package com.github.czyzby.lml.scene2d.ui.reflected; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Actor; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Group; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap; import; import; import com.github.czyzby.lml.util.LmlUtilities; import com.github.czyzby.lml.util.collection.IgnoreCaseStringMap; /** This is a LML internal utility actor container. It extends {@link Actor} class, but not * {@link com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Group Group}. While it contains multiple actors, it does not display them in * any way, nor is it cleared when the actors are added to a {@link com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Group Group}. * * @author MJ * @see #getActors() * @see #getActor(String) */ public class ActorStorage extends Actor { private final Array<Actor> actors = GdxArrays.newArray(); /** @param actor will be stored. */ public void addActor(final Actor actor) { actors.add(actor); } /** @return direct reference to the array storing managed actors. * @see #getActor(String) */ public Array<Actor> getActors() { return actors; } /** @param id ID of the actor set in a LML template with the "id" attribute. * @return actor with the selected ID, or null if: ID was null, no actor was found or the actor with this ID was not * a direct child of storage in LML template. Use {@link #findActor(String)} to search for actors * recursively. * @see #getActor(String, Class) * @see #findActor(String) */ public Actor getActor(final String id) { if (id == null) { return null; } for (final Actor actor : actors) { if (id.equals(LmlUtilities.getActorId(actor))) { return actor; } } return null; } /** @param id ID of the actor set in a LML template with the "id" attribute. * @param withType class of the actor. The actor will be automatically casted for convenience. * @return actor with the selected ID, or null if: ID was null, no actor was found or the actor with this ID was not * a direct child of storage in LML template. Use {@link #findActor(String, Class)} to search for actors * recursively. * @see #getActor(String) * @see #findActor(String, Class) * @param <Widget> type of the actor. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <Widget extends Actor> Widget getActor(final String id, final Class<Widget> withType) { return (Widget) getActor(id); } /** @param id ID of the actor set in a LML template with the "id" attribute. * @return actor with the selected ID, or null if no actor was found or the id parameter is null. Note that this * method performs a somewhat expensive recursive search for the actor; if the actor that you want to get * the reference to was a direct child of the storage in the LML file, you should use the * {@link #getActor(String)} method. * @see #getActor(String) * @see #findActor(String, Class) */ public Actor findActor(final String id) { if (id == null) { return null; } for (final Actor actor : actors) { if (id.equals(LmlUtilities.getActorId(actor))) { return actor; } else if (actor instanceof Group) { final Actor child = LmlUtilities.getActorWithId((Group) actor, id); if (child != null) { return child; } } } return null; } /** @param id ID of the actor set in a LML template with the "id" attribute. * @param withType class of the actor. The actor will be automatically casted for convenience. * @return actor with the selected ID, or null if no actor was found or the id parameter is null. Note that this * method performs a somewhat expensive recursive search for the actor; if the actor that you want to get * the reference to was a direct child of the storage in the LML file, you should use the * {@link #getActor(String, Class)} method. * @see #getActor(String, Class) * @see #findActor(String) * @param <Widget> type of the actor. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <Widget extends Actor> Widget findActor(final String id, final Class<Widget> withType) { return (Widget) findActor(id); } /** @param searchRecursively if true, any {@link Group} extending actors will also be searched through and any of * their children with IDs will be added to the map. Note that recursive search might be an expensive * operation and if you are sure that all actors with IDs (that you need) were _direct_ children of the * storage in LML, you should run this method with "false". * @return stored actors mapped by their IDs. Note that actors without IDs will be ignored and won't be added to the * map. */ public ObjectMap<String, Actor> getActorsMappedByIds(final boolean searchRecursively) { final ObjectMap<String, Actor> actorsByIds = new IgnoreCaseStringMap<Actor>(); for (final Actor actor : actors) { final String id = LmlUtilities.getActorId(actor); if (id != null) { actorsByIds.put(id, actor); } } if (!searchRecursively) { return actorsByIds; } // Recursive ID search - need to scan all groups: final PooledList<Group> groupsToSearch = new PooledList<Group>(); for (final Actor actor : actors) { if (actor instanceof Group) { groupsToSearch.add((Group) actor); } } while (!groupsToSearch.isEmpty()) { for (final Actor actor : groupsToSearch.removeFirst().getChildren()) { final String id = LmlUtilities.getActorId(actor); if (id != null) { actorsByIds.put(id, actor); } if (actor instanceof Group) { groupsToSearch.add((Group) actor); } } } return actorsByIds; } }