package com.github.czyzby.autumn.annotation; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Target; /** Allows to inject context dependencies to components. * * @author MJ */ @Target({ ElementType.FIELD }) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface Inject { /** @return the exact class type of injected component. If void class, field's type will be used instead. This value * allows to resolve conflicts when multiple components share the same superclass that you want to inject - * you can keep superclass in field's type, while still injecting an instance of a specific class. Also, * interfaces are not supported on GWT, so if you want to inject a component to interface field type, this * might be your only option. */ Class<?>value() default void.class; /** @return if not void class, object of this class will be wrapped with * {@link} container and injected. Rather than creating the * object at once, it will be initiated on first * {@link} call. Note that using this setting makes * sense only if {@link #newInstance()} returns true, as context component are all initiated at once anyway. * This might be used for heavy objects (RSA keys, resources) with custom providers. */ Class<?>lazy() default void.class; /** @return if true and lazy class is chosen, the constructed * {@link} object will be concurrent. */ boolean concurrentLazy() default false; /** @return if true, a new instance of the variable's class will be injected rather than the one stored in context * (if any is actually present). This instance will be unique to the object that has it injected and will * not be available in context or managed by it - it will be created with no-arg constructor or by a * provider of the selected type. */ boolean newInstance() default false; }