package com.github.czyzby.autumn.context; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.IdentityMap; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.IdentityMap.Entry; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.reflect.ClassReflection; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.reflect.Constructor; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.reflect.Field; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.reflect.Method; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.reflect.ReflectionException; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.annotation.Component; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.annotation.Dispose; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.annotation.OnEvent; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.annotation.OnMessage; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.annotation.Processor; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.annotation.Provider; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.context.error.ContextInitiationException; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.context.impl.method.ContextConsumer; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.context.impl.method.MethodInvocation; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.processor.AnnotationProcessor; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.processor.event.EventDispatcher; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.processor.event.MessageDispatcher; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.processor.impl.ComponentAnnotationProcessor; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.processor.impl.DestroyAnnotationProcessor; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.processor.impl.DisposeAnnotationProcessor; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.processor.impl.InitiateAnnotationProcessor; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.processor.impl.InjectAnnotationProcessor; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.processor.impl.MetaAnnotationProcessor; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.processor.impl.ProviderAnnotationProcessor; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.scanner.ClassScanner; import; import; import; import; import; /** A single-use context initializer object. Scans the selected packages for annotated classes and initiates them, using * registered {@link AnnotationProcessor}s. After {@link #initiate()} call, clears the context meta-data (to allow * proper garbage collection) and becomes unusable. * * @author MJ */ public class ContextInitializer { /* Annotations. */ /** Annotations that are scanned for before other components. Usually processors. */ private final Array<Class<? extends Annotation>> scannedMetaAnnotations = GdxArrays.newArray(); /** Annotations of regular components. */ private final Array<Class<? extends Annotation>> scannedAnnotations = GdxArrays.newArray(); /* Annotation processors. */ /** Contains all annotation processors. */ private final Array<AnnotationProcessor<?>> processors = GdxArrays.newArray(); /** Contains all annotation processors that were added manually and require initiation. */ private final Array<AnnotationProcessor<?>> manuallyAddedProcessors = GdxArrays.newArray(); /** These handle annotated fields. */ private final ObjectMap<Class<? extends Annotation>, Array<AnnotationProcessor<?>>> fieldProcessors = LazyObjectMap .newMapOfArrays(); /** These handle annotated methods. */ private final ObjectMap<Class<? extends Annotation>, Array<AnnotationProcessor<?>>> methodProcessors = LazyObjectMap .newMapOfArrays(); /** These handle annotated classes. */ private final ObjectMap<Class<? extends Annotation>, Array<AnnotationProcessor<?>>> typeProcessors = LazyObjectMap .newMapOfArrays(); /* Scanners, components. */ /** Contains roots and class scanners that process the actual scanning. */ private final IdentityMap<Class<?>, ClassScanner> scanners = GdxMaps.newIdentityMap(); /** Contains components added with {@link #addComponent(Object)}. */ private final Array<Object> manuallyAddedComponents = GdxArrays.newArray(); /* Control variables. */ /** Contains constructors of components that contain unresolved constructor dependencies. */ private Array<Constructor> delayedConstructions = GdxArrays.newArray(); /** If unable to resolve dependencies after this amount of iterations, context fails to build. */ private int maxInitiationIterations = 100; /** See {@link Context#setCreateMissingDependencies(boolean)}. */ private boolean createMissingDependencies = true; /** If true, scanners and processors are cleared after initiation. */ private boolean clearProcessors = true; /** If true, components are removed from the context after initiation. They still hold references to each other * (through dependency injection), but the {@link Context} object will be empty. */ private boolean clearContextAfterInitiation = true; /** Consumes constructed {@link Context} instance. */ private ContextConsumer doBeforeInitiation; /** Consume fully initiated {@link Context} instance. */ private ContextConsumer doAfterInitiation; /** Creates a new context initializer with default annotation processors. */ public ContextInitializer() { // Default