package com.github.czyzby.lml.util; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Actor; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Group; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Stage; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Cell; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Table; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Tree; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Value; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap.Entry; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectSet; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.LmlParser; import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.LmlSyntax; import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.action.ActionContainer; import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.action.ActorConsumer; import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.action.StageAttacher; import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.tag.LmlAttribute; import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.tag.LmlTag; import com.github.czyzby.lml.util.collection.IgnoreCaseStringMap; /** Utility class. Contains common LML methods that might be useful during parsing or even LML actors usage. * * @author MJ */ public class LmlUtilities { private static final ObjectMap<String, Value> STATIC_TABLE_VALUES; static { final ObjectMap<String, Value> initialValues = GdxMaps.newObjectMap("minHeight", Value.minHeight, "prefHeight", Value.prefHeight, "maxHeight", Value.maxHeight, "minWidth", Value.minWidth, "prefWidth", Value.prefWidth, "maxWidth", Value.maxWidth); STATIC_TABLE_VALUES = new IgnoreCaseStringMap<Value>(initialValues); } /** Empty object array. Might be useful for method invocations with no arguments. */ public static final Object[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new Object[0]; private LmlUtilities() { } /** Registers the given {@link Value} under passed name. These values should be generic and work only on any actors, * without parsed attributes. Where a Value object is expected (for example - in {@link Table} cell sizes), you can * pass chosen valueName as the attribute and the corresponding Value implementation will be taken from a map. * * @param valueName will register value under this key. * @param value returned each time a value-requiring attribute contains the passed name. */ public static void registerStaticTableValue(final String valueName, final Value value) { STATIC_TABLE_VALUES.put(valueName, value); } /** @param fromValue ends with a marker that should be removed. * @return passed value without last character. */ public static String stripEnding(final String fromValue) { return fromValue.substring(0, fromValue.length() - 1); } /** @param fromValue ends with a marker that should be removed. * @param ifEqualToThisMarker expected, optional ending marker. * @return passed value without last character if it ends with the passed marker or the original value if it does * not. */ public static String stripEnding(final String fromValue, final char ifEqualToThisMarker) { if (Strings.endsWith(fromValue, ifEqualToThisMarker)) { return fromValue.substring(0, fromValue.length() - 1); } return fromValue; } /** @param fromValue starts with a marker character that should be removed. * @return passed value without the marker. */ public static String stripMarker(final String fromValue) { return fromValue.substring(1); } /** @param fromValue may or may not start with a marker character that should be removed. * @param ifEqualToThisMarker expected, optional marker. * @return value without the initial marker. */ public static String stripMarker(final String fromValue, final char ifEqualToThisMarker) { if (ifEqualToThisMarker == fromValue.charAt(0)) { return stripMarker(fromValue); } return fromValue; } /** @param fromValue if it starts and ends with single or double quotation, quotation characters will be stripped. * @return passed value without quotation, if quotation was present. */ public static String stripQuotation(final String fromValue) { if (fromValue == null || fromValue.length() < 2) { // If string is empty or not long enough to contain quotation, returning unchanged. return fromValue; } final int lastIndex = Strings.getLastIndex(fromValue); // length - 1 if (fromValue.charAt(0) == '\'' && fromValue.charAt(lastIndex) == '\'' || fromValue.charAt(0) == '"' && fromValue.charAt(lastIndex) == '"') { return fromValue.substring(1, lastIndex); } return fromValue; } /** @param actor will have its ID attached using actor internal methods: ID will become actor's name. * @param id will become actor's ID. */ public static void setActorId(final Actor