package com.github.czyzby.lml.vis.parser.impl.tag; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Actor; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Table; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.LmlParser; import; import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.tag.LmlActorBuilder; import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.tag.LmlTag; import com.github.czyzby.lml.util.LmlUtilities; import com.github.czyzby.lml.vis.parser.impl.tag.builder.ListViewLmlActorBuilder; import com.kotcrab.vis.ui.util.adapter.ArrayAdapter; import com.kotcrab.vis.ui.util.adapter.ListAdapter; import com.kotcrab.vis.ui.widget.ListView; import com.kotcrab.vis.ui.widget.ListView.ListViewTable; import com.kotcrab.vis.ui.widget.ListView.UpdatePolicy; /** Manages {@link ListView} widget. Note that list view is not actually an {@link Actor} - instead, its main table is * used as the main widget. When injecting the list view into fields or methods, expect {@link ListViewTable} instance * and extract {@link ListView} with {@link ListViewTable#getListView()} method. Mapped to "listView". * * <p> * Normally, list views are used to display collections of values. However, they can also be used as regular groups of * actors. If no {@link ListAdapter} is set with "adapter" attribute, a default implementation is provided. The default * adapter is prepared to handle regular actors, allowing the tag to have children. If a custom adapter is provided with * "adapter" attribute, this tag cannot have regular children. * * <p> * To set footer and header, use "footer=true" and "header=true" attributes in list view tag's children. * * <p> * Since list view manages a table and a scroll pane, it can have its attributes in its tag. However, table cell * attributes CANNOT be used: table is automatically built by the list adapter and should not be modified manually. If * you want a custom way of building the table, use another adapter implementation. * * <p> * By default, {@link ListView} will be in {@link UpdatePolicy#MANUAL} policy during creation to prevent the table from * being rebuilt during LML parsing. After the tag is closed, policy will be changed back to * {@link UpdatePolicy#IMMEDIATELY}. If you want to change this setting, do it manually after full construction of the * actor (onClose action can be used). * * @author MJ */ public class ListViewLmlTag extends TableLmlTag { private ListView<?> listView; public ListViewLmlTag(final LmlParser parser, final LmlTag parentTag, final StringBuilder rawTagData) { super(parser, parentTag, rawTagData); } @Override protected ListViewLmlActorBuilder getNewInstanceOfBuilder() { return new ListViewLmlActorBuilder(); } @Override protected Table getNewInstanceOfActor(final LmlActorBuilder builder) { final ListAdapter<?> listAdapter = extractListAdapter((ListViewLmlActorBuilder) builder); listView = createListView(listAdapter, builder.getStyleName()); LmlUtilities.getLmlUserObject(listView.getMainTable()).setData(listView); listView.setUpdatePolicy(UpdatePolicy.MANUAL); // Prevents the table from being rebuilt during creation. return listView.getMainTable(); } /** @return managed {@link ListView}. */ @Override public Object getManagedObject() { return listView; } /** @param listAdapter converts data to views. * @param styleName name of list view style applied to the view. * @return a new instance of ListView. * @param <Type> type of items stored by the list. */ protected <Type> ListView<Type> createListView(final ListAdapter<Type> listAdapter, String styleName) { return new ListView<Type>(listAdapter, styleName); } /** @param builder may contain a custom adapter. * @return customized list adapter or the default implementation prepared to handle regular actors. */ protected ListAdapter<?> extractListAdapter(final ListViewLmlActorBuilder builder) { return builder.getListAdapter() != null ? builder.getListAdapter() : new ArrayAdapter<Actor, Actor>(new Array<Actor>()) { @Override protected Actor createView(final Actor item) { return item; } }; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void addChild(final Actor actor) { if (listView.getFooter() == actor || listView.getHeader() == actor) { return; } ((ListAdapter<Actor>) listView.getAdapter()).add(actor); } @Override protected void handlePlainTextLine(final String plainTextLine) { addChild(toLabel(plainTextLine)); } @Override protected boolean hasComponentActors() { return true; } @Override protected Actor[] getComponentActors(final Actor actor) { return new Actor[] { listView.getScrollPane() }; } @Override protected void doOnTagClose() { final ListView<?> listView = ((ListViewTable<?>) getActor()).getListView(); listView.rebuildView(); listView.setUpdatePolicy(UpdatePolicy.IMMEDIATELY); super.doOnTagClose(); } }