annotations: scannedMetaAnnotations.add(Processor.class); scannedMetaAnnotations.add(Provider.class); scannedAnnotations.add(Component.class); scannedAnnotations.add(Dispose.class); scannedAnnotations.add(OnEvent.class); scannedAnnotations.add(OnMessage.class); // Default processors: addProcessor(new ComponentAnnotationProcessor()); // Maps components by interfaces. addProcessor(new MetaAnnotationProcessor()); // Registers annotation processors. addProcessor(new ProviderAnnotationProcessor()); // Registers dependency providers. addProcessor(new InjectAnnotationProcessor()); // Injects field dependencies. addProcessor(new InitiateAnnotationProcessor()); // Invokes initiation methods. addProcessor(new DestroyAnnotationProcessor()); // Schedules destruction methods upon disposing. addProcessor(new DisposeAnnotationProcessor()); // Schedules disposing of fields and components. addProcessor(new EventDispatcher()); // Registers event listeners. Allows to post events. addProcessor(new MessageDispatcher()); // Registers message listeners. Allows to post messages. } /** Static factory method. Creates a new context initializer with default, no-arg constuctor. * * @return a new instance of ContextInitializer. * @see ContextInitializer#initiate() */ public static ContextInitializer newContext() { return new ContextInitializer(); } /** @param annotation classes annotated with this annotation will be searched for. * @return this for chaining. */ public ContextInitializer scanFor(final Class<? extends Annotation> annotation) { scannedAnnotations.add(annotation); return this; } /** @param annotations classes annotated with these annotations will be searched for. * @return this for chaining. */ public ContextInitializer scanFor(final Class<? extends Annotation>... annotations) { scannedAnnotations.addAll(annotations); return this; } /** @param metaAnnnotation classes annotated with this annotation will be searched for and initiated before others. * Meta annotations are usually reserved for annotation processors - without adding processors first, * other components will not be initiated properly. * @return this for chaining. */ public ContextInitializer scanForMeta(final Class<? extends Annotation> metaAnnnotation) { scannedMetaAnnotations.add(metaAnnnotation); return this; } /** @param processors process fields, methods and types annotated with specific annotations. Processors will be also * available in context for injection. This method is reserved for fully initiated processors or * processors during initiation; if you need the processors to be fully initiated, use * {@link #addComponents(Object...)} instead. * @return this for chaining. */ public ContextInitializer addProcessors(final AnnotationProcessor<?>... processors) { for (final AnnotationProcessor<?> processor : processors) { addProcessor(processor); } return this; } /** @param processor processes fields, methods and types annotated with a specific annotation. Processor will be * also available in context for injection. This method is reserved for fully initiated processors or * processors during initiation; if you need a processor to be fully initiated, use * {@link #addComponent(Object)} instead. * @return this for chaining. */ public ContextInitializer addProcessor(final AnnotationProcessor<?> processor) { processors.add(processor); if (processor.isSupportingFields()) { fieldProcessors.get(processor.getSupportedAnnotationType()).add(processor); } if (processor.isSupportingMethods()) { methodProcessors.get(processor.getSupportedAnnotationType()).add(processor); } if (processor.isSupportingTypes()) { typeProcessors.get(processor.getSupportedAnnotationType()).add(processor); } return this; } /** @param maxInitiationIterations some components need dependencies for their constructors. They initiation is * basically delayed, until the requested components appear in the context. There is no specialized * mechanism of detecting circular constructor dependencies; instead, if after a certain number of * iterations some components are still missing, it is assumed that the context cannot be built. This * value is the said limit. It defaults to 100, which is more than enough for most - even big - contexts, * but if you are SURE there are no circular references in your context and it still fails to build after * 100 iterations, change this value to a higher one. * @return this for chaining. */ public ContextInitializer maxInitiationIterationsAmount(final int maxInitiationIterations) { this.maxInitiationIterations = maxInitiationIterations; return this; } /** @param createMissingDependencies if true, field and method dependencies with no components or providers in the * concept will be created with default no-arg constructor. Defaults to true. * @return this for chaining. * @see Context#setCreateMissingDependencies(boolean) */ public ContextInitializer createMissingDependencies(final boolean createMissingDependencies) { this.createMissingDependencies = createMissingDependencies; return this; } /** @param clearProcessors if true, scanners and annotation processors will be cleared just after creating context * with {@link #initiate()}. This generally prevents from keeping unnecessary references to context * meta-data. Defaults to true; change to false only if you plan to use the