actor, final String id) { actor.setName(id); } /** @param actor might have an ID attached using name setter. * @return actor's ID or null. */ public static String getActorId(final Actor actor) { return actor.getName(); } /** @param group will be recursively searched. Does not require loops, but in a properly structured Scene, they * should never appear. This is a relatively expensive operations big views and other means of getting * references to actors are preferred. * @param actorId ID of the actor to find. * @return instance of the actor with the selected ID (ignoring case) or null if not found. */ public static Actor getActorWithId(final Group group, final String actorId) { final PooledList<Group> groupsToSearch = new PooledList<Group>(); groupsToSearch.add(group); while (!groupsToSearch.isEmpty()) { for (final Actor actor : groupsToSearch.removeFirst().getChildren()) { if (actorId.equalsIgnoreCase(actor.getName())) { return actor; } else if (actor instanceof Group) { groupsToSearch.add((Group) actor); } } } return null; } /** @param actors clears attached {@link LmlUserObject}s with LML meta-data if any of the actors has one. */ public static void clearLmlUserObjects(final Iterable<Actor> actors) { for (final Actor actor : actors) { clearLmlUserObject(actor); } } /** @param actor clears attached {@link LmlUserObject} with LML meta-data if it has one. If the actor is a * {@link Group}, it will be searched - all its children will have the {@link LmlUserObject}s cleared * recursively. */ public static void clearLmlUserObject(final Actor actor) { if (actor.getUserObject() instanceof LmlUserObject) { actor.setUserObject(null); } if (actor instanceof Group) { final PooledList<Group> groupsToSearch = new PooledList<Group>(); groupsToSearch.add((Group) actor); while (!groupsToSearch.isEmpty()) { for (final Actor child : groupsToSearch.removeFirst().getChildren()) { if (child.getUserObject() instanceof LmlUserObject) { child.setUserObject(null); } if (child instanceof Group) { groupsToSearch.add((Group) child); } } } } } /** @param actor might be a tree node. * @return tree node containing the actor if it is a tree node or null. */ public static Tree.Node getTreeNode(final Actor actor) { final LmlUserObject userObject = getOptionalLmlUserObject(actor); if (userObject != null) { return userObject.getNode(); } return null; } /** @param actor might be a text-based widget with a multiline property set to true. * @return false if actor has no user object attached or the multiline property is set to false. */ public static boolean isMultiline(final Actor actor) { final LmlUserObject userObject = getOptionalLmlUserObject(actor); if (userObject != null && userObject.getData() instanceof Boolean) { return (Boolean) userObject.getData(); } return false; } /** @param actor might have a LmlUserObject attached. * @return previous LmlUserObject instance attached to the actor or a new instance, which will also be set as * actor's user object. As opposed to {@link #getOptionalLmlUserObject(Actor)}, this forces the actor to * have a LmlUserObject attached. * @see Actor#setUserObject(Object) */ public static LmlUserObject getLmlUserObject(final Actor actor) { LmlUserObject userObject; if (actor.getUserObject() instanceof LmlUserObject) { userObject = (LmlUserObject) actor.getUserObject(); } else { userObject = new LmlUserObject(); actor.setUserObject(userObject); } return userObject; } /** @param actor might have a LmlUserObject attached. * @return LmlUserObject instance attached to the actor or null. */ public static LmlUserObject getOptionalLmlUserObject(final Actor actor) { if (actor != null && actor.getUserObject() instanceof LmlUserObject) { return (LmlUserObject) actor.getUserObject(); } return null; } /** @param stage should contain the actors. * @param actors will be added to the stage, honoring their {@link StageAttacher} settings. */ public static void appendActorsToStage(final Stage stage, final Iterable<Actor> actors) { if (actors == null) { return; } else if (stage == null) { throw new LmlParsingException( "Cannot append actors: the stage is null. Are you sure the correct stage has been passed? If this method was invoked by a listener, are you sure that the actor is properly added to a stage?"); } for (final Actor actor : actors) { stage.addActor(actor); final StageAttacher attacher = getStageAttacher(actor); if (attacher != null) { attacher.attachToStage(actor, stage); } } } /** @param actor might have a stage attacher set using its internal "user object" mechanism. * @return actor's stage attacher or null if not set. */ public static StageAttacher getStageAttacher(final Actor actor) { final LmlUserObject userObject = getOptionalLmlUserObject(actor); return userObject == null ? null : userObject.getStageAttacher(); } /** @param actor will have a stage attacher set using actor's internal "user object" mechanism. * @param stageAttacher used to attach the actor to a stage. */ public static void setStageAttacher(final Actor actor, final StageAttacher stageAttacher) { final LmlUserObject userObject = getLmlUserObject(actor); userObject.setStageAttacher(stageAttacher); } /** @param actor might be in a cell. Should be added to a cell if its parent is a Table. * @param parent direct parent tag of the actor. * @return actor's cell or null if not in a table. */ public static Cell<?