package com.github.czyzby; import com.badlogic.gdx.ApplicationAdapter; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.InputAdapter; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Label; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.context.ContextDestroyer; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.context.ContextInitializer; import com.github.czyzby.autumn.scanner.ClassScanner; import com.github.czyzby.context.Root; import com.github.czyzby.context.event.MyEvent; import com.github.czyzby.context.manual.MyManualComponent; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** Uses {@link ContextInitializer} to find and initiate components in the {@link com.github.czyzby.context} package. * Note that this class has barely any direct references to other components - only the minimum required for testing. * Using Autumn makes the application highly modular and allows to easily move the components to other projects. * * @author MJ */ public class Core extends ApplicationAdapter { /** Default window size. Size of the virtual stage viewport. */ public static final int WIDTH = 800, HEIGHT = 600; /** Allows to scan for annotated classes. Platform-specific. */ private final ClassScanner scanner; /** Stores message displayed on the screen. */ private final StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); /** Allows to dispose of Autumn components. */ private ContextDestroyer destroyer; // Utility assets: private SpriteBatch batch; private Label label; public Core(final ClassScanner scanner) { this.scanner = scanner; } @Override public void create() { // Changing logger factory: MyLogger.setLoggerFactory(); // Preparing Autumn context: final ContextInitializer initializer = new ContextInitializer(); // Manual component registration example - you can both let the Autumn find annotated classes for you or add // some components manually: final MyManualComponent manualComponent = new MyManualComponent(); initializer.addComponent(manualComponent); // Registering platform-specific scanner. Starting to scan classes from Root: initializer.scan(Root.class, scanner); // Creating context: destroyer = initializer.initiate(); // Getting a utility logger: final Logger logger = LoggerService.forClass(Core.class); // Testing events API (see com.github.czyzby.context.event package):"Posting 'myMessage'."); manualComponent.getMessageDispatcher().postMessage("myMessage");"Posting MyEvent."); manualComponent.getEventDispatcher().postEvent(new MyEvent("Core#create")); // Final note, adding input listener:"Autumn context is created. " + "Click to close the application and watch the console to see the destruction process."); addInputProcessor(); // Getting utility assets injected into manualComponent by Autumn: batch = manualComponent.getAssets().getBatch(); label = manualComponent.getLabel(); label.setText(message); } private static void addInputProcessor() { // Closing the application as soon as it's clicked. Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(new InputAdapter() { @Override public boolean touchUp(final int screenX, final int screenY, final int pointer, final int button) { GdxUtilities.exit(); return true; } }); } @Override public void render() { GdxUtilities.clearScreen(); batch.begin(); label.draw(batch, 1f); batch.end(); } @Override public void dispose() { // ContextDestroyer implements Disposable interface and can be disposed of like any other heavy object or asset. // We're using null-safe Disposables Kiwi utility (because we can) to dispose of the destroyer: Disposables.disposeOf(destroyer); } /** Extends the default Kiwi logger. {@link MyLogger#info(String)} and {@link MyLogger#info(String, Object...))} * methods will output the logs to console and append them to {@link Core#message} to be displayed on the screen. * This is basically a utility for passing messages to {@link Core} instance without static field access. * * @author MJ */ public static class MyLogger extends DefaultLogger { public MyLogger(final LoggerService service, final Class<?> forClass) { super(service, forClass); } @Override protected void logInfo(final String tag, final String message) { super.logInfo(tag, message); final Core core = (Core); core.message.append(tag).append(": ").append(message).append('\n'); } /** Changes the default Kiwi logger factory to provide {@link MyLogger} instances. After invoking this method, * all created loggers will not only flood the console on info logs, but also update the message displayed on * the main application screen. */ public static void setLoggerFactory() { LoggerService.simpleClassNames(true); // We don't want to flood the logs with packages! LoggerService.INSTANCE.setFactory(new LoggerFactory() { @Override public Logger newLogger(final LoggerService service, final Class<?> forClass) { return new MyLogger(service, forClass); } }); } } }