initializer multiple times * and using separate initializers is not an option for some reason. * @return this for chaining. */ public ContextInitializer clearProcessors(final boolean clearProcessors) { this.clearProcessors = clearProcessors; return this; } /** * @param clearContextAfterInitiation if true, all components from the {@link Context} instance will be removed * after the context is fully initiated. * @return this for chaining. * @see Context#setClear(boolean) */ public ContextInitializer clearContextAfterInitiation(final boolean clearContextAfterInitiation) { this.clearContextAfterInitiation = clearContextAfterInitiation; return this; } /** * @param doBeforeInitiation will be invoked right after the {@link Context} is created. The consumed context * instance should be empty, but will never be null. * @return this for chaining. * @see ContextConsumer */ public ContextInitializer doBeforeInitiation(final ContextConsumer doBeforeInitiation) { this.doBeforeInitiation = doBeforeInitiation; return this; } /** * @param doAfterInitiation will be invoked right after the {@link Context} is fully initiated, but before the * processors and components meta-data is cleared. The consumed context instance will never be null. * @return this for chaining. * @see ContextConsumer */ public ContextInitializer doAfterInitiation(final ContextConsumer doAfterInitiation) { this.doAfterInitiation = doAfterInitiation; return this; } /** @param root scanning root. Will look for classes sharing the same root package. * @param scanner will process the actual class scanning. * @return this for chaining. */ public ContextInitializer scan(final Class<?> root, final ClassScanner scanner) { scanners.put(root, scanner); return this; } /** @param component will be added to the context manually, rather than scanned for. Note that this method has any * effect only BEFORE scanning, not DURING component processing: annotation processors should not invoke * this method. If the added component is an annotation processor, it will be also added and will * properly process annotations. * @return this for chaining. */ public ContextInitializer addComponent(final Object component) { if (component instanceof AnnotationProcessor<?>) { final AnnotationProcessor<?> processor = (AnnotationProcessor<?>) component; manuallyAddedProcessors.add(processor); addProcessor(processor); } else { manuallyAddedComponents.add(component); } return this; } /** @param components will be added to the context manually, rather than scanned for. Note that this method has any * effect only BEFORE scanning, not DURING component processing: annotation processors should not invoke * this method. If any of the added components is an annotation processor, it will be also added and will * properly process annotations. * @return this for chaining. */ public ContextInitializer addComponents(final Object... components) { for (final Object component : components) { addComponent(component); } return this; } /** This is finalizing method that actually scans and initiates the context. After this method invocation, context * initialized becomes unusable; if - for some reason - you need to create multiple contexts, use separate * initializers. Make sure to add some class scanners and scanning roots before invoking this method - otherwise * there will be no classes to scan for. * * @return {@link ContextDestroyer} instance, implementing {@link com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Disposable} interface. On * {@link ContextDestroyer#dispose()}, this object will invoke registered destruction methods (that might * include invoking finalizing component methods or disposing of heavy objects). Make sure to dispose of * this object before closing the application - or as soon as the context is no longer needed. * @see #scan(Class, ClassScanner) */ public ContextDestroyer initiate() { validateScanners(); // Making sure scanners are properly defined. final Context context = createContext(); // Creating new instance, applying user's settings. final ContextDestroyer contextDestroyer = new ContextDestroyer(); mapInContext(context, processors); // Now context contains default processors. They are injectable. mapInContext(context, manuallyAddedComponents); // Now manually added components are in the context. initiateMetaComponents(context, contextDestroyer); // Now context contains custom annotation processors. invokeProcessorActionsBeforeInitiation(); // Processors are ready to process! initiateRegularComponents(context, contextDestroyer);// Now context contains all regular components. invokeProcessorActionsAfterInitiation(context, contextDestroyer); // Processors finish up their work. finishContext(context); // Clearing processors and components. return contextDestroyer; } private Context createContext() { final Context context = new Context(); context.setClear(clearContextAfterInitiation); context.setCreateMissingDependencies(createMissingDependencies); if (doBeforeInitiation != null) { doBeforeInitiation.handleContext(context); doBeforeInitiation = null; } return context; } private void finishContext(Context context) { if (doAfterInitiation != null) { doAfterInitiation.handleContext(context); doAfterInitiation = null; } context.clear(); // Removing all components from context (if not disabled) if (clearProcessors) { destroyInitializer(); // Clearing meta-data. Processors are no longer available. } } /** Throws exception if user did not specify any scanners. */ private void validateScanners() { if (scanners.size == 0) { throw new ContextInitiationException( "Cannot initiate context without any class scanners and scanning roots."); } } /** @param context will contain instances of passed components. * @param components will be mapped by their class tree. */ private static void mapInContext(final Context context, final Iterable<?