> getCell(final Actor actor, final LmlTag parent) { final LmlUserObject userObject = getLmlUserObject(actor); if (userObject.getCell() == null) { if (parent != null && parent.getActor() instanceof Table) { return getCell(actor, (Table) parent.getActor()); } return null; } return userObject.getCell(); } /** @param actor might be in the passed table. * @param table if actor is currently not in a table, he will be added to this table. * @return a cell containing the actor. Returns null if the passed ta */ public static Cell<?> getCell(final Actor actor, final Table table) { final LmlUserObject userObject = getLmlUserObject(actor); if (userObject.getCell() == null) { if (table == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Table cannot be null. Unable to add actor to cell."); } userObject.setCell(userObject.getTableTarget().add(table, actor)); final Table target = userObject.getTableTarget().extract(table); if (isOneColumn(target)) { target.row(); } } return userObject.getCell(); } /** @param table might be set as one column table. * @return true if the table is set as one column using user object mechanism */ public static boolean isOneColumn(final Table table) { final LmlUserObject userObject = getOptionalLmlUserObject(table); if (userObject != null && userObject.getData() instanceof Boolean) { return ((Boolean) userObject.getData()).booleanValue(); } return false; } /** @param parser parses an LML template. * @param actor needs an alignment. * @param rawAttributeData raw data to parse. * @return alignment value from enum constant with the selected name. If invalid name is passed, strict parser will * throw an exception; non-strict parsers return the default, centered alignment. * @see Alignment */ public static int parseAlignment(final LmlParser parser, final Actor actor, final String rawAttributeData) { final String parsedData = parser.parseString(rawAttributeData, actor); if (Strings.isInt(parsedData)) { // Attribute was an int. Someone might be trying to set alignment directly; it's OK. return parseAlignmentFromInt(parser, Integer.parseInt(parsedData)); } try { final Alignment alignment = Alignment.valueOf(Strings.toUpperCase(parsedData)); return alignment.getAlignment(); } catch (final Exception exception) { Exceptions.ignore(exception); // Somewhat expected if invalid name is passed. } parser.throwErrorIfStrict("Unable to parser alignment from raw data: " + rawAttributeData + "; no alignment value matching: " + parsedData); return Alignment.CENTER.getAlignment(); } private static int parseAlignmentFromInt(final LmlParser parser, final int parsedData) { if (parser.isStrict()) { // Validating passed int value. If it is a correct alignment, there will be an enum constant present. final Alignment alignment = Alignment.get(parsedData); if (alignment != null) { return alignment.getAlignment(); } parser.throwError("Numeric alignment setting passed: " + parsedData + ", but there is no alignment with this exact value."); } // Parser not strict: returning the value, regardless of its validity: return parsedData; } /** @param parser parses an LML template. * @param parent contains the actor. * @param actor needs a {@link Value} for vertical setting. * @param rawAttributeData raw data to parse. If is a simple float, fixed value will be returned. If starts with * '%', will use {@link Value#percentHeight(float)} - will return a per cent of parsed actor's height. If * ends with '%', will use {@link Value#percentHeight(float, Actor)} - will return a per cent of * {@link Table} parent width. If a string value, will look for static values registered with * {@link #registerStaticTableValue(String, Value)} (there are some default values; see this class * sources for more info). * @return LibGDX Scene2D float value provider parsed from the raw attribute. */ public static Value parseVerticalValue(final LmlParser parser, final LmlTag parent, final Actor actor, final String rawAttributeData) { final Object valueToParse = determineValueObjectName(parser, actor, rawAttributeData); if (valueToParse instanceof