package com.github.czyzby.lml.vis.parser.impl.nongwt.attribute.file; import; import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.LmlParser; import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.tag.LmlAttribute; import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.tag.LmlTag; import com.kotcrab.vis.ui.widget.file.FileChooser; import com.kotcrab.vis.ui.widget.file.FileChooser.Mode; /** See {@link FileChooser#setMode(Mode)}. Expects a string which matches a {@link Mode} enum constant ignoring case. * Mapped to "mode". * * @author MJ */ public class ModeLmlAttribute implements LmlAttribute<FileChooser> { @Override public Class<FileChooser> getHandledType() { return FileChooser.class; } @Override public void process(final LmlParser parser, final LmlTag tag, final FileChooser actor, final String rawAttributeData) { actor.setMode(determineMode(parser, actor, rawAttributeData)); } /** @param parser parses the tag. * @param actor needs a selection mode. * @param rawAttributeData unparsed attribute's value. * @return chosen {@link Mode}. Throws exception if ID not valid and parser is strict; returns default value if * parser not strict. */ protected Mode determineMode(final LmlParser parser, final FileChooser actor, final String rawAttributeData) { final String modeName = Strings.toUpperCase(parser.parseString(rawAttributeData, actor)); try { return Mode.valueOf(modeName); } catch (final Exception exception) { // Unknown ID. parser.throwErrorIfStrict("Unable to determine mode with data: " + rawAttributeData, exception); } return Mode.OPEN; } }