> components) { for (final Object component : components) {; } } /** Calls {@link AnnotationProcessor#doBeforeScanning(ContextInitializer)} with "this" argument on each * processor. */ private void invokeProcessorActionsBeforeInitiation() { for (final AnnotationProcessor<?> processor : processors) { processor.doBeforeScanning(this); } } /** Calls {@link AnnotationProcessor#doAfterScanning(ContextInitializer, Context, ContextDestroyer)} with "this" * argument on each processor. * @param context might be required by some processors to finish up. * @param destroyer used to register destruction callbacks. */ private void invokeProcessorActionsAfterInitiation(final Context context, final ContextDestroyer destroyer) { for (final AnnotationProcessor<?> processor : processors) { processor.doAfterScanning(this, context, destroyer); } } /** @param context will contain instances of scanned annotation procesors. * @param contextDestroyer used to register destruction callbacks. */ private void initiateMetaComponents(final Context context, final ContextDestroyer contextDestroyer) { final Array<Class<?>> metaComponentTypes = GdxArrays.newArray(); for (final Entry<Class<?>, ClassScanner> scannerData : scanners) { metaComponentTypes .addAll(scannerData.value.findClassesAnnotatedWith(scannerData.key, scannedMetaAnnotations)); } final Array<Object> metaComponents = createComponents(metaComponentTypes, context); metaComponents.addAll(manuallyAddedProcessors); manuallyAddedProcessors.clear(); initiateComponents(metaComponents, context, contextDestroyer); } /** @param context will contain instances of scanned components. This method will clear scanners, as they are no * longer expected to be needed. * @param contextDestroyer used to register destruction callbacks. */ private void initiateRegularComponents(final Context context, final ContextDestroyer contextDestroyer) { final Array<Class<?>> componentTypes = GdxArrays.newArray(); for (final Entry<Class<?>, ClassScanner> scannerData : scanners) { componentTypes.addAll(scannerData.value.findClassesAnnotatedWith(scannerData.key, scannedAnnotations)); } final Array<Object> components = createComponents(componentTypes, context); // Manually added components are already mapped. Now they will be initiated: components.addAll(manuallyAddedComponents); manuallyAddedComponents.clear(); initiateComponents(components, context, contextDestroyer); // Scanners no longer needed, all components found: if (clearProcessors) { scanners.clear(); } } /** Clears meta-data collections. */ private void destroyInitializer() { GdxMaps.clearAll(fieldProcessors, methodProcessors, typeProcessors); GdxArrays.clearAll(scannedMetaAnnotations, scannedAnnotations, processors, delayedConstructions, manuallyAddedComponents, manuallyAddedProcessors); } /* COMPONENTS CREATIONS. Constructor management, resolving dependencies. */ /** @param types classes of components to initiate. * @param context will contain components mapped by their classes tree. * @return an array containing all created components. */ private Array<Object> createComponents(final Array<Class<?>> types, final Context context) { final Array<Object> components = GdxArrays.newArray(); for (final Class<?> type : types) { final Constructor[] constructors = ClassReflection.getConstructors(type); if (constructors == null || constructors.length == 0) { throw new ContextInitiationException( type + " has no available public constructors. Unable to create component."); } else if (constructors.length == 1) { // Single constructor - trying to invoke it: addIfNotNull(components, processConstructor(constructors[0], context)); } else { // Multiple constructors - trying to find a suitable one: addIfNotNull(components, processConstructor(findSuitableConstructor(constructors), context)); } } int initiationIterations = 0; while (GdxArrays.isNotEmpty(delayedConstructions)) { validateIterationsAmount(initiationIterations); processDelayedConstructions(context, components); initiationIterations++; } return components; } /** @param initiationIterations if greater than {@link #maxInitiationIterations}, throws an an exception. */ private void validateIterationsAmount(final int initiationIterations) { if (initiationIterations >= maxInitiationIterations) { throw new ContextInitiationException("Context could not have been built after " + initiationIterations + " iterations. Some constructor dependencies are missing (not annotated, not available in the context) or some components have circular dependencies. Unable to invoke constructors: " + GdxArrays.newArray(delayedConstructions)); } } /** @param constructors an array of at least 2 constructors. * @return no-arg constructor or the first found constructor. */ private static