot be empty or null. * @return an instance of the asset (if its already loaded) or null if it was scheduled for loading. * @throws GdxRuntimeException if ID is invalid. */ public Asset getOrLoad(final String id) { final String path = determinePath(id); if (assetManager.isLoaded(path)) { return assetManager.get(path, getType()); } assetManager.load(path, getType()); return null; } /** @param id name of the asset file (without extension or folder). "_" are replaced with "/" to support nested * folders. Cannot be empty or null. * @return a cached path assigned to the ID or a new determined path to an existing file. * @throws GdxRuntimeException if unable to find existing file. */ protected String determinePath(final String id) { String path = idsToPaths.get(id); if (path != null) { return path; } final String fileName = getFileName(getFolder(), id); for (final String extension : getExtensions()) { path = fileName + extension; try { final FileHandle file = Gdx.files.internal(path); if (file.exists()) { idsToPaths.put(id, path); return path; } } catch (final Exception exception) { Exceptions.ignore(exception); // Invalid FileHandle implementation, throws errors for missing files. } } throw new GdxRuntimeException("Unable to find file in folder: '" + getFolder() + "' matching name: '" + id + "' with any of the supported extensions: " + Strings.join(", ", (Object[]) getExtensions())); } /** @param folder can contain the asset. * @param id might contain '_', which should be converted to '/' to support nested paths. * @return file name (supporting nested paths) proceeded with a slash and with a dot appended at the end. */ protected String getFileName(final String folder, final String id) { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(folder.length() + 1 + id.length() + 1); builder.append(folder); builder.append('/'); builder.append(id); Strings.replace(builder, '_', '/'); builder.append('.'); return builder.toString(); } /** @return an array of supported file extensions. */ protected abstract String[] getExtensions(); /** @return the expected path of the asset. */ protected abstract String getFolder(); /** @return instance of {@link InjectingAssetManager} managing the assets. */ protected InjectingAssetManager getAssetManager() { return assetManager; } }