Value) { return (Value) valueToParse; } return determineVerticalValue(parser, parent, actor, Nullables.toString(valueToParse)); } private static Value determineVerticalValue(final LmlParser parser, final LmlTag parent, final Actor actor, final String valueToParse) { if (Strings.isFloat(valueToParse)) { return new Value.Fixed(parser.parseFloat(valueToParse, actor)); } else if (Strings.endsWith(valueToParse, '%')) { return Value.percentHeight(parser.parseFloat(stripEnding(valueToParse), actor), getParentActorForValueParsing(parent, actor)); } else if (Strings.startsWith(valueToParse, '%')) { return Value.percentHeight(parser.parseFloat(stripMarker(valueToParse), actor)); } if (!STATIC_TABLE_VALUES.containsKey(valueToParse)) { parser.throwError( "Unable to determine Value object. Value has to be a float, float beginning or ending with '%' or static value reference. See LmlUtilities#parseVerticalValue(LmlParser, LmlTag, Actor, String). Received: " + valueToParse); } return STATIC_TABLE_VALUES.get(valueToParse); } /** @param parent contains the actor. Might be a Table with multiple nested tables. * @param actor needs a {@link Value}. * @return direct parent widget of the passed actor. */ private static Actor getParentActorForValueParsing(final LmlTag parent, final Actor actor) { if (parent == null || parent.getActor() == actor) { // The value is parsed for the Table or Container itself. return actor; } return parent.getActor() instanceof Table ? getCell(actor, parent).getTable() : parent.getActor(); } /** @param parser parses an LML template. * @param parent contains the actor. * @param actor needs a {@link Value} for horizontal setting. * @param rawAttributeData raw data to parse. If is a simple float, fixed value will be returned. If starts with * '%', will use {@link Value#percentWidth(float)} - will return a per cent of parsed actor's width. If * ends with '%', will use {@link Value#percentWidth(float, Actor)} - will return a per cent of * {@link Table} parent width. If a string value, will look for static values registered with * {@link #registerStaticTableValue(String, Value)} (there are some default values; see this class * sources for more info). * @return LibGDX Scene2D float value provider parsed from the raw attribute. */ public static Value parseHorizontalValue(final LmlParser parser, final LmlTag parent, final Actor actor, final String rawAttributeData) { final Object valueToParse = determineValueObjectName(parser, actor, rawAttributeData); if (valueToParse instanceof Value) { return (Value) valueToParse; } return determineHorizontalValue(parser, parent, actor, Nullables.toString(valueToParse)); } private static Object determineValueObjectName(final LmlParser parser, final Actor actor, final String rawAttributeData) { if (Strings.startsWith(rawAttributeData, parser.getSyntax().getMethodInvocationMarker())) { final ActorConsumer<?, Actor> action = parser.parseAction(rawAttributeData, actor); if (action == null) { parser.throwErrorIfStrict("Cannot determine Value object with invalid action ID: " + rawAttributeData + " for actor: " + actor); } return action.consume(actor); } return parser.parseString(rawAttributeData, actor); } private static Value determineHorizontalValue(final LmlParser parser, final LmlTag parent, final Actor actor, final String valueToParse) { if (Strings.isFloat(valueToParse)) { return new Value.Fixed(parser.parseFloat(valueToParse, actor)); } else if (Strings.endsWith(valueToParse, '%')) { return Value.percentWidth(parser.parseFloat(stripEnding(valueToParse), actor), getParentActorForValueParsing(parent, actor)); } else if (Strings.startsWith(valueToParse, '%')) { return Value.percentWidth(parser.parseFloat(stripMarker(valueToParse), actor)); } if (!STATIC_TABLE_VALUES.containsKey(valueToParse)) { parser.throwError( "Unable to determine Value object. Value has to be a float, float beginning or ending with '%' or static value reference. See LmlUtilities#parseHorizontalValue(LmlParser, LmlTag, Actor, String). Received: " + valueToParse); } return STATIC_TABLE_VALUES.get(valueToParse); } /** Utility method that processes all named attributes of the selected type. * * @param widget widget (validator, actor - processed element) that will be used to process attributes. * @param tag contains attributes. * @param parser will be used to parse attributes. * @param processedAttributes already processed attribute names. These attributes will be ignored. Optional, can be * null. * @param throwExceptionIfAttributeUnknown if true and unknown attribute is found, a strict parser will throw an * exception. * @param <Type> type of processed widget. Its class tree will be used to retrieve attributes. */ public static <Type> void processAttributes(final Type widget, final LmlTag tag, final LmlParser parser, final ObjectSet<String> processedAttributes, final boolean throwExceptionIfAttributeUnknown) { if (GdxMaps.isEmpty(tag.getNamedAttributes())) { return; } final LmlSyntax syntax = parser.getSyntax(); final boolean hasProcessedAttributes = processedAttributes != null; for (final Entry<String, String> attribute : tag.getNamedAttributes()) { if (attribute == null || hasProcessedAttributes && processedAttributes.contains(attribute.key)) { continue; } final LmlAttribute<Type> attributeProcessor = syntax.getAttributeProcessor(widget, attribute.key); if (attributeProcessor == null) { if (throwExceptionIfAttributeUnknown) { parser.throwErrorIfStrict("Unknown attribute: \"" + attribute.key + "\" for widget type: " + widget.getClass().getName()); } continue; } attributeProcessor.process(parser, tag, widget, attribute.value); if (hasProcessedAttributes) { processedAttributes.add(attribute.key); } } } // Syntax helpers: /** Warning: uses default LML syntax. Will not work if you modified any LML markers. * * @param array will be converted to an LML array argument using default syntax. * @return unparsed LML array. */ public static String toArrayArgument(final Object... array) { return Strings.join(";", array); } /** Warning: uses default LML syntax. Will not work if you modified any LML markers. * * @param iterable will be converted to an LML array argument using default syntax. * @return unparsed LML array. */ public static String toArrayArgument(final Iterable<?> iterable) { return Strings.join(";", iterable); } /** Warning: uses default LML syntax. Will not work if you modified any LML markers. * * @param base base of the range. Can be null - range will not have a base and will iterate solely over numbers. * @param rangeStart start of range. Can be negative. Does not have to be lower than end - if start is bigger, range * is iterating from bigger to lower values. * @param rangeEnd end of range. Can be negative. * @return range is format: base + rangeOpening + start + separator + end + rangeClosing. For example, * "base[4,2]". */ public static String toRangeArrayArgument(final Object base, final int rangeStart, final int rangeEnd) { return Nullables.toString(base, Strings.EMPTY_STRING) + '[' + rangeStart + ',' + rangeEnd + ']'; } /** Warning: uses default LML syntax. Will not work if you modified any LML markers. * * @param bundleLineId name of a bundle line in default i18n bundle. * @return converted LML bundle line argument using default syntax. */ public static String toBundleLine(final String bundleLineId) { return '@' + bundleLineId; } /** Warning: uses default LML syntax. Will not work if you modified any LML markers. * * @param bundleId name of the bundle, as registered to LML data container. * @param bundleLineId name of a bundle line in the specified i18n bundle. * @return converted LML bundle line argument using default syntax. */ public static String toBundleLine(final String bundleId, final String bundleLineId) { return '@' + bundleId + '.' + bundleLineId; } /** Warning: uses default LML syntax. Will not work if you modified any LML markers. * * @param preferenceId name of a preference in default preferences object. * @return converted LML preference argument using default syntax. */ public static String toPreference(final String preferenceId) { return '#' + preferenceId; } /** Warning: uses default LML syntax. Will not work if you modified any LML markers. * * @param preferencesId name of the preferences object, as registered to LML data container. * @param preferenceId name of a preference in the specified i18n bundle. * @return converted LML preference argument using default syntax. */ public static String toPreference(final String preferencesId, final String preferenceId) { return '#' + preferencesId + '.' + preferenceId; } /** Warning: uses default LML syntax. Will not work if you modified any LML markers. * * @param methodId name of a registered {@link ActorConsumer} or method name of a registered {@link ActionContainer} * . * @return converted LML action argument using default syntax. */ public static String toAction(final String methodId) { return '$' + methodId; } /** Warning: uses default LML syntax. Will not work if you modified any LML markers. * * @param actionContainerId name of an ActionContainer, as registered to LML data container. * @param methodId name of a method of an {@link ActionContainer} with the specified ID. * @return converted LML action argument using default syntax. */ public static String toAction(final String actionContainerId, final String methodId) { return '$' + actionContainerId + '.' + methodId; } }