Constructor findSuitableConstructor(final Constructor[] constructors) { for (final Constructor constructor : constructors) { if (constructor.getParameterTypes().length == 0) { // Using no-arg constructor by default. return constructor; } } // Constructor annotations not available, so we can't just select a constructor with @Inject or whatever. final Constructor constructor = constructors[0];"WARN", constructor.getDeclaringClass() + " has multiple public constructors, but no public no-arg constructor. Using first found constructor to initiate component."); return constructor; } /** Simple array utility. * * @param array will contain the object if it's not null. * @param object if not null, will be added to the array. * @param <Type> type of values stored in the array. */ protected <Type> void addIfNotNull(final Array<Type> array, final Type object) { if (object != null) { array.add(object); } } /** @param constructor if all its parameter types are available in context, will be invoked and the instance will be * added to context. * @param context will be used to retrieve constructor parameters. * @return an instance of the component or null if it cannot be constructed yet. */ private Object processConstructor(final Constructor constructor, final Context context) { Object component; if (constructor.getParameterTypes().length == 0) { // Passing any empty object array avoid unnecessary array allocation. component = invokeConstructor(constructor, Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY); } else { if (areContructorParametersAvailable(constructor, context)) { final Object[] parameters = MethodInvocation.getParametersFromContext(constructor.getParameterTypes(), context); component = invokeConstructor(constructor, parameters); } else { delayedConstructions.add(constructor); return null; } }; return component; } /** @param constructor its parameters will be validated. * @param context contains components. * @return true if all constructor parameters can be injected. */ private static boolean areContructorParametersAvailable(final Constructor constructor, final Context context) { for (final Class<?> parameterType : constructor.getParameterTypes()) { if (!context.isPresent(parameterType) && !context.isProviderPresentFor(parameterType)) { return false; } } return true; } /** @param constructor will be invoked. * @param parameters will be used to invoke the constructor. * @return a new instance of the class. * @throws ContextInitiationException if unable to invoke the constructor. */ private static Object invokeConstructor(final Constructor constructor, final Object[] parameters) { try { return constructor.newInstance(parameters); } catch (final ReflectionException exception) { throw new ContextInitiationException("Unable to create a new instance of class: " + constructor.getDeclaringClass() + " with constructor: " + constructor + " with parameters: " + GdxArrays.newArray(parameters), exception); } } /** @param context used to get constructor parameters. * @param components will contain created components. */ private void processDelayedConstructions(final Context context, final Array<Object> components) { final Array<Constructor> stillMissingConstructions = GdxArrays.newArray(); for (final Constructor constructor : delayedConstructions) { final Object component = processConstructor(constructor, context); if (component != null) { components.add(component); } else { stillMissingConstructions.add(constructor); } } delayedConstructions = stillMissingConstructions; } /* CONTEXT INITIATION. Processing types', methods' and fields' annotations. */ /** @param components will be initiated. * @param context contains components. Used to resolve dependencies. * @param contextDestroyer used to register destruction callbacks. */ private void initiateComponents(final Array<Object> components, final Context context, final ContextDestroyer contextDestroyer) { // Class annotations are usually the most important. They can change the way component is mapped or processed. for (final Object component : components) { processType(component, context, contextDestroyer); } // Fields annotations might be used to inject component's dependencies and change the state of the component, so // they should be processed before methods - which might actually depend on the fields. for (final Object component : components) { processFields(component, context, contextDestroyer); } // Methods are processed last, when the component is (almost) fully initiated and all method dependencies should // be present. for (final Object component : components) { processMethods(component, context, contextDestroyer); } } /** Processes components' class annotations. * * @param component its class annotations will be processed. * @param context used to resolve dependencies * @param contextDestroyer will register destruction callbacks. */ @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) // Using correct types, but wildcards fail to see that. private void processType(final Object component, final Context context, final ContextDestroyer contextDestroyer) { final com.badlogic.gdx.utils.reflect.Annotation[] annotations = getAnnotations(component.getClass()); if (annotations == null || annotations.length == 0) { return; } for (final com.badlogic.gdx.utils.reflect.Annotation annotation : annotations) { if (typeProcessors.containsKey(annotation.getAnnotationType())) { final Array<AnnotationProcessor<?>> typeProcessorsForAnnotation = typeProcessors .get(annotation.getAnnotationType()); // This might get resized in the process, so we're not using an iterator or assigning size. for (int index = 0; index < typeProcessorsForAnnotation.size; index++) { final AnnotationProcessor processor = typeProcessorsForAnnotation.get(index); processor.processType(component.getClass(), annotation.getAnnotation(annotation.getAnnotationType()), component, context, this, contextDestroyer); } } } } /** @param type will return an array of its annotations. * @return array of annotations or null. GWT utility. */ private static com.badlogic.gdx.utils.reflect.Annotation[] getAnnotations(final Class<?> type) { try { return ClassReflection.getAnnotations(type); } catch (final Exception exception) { Exceptions.ignore(exception); return null; } } /** Scans class tree of component to process all its methods. * * @param component all methods of its class tree will be processed. * @param context used to resolve dependencies. * @param contextDestroyer used to register destruction callbacks. */ private void processMethods(final Object component, final Context context, final ContextDestroyer contextDestroyer) { Class<?> componentClass = component.getClass(); while (componentClass != null && !componentClass.equals(Object.class)) { final Method[] methods = ClassReflection.getDeclaredMethods(componentClass); if (methods != null && methods.length > 0) { processMethods(component, methods, context, contextDestroyer); } componentClass = componentClass.getSuperclass(); } } /** Does the actual processing of found methods. * * @param component owner of the methods. * @param methods present in one of superclasses of the component. * @param context used to resolve dependencies. * @param contextDestroyer used to register destruction callbacks. */ @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) // Using correct types, but wildcards fail to see that. private void processMethods(final Object component, final Method[] methods, final Context context, final ContextDestroyer contextDestroyer) { for (final Method method : methods) { final com.badlogic.gdx.utils.reflect.Annotation[] annotations = getAnnotations(method); if (annotations == null || annotations.length == 0) { continue; } for (final com.badlogic.gdx.utils.reflect.Annotation annotation : annotations) { if (methodProcessors.containsKey(annotation.getAnnotationType())) { for (final AnnotationProcessor processor : methodProcessors.get(annotation.getAnnotationType())) { processor.processMethod(method, annotation.getAnnotation(annotation.getAnnotationType()), component, context, this, contextDestroyer); } } } } } /** @param method will return an array of its annotations. * @return array of annotations or null. GWT utility. */ private static com.badlogic.gdx.utils.reflect.Annotation[] getAnnotations(final Method method) { try { return method.getDeclaredAnnotations(); } catch (final Exception exception) { Exceptions.ignore(exception); return null; } } /** Scans class tree of component to process all its fields. * * @param component all fields of its class tree will be processed. * @param context used to resolve dependencies. * @param contextDestroyer used to register destruction callbacks. */ private void processFields(final Object component, final Context context, final ContextDestroyer contextDestroyer) { Class<?> componentClass = component.getClass(); while (componentClass != null && !componentClass.equals(Object.class)) { final Field[] fields = ClassReflection.getDeclaredFields(componentClass); if (fields != null && fields.length > 0) { processFields(component, fields, context, contextDestroyer); } componentClass = componentClass.getSuperclass(); } } /** Does the actual processing of found fields. * * @param component owner of the fields. * @param fields present in one of superclasses of the component. * @param context used to resolve dependencies. * @param contextDestroyer used to register destruction callbacks. */ @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) // Using correct types, but wildcards fail to see that. private void processFields(final Object component, final Field[] fields, final Context context, final ContextDestroyer contextDestroyer) { for (final Field field : fields) { final com.badlogic.gdx.utils.reflect.Annotation[] annotations = getAnnotations(field); if (annotations == null || annotations.length == 0) { continue; } for (final com.badlogic.gdx.utils.reflect.Annotation annotation : annotations) { if (fieldProcessors.containsKey(annotation.getAnnotationType())) { for (final AnnotationProcessor processor : fieldProcessors.get(annotation.getAnnotationType())) { processor.processField(field, annotation.getAnnotation(annotation.getAnnotationType()), component, context, this, contextDestroyer); } } } } } /** @param field will return an array of its annotations. * @return array of annotations or null. GWT utility. */ private static com.badlogic.gdx.utils.reflect.Annotation[] getAnnotations(final Field field) { try { return field.getDeclaredAnnotations(); } catch (final Exception exception) { Exceptions.ignore(exception